Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1073361-The-Forgotten-Kingdom-part-1
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1073361
I mainly write novels, I like to write good stories.

The Forgotten Kingdom (part1)

         I wake up and I see the same thing, for where I am I don't know anymore. I try to remember but I eventually forget and now I am alone. Where to begin, I don't know. My memories are completely gone, to never be heard of again. I guess I can give you a description of how things are now.
         I reside in a village called Rominghton, the people here are nice. They do their daily tasks almost without hesitation, almost as if they had a puppeteer who controlled their every move. The flowers here are beautiful, I can't even describe how beautiful they are. Some are a combination of 2 or 3 colors per flower, they are some of the most exotic flowers I've ever seen in my life, and yet they look kind of rare. The rivers, beautiful almost as clear as the sky on a nice, sunny, clear, day. Just about everything here is really nice, almost too perfect.
         Then, there's me, I'm a villager. I live in a fairly good house. It's made out of grey stone and has a nice wooden roof over it. I have a friend, Carsou, who lives here and helps out around the home. He was here when I first came to this village, and he has told me that this house has been deserted for over a year and the family's whereabouts are unknown. He was the family's butler, and now he's mine. When I first came into this home, everything was a wreck, almost as if when the family was in this house something extremely bad happened to it. But, things look more upkept. I am sitting here in my room, and there are 2 things I was given that may help me remember details about my past. The first thing is a picture of a girl in a yellow dress. She's smiling and she has a fair face, the color of ebony. She has a circled crest in the middle of the waste of the dress with a letter inside "S". And the other item I was given was a key, and it's a strange looking key. It's a key not even I know where it belongs. It has a castle for the handle of the key and at the end of the key there's an "R" at the end of it. There is no lock that I know of in the shape of an R, so where it goes I have no idea.
         The other things in my room consist of the following: A hairbrush on a coffee table, a drawer (for my clothes), A big mirror, a bed, a rocking chair, and a window. It get's pretty lonely in here after a while. Sometimes I wonder how I even got here, but I must've been put here for a purpose. Here comes Carsou, I hear his footsteps down the hallway.
         Carsou knocks on the door. I open it up, he comes in and says "Why, aren't we up bright and early today Miss Moon. I brought you breakfast, coffee with some waffles and a biscuit. How are you today?" "Oh just fine, thank you. Carsou, can I ask you something?" "Oh yes Miss Moon, I will help as much as I can." "Why is everything in this town perfect?" "What do you mean Miss Moon? Wouldn't anyone want their town to be perfect too?" "I know, I know, I was just wondering. I mean for example come here." I go towards the window of the room and I point towards a villager outside of my window. I ask Carsou "Why is it that he's always smiling Carsou? Doesn't he have any bad days? Doesn't he get tired of working the same hours everyday? Don't you find that interesting?" Carsou starts to redirect his eyes at a wall, as if he's trying to search for an answer. "Carsou! Why do you do this everytime I ask you a question about this town? Why is it that you always seem to ignore me when I ask you questions about your own town?" Carsou said "Some questions are just harder to answer than others. I mean, I've lived in this town long enough to understand everything but quite honestly I don't know why he smiles everyday. This town has always been a peaceful one. People are happy where they're at, the skies are beautiful, people have always been this way as far as I can remember." "Well then, how come I'm not happy? How come I can't even remember my OWN PAST!" "I understand that--" "NO, YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND CARSOU, THAT'S THE POINT! HOW WOULD YOU LIKE IT IF YOU HAD MEMORIES THROWN OUT THE BACK DOOR AND HAVING TO DEAL WITH ALL THIS NEW STUFF!!!! GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!" I grab him and throw him out of my room and I shut the door. I then go over to my bed and cry. I know I had a life before all of this, I've always had that feeling but where did all of it go? I know I'll begin to remember everything, I just need more hints to lead me into the right direction. I miss mom and dad, I dunno what to do anymore. I guess I'll read "The History of Romighton" to pass the time.....

End of part 1......to be continued....
© Copyright 2006 Rayne Wendel (angelofmystery at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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