Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1072997-Soldier
by Remoah
Rated: GC · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1072997
A story about a soldier, i rated it GC for safteys sake.
Hello, im remoah, rem, yeah, this is a story, i dont know how it will fan out, but bear with me, these forums are very difficult to use, so yeah, let me get my head around it (Unless its chopped off in the process).

Simpily, this is the story of a soldier, a boy, forced into a war of men, he dosent know what he fights for, nor does he want to fight, but he takes his deed, and he does it, for, he belives, it is for the good of his people.
this boys name, is Eviyan...



"Get the fuck down and move!" Yelled a voice, a hand grabbed my collar and threw me into the mud.
"Now crawl boy!" Yelled the same voice, I did as asked, and clawed my way through the wet mud.
"Grab that rifle and crawl under the wire!" Instructed the voice, a weapon was thrust into my hand, it was cold and black, almost all plastic.
"Move boy move, under the fucking wire." I scrambled under the wire, almost tearing a strip of my shirt off with it.
"Now, shoot those fucking targets boy!" Yelled the voice once more, I raised my rifle and set the post on the target, squeezing the trigger. The rifle fired and I moved to the next target, downed it, and shot the final one.
"Good shooting boy, now, pass that obstacle course!" Said the voice, I slung the rifle over my shoulder and heading to the course. The first obstacle was a ladder, I scaled it and found myself on a platform. The platform ended at a firemans pole, wich i barley touched as I slid down. There was a bit of a run, then came a pipe, I crawled through it and came out the other end. There was a rope swing, I grabbed it and swung across the gap filled with mud.
The final task was the most daunting, jump from the cliff face and into the water five metres below.
"Jump boy, dont worry, nobody has ever drowned." Said the instructor, I looked below, there were three men in wetsuits, waiting to retrive me.
Heights, my least favourite thing, swimming was fine, but I hated heights. I stood a couple of metres back, and prepared myself to run.
I hurled myself off the cliff face, It felt horrible plumeting to the water feet first.
My feet broke the water with a crash, and I was submerged for a few seconds before three hands helped me to the surface.
"God dammit boy that was fast!" Yelled the instrutor, who had followed me and was bellowing from the cliff face.
"Thank you sir." I replied, wiping the cold water from my face.
"Now, swim to the other side and go to your barracks, you've got weapons training tomorrow." Said the man, who had turned and left the top of the cliff.
"Can you swim?" Asked one of the men helping me float in the icy cold water.
"Yeah, think so." I said, there was a rope strung across the river, I grabbed it tight. Using my hands i propelled myself across the river, it was about thirty metres wide, and I reached the bank, gasping for air.
There was an ashphalt path leading to the block of barracks, I walked down it, shivering, my webbing hung heavily from my shoulders and my rifle was still slung over my shoulder.

~Shall Contine More Later~
© Copyright 2006 Remoah (remoah at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1072997-Soldier