Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1071751-Kill-Me-Now
by Renèe
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1071751
A story about how making a fool of yourself on Valentine's Day might actually help.
Kill Me, Now

By Renee

It was the middle of February. In fact it was February 14. Valentine’s Day. A light snow had fallen early in the morning and the way the sky was looking right now showed signs of snowing again. It was the perfect day for lovers and couples.


Aimee Paterson sighed. God did I hate Valentine’s Day.

It was another holiday to rip money out of unsuspecting people. Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not one of those people who hate romance.

In fact I’m a romantic. I even like a guy. No it’s not one of those ‘Oh he never notices me’ kind of thing. He does notice me. He even gave me a ride to school this morning when my car wouldn’t start. He leaned over the fence that separated our houses. Yes, he was my neighbor, like my life isn’t complicated enough. He asked me if I needed a ride. And me, ever the fool, agreed.

So here I am waiting by the locker of one of the most popular guy’s locker and desperately trying not to feel like a hanger on. And failing.

Out of all the guys to fall for, I had to fall for Bryan Roth. The guy with the most awesome blue eyes, the color of the sky on the perfect day. Oh and his blond hair that always fell into his eyes. And the dimples that deepen whenever he laughs.

Oh god. I sound like one of those hopeless romantic novels.

Kill me, now.

Here he comes, followed by his entourage like any other popular jock is. As I was purposely standing a bit away from his locker he didn’t even notice me. I don’t why I stood away. I guess I wanted to see if he would remember that I still needed a ride back home when his friends were around him.

“Paterson, would you move?” A voice said to the left of me. A hand crossed my line of vision. I turned and looked into stone grey eyes.

I practically leaped away. “Sorry, Alex. I didn’t see you.” I mumbled.

He just rolled his eyes. “Stop drooling at Roth and then maybe you would notice.”

It was no use denying it. Alex, Alexi Paleski, knew all about me. He was my stepbrother. “I wasn’t drooling.” I said. Haven’t I already said I was a fool? The curse of the redhead was surfacing as my face turned red.

“Close enough.” He replied. He put his books in his locker. He drew his leather jacket out. As it passed by me I caught a whiff of cigarette smoke. I narrowed my eyes.

“Have you been smoking?” I asked.

“Have you told Roth you love him?” He retorted.

Once again I turned red. “That’s none of your business.”

“Same goes, sis.” He said the last word with sarcasm.

“I’m serious, Alexi.” I said using his full name as I only did when I was mad or serious. I caught his arm. “It seriously isn’t good for your health.”

He gaze softened a bit. “Don’t use your green eyes on me, Ames.” He must have seen the confusion on my face.

“You don’t know, do you?” He chuckled. “The smoke smell is mostly from my friends.” He ran a hand through his black hair. “Don’t worry, I don’t smoke much anymore.” He gave a crooked grin. “I remember what happened last time you caught me smoking.”

I grinned at the memory. I had tossed his cigarettes to the ground and lit them all on fire. Hey, I’m a redhead. My tempers are famed.

“Look, I got to go. You’ll get a ride from Roth, right?” He asked. “If he doesn’t give you one, just give me a call.”

I smiled. You could always count on Alex. “Don’t worry. I’ll be fine.”

“Oh I almost forgot.” He reached into his locker again and gave me a rose.

I raised an eyebrow. He squirmed a bit. “The student government girl wouldn’t leave me alone till I brought one.” I kissed him on the cheek. It was a sweet thing that no one would ever expect him to do. He turned pink and walked away.

I sighed and looked back at where Bryan was. It seemed he was talking to one of the girls that are always around him. Felicia, Amelia, something like that. I walked closer.

“Sophia,” He said. See I was close. “I can’t give you a ride.”

“Why not?” She asked in this impossibly high pitched voice.

“I already promised another person a ride and you know how my car only seats two people.” He gave her a smile that almost charmed her.

“Who?” She asked suspiciously.

“Aimee Paterson.” He replied. My heart leaped at the way he said my name. He looked away from her at this point and noticed me. He grinned at me. “Oh well look. Here she is.”

Forget leaping, my heart was now doing jumping jacks. I somehow managed to smile back. “Are you ready?” I asked, trying to ignore the glare that Sophia was currently shooting at me.

“Yeah.” He nodded at Sophia. “Sorry, I hope you can get another ride.”

He then took my arm and practically propelled me down the hallway. “Hurry much?” I asked.

“Sorry.” He said and slowed down. “I didn’t want her to claw your eyes out.”

“Are you sure you rather not give her the ride?”

He smiled down at me. Did I mention he was tall? Like about 6 feet tall. But then again I’m 5’ 5”. “I rather be on a deserted island with you for two months than in a 30 minute car ride with her.”

I couldn’t help but feel a bit giddy at that statement. So, I’m pathetic like that. “Thanks anyways.” I beamed at him.

“Uh huh.” He said and led me to his car. He then opened the door for me and waited till I was seated to close it. He was always doing things like that.

Our homes were about a 30 minute drive away, but he was driving slowly. And I wasn’t complaining. “I have a confession to make.” He said after we were sitting in silence for about 5 minutes.

“You have an evil twin brother who is going around killing people in your name.” I said without thinking. For a second I thought I was just riding with Alex. I put my head down hoping my shoulder length red hair would cover my face.

“Yes.” He replied. “You must be psychic.”

“I must be.” I agreed. Then we looked at each other and burst out laughing. I raised my hand to brush my hair back and it unconsciously was the one with the rose in it.

Bryan noticed it too. “Secret admirer?” He asked quietly and his hands tightened on the steering wheel.

Was it just me or did he sound…a bit jealous? I laughed. “Hardly. Alex gave it to me.”

He relaxed again. “You only got one flower and that from your brother?”

“Yea.” I shrugged. “I’m not the kind of girls that guys give flowers to.”

“You’re wrong.” He said and turned to look directly into my eyes. “You’re very much the type.”

“Uh…” What do I say to that? I was suddenly nervous again. “The lights turned green.”

He said nothing and started driving again. To try to lighten the conversation again I asked, “So what’s your confession?”

“I got you a Valentine.” He said.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“A date for tonight.” He replied.

“And how do you know I don’t have one already?” I asked icily.

“Alex told me.” He replied cautiously.

“And what else did he tell you?”

“Just that. I swear.”

“Stop the car.” I said.

“No.” He said. “Aimee, just listen to me for a second.”

“What?” I asked rudely.

“I thought you might like this date.”

“And who is this date that you so thought I would love?” I asked now fully turned to the side so I could look right at him.

He had reached my home and had stopped the car but neither of us moved to open the door.

“Me.” He answered looking directly looking into my eyes.

I thought about it for two seconds. “You did a very arrogant thing.”

“Yes. And I’d do it again.”

“You never thought about asking me the regular way?”

“You’re not a normal girl. You’re special so I thought you might like the surprise element better.”

“Hmph. Well you know what you’re going to do?” I asked him.

“No.” He replied looking all serious.

“Pick me up at seven.” I loved his reaction. His jaw dropped down for a second. Then he closed it and smiled.

“Okay.” He said. I leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“Girls like being treated like they’re special but not like they’re fools that can’t make decisions for themselves.” I smiled.

“What are you going to do about Alex’s part in this?” He asked.

“I’m going to let him think he got away with it and then spring it on him when he least suspects it.” I grinned back when he grinned.

“I love the way you think.” He said to me as he walked around and opened the door for me.

I got out of the car and walked to my front door. “See you at seven.” And I stepped inside. I smiled all the way up to my room. Maybe Valentine’s Day wasn’t so bad after all.

A/N: This is just a one shot I wrote in the spirit of Valentine’s Day. I may write another story (one-shot, more than likely) about Alex and his love. Please review and tell me what you think.

© Copyright 2006 Renèe (roserayne at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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