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Rated: E · Essay · Inspirational · #1070540
Summary about what love truly is and does.
Love, what does it mean to truly love someone? I have learned the answer to that question. I have read the bible from beginning to end, have prayed asking God to grant me the widsom and understanding to comphrehend what love is. What I learned gave me joy! and also sorrow. Joy because I learned how much the Lord loves us. Sorrow because I realize many people haven't a clue as to what love is. As a result life for some can be hell on earth, living with or associating with people who have hate in their hearts. I have seen evil at its finest hour. I have witnessed and experience the heartbreak associated with those who have no love in their hearts. I too am guilty of not walking in love according to the word of God. In order to have understanding about Love, one must first accept and acknowledge what God says on the subject. God said that he was love and everyone who loves in born from him. It is also written for God so loved the world that he gave his only son. And whoever believe in him may not perish; but have eternallife. Anyone who says they belive in God has to honor and follow what he says. He gave us 10 commandments. The first command was to love him with all your heart, all your mind and all your soul. The second love thy neighbor as you love yourself. He said all the other commandments would be done atomactically if the first two are executed. How? First of all he said love your enemies. If we are to love our enemies, how much love you suppose we are to show those closest to us. But here it is we have family members who kill one another. Secondly he said love works no ill toward a neighbor. Now think about the other commandments. Let me make my point on a few. Thou shall not commit adultry. Isn't it true if love works no ill toward a neighbor, why sure a spouse should never recieve ill. So cheating would be out of the question, if you truly love that person. Thou shall not steal. It would be immpossibe to do for a person who is walking in love, based on what God said. Because that person would not desire to see another suffer harm. Exspecailly by their hand. So you see love is what God says it is. It is written: Greater love than no man have than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends. How many of us are truly loving others? How many people could testify on our behalf saying we are loving people. I encourage everyone to study the points of love according to the word of God. You will learn what love is, what it does and what it does not. The only way to improve oneself, is to follow what God alone has said. He only have our best interest at heart. To close I would like to address those who understand what I am talking about. We are living in an evil time. Nevertheless let us not allow the corruption of the world, evil actions by others nor anything negative to detour our hearts from our loving God. He died for us. So let us honor him, by honering what he says.

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