Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1068426-Felicity-Black-chapter-3
Rated: E · Other · Detective · #1068426
Felicity Black-private eye, shapshifter, and not always the nicest of people
Felicity Black
I started to plot out my plan. I discreetly counted the dimensions of the
room and the small black dots on the wall marking the hazardous patterns of the
lasers. I stared at the Shanka Goblet. A small smile played on my lips.
I was in the most guarded museum in the country, The Hollow’s Museum of
Unusual & Strange Objects. This block of cement was placed in one of the more
high class neighborhoods in Hollow’ Eve. High class meant that the rats were
only a half a foot long. The gutters were still working if only barely through
the leaves, garbage and an assortment of disturbing objects.
One of the security guards walked up to me and stated, “Miss your times
My small smile spread into a malicious grin. The guard grimaced as I exited.

I returned to my apartment. Everything was in place. One bed. Kitchen.
Lights out. Door locked. A strange man sitting in my favorite chair…..wait a
“Who the crap are you?” I asked accusingly.
He was short. He tried to sit back tall trying to disguise it, but it
didn’t help. Round Harry Potter glasses covered his sharp, cold blue eyes. He
had blonde hair slicked back and deathly pale skin.
“Hello Miss Black,” he responded. I could see a flash of fang.
“I’ll be darned if it ain’t the infamous Arthur Banks,” I sneered back
before heading into the kitchen. I needed a cigarette if I was going to talk
with this son of a gun.
He grinned at me now showing a lot of fang. I wasn’t though I always knew I
could shape shift into a moth or something and fly away if he got violent.
“Or maybe a tick, so you could hop away,” Arthur slyly sneered as he
grinned wickedly.
Dang. I really hate vampires! I always forget the whole mind reading
thing. I quickly slammed up some barriers. The last thing I need is a vampire
in my noggin.
“I checked out the goblet today. I plan to go for it tomorrow. Why do
you want this thing so bad?” I asked with my curiosity showing. I guessed he
was just eccentric, but Arthur was really starting to creep me out.
“I’m just a collector, you may say. Or maybe I plan on taking over the
world,” Arthur responded.
The silence was awkward. Instinctively, he started to laugh. I decided I
really needed a cigarette.
“You know that’s really awful for you,” he said looking disgusted and
pawing away at the smoke.
“Yeah, but they relax me way too good,” I stated as I ‘accidentally’ blew
smoke in his direction.
“I just wanted to make sure you had everything in order,” said Arthur. He
glided out of his chair and out the door.
“Oh, also,” Arthur added. “I just wanted to tell you I would keep an
extra eye out for my friend Vincent Poe. I’ve found out he also wants the
goblet. I’m sure he won’t bother you. Toddles,” he continued.
“What?!” I yelled, but he was gone. People seemed to be doing that to me
“Alright Felicity, pull yourself together. You can do this,” I mumbled.
“Vincent Poe can’t be as bad as they say. It’s just an exaggeration,” I
“A lot of it’s true, but I didn’t really rip Micah’s head off,” replied a
voice behind me.
“Right exactly, see? Wait, what?” I said turning around in the face of
the man, the myth, Vincent Poe.
“I ripped out his spine,” he replied nonchalantly.
He was at least 6’4. Black curly hair sat in a mangled knot on his head,
falling around his pale face.
I was shocked. I almost looked away. His eyes were as weird as mine. Too
green like an emerald with no other color. They seemed unnatural, not quite
human. I felt ashamed. I knew what it was like when people look away.
I shouldn’t have looked away.
“It’s alright. Your eyes are messed up too,” Vincent said reading my
Not again! Now I was just angry and I snarled, “What gives you the right
to come into my home, and my mind?!”
He just looked amused.
“You’re looking for the Goblet of Shanka for Arthur Banks, are you not?”
he asked as he sat in the same chair that had been occupied by Arthur, avoiding
my question.
I took a drag of my cigarette that I had so rudely neglected and replied cooly,
“Yeah, so,”
“You shouldn’t,” said Vincent as he got to his feet and started towards
My heart started to beat faster. Even though I was uneasy, I stood my ground.
I could smell his cologne. It smelled good. I wonder what he’s wearing. “No,”
I kept telling my self.
He looked me in my eyes. My heart stopped. I couldn’t move. I think I
started to drool. His hand came up with one of MY cigarettes.
“Gotta light?” asked Vincent
I flicked my lighter open with one hand and no eyes. I decided I needed
to stare down this nut case as much as possible.
Cigarette now lit Vincent continued, “I believe Arthur will use the goblet
to put vampires in power around the world.”
I stared at him. I tried to see if he was lying, but he didn’t seem to
“I don’t ask what they do with who or in this case what I find. If they
stick to their part of the deal and I get paid, I’m satisfied.”
I took a defiant drag of my cigarette and gloated triumphantly, “Take that
My Hot Shot Vamp!”
“If you give him the goblet the world as you know it will die,” Vincent
stated nonchalantly.
“What do you want me to do?” I asked.
“Get the goblet then find me and I will destroy it,” responded Vincent.
I couldn’t help but laugh. I was not going to fall for this.
“What do I look like? A moron? Like I’m gonna believe you! You broke
into my home!” I snapped.
“True. But you have no reason to believe Arthur,” Vincent stated calmly.
“You know what? I don’t believe either of you,” I responded.
“You are going to steal the goblet tomorrow am I correct?” Vincent asked
“Yes,” I replied. No use denying it, he would most likely have beaten it
out of me.
“I just hope you get there before my man,” he replied. He crushed out his
cigarette and walked toward my door.
“A Lan de fundea,” he stated.
“What?” I asked.
“My cologne. You liked it, did you not?” said Vincent with a wolfish grin
before vanishing.
I really hate this guy.
© Copyright 2006 Felicity Black (voguegal at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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