Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1068345-Letter-For-Twins-Fate
by aea
Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Other · #1068345
A letter from the twins' mother to them.
Dearest Alishka & Alishki,

I am writing to you now in my first time of peace, quiet, and understanding. I know you are confused, and perhaps angry at your father and I for not forewarning you about your gifts and your fate. Although I wish you would not be so angry at your father, I do have to admit that we were equal in the decision not to tell you. I did not want you worrying on your birthday every year, “Are they going to come today?” or “Perhaps tomorrow they’ll come.” I didn’t want you wondering day after day when and if they were going to come and take you away. I did not want you to have to live in fear, and neither did your father. But, I do not think that was his only reason. I do believe he thought and hoped with all of his being, that if the time came, he would be able to protect us all. In a way it has saved him some sorrow by dying. He did not live to know he failed in protecting you – protecting us. So I taught you Alishki the art of healing, so you would be able to attack with your temper, and heal those injuries you caused. I taught you Alishka through your father, the art of fighting to defend yourself when your gentle nature became too dangerous to hold. I taught this to each of you, but yet Alishki you learned to fight to defend your brother, and Alishka, you learned to
speak to get your sister out of trouble when her mouth ran faster than her mind. Both of you have so many gifts, both of you are brilliant, loving, kind, and protective. Exactly what we raised you to be. Hopefully now, with what you have known and what you have learned, you will be able to tell and decide what is good, and what is evil. That decision will hopefully make up for your father’s and my deception. I am sorry for the change of topic so soon my children, but I must go now before I do start to cry. You may not see me for a long time per orders of a very dear friend of mine. Do me a favor and tell Denerenia I said hello, and ask Elevewyns to please remember her promise. Take good care of Reana and protect her. You two and her may not see me for a very long time, so I give guardianship over to you of your sister until I may one day return to you. Until I may return in peace, live and live well. Choose, and choose well.

With all the love in my heart - Your Mother Driama
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