Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1068333-Twins-Fate
by aea
Rated: GC · Fiction · Fantasy · #1068333
Twins discover they have magical powers that can either save or destroy the world.

It was late in the summer afternoon. The farmers were all at work, the wives were all either fixing the farmers lunch, or caring for the family’s little ones before taking their husbands and farmhands their lunch. On a few farms the sons of the farmers were working right along with their fathers their skin red, and sweat pouring down their face from the heat of the day. Only a few sons of age were not working in the fields with their fathers, and my twin brother Alishka was one of them. He and I were out in the small forest behind our home finishing building our tree house. We had been working on it for over a week, in any spare time we had. On this day we actually managed to finish it and were standing on the ground in front of it admiring our handiwork when we heard our mother calling us.
“Alishka, Alishki, get your rear ends here now! I know you’re out there! I’ve heard you pounding on that stupid tree house for over two hours now. You both get here right this instant, and that means NOW!”
“Looks like we’re really in for it this time doesn’t it Ali?” my brother asked me, and I nodded mutely.
“Do you think it was worth it? I mean, we’re going to be on all chores for a week, and then we’ll have precious little spare time after that to actually use it.” I questioned, and Alishka nodded, his shoulder length midnight blue hair blowing in his face with help from a small breeze.
“All the more time to convince them to let us take Riana up into there. She doesn’t get very much time to play with the other children or have any fun at all.” He responded, and at the same time we sighed resigning ourselves to our punishment.
“Let’s go Alishka, before she calls us again, and really gets mad.” I told my brother, and we walked out of the forest shielding our eyes from the sun when we got onto open ground. We then walked as slowly as possible to stand in front of our 5’6” mother who was shorter than us, but no less fearsome. Many people expected her to be a kind gentle woman, and she looked the part. She was petite with pale skin, sparkling dark blue eyes, and soft wavy midnight blue hair. What people didn’t know was that she had a terrible temper. I, as her daughter, had also inherited that temper. My brother gained my father’s kind and gentle nature.
“Where do you two think you get the right to go wandering off wherever you want to, whenever you want to? You Alishka were supposed to be helping your father in the field today. You know how important this sugarcane crop is supposed to be! We need it to be able to afford to send your sister to school. And you Alishki! Don’t you even expect to get off lightly. At sixteen I expect you to be able to help me administer to the ill, and today you were supposed to be helping me birth Mrs.Lenner’s baby. I had to explain to her why you weren’t helping me AT LEAST by watching your sister since you have that gift among others! Now you both have disappointed me, and your father is going to be furious! You will both expect a whipping, and to do all chores for two weeks!” Our mother yelled all this at us without even a pause for breath, and I had the uncomfortable feeling her eyes turned into shining black coals.
“But Mother, two weeks! Nobody is grounded for two weeks!” Alishka exclaimed, and mother turned her glare fully on him, and he bowed his head.
“No buts, you will both be grounded for as long as I see fit, and I believe two weeks is fit, and if I get anymore buts,” mother said seeing Alishka about to speak, “I will add another two weeks onto it. Am I understood?”
“Yes mother.” Alishka and I said in unison, and mother smiled.
“Good, now go wash up. You both are going to take your father lunch, and you are going to be presentable. You will not get anywhere near food if you are not clean. You’d give us all food poisoning.” Mother said turning and going into the kitchen, silently we followed her, careful not to get any dirt on the floor of the kitchen or hallway.
“Mother,” Alishka started, and she turned, a suspicious look in her eyes, “after we clean up, can you pack some food for us too? We have been working hard and got no breakfast or other food to eat but an apple apiece.”
“Yes I will pack for you both, and your father. Now go wash up before I change my mind about it.” Mother said, and turned back to the counter where she was fixing food, a twinkle in her eyes.
As soon as we got to the bathroom, Alishka and I examined ourselves. We were both wearing plain brown men’s slacks and pale blue farmers shirts which, surprisingly, turned out to be clean other than a few stains. Our hair was fairly clean except for a small amount of leaves we ended up pulling out of each other’s hair. Once done with that we washed our faces, and used the fenbrush to brush off the bottom of our boots into the garbage.
“Are you two done yet?” mother called, and Alishka looked at me mouthing ‘your turn’.
“Yes mother, coming mother.” I called back, stuck my tongue out at Alishka and ran for the kitchen before he could pull my hair in revenge. We made it to the kitchen just as mother was finishing loading the basket for us to take to our father.
“All right there, let me see. Hold out your hands.” She said, and we did, waiting while she checked our appearance to make sure we were cleaned to her satisfaction. But as soon as she turned her back to fetch the basket, Alishka stuck his tongue out at me.
“Alishka, you are much too old to be sticking your tongue out at people, and Alishki, you should never have stuck your tongue out at him in the first place.” Mother said, and I smiled. Mother always seemed to have an uncanny ability to tell what we her children were doing, even when she wasn’t looking.
“Now here you go,” mother said turning back around, and handing Alishka the basket, “you be careful not to shake the basket. I’ve got a jar of sweet tomatoes in there, and I don’t want the jar to break, and the water they’re in to ruin the bread. Be sure not to open the basket until you actually get to your father otherwise the sun will heat the food and ruin the sandwiches. Now you Alishki, you carry this jar of medicine to give to your father. I promised to give him something to help his sunburn.” And mother handed me a jar of a special cream she made from some herbs in her garden.
“Can we go now mother?” Alishka and I asked, and she nodded.
“I suppose so, but remember, no opening the basket until you get to your father. You don’t want to go spoiling your lunch now do you?” mother said, and we left, knowing she didn’t expect an answer.
It’s not a long walk to where our father works in the fields, but this day, it seemed to be the longest. For as soon as we went over the hill that led down to the cane fields, time seemed to slow down. The whole field was a vast area of black ash, white smoke rising from it and floating into the sky. Nowhere on the field or at the edge was there one person standing. At the edges of the field were large piles of wood where most of the smoke was coming from. In these piles, from the distance we were, we could still see small flames flickering out of life. It looked as if the person or persons who had done it had every intention of doing whatever possible to destroy our lives.
“Father.” I whispered, and felt a cold iron grip on my heart.
“This was not a natural fire. This was started.” Alishka said, and in his voice, I could only hear shock and disbelief.
“Why? We did nothing to anyone! There should be no reason to burn our livelihood, to kill our family. To take away everything we have!” I said, and suddenly realized. Father was gone, and mother and Riana were both home all alone.
“Alishka! If they killed father, they’ll be after us, mother, and Riana too!” I shouted, and began running back down the hill towards the towering inferno of our house behind us.
Alishka and I ran, hardly noticing the smoke that was blowing into our eyes, and the heat from the fire. We had almost made it to the house when we saw what had to be the men that had started both fires. Luckily they didn’t see us, so we quickly hid behind a haystack in our yard close enough to the men to hear what they were saying.
“Did you get the information on the twins from the mother?” Alishka and I heard one of the men ask another, and we strained to see them, but could only make out their outlines through the smoke and fire.
“Nothing, no matter what we did the mother wouldn’t speak. The little girl who was in the house got away as soon as the mother saw us coming. She knew what we wanted.
After she found out that her children were as safe as they were going to get, she refused to speak anymore. I ordered her passed among the men so they’ll be passing her around. After they’re done with her, she may feel the urge to speak so she won’t have to experience anymore of that, if not she can go through it again, and again, eventually to be killed if she will keep refusing. The children probably have some kind of hangout around here so I sent out a few scouts to check around the town for friends who may know where they hang out at.”
“Good. Now go see if any of the scouts have found the girl yet. We need to find the twins soon before THEY get here. We have enough power to take the twins if THEY get them, but not enough to keep THEM from taking them back and annihilating us.” The first man told the second, and we vaguely saw their outlines for a little while until they walked completely away.
“Alishki, come on we have to go. We need to find Riana.” Alishka told me, and I nodded my heart in my throat. The fire from the house was spreading closer and closer to the haystack we were hiding behind. I couldn’t believe it. Our father dead, our mother to be raped again and again until she either told where we were, or died. Riana was missing, and we were wanted for some unknown reason.
“Come on, she’ll have headed for the tree house, and if they are sending scouts, it will not take them long to find her. We need to hurry.” Alishka whispered, and I nodded. We couldn’t save our mother yet, but we could save Riana before the scouts found her and took her back to wherever they were camping in the town.
Carefully Alishka and I walked to the forest behind our house, faster this time than when our mother was calling us. As soon as we got to the forest, we heard whimpering and a man’s gruff voice. Alishka and I looked at each other, both of us mouthing ‘Riana’. Silently we walked closer and closer until we could actually see a tall bearded man wearing a worn scouting uniform standing in front of a dark purple haired girl with clear violet eyes. The girl was five years old and she was crying which was the complete opposite of her natural disposition. She was normally happy and cheerful.
“Ria.” I whispered, and watched as the man pointed at our sister and a bolt of lightning shot from his finger at Riana, and she collapsed electricity visibly flowing through her.
“Riana!” Alishka and I both yelled at the same time, and ran forward from the forest to our sister, belatedly realizing we were still carrying the sunburn cream and the lunch basket. Quickly we set these down and Alishka turned toward the man while I carefully picked up Riana who was whimpering in pain. The electricity instead of flowing just through Riana, now flowed through me faster lessening her pain, and she soon lay limp in my arms. While this was happening Alishka was standing between us and the man who now pulled out a sword and put it to his throat causing him to back up to stand beside me.
“Well now,” the man began his voice heavy with sarcasm, “I finally see these twins that are So important to everyone. Who are the, how shall I say this, hope of the world. The world doesn’t seem very hopeful now, does it?” the man finished, stepping toward us, and from the forest behind him came a male’s voice.
“No it doesn’t at the moment, especially not for you.” Said the voice, and from the forest stepped a large white stallion a man astride it. The man had long white hair, and crystal blue eyes. His face was old but smooth with no wrinkles. He wore a long silk white robe with outlines of a phoenix sewn in several places. Around him seemed to be a shining white light extending two or three inches at most from any part of his body. The most amazing thing about him was his voice. Every syllable rang with barely restrained power.
“Denerenia…” the scout gasped, and the man glared at him.
“Leave here. You have seen nothing. You cannot find the twins or their sister. You will say nothing of what you have seen.” The man in white told him, and the scout’s face changed from having an expression of fear to a blank expression, and walked out of the forest mumbling ‘I can’t find the twins, I can’t find their sister’ seemingly not even noticing when he bumped into Alishka as he passed by.
As soon as he was gone, Alishka and I were left standing in front of the man the scout had called Denerenia.
“Hello, I am Denerenia, and I am here to help you get away from the men who have been looking for you since you turned to the age of sixteen.” He stated bowing slightly at us, and Alishka and I slowly began backing away.
“Do not be afraid. He speaks the truth. His name is Denerenia, and he is a powerful mage. I am Elevewyn his mate. Please trust us both. We come with others to help you. If you will trust us, we may hurry you away before the other scouts try to come and find you. You will not last long without someone to help hide you.” We heard, and gradually saw a woman riding a white horse also come out of the forest. Everything about her bespoke of peace. She had long silky black hair with two large white owl feathers beaded into her hair. She wore a blue silk riding outfit with a large sky blue cloak. The hood was up on her head just behind her ears, which instead of being pointed like Alishka’s and mine were round like the man’s. The hood itself was embroidered with a leaf and owl pattern in white thread. She had pale white skin and small pink lips, which were curved into a slight smile. Her voice was calm, and kind with a wonderful Britian accent making me want to want to trust her immediately. From behind her came another horse, this one a chestnut brown, and astride it was a boy who was our age. He had shoulder length dark brown hair, and almond eyes. He was wearing a brown scouting outfit that looked worn, but it was also embroidered although only with owls.
“Please trust us. We are here to help you.” The boy said, and I nodded. I could not trust two powerful beings like Denerenia and Elevewyn just yet, but I could believe someone my age. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Alishka nod also. He as well as I would apparently only trust another person our age. Silently he bent down picking up the basket and the jar of medicine. They were the last things we had from our mother, and the cream could be used to help Riana’s electric burns heal. Especially if I used the knowledge of medicine mother had given me. Seeing our acceptance, the boy jumped off his horse and went back into the forest. He came back leading another chestnut brown horse saddled and ready to be mounted.
“You can trust us you know.” The boy said, and took the basket from Alishka tying it to the horse’s saddle. ”This horse’s name is Aaran. You can ride this one Alishka, and Alishki, you can ride with me.”
“How do you know our names, and we still do not completely trust you so, what is your name?” Alishka asked the boy, and the boy nodded.
“I do not blame you. My name is Kirowyns. If you would like you can call me Kirow. But for now since you do not fully trust us, you can ride Aaran, while carrying your sister. But you Alishki will have to ride with either me or Elevewyn.”
“She will ride with me Kirow.” Elevewyn said, and I glanced at her and she smiled. “You may not trust us yet twins, but I give you my word no one will harm you for as long as I am near. But whether you trust us or not, the men who killed your father are going to be coming here for you soon.”
“All right. We will come.” I said, and Alishka walked over to the horse mounting it. I followed carrying Riana, who was still unconscious and carefully handed her to him taking the jar of medicine from Kirow before he mounted his horse. When he did, I placed the jar into the basket of food. Elevewyn walked her horse slowly over to me, and held out her hand, covered by a blue leather glove. Silently I took it, and she pulled me up behind her.
“Is everyone ready?” Denerenia asked us all, and each of us nodded our assent. “Good, because the scouts have figured out where we are and are coming.”
“They are coming quickly, so we must hurry! Hee-yah!” Elevewyn yelled, and urged her horse into a full gallop following behind Kirow and Alishka. Behind us rode Denerenia, each of the horses running agilely through the forest avoiding trees. Even Alishka’s horse was running at the same speed as the others. It was as if the horse was leading itself rather than being controlled by Alishka.
“Halt! Stop or else!” I heard being yelled from behind us, and turned glancing behind us. Behind us were about twenty scouts racing each as fast as they could. To any that would come close enough, Denerenia would launch a small fireball at that would aim straight towards the scout slamming into his chest and flipping him backwards off of his horse. Once or twice one of the scouts horses would trip over a fallen tree, and slam into the ground face first instantly breaking both front legs and their neck launching the rider into the nearest tree. Seeing one of the riders launched into a tree have his skull cracked open, I turned back to facing in front of me.
“Elevewyn, ride! I will take care of these. Take them to the camp! I will meet you later! Alever Narian!” I heard Denerenia yell, and glanced again behind me to see him stop behind us his arm raised staring at the scouts.
“Hold on tight young Alishki. You do not want to fall off. Do not have fear that I will break.” Elevewyn told me, and continued to Kirow when I wrapped my arms around her waist holding on tight. ”Kirowyns, Aaran, ride like the wind!”
“Aye Wyn, aye! Hold on tight Alishka!” Kirow yelled, and leaned forward into the saddle at the same time as Elevewyn. Instantly, the horses all seemed to go faster.
I do not know exactly how long we rode, but by the time the horses slowed, the sun was setting, and in front of us was a cave with a fire outside of it, very little smoke rising. The ride had been long and hard, but the forest we were leaving you could never see much light in whether it was day or night. But the clearing we were in showed us through the trees the setting sun. Immediately when we got close to the fire a middle-aged man with above ear length black hair and a five-o-clock shadow wearing a blue velvet uniform stepped out of the cave, a bow ready and aimed in his hands.
“Elevewyn! You’re back, and you have the twins.” He said, and turned to us bowing. “Welcome twins Alishka and Alishki. I am glad to be the first to see you here at our humble camp.”
“Yes, yes, Denerenia is not back yet, he had to stay behind. I’d like you to go scout around the camp to make sure none have gotten away from Denerenia. He’ll not have killed them all, only the ones that were following us. I do believe they did not expect Denerenia himself to come to fetch the twins although they should have.” Elevewyn told the man, and Kirow dismounted from his horse coming over to help me dismount. I managed to get off the horse without too much disgrace. Embarrassingly though, after I got off her horse Elevewyn made a quick graceful dismount. I hardly noticed as the man disappeared into the forest bow in hand and Alishka dismounting from Aaran holding carefully to Riana. As soon as I noticed Alishka was off the horse, I took her from him.
“Is there a place where I can take care of her?” I asked looking at Elevewyn, and started at how the setting sun’s light gave a gold halo to her.
“Yes, but why don’t you let our healer take care of her? We have medicines, and can heal her fast.” Elevewyn asked, her eyes narrowed in concern, and I shook my head.
“No. I still do not trust you completely who I have known for several hours. I will not trust someone with my sister’s life who I have known for an even less portion of time without their name.” I told her, and she nodded.
“Yes, I had forgotten you did not trust us yet. Please follow me.” She said, and walked around the fire into the cave while Kirow began to lead the horses away. Alishka unhooked the basket from Aaran, and we followed close behind Elevewyn into the cave. The cave was large, and there were about a hundred other people all spread out by small fires. As we passed by they all stopped what they were doing and stared until we passed by when they immediately started whispering.
“Here you go.” Elevewyn started, taking us to the very back of the cave where there were two tents spread about fifteen feet apart, and between the two was a small fire. “I took the liberty of arranging for a tent to be set up for you to help avoid the staring eyes. Across from your tent lies Denerenia’s and mine so if you need us at any time we will either be there, or you can ask Jirev, who is the scout you saw outside. No one will bother you if you don’t want them too, but if you would like to meet the other Elders here just let me know. For now though I will be outside. I would like to make sure Denerenia has made it back all right if you do not need me anymore.”
I glanced at Elevewyn, and saw the look of concern in her eyes while lying Riana down gently beside the fire, while Alishka set the basket beside her pulling out the jar of medicine.
“We’ll be fine for now. We just need to take care of Riana. You go and see if Lord Denerenia is back yet. But later perhaps we would like to speak to the other elders and find out about why we are wanted, and when and how to get our mother back.” I said, and Elevewyn smiled through her concern.
“Yes young twins. I will send Jirev to you in a few minutes when he returns. If you want or need anything just let him know. He is one of my most trusted friends. He will make sure you are comfortable. Now if you’ll excuse me.” Elevewyn said, and silently walked away, her blue soft-soled boots making no sound, and her sky blue cloak swirled around her legs. As soon as she was gone, I turned my full attention to Riana.
Riana was no longer unconscious, but was in a deep sleep. Her face was slightly burned in spots where sparks had hit her. Cutting open her purple dress at the top, I examined where the bolt had first hit her. There was a deep flesh wound, and charred black flesh around it. Her hair was even odd; there were tiny bolts of lightning that shot from hair to hair constantly. She never would have lived if I had not taken some of the lightning into myself. My heart clenched, but I stayed calm. My panicking would not help Riana.
“Alishka, get the medicine and open the jar, we need to apply the medicine quickly. If we don’t apply it soon, this wound will never completely heal. If Elevewyn has sent Jirev yet, we’ll need to have him get some bandages. She’ll not wake up for a few hours yet.” I said, and from behind me I heard footsteps, and turned seeing Jirev holding some bandages.
“I saw you ride up carrying the girl, so I figured you might need these. Would you like any help?” Jirev asked kneeling beside us, and I sighed taking the bandages from him.
“No thank you, but if you can, would you please see if you can find something for her to wear, this dress is ruined.” I asked, and he nodded disappearing just as soon as he had appeared.
“Alishka, you hold her hand, even though she is asleep she will still be able to feel me applying the cream. If you hold her hand it will help her stay asleep instead of waking up and having these burns hurt ten times worse.” I said, and Alishka moved around to the opposite side of me. I sat on Riana’s left; he sat on the right holding her hand carefully as I applied cream gently to her face, and then her chest. As soon as the cream had been sitting for five minutes, Jirev came back holding a dark blue dress.
“Here, will this do? I had gotten it for my daughter, but you can give it to the girl. Will she be all right?” he questioned, handing the dress to me, I took it setting it beside me and nodded at Jirev giving him permission to sit with us.
“Yes Jirev, thank you, and she will be fine. Her chest will be scarred though and the sparks in her hair are permanent. I need to bandage her chest and apply the cream every night, but other than that, she should be fine.” I said, and bandaged her chest Jirev sitting beside me watching. When I was done, I capped the jar, and gently put it back in the basket, barely even noticing the cave going black around me, and someone catching me as I fell.



Alishki dreamed. There was a room, and a heavily pregnant woman with midnight blue hair who looked exactly like her mother standing by a window weeping. Behind her stood a man whose hair was a soft dark purple and he was her father. Nearby, a tall man, with long white hair sat in a lopsided chair, a woman close behind him. Her hair was a long silky black.
“I am sorry Driame, but it is true, you will bear twins, and they will be taken from you at the age of sixteen.” The man with white hair said, and his voice rang with power. The pregnant woman turned her face towards the man beside her, and he gathered her to his chest allowing her to cry.
The woman with black hair, named Elevewyn, walked around her mate, the man with white hair towards Driame. Silently, she touched her shoulder, and when the woman turned her face towards her, she smiled a small sad smile and began to speak while wiping away Driama’s tears.
“Think of this Driama.” Elevewyn whispered, “You will have your children for sixteen long, and happy years. Even if you do lose them, you will have had them until the time they would have left to be married, or go to school, or travel around the world exploring. You would be able to love them, and care for them, and hope they will have learned to love, to know what is wrong, and what is right. You will not lose them to evil. On my life I promise you that.” And Elevewyn gathered Driama into her arms, allowing her to weep for her unborn children for the last time.


All around me was darkness, I could see nothing, I could feel nothing around me, and I seemed to be floating through open space. I could only feel pain, pain in my chest, and could only hear wind swirling around me. Gradually I could feel the ground beneath me, and hear Alishka speaking in soft tones to Elevewyn and someone else. I still could not open my eyes or move, but I could feel someone holding my hand and make out what Alishka and Elevewyn were saying.
“How was she hurt? She wasn’t even touched. I was with her the whole time. Why did none of us even notice?” Alishka said, and I heard Elevewyn sigh.
“None of us noticed, because she did not notice. When Alishki took your sister into her arms that soon after the spell was cast, it was almost all transferred to her. That is the only reason your youngest sister Riana survived at all. As for why she didn’t notice her own injuries was, did she actually have any time to before she passed out? The whole time after she took the brunt of the magic we were constantly moving, and then she gave your sister first priority. She, being herself, could do no less. The only reason you immediately knew when it was going to affect her was because you are twins. And then it was lucky Jirev was there, otherwise she would have fallen head first into the fire. So yes, even though it was no one’s fault, I take some blame. I should have been paying more attention to you both rather than to my own emotions.” Elevewyn explained, and I heard footsteps and felt whomever it was let go of my hand and left the tent. Immediately, I missed them without knowing why.
“Alishka.” I whispered, and tried to open my eyes.
“Ali, you’re awake, are you all right? You passed out, and we brought you into the tent. Can you open your eyes?” I heard Alishka ask, and opened my eyes to see his face two inches away from mine.
“Yes, I can see, but your face is not the most pleasant thing to wake up to.” I said and smiled slowly sitting up as Alishka moved away. Elevewyn seeing me awake walked over, her boots making little sound on the tent’s dirt floor. Her face was a little pale, and she looked relieved that I was awake. When I fully sat up, she began to speak.
“Hello Lady Alishki, I am sorry you are injured. I did not notice because I let my worry for Denerenia get in the way of my caring for you. You apparently were injured when picking up your sister after the scout injured her. You took most of her pain, and therefore where you held her to your chest was burned as well. Alishka only held her after the two of you had absorbed the electricity into your bodies, and because of that, he was not injured. I am sorry I did not realize your injury.” Elevewyn said, and sighed, turning slightly, and letting her hood all the way down.
“Lady Elevewyn, it’s all right. But is Riana doing all right? Is she awake yet?” I asked and Elevewyn smiled, turning back to smile at me.
“Yes, your sister is fine. Jirev is outside the tent sitting beside the fire with her while she sleeps. Kirow occasionally wanders over and checks on her also. But, instead of you calling me Lady Elevewyn, you may call me Wyn if you would like.” Elevewyn responded, and turned as Kirowyns poked his head in the door.
“Elevewyn, I thought you would like to know that Denerenia is back.” The boy said, and smiled at Alishka and I before pulling his head out of the doorway and leaving again.
“Alishki, and Alishka, would you two like to come out to meet Denerenia with me?” Elevewyn asked smiling, and we nodded as someone tapped on the tent’s door flap.
“Yes?” Elevewyn said, turning towards the door, and Jirev smiling, stepped in pushing Riana gently in front of him.
“Hello, twins, Elevewyn.” Jirev started “Riana woke up, and was frightened, so I decided to show her in here where her relatives were.”
In this moment, I took time to look at Riana. Her face was a little red where she had been burned, and her purple hair was neat, albeit riddled with small lightning bolts. The dark blue dress she wore accentuated her violet eyes which were blank but for a small glimmer of sadness until she looked over and saw Alishka and I, when she immediately ran over to be scooped up into a bear hug by Alishka.
“Lis, Ali! You’re okay! Mommy sent me to find you but I couldn’t find you, then that man hurt me.” Riana yelled throwing her arms around Alishka’s neck and hugging him for all she was worth. Alishka just laughed and ruffled her hair.
“First of all Riana, we’re glad you’re okay, and second of all, go hug Ali.” Alishka said, and set Riana down. As soon as her feet touched the floor, Riana ran over to me, and I pulled her up onto my lap, brushing her hair out of her eyes. As I did so, Riana finally realized there was someone she didn’t know in the room watching her run around with raised eyebrows.
“Ali,” Riana started in an audible whisper, “who’s the strange pretty lady?”
At this Elevewyn laughed, and bowed at Riana.
“I, Lady Riana, am Lady Elevewyn. I am very glad to meet you.” Elevewyn said formally to Riana, and Riana jumped off of my lap bowing back to Elevewyn.
“Now, would you all like to come with me to meet with the elders?” Elevewyn asked Alishka and I, and we nodded.
Elevewyn led us out of the tent, Alishka, Riana, and I standing side by side holding hands. Jirev followed, and Kirowyns joined him behind us. We walked through the large group of people past our tent, and continued on to the outside, ignoring the whispers of people as they watched us pass by. When we arrived outside, instead of the fire we had seen earlier, there was a large pavilion with a large fire in front. At the entrance to the tent two stern looking guards stood, lances in their hands, daggers at their waist, and a broadsword on their back. Steel vambraces glinted on their arms. We ignored them walking right past them into the tent.
As soon as we stepped in the tent we realized it was only a bunch of people yelling and arguing that we should have been able to hear outside. Elevewyn glanced at Alishka and I, and smiled.
“Until Denerenia gets here, or I speak up this is all that ever happens here. The men argue with the women, the women complain about the men, both never actually solving any problems. The old argue with the young, neither of each ever wants the other in the council. This chaos is the council.” Elevewyn whispered to me, and I smiled. She was right. Around the room, young and old men or women were arguing, and none seemed to be coming to any conclusions. Elevewyn laughed, and turned back to us.
“Come, I’ll seat you in the higher elder’s seats. Several are out on missions, so you can sit in a place fit for you, and near Denerenia and I.” Elevewyn said, and started to lead us around the room to a small roped off area with about twelve seats in it. Each line of seats in the area was higher than another. The very front row, had three seats, and in front of these seats two men, one old and one young, and one young woman were in a heated discussion. Behind their row was a row of four old people, two men, and two women were seated in these seats, and the last row behind this, was a row of five chairs. Kirowyns and Jirev immediately flanked the last row of five chairs.
Elevewyn seated Alishka, Riana, and I in the very last row. Riana sat all the way on the left, then I sat down, and then Alishka. Elevewyn remained standing in front of the chair next to Alishka, and just as she was about to speak, Denerenia entered the tent. Almost immediately there was a hush as everyone gradually realized he was there. Seeing him, Elevewyn smiled and began to speak.
“Greetings council. We are here in this town, as you all know to gather the twins of Elderon before the people of Lodos. Fortunately, today Denerenia, Kirowyns and I found them along with their sister. Unfortunately though, their father was killed, and their mother was taken hostage to be subject to cruelty.” Elevewyn said, and Denerenia took up the talking almost exactly as she stopped, while standing to the right of her. This is also when all the council members began sitting down and starting to stare and whisper about Alishka, Riana, and I. Riana just yawned, and curled up into her chair to sleep, putting her head on my arm. Alishka and I looked at each other then back to Denerenia.
“As we all know, the men of Lodos are known especially for their cruelty, and the showing of no mercy. Even the twins’ younger sister had been tortured, although she was not nearly tortured so much as their mother. We would like to propose a small rescue party, myself included, to go rescue their mother.” Denerenia said, and a council member stood to speak.
“Yes?” Denerenia questioned, acknowledging the young man.
“I mean no offense or to question your judgment Lord Denerenia, but are you even sure that these people are the twins of Elderon, and if not, would we really risk conflict where some of our own people may be tortured, and maybe even killed.” And at this statement, several of the older men and women nodded their heads in agreement while most of the young and some of the other older council members muttered indignantly.
“Then do not bring up the issue of my judgment. I would not bring this set of twins here without being sure; that they were in fact the twins we have been looking for. I personally knew both their mother and father, if only for a short time. As for war, our people need to fight to protect our nation. Because if we do not fight, whether the prophecy of the twins is true or not, then we have NO hope of keeping hope and peace in our land. “Denerenia argued, silencing the other council members mutters. Elevewyn looked at us with pride.
“Denerenia will only need you all for a few minutes more, before you are allowed to go to bed. He needs you here for representation of the fact that you are THE twins.” Elevewyn said, then called softly to Jirev who stepped towards her. “Oh and Jirev, can you take young Riana to bed please, she looks exhausted, and needs her rest after being injured.”
“Of course Elevewyn.” Jirev said, and gently picked up Riana carrying her out of the tent. After this, we turned our attention back to Denerenia who had managed to silence the council.
“Council, please listen to me. To prove that these are in fact the twins, I will awaken their powers, here, tonight.” Denerenia told the council, and most of the people’s eyes turned to look at Alishka and I. Others looked nervous, and still others looked doubtful.
“Um, Elevewyn, how exactly does Denerenia intend to ‘awaken’ these powers we supposedly have?” Alishka asked Elevewyn under his breath, and Elevewyn leaned towards him.
“Do not worry young twins.” Elevewyn whispered smiling. “Denerenia and I are both especially trained to awaken one’s powers. We do this for all the young mages in our home village. It is a small magickal procedure where we enter your minds, and help you to unlock the part of yourself that holds your magick. There is no pain involved, but we may project an image of your power into the other council member’s minds to show them your amount of power.”
“Why..” Alishka started to ask, when Denerenia walked in front of him, turning to face him. Elevewyn stood also, and walked over to stand in front of me casting a reassuring look in Alishka’s direction. Kirowyns sat down in the chair intended for Denerenia to watch.
“Alishka, I will enter your mind and help you to awaken your powers. It will not hurt, but you will know I am in your mind. I will not read your mind, but I will be able to tell what you are currently thinking. Elevewyn will do the same for Alishki. Do you both understand what is going to happen?” Denerenia asked, and Alishka and I glanced at each other before nodding our approval.
“Now focus only on me Alishka, and you Alishki focus only on Elevewyn. You will need no distractions.” Denerenia said, glancing at both Alishka and I before he and Elevewyn kneeled in front of us placing their hands on our temples. Obediently, I looked at Elevewyn, and looked into her eyes. I hadn’t noticed before, but they were a pure sky blue.
“Focus Alishki.” Elevewyn whispered, and I nodded straightening in my chair.
“Close your eyes. Clear all thoughts from your mind. Let nothing distract you. Listen only to my voice. There are no people; there is only you and I. We are alone.” Elevewyn whispered to me, and I closed my eyes focusing on her voice. I cleared my mind of all thoughts, of father’s death, of Riana’s injuries, of the council, of Alishka beside me, and of my own pain. Gradually I was alone in blackness. No thoughts went through my mind, but I waited for Elevewyn’s voice for her to speak and enter my mind.
“Good Alishki. Very good, now watch. I am entering your mind now. You will see and sense my presence. Can you see me?” Elevewyn asked, and I watched the darkness inside of my mind waiting for some sign of Elevewyn. Not long after she asked, I saw a small light blue light appear, and keep getting bigger and brighter until it turned into Elevewyn standing before me. She was wearing the same blue cloak, the same riding outfit, and still had the owl feathers beaded into her hair. Around her I could sense an aura of love, wisdom, and kindness.
“Hello Alishki. We are now inside your mind. Now we must awaken your power. It is in the deepest, most secret part of you. You need to go to that part of you, and find your power.” Elevewyn said, and her voice echoed in the darkness.
“How will I know if I found it?” I asked, and Elevewyn smiled.
“You will know. Now feel for it, go into the part of yourself where no one has ever seen. Look for a light. The brighter the light is, the more power you have inside of you, and the more it will increase once you have awakened it.” Elevewyn said, and I nodded, unsure of whether I had any power at all.
“Inside of myself.” I whispered, and felt the secret part of my soul, in my chest, close to my heart. In my mind Elevewyn and I traveled there, and there was nothing but a blinding pure blue light.
“I thought so.” Elevewyn whispered, and she closed her eyes, and it felt, as though she was sketching a picture of the light, and sending it to others. When she was done, she opened her eyes, and turned to face me.
“Now, Alishki, reach out to the light, and hold it in your hands. It will decrease in size to fit the palm of your hands. It will form a glowing orb, and you need to put this orb inside of yourself. Pull it into you, and let it flow through you. Now Alishki.” Elevewyn said, and I did. I reached out to the glowing blue mass of light, putting my hands in its warmth. As soon as my hands were wrapped in light, it became smaller, and did indeed form a glowing blue orb in the palm of my hands. Taking this orb, I suddenly knew what Elevewyn had meant by pulling it into myself. I put my hands to my chest, and allowed the warmth and the light to flow into my body, lighting the blackness, and filling me with a buzzing energy that felt like it would never go away.
“Very good Alishki, you have awoken your magic. Now listen to my voice as I fade from your mind. As soon as you cannot hear me anymore, you will be awake sitting in your chair. Now listen.” Elevewyn told me, and began to sing softly until her form faded from my mind, and her voice as well. When it did, I opened my eyes and was again in my physical body. In front of me stood Elevewyn smiling. Next to me Alishka was awakening as well, and Denerenia stood before him, his eyes twinkling like stars. There was no one else in the tent but Jirev who stood behind me, and Kirowyns who stood behind Alishka.
“Very, very well done young ones, now Jirev and Kirowyns will walk you to your tents, and we will see you and explain more in the morning. Good night young twins.” Denerenia said to us, and Jirev helped me to stand as Kirowyns helped Alishka to stand. Strangely we were both immensely tired. I didn’t realize that we would be so tired.
“Good night twins, sleep well, remember we will be right across from your tent if you need us.” Elevewyn said to us, and leaned forward giving us each a hug.
“Good night Elevewyn.” Alishka and I said simultaneously, and yawned. Carefully, our escorts led us down the rows of chairs gently nudging us out of the way as we followed them through the council tent to our beds in a sleepy haze. The last thing I remember that night was lying down on my small bed and seeing only a blur as Jirev gently covered me.


The next morning, I awoke slowly to the sounds of people bustling around the camp, and the sounds of a child’s laughter. The ground was cool beneath me as I lay chest to the floor, and it soothed the burns on my stomach. Over me I could feel a thick blanket, and slowly I sat up, staring around the tent empty of all people and objects, with the exception of my belongings and I. Silently I stood, feeling the burns on my chest to make sure they had not opened and bled in the night. Finding they had not, I stood and pushed the blanket to the side.
Outside the small area in which I slept, and where my things were stacked, the tent was bare. Not even a shred of fabric was to be seen. But, beside the basket my mother had packed was a new set of clothing and a pair of boots. The clothing was elaborate yet simplistic at the same time, making my simple shirt and slacks look like they were made by a child. It was a two-piece outfit, and they were both a brilliant shade of the color red, that looked like they were formed from fire itself. The top had an elaborate design of a phoenix in black thread, and the pants had black flames from the hem of the pants stretching to the thighs of the pants. The boots were made of quality leather, perfect for hiking and hunting. They were the most elaborate and beautiful pieces of clothing I had ever seen, Gently I removed the outfit I was wearing, and put on the outfit provided for me. The outfit was very close to skin tight, as if made just for me and no one else.
© Copyright 2006 aea (kirowyns at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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