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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Career · #1067916
1st week of basic. (boot camp)and maybe more.
Well now when you went to sleep the night before you just got a taste of what you'd be put through. Now welcome to "HELL WEEK." This week will be the worst of them all and will go by far the slowest. All the other weeks don't come close to this week.
Well lets start with your first morning. You were exhausted last night most likely. You slept in a new bed, with 40 or so individuals and I'll bet you heard atleast one of them crying that night before you finally fell asleep.
This is how your first morning went. Picture this if you can. It's around 5 o'clock in the morning and you wake to the loud sounds of revalry over an intercom and the lights getting turned. There's someone screaming, yelling, banging things, making all sorts of noise to scare the holy crap out of you.
You grab your mandatory items which was given to you the night before in a small briefing you get from your T.I. (This consists of a notebook like thing, highlighter, poncho, a list of memory work of the chain of command, and a stupid little bag which everything has to be carried in.) You all line up in the hall way and now it's time for your first real meal here.
Now this is an experience of a life time. Let me just say this. T.I.'s look foward to this every monday, so do the more experienced trainees but that will be explained later. Every monday. When the "rainbows" come in. Now dont take the term rainbows to be offensive. What it means is that all the new people come in and they don't yet have their uniforms so your walking aimlessly around in all different color shirts, hence the term rainbows.
But as I was saying, they look foward to it because this is when your most vulnerable. You go inside the dining facility, NOT A CHOW HALL!! Never call it that. Though you will have someone in your flight called a chow runner, (jobs will be explained later) never call it a chow hall. You all get in line and get food. (Don't let rumors fool you, nor movies with grey mush as food. It's actually some of the best food you will ever have. Sometimes the question will come up of what your eating but it will still be very good.) Now the screaming starts. From the time you get you 3 drinks of water, your yelled at even if you do what your told. The regulations say your supposed to get 5 or more minutes to eat... excuse me while I laugh. You sit down and you had better get ready to eat everything whole. Your lucky to get that long to eat but you get used to it and learn to eat fast.
Now when you finish make sure all 3 of your cups are flipped upside down. But thats not it. If you happen to be the first 2 to get up you can just leave. If 2 people at your table leave they expect you to be done to so you'd better start glugging down your drinks. Now the last 2 to get up have to take the first 2 trainees trays. Well I have to say in the whole time I was there I only picked up others trays probably 10 times at most cause I hated it. So I would pay attention to the others and when they started to finish I would quickly gulp my drinks.
Now because rainbows have so little time to eat, if your an older trainee the worst thing to happen to you is to end up eating with rainbows. The reason is that they dont finish their meals and get out as fast as possible. So now you have to turn on the after burners and eat.
Your probably wondering after I just told you about that why would older trinees like when the rainbows come in. It's because with these new people here the heat which was on them before the arrival has now been lifted a little. The T.I.'s are now busy yelling at all of them so you can eat with a little more lax. But don't take too much lax to draw attention to yourself.
With your stomaches supposidly full its time to go to your appointments. This will consist of a lot of sitting around doing nothing but reading your memory work over and over again. Try your hardest to not fall asleep. The trouble you will get in is unfathomable. You'll be going to the hospital, dentists, optomitrists, barber shop, and I.D making place, and last but not least the clothing issue.
This will not be all on the same day. Because if you think about it there's about I'll guess 300 other people who came the same time you did. So what they do is split it all up and basically "Divide and Conquer." However for the males they'll try and get you to the barbers as fast as possible. Just to get the humiliation of shaving your head done as soon as possible. They will make sure that your head will be shaved before they take your I.D. picture. It's a long process and there will be a ton of free time to do nothing, not even talk.
This is why it's the worst week of all. But when you go to the BX (Base Exchange) and get the neccesary items to wear your uniform it'll all get better. Mostly cause you'll be wearing uniforms and not civilian clothes. But that's your first week, and there's more to come. But you can assume the whole week will consist of all this. For now this week ends and I will let you know it ends on Friday. The week days the worst time of the weeks. The weekend is a little more lax. So for now you've just survived the first week, (HELL WEEK). Sleep well warry warrior. Next we talk about the week ends, and some more of your training.
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