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Rated: 18+ · Serial · Crime/Gangster · #1067871
An action series with approached from a different angle.
Situation 01
Ushering the Bad News

There have only been rumours that every evil un-savoury scum-craver have been wiping sweat off their scarred heads over. Krillon Kallane may not be actually dead. These are of course taken only as rumours because literally, half an army of over-armed cronies went to his home and relinquished his bones off every bit of flesh he previously owned. No living thing could survive over a thousand bullets and a good after-search. So why the fuck, are there rumours that Krillon is still alive?

Yellow Calms (A Desert filled with nothing but ‘buried’ corpses)

It’s right in the middle of this endless yellow plain. A table hosts a game of cards with two men. But these are not just men. The guy with the golfing hat and the massive grin hidden under a silver beard is Maceless Ridge. The other one with the silk red scarf and an expensive tuxedo is Femi Cracks. One can understand why the silver bearded man is grinning. He has taken over four thousand sweets off Mr. Cracks. But it is all in good nature. In fact, they are celebrating the falling of Krillon by playing cards in the middle of a desert; all evil folks are fucking strange.
‘You can call it a day’ Ridge heftily chuckles as he grabs a handful of sweets.
‘Always a card player’ Femi mutters as he dusts off a speck of dust from his trousers.
‘So are you’ Ridge says with his grin dying down. ‘Something tells me you’re nervous.’
‘I’ve been hearing things’ Femi whispers with his eyes looking as if they are about sizzle out.
‘He is dead and not coming back!’ Ridge barks, pointing his chubby sweaty finger at Femi.
Suddenly, a blue BMW, a yellow Mazda and a silver limousine head across the desert and stop near the card table. Two men dressed in silver suits and no shirt beneath head across to Mr. Cracks. One of them whispers in his ear. Mr. Cracks smirks as he waves the men away. He then looks straight at Ridge with those eyes that must be above forty degrees Celsius.
‘Krillon is back in town.’

Name; Maceless Ridge
Age; 62
Alliance; Evil Shit
Illegal Work; Forces poor citizens to work ridiculous hours for seeds on his farm

Name; Femi Cracks
Age; 27
Alliance; Evil Shit
Illegal Work; Kills big business men and takes over their business.

Street Term; Sweets
Meaning; Currency

Situation 02
Fishing with the Youth

Heart Lake (Mr. Cracks and his men use it for the ‘disposing’ of human waste)

Brenny Slaze and his eleven year old son have some man to boy time within the cold clutches of the famous Heart Lake. It’s for the very best that the boy does not know what his father does for a living. He keeps on asking but Slaze knows what it could do for the boy if he told him. They both hold their rods together and look at the lake together like a bunch of sappy entities. Then Slaze hears the grunting sound of tyres crush the bits of stone on the bridge above them.
‘Slaze’ a man in a white suit and golden sun-shades shouts. ‘We have a situation.’
‘Not now; I told Cracks that I’m off duty for this weekend’ Slaze shouted back trying to focus his attentions on his son.
‘This is real serious’ the man yelled back.
‘Don’t shit with me you fucks!’ Slaze turned round in a rage. ‘I am spending time with my son, which means no work.’
Slaze stared at his son who stared back with a look of fear and shock on his face. Slaze began to breathe heavily and ran his hand over his mouth in disappointment. His son did not have to hear him swear or get angry.
‘You see; you made me swear in front of my son’ Slaze snapped with the veins on his head pumping.
‘Krillon’ the man muttered in a deep and serious tone. ‘He’s back for breakfast.’
Slaze bowed his head slowly and dropped his rod. His son held onto his hand with boyish confusion all over his face. The moon light beamed down on them like a chilling note as they prepared to get back in the game.

Name; Brenny Slaze
Age; 38
Alliance; Evil Shit/ Good Butterfly
Illegal Work; Mr. Cracks’ most efficient worker; he tortures people in sickening ways.
Legal Work; Attempts to get on the board for stopping violence to the humour of his colleagues.

Street Term; Breakfast
Meaning; To kill a lot of people

Situation 03
Having a cold bath

180, Roses Road (A house so big, it takes up the space of five terraced houses; greedy shits).
Golden taps, golden towels, golden shower caps and even golden soaps. All belonging to the greediest and most disgusting character in all town. His face would make the most amazing dart board. But until then, he lays in his bath with two bloody cigars in his mouth. Two televisions are not even enough to please this poor excuse for a living being.
‘It’s all boring, change the channel for me’ Sebastian Akranus exclaims.
‘Yes sir’ a steward mutters as he grabs the remote that is right next to that dripping tripe.
‘They only talk about Drain like he owns this town’ Akranus mutters with his sharp smirk.
‘It keeps the hopes up for the town people sir’ the steward says as he flicks through.
Akranus picks up his golden pistol and ushers two bullets into the brains of his own steward.
‘Francis; we need a clean up here’ he shouts.
His other steward comes in and drags his brainless colleague away from the bathroom. Immediately, another steward shuffles in, looking extremely nervous after he sees what happened to his colleague.
‘What do you want, Gregos?’ as Akranus lights up two new cigars, throwing the quarter-burnt cigars into the bin.
‘I…I…ha…’ Gregos stuttered and sweated.
‘Stop blubbering and tell what you need to tell me’ Akranus snapped staring at his widescreen televisions.
‘Mr. Honduras just called and said he thinks he saw Krillon’ Gregos muttered.
‘Okay’ Kranus smiled. ‘Why were you so nervous to tell me that?’
‘I…I just get the nerves so often’ Gregos panted, releasing a huge sigh of relief.
‘Good…you can leave now.’
‘Oh…of course.’
Gregos turned round, holding onto his heavy beating heart. Akranus looked on as Gregos approached the door. As Gregos opened the door, Akranus rampaged his spine with seven bullets. Gregos dropped to the ground slowly, his face; a portrait of despair.
Akranus looked on with a viciously empty look. He then turned his head as if nothing happened and watched some television.
‘Adam; we need a clean up here’ Akranus shouted.
Name; Sebastian Akranus
Age; 22
Alliance; Evil Shit
Illegal Work; Takes a hefty share of the income of every individual in town courtesy of his brother; Segun Akranus
Name; Kobanic Drain
Age; 47
Alliance; Good Butterfly
Legal Work; Is a hopeful to win the Presidency of the town against his rival Segun Akranus.
Lament 01
They sent a lot of men this time. If you ask me; I would not have been baking eggs if they sent the women over. Those dumb fucks thought I would just wait there while they fired the four countries into my cranium. Femi Cracks is a wise one but also a stupid son of a horse. These shits don’t understand that I won’t die, I can’t die. From the moment that bitch and that alcoholic gave birth to me; they knew they had one stubborn fucker to deal with. No wonder why they sent my stinking bum to the orphanage, but they kicked me out for fucking up too many ass-lickers. So I end up having to be some street fighter for some sweets. Had a few bruises to keep me awake at night and enough broken ribs to make clicking noises whenever I walk. Knowing how the town works, word must have spread faster than osmosis on a good day that this stubborn fucker is awake and hungry for some breakfast. Now, all I need are some toys and ribbons.

Street Term: Toys
Meaning: Knives, arrows, guns, spears, dynamites, nuclear devices and anything that can kill other living things.

Street Term: Ribbons
Meaning: Bullets, ammunition, armour, shields, bullet proof and anything that protects one from toys.

Street Term: The Four Countries
Meaning: A lot or a huge number

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