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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Religious · #1067193
a boy has grown up bad, but He goes to a youth encounter and gets saved.
Gods Will

Jack Stone just sat in his room staring at the wall blankly. He had just robbed a man across the road, stealing alot of his belongings. He had just started thinking about what he had done and now he wished he could take it back. He has done all these bad things to impress his brother and friends. They were all the people you would consider the bad crowd. Simply because of the things they did. They didnt just steal, or smoke pot, or drink alcohol, but they bullied. Just a while back they had put a kid in the hospital.

They had gotten away with it because they hadn't got caught. Well yet anyway. Soon everything would catch up to them and they should know it but maybe not. Jack turned and pushed his face into his pillow. Nothing could get this feeling he had away. Except God. Jack didnt even know God really. Thats why his best Friend Daniel needs to help him.

Something wasnt right with all of this. Jack was living a double life. he had put himself through to much and now he has to suffer because of it. After sobing for a while, Jack hears a knock at the door. He looks out through his window and sees three police officers standing out there.

He didn't know where to turn next. He then made the stupidest move he could have ever done. He opened up his window and snuck out through it and began to run. The Police Officers heard him hit the grassy ground and asked him stop a few times. He continued to run when he tripped over a foot.

It was the man who he had stolen from. He looked up at him and frowned. Tears began to slowly fall, they hit the ground and splattered. Nothing could save Jack now, nothing. The police officers had finally caught up with him and they cuffed him and put him in their car, followed by a slamming door.

They pulled up to the police station where they escorted Jack out of the vehicle and walked him into the station where they threw him into a jail cell. There was no questioning or anything. They just simply put him in there and walked away. Jack walked to the bed that was in the jail cell and laid down on it. He just started to sniffle at first but then he let the tears loose.

After a few hours a police officer let Jack out of the cell but only to take him to the front office where he saw his best friend Daniel staring at him. Jack had a slight smile on his face but Daniel just shook his head and that brought Jack to tears again. Jack began to know that he was in a serious amount of trouble.

"Okay you have a case where you wont win so the best thing to do would be to give up and do the community service." One of the officers said to Jack. Jack slowly lifted his head up, when it was fully raised he looked at Daniel then the officer. " Okay, I did it, how many hours sir???" Jack questioned.
"Well About 48 hours, and yes you must return everything or it will be a really big serious charge," The Officer started, " You better be lucky that the man you stole the items from, or you might actually know him, Mr.Becker, is so kind so he just wants you to do community service."

Jack Was releived that he was set free, well kind of. He was released from the cuffs and he walked to Daneil. He stared at Daniel With a worried look. They turned around and bean to walk, then they continued to walk outside. " Why, Why could you do such a dumb thing Jack." Daniel asked.
"I...I was just trying to impress my friends thats all, i'm sorry." Jack answered.
"Well You are a lucky one ill tell you that," Daniel Began, " But tonight you are coming with me to my church."
" I dont think so, I have plans with my brother and some friends." Jack replied.
"Oh I don't care what you did wa stupid and sensless, they dont deserve you, at all." Daniel stated.

they walked to daniels car and hopped in it, soon after there were the sound of doors being shut, and THe car speeding off. " Where are we going???" Jack asked.
" To church where you belong, you dont belong at some potheads house or anything, that is way to bad for you and you know it." Daniel Replied.
" Stop the car now, I am not going." Jack said with rage.
"Or what youll hit me, please im a man of God and I am here to recruit for him and belive me you want to go." Daniel said.
"Stop now." Jack mustered to say.
" Shut up now, okay look you have messed up your life so bad. I dont even know why you have done this, tell me why do you do these things???." Daniel asked.
" Because I want to impress....." Jack Tryed to say.
"Impress, to impress people whats wrong with you, oh my goodness, I dont even know how to start with you, your a tough egg head who is hard to crack, look these people you hang out with, they are bad, and you know it!!!." Daniel yelled.

Daniel began to speed up and finally he reached his church. "get out and go into the church, now." Daniel ordered.
Jack listened to Daniel and did as he was told. When Jack walked inside he saw the inside of the church. It was different than the last time he cam, of course that was about a few years ago, the last time daniel could actually get him to go before all the drugs, theft, alcohol, and bulling came into veiw.

Jack walked into the sanctuary and looked around. Seeing people he once new. old friendly faces.Even though there were alot of new ones. People had changed in the few years he was apart from Church, people were staring at him some with fear because he bullied them but the rest stared with a friendly smiling face. Nothing seemed to get some of these peope in a bad mood. Everyone knew about Jack and all the things he does. The reason being, the news, and the newspaper.

Daniel Soon followed in behind Jack and walked him to where he sat, which of course was the front row. Many things have changed with the church since the last time he was there. It was alot bigger and it had way more people in it. Jack sat down next to daniel but soon enough music started playing. It was live, it was the worship team.

Jack stood up and began to feel the power of God come into his spirit. He walked to the front of the altar and fell to his knees and began to pray. When daniel saw this he walked right over to him knealed down to one knee and put his hand on his shoulder and began to pray. Tears were flowing down Jacks face. He began to cry out onto the lord and he praised him with the highest praise that he could muster out from his voice.

Daniels pastor saw this and walked to Jack and set his hand on him and he began to pray as well, Jack had just been saved. He had never felt anything like this before, but then again he had never really allowed this to happen. Worship was now cooling down but they continued to pray for Jack, lifting up their voices for him. By this time every single one of the youth had walked to him and they began praying for him, then the adults. They knew he needed the help most of all.

Jack had probably cryed every tear that he could from his eyes, but it was worth it. A few more minutes passed and they stopped the praying and Jack stood up and began to get more tears." Thank you Daniel, thank you so much." Jack exclaimed.
" Your welcome Jack, your very very welcome." Daniel Replied.
" This young man has just felt the power of God in his spirit and now he knows what God can do for him," The Pastor Began, "Now Jack do you accept Jesus christ tonight, do you wanna get to know him better???"
"Yes, Yes I do." Jack answered.

Jack walked to the pastor and gave him a big hug and then turned around. After a while the youth service let out and the adult service let out. Jack got into daniels car and without a word Daniel and Jack drove off and Jack was dropped off at his house. He walked straight to his room and fell asleep.

The next morning Jack awoke to the sound of his brother yelling at him. "Get up you useless idiot." His brother James stated.
Jack arose from his bed and he got up and put his clothes on. he walked outside where all the guys that he usually hung out with were. "Where were you pipsqueak." James asked.
"Church, why???" Jack asked.
"Well you were supposed to be here and why go there anyway." James answered.
"Well I was saved last night." Jack exclaimed.
" Good for you, now smoke this, its some good weed." James said.

Jack didnt want to but it was his brother and he took the joint and stuck it to his lips letting it hang loosely. He lit it and took a few puffs. After a few hours Jack was back to his old ways and that showed he had lied to everyone including his best friend Daniel. He didnt want to leave his brother, so he decided he was ganna continue with his brother.

Jack had started to do his community service, fist off by picking up trash. He hated doing all of this. Although he did like the feeling of getting back at Mr.Becker. He planned out that, that night he would get Mr.Becker back. He decided to do it the old fashioned way, tee-pee, and eggs. He smiled at the fact that he would do all this tonight.

At around midnight he showed up at his house and he began his assault. He had thrown toilet paper everywhere. eggs where dripping from the roof, when all of the sudden the porch light came on and Jack began to run but unfourtunetly the police were already behind him when he turned around. He was cuffed yet again. Nothing could help him from this punishment.

"Vandalism, and property destruction, Jack, why would you do this to his house, what did he ever do to you???" The police officer asked.
"He got me put in here in the first place." Jack stated.
"Because of your stupid idiodic actions." The officer bounced back.
"Oh well, I can't get out of trouble now." Jack exclaimed.
"Well no you cant, but he just wants you to clean it up." The officer stated.
Jack heard this and smiled. He was then released and he left to his house where he went to sleep.

The next day he woke up and walked to Mr.Beckers house. He started to clean up the mess when he saw Mr.Becker in his house sitting alone staring at a picture. He could really see it but he saw a woman, and he heard that he was married at one point so he was guessing that she died. Mr.becker put his hands to his face and began crying.

Jack felt really bad now, all Mr.Beacker had was his house and he trashed it. He saw tears falling from his eyes to his hands to the floor. Jack had never seen such a sight. Now that Jack had seen that he put his hands to his face and began to get tears when he heard Mr.Becker get up. After he heard this he began to clean.

Jack had finally finished cleaning and went and knocked on Mr.Beckers door. "yes, what do you want." Mr.Becker asked.
"Look I am sorry Mr.Becker, I didnt know what I was thinking, I shouldn't have done that." Jack stated.
"Well I was a kid once and I know what it feels like to well as you young fellas call it now-a-days, tee-peeing, thats the tearm," Mr.Becker bagan to say, " Well I have done that before, yeah it was fun, but did I regret it, oh yeah."
"Well I just wasnted to say sorry about that and I am also sorry about your wife since I never got to say anything about that." Jack stated.
"Well now that you have appologized and cleaned up I recon its alright, just dont do it again." Mr.Becker replied.

With that said Jack turned around and walked back to his house. when he got there Daniel was sitting on his porch. "How could you do that. tell me how" Daniel asked.
"I cleaned it up and appologized okay, we had a good short talk and we are fine now." Jack answered.
"Okay thats good, but why???" Daniel asked.
"Because I thought it would get him back, but unfourtunetly it bit me in the behind." Jack exclaimed.
"Get him back...ugh...You see thats what's wrong with you, you want freaking revenge." Daniel stated.
"Sorry okay, sorry," Jack began, " Why are you here anyway???."
"Well I heard about you going back off with your brother and smoking pot with him, how could you lie in front of the church, but more importantly God???" Daniel asked.
"I don't know why I did that, why else" Jack asked.
"Well there is a Youth encounter tommorow, and your going." Daniel stated.
"What if I don't feel like it huh???" Jack asked.
"I really don't care what you think your going, it will make you have a new look on Life, and you'll learn to love God," Daniel started,"But first of all im taking you to see a doctor, just to see what is wrong with you."

With out saying a word Jack knew he had to go so he didn't bother to argue. He got in the car following Daniels door closing. They drove to the doctors office, but it wasnt a normal doctors office, it was a physiologist office. "why are we here???" Jack asked.
"To see your problem." Daniel replied.

They walked into the office and automatically they went back to the physiologist. They opened the office door and there sat the physiologist. Her name was Dr. Saldon. She was very smart and had the highest college degree. Anyone could tell this because she had the degrees and awards all up on her wall.

We sat down and stared at her. "Hello, you must be Jack, i'm Dr.Saldon, its nice to finally meet you." Dr Saldon exclaimed.
Jack was thinking to himself about how in the world, finally nice to meet me, how long had Daniel talked about me. " I know what you are thinking alot of people do this for about two and a half years maybe three Daniel has been telling me about you." Dr. Saldon stated.
Jack was amazed not but like two minutes in the room and she guessed one thing right about him.

Jack just nodded his head around, he looked kind of like a bobble head, only funnier looking. "Since I am finally meeting you I want you to tell me everything that has happened in your life and why you are this way." Dr.Saldon asked of Jack.
"okay, we during my younger years I was beat by my dad, and it kind of grew on me, I always used to sit in my room crying over it all, then soon after I was introduced to drugs and alcohol," Jack began, " Well it was my brother who basically set it up for me and I don't really know why I started, I lost so much money because of it, and Daniel here tryed to help me out over the years but I simply wouldnt listen."
"uh-huh, well anything else???" Dr.Saldon asked.
"Oh yes, I have alot to say, I bullied around other kids, I got into things I shouldn't have like vandalizing homes and breaking and entering them as well, I couldn't fight the urge what so ever it was all so hard." Jack stated.

Dr.Saldon gave Jack a look of concern, she tilted her head to the side a bit and just stared blankly into Jacks eyes waiting for his next reply. "Well I guess after about the age of 12 I began to get worse and worse everyday, I couldnt keep the urge away the freedom it gave me." Jack said.
"Well now that I know these things why did you feel guilt for what you had done before, you know the whole thing where you broke into Mr.Beckers house." Dr Saldon asked Jack.
Jack was amazed at this because she knew him very well and he didnt even tell her he was. "Well I guess because I realized what I had done and I knew it was wrong and I think God was trying to speak to me telling me that it was wrong." Jack stated.

Jack stared blankly at the floor. He just realeased everything that had happened to him in his past. There was a moment of silence. "Well I guess I know now that you just wanted to impress people, but since God tyred to speak to you, you felt guilt instead of your usual pleasure." Dr Saldon stated.
wow Jack thought to himself and now he was just really amazed at what happened she knew everything, this was the most he had ever spoke about this to anyone.

He awaited for her next reply. "Well Jack I guess the best thing for you to do is to go to the youth encounter with Daniel here, best of wishes to you." Dr.Saldon exclaimed.
"You too." Jack replied.
"See you later Dr.Saldon." Daniel Replied.
Daniel and Jack walked out of the building and got into Daniels car. The left the office parking lot and went to Jack's house.
© Copyright 2006 CornerStoneLove (godwithus at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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