Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1066452-Wash-Dry-Repeat
by Xiono
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Other · #1066452
A story I wrote for a short story section in my english class.
It was a simple task that everyone did. I walked threw the hallways and looked around to see the faces of these people. Every face was different but what was going on behind their eyes was all the same. Thoughts of getting out of here and going to do thing with friend in far away places and making memories that will last forever. But me, I didn’t want to be anywhere. I didn’t want to be here, I didn’t want to be with friends. I just wanted to be gone. Someplace where I wouldn’t be bothered and I wouldn’t see them.

Now don’t take me as anti-social, or any other psychological disorder. I’m not. I don’t face depression; I’ve never been to a shrink. I think I’m perfectly normal and I don’t have to worry. I go day by day and let these people pass by. I know they don’t have many real thoughts in their head. Half of them are living a lie to themselves and others and I don’t know why.

Each day started simple, I would wake up and look around my room. My glasses sat on the nightstand next to my bed so I could grab them as I turned off the alarm. Music from some of my favorite bands would be playing allowing me enjoy at least part of the morning. I sing along as I get dressed grabbing a pair of pants from my floor, and a shirt from the drawer. Don’t mistake me for being untidy or unclean, because I am. Just in the morning is the hardest time for me to do anything.

Myself not wanting to do much, I sit around until I’m nagged by my mother enough to go downstairs. My first breath of fresh air makes me realize how cruddy it actually is. Air polluted by businesses trying to make a quick buck selling items such as “air deodorizers,” and other meaningless objects. Consumers flock to stores to purchase these things, only to repeat after they realize their product was defective. I don’t focus on that air because I know there isn’t a way I will be able to fix it.

I sit in the car, another well made invention to make life easier for those who don’t want to do simple work. I would walk to school, but do to the fact of me not being a morning person I get a ride. More cars pass, sending pollution up. Houses finely decorated in rows stare back at me as I look out the window at them. People walk down to the street; some of us have the same destination. I know when I go I’ll end up feeling a pit of remorse because I know I won’t pass.

We pull up to the school and I get out. People walk around the outside. I’m about to face a 6 hour sentence in a place I don’t want to be. Now I have to point this out. Don’t pass another judgment on me as I do pride myself in having some type of intelligence. But to go threw 6 hours of having to listen to monotonous speeches in a monotone sound just doesn’t interest me.

I walk into the school and look around. I see faces I recognize and I could call friends. Many are just acquaintances that have learned my name from other people. Those are the people that normally talk to me. They talk to me only because they need someone else to feed off of. Their lives are based around a mental need for popularity. It is the fuel that gives them the energy to do things. These are the people I talk about who live lies. These are hypocritical and unchaste. These are the people who are seen as the leaders of tomorrow.

Most of the day is a blur. Walking threw hallways filled with peers that I will never know and probably will never take the time to get to know them just for the simple fact I don’t care. I emphasize those words a lot. I know that I don’t want to waste time getting to know them and they don’t want to take time getting to know me. They look at me in disgust, in denial of my existence, not at all. I enjoy the third one the most. I would rather not be noticed.

I daydream a lot in school of things that I would like to happen. Such as a random fire starting out in the school allowing us all to leave and not have to be back in school until they find a replacement. Maybe a fight breaks out and a complete lockdown or evacuation happens. Or even better a school shooting. 3rd point about me, I’m not a violent person. Just I really think that we need to do something about over population.

We are so filled in this world that I don’t know how we get by. Oh wait, I know. We don’t. People face hardships of not being able to eat or to clothe themselves. They have no shelter, they have no water. They die at young ages of starvation. Well people in this country and other top nations take things for granted. Why do we have to do this to ourselves? Why do we have to be so cocky that we forget about them? 5 dollars would be able to by a month supply for some of those people.

But we don’t acknowledge this at all. And that is our problem. But yeah, I rant a lot about things that bother me and I just type and type. My classes go by smoothly; normally I have my head down just listening to the teachers. The main class that can catch my interest is English. Something about English just makes me listen. The stories I think it is. I enjoy them the most. Tales of things that can happen if we put our mind to it, but of course won’t.

Music stormed threw my mind, the only creation by human that caught my attention time and time again. I never wanted to stop listening to it. The main “social” thing I did was go to concerts. They are my life. I don’t talk to people at concerts normally unless I go with my friends. People come on stage and make a melodic sound that fills my ears with joy. A joy that nothing else could bring.

The rest of the day is the same as the last. I just sit around and do nothing except listen to teachers and their speeches, well trying to just finish the day. Finally the last bell rings and I can leave. I get up and just go. I don’t want to be here anymore. I make my way threw crowded hallways. Hundreds of students push their ways by to get out of the doors. But I don’t plan on going home.

I walk to the lobby of the Fine Arts wing. I sit there watching people in that area. The same doors I walk in every morning I’m now staring at watching people walk out. So many different faces make their ways out. They’re the future of tomorrow, but I’m still going to be stuck here in this past. My mind just doesn’t want to go any farther unless it has to do with music. I hate this feeling but at the same time I enjoy it.

I finally leave when the lobby clears out. Not to often do we get sunny days with warm weather during the winter. But today is different. Today it is spring I think. The rays of the sun come down allowing me to feel warm. I enjoy this the most. The fact that I can just walk threw these streets so easily makes it even better. I make my way to my house. I end the day the same way I began it with a small variant thrown in.

I turn on my XBOX. This thing is my life. It is currently storing over 15 CDs, and plays games that give m a bit of fun. I put in a game and start to play. I enjoy it to a certain extent because it gives me something to do. Finally around 11 I turn it off. My normal band I listen to when going to bed is Scary Kids Scaring Kids. Today I want to mix it up a bit so I turn on Bayside. I know that when I fall asleep I won’t hear it, but I know it’s there. That’s what comforts me to sleep.

Those are my days. Wash; Dry; Repeat.
© Copyright 2006 Xiono (xiono at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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