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by sowe
Rated: ASR · Other · Animal · #1066227
A duck with a big imagination can go a long way.
There once lived a duck, his name was Quakers. He was the smallest egg; therefore, he was the smallest duck. He was about four when something happened. Quakers was always the slowest whenever they played tag therefore he was always tagged first and when he was tagged he couldn’t catch any duck so it was no fun for him. So one day when they were playing tag, Quakers was tagged, but what was weird was when he was chasing Rosy (a duck) his legs began to pump harder and slowly inch after inch he caught up to Rosy. That wasn’t the only weird thing. The other one was when he was in the swimming pond he use to only be able to do five waterweed pulls, but this time he did fifty. The one thing he noticed most about himself was that he could fly. He usually couldn’t fly because his left wing was hurt, but one day when he was playing jump with his sister he went to jump over this log and as he jumped in the air, he rose higher and higher. He started getting frightened because he didn’t know what was happening. He decided to look left and he happen to see his left wing flapping. He was FLYING!
About 2 month later he was out playing football (his favorite sport) when two ladies walked by. They were talking about how the Seahawks were doing badly ever since Marty Dumnd got hurt. Quakers decide to go see what the ladies were talking about since he was very curious, the Seahawks were also his favorite team, and he didn’t want them to do badly. So he jumped in front of them and said “Excuse me ladies, I happen to over here you talking about the Seahawks” It seemed like both Quakers and the ladies were stunned, Quakers never knew he could talk human. Finally, the lady with red hair was ably to talk “Why yes, they seem to be doing bad since Marty Dumnd got hurt, and of course I would know that because MY husband is on that team added the lady with blonde hair.” Quakers thought the lady with blonde hair was a little bit rude. “Hey” yelled the lady with blonde hair why isn’t this cute little duck the Seahawks mascot, he can talk, and he is a bird. Great idea” said the girl with red hair. “Let’s try to capture him and then take him to the Seahawks stadium.” Quakers didn’t know what happened first, all he knew was that all of a sudden, the girl with blonde hair lunged at him, he tried to fly straight up in the air, but the lady grabbed him before he could get into the air, then he was stuffed in a car and was driven somewhere. About two hours later, he was thrown out of the car into the BRIGHT sunlight, and in the distance, someone was walking towards him!
“Hello Jill and Macy, hello Bob” said Jill. “How’s the team doing? Horrible, ever since Marty Dumnd got hurt we have been doing horrible. Well guess what,” said Jill “What”? Asked Bob. “I have a surprise for you”. Cool what is it”? Asked Bob. “It’s a mascot”. Jill screamed while ripping off Quakers blanket off that was on top of his cage. “Wow, Awesome!” yelled Bob “WE needed another mascot since the other one quit”, and guess what” said Jill? “What” asked Bob again? “He even talks” screamed Jill”. Yea right” said Bob. “Go ahead and ask him a question,” said Jill. “What’s your name” Asked Bob. “Quakers” replied Quakers. “Wow I guess you’re right let’s get him in training” said Bob. The ladies and Bob continued to talk for a while longer. Then Macy picked up Quakers and took him to a nice comfortable room. It had a duck pond with grass and fish near and in it. Quakers was so happy that he fell asleep in the grass after being in the room for 5 minutes.
When Quakers woke up it was about 5:00 am. He waddled into the duck pond, ate two fish did 50 water reed pulls, took and underwater rinse off. He then got out of his pond and looked around. He saw a white page and started waddling to it. When he got there, he read the paper. All it was was his schedule He read Monday. Monday: Go to the field at 7:00 am sharp and practice mascot moves with Zuni Fungi. Well I guess its Monday and its 6:45 I should starting leaving so ill be on time. When Quakers got there, a funny little man with purple hair greeted him. “Hi” said Zuni Fungi. “Hi” said Quakers. “Today you are going to be learning Mascot moves, on the count of 3 step left than right, front back, move you hips left to right and jump”. They did that move for about 2 hours until Quakers had it memorized then he could leave. When he got to his room he went into the pond did some water reed pulls ate and swam in the pond. His feet started tapping and bopping. “Wow thought Quakers that dance Zuni Fungi taught me is really contagious” He finally got tired and fell to sleep.
When he woke up he jumped up and washed himself, ate, and practiced dancing. He then noticed a blue piece of paper on the wall, he went over to go look at it and it was almost the same as the one yesterday, but this time it was blue. He read what it said. Monday: Go to the field at 7:00 am sharp and practice mascot moves with Zuni Fungi. Therefore, he went to go see Zuni Fungi. This routine happened for 2 month. Finally one day Quaker woke up ate washed himself did 200 water reed pulls (he had been getting stronger) and walked over to the piece of blue paper near his pond. Instead of saying Monday: Go to the field at 7:00 am sharp and practice mascot moves with Zuni Fungi it said get your self on the field we have a game at 10:00 am. Quakers looked at his clock inside of his room it said it was 9:30. Wow I better get going thought Quakers. When he reached the field, he was quickly rushed away by Zuni Fungi to a quiet spot in the middle of the field to practice the dance. When the game started Quakers was suppose to fly over the stadium, dive bomb the people than land on the field goal and start dancing. Left Right, up down spin, shake hips. He did his dance the whole entire game. The Seahawks had lost again and he had done horrible.
While Quakers was in his pond, he got a good idea, “What if “I” Quakers subbed in for Marty Dumnd and got my brother to dance for the Seahawks (his brother was a way better dancer than him). It’s worth a try thought Quakers. Therefore, the next day he went to the coaches offices and knocked. “Come in” said the coach. “Oh, hello Quakers what brings you here, well Sir I was wondering if I could try playing professional football and my brother could be your mascot. Well it’s worth a try; if you can try maybe, you can play professional football. You better get going because the teams practice is in about 10 minutes. Thank you sir” said Quakers. “I better not regret this,” said the coach. Quakers was actually good, he could fly, which made him able to jump really high, and he was so small and fast that he could out run all the players. Quakers became the team’s favorite player, and his brother became Zuni Fungi’s favorite student.
Finally, a game came up. The team had been doing really good practices so the team hopped they would win. About 10 minutes into the game, the ball was passed to Quakers. He ran, and jumped over other team player, while throwing the ball to Huston who scored a goal for the Seahawks. This continue till the very end, There was only 13 seconds left in the game, there was no way Quakers could run that far in that short period of time, so he decided to kick the ball. It soared though the air and went threw the goal post. “The Seahawks WON there first game,” yelled the announcer the team was so happy. They all went out to dinner; they also bought Quakers some catnip. This winning streak kept on for a long time. Finally the super bowl came. It was the Steelers against the Seahawks. The team practiced more and more, instead of practicing 6 hours a day 5 days a week they practiced 9 hours a week 6 days a week. The night of the superbowl, every one was so hyperactive. The Steelers were in the lead by 7 points all they needed was a kick off, and they would win by one point, but the problem was that there was only 1 minute left in the game. The coach called a timeout and designed a different plan. “Down, Set Hike” yelled Quakers he passed it to Linio, who passed it right back to Quakers, he ran and jumped over the other players head as if a lion was chasing him. He threw the ball and it was in. “THE SEAHAWKS WON”! Yelled the announcer. That’s the story of Quakers. He went down in History for being the first duck to play professional football. He still plays with them, and they haven’t lost a game yet.

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