Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1066171-The-Longest-Battle
Rated: E · Other · Action/Adventure · #1066171
This is about a young man that must conquer roadblocks and slay a dragon
The Longest Battle
Flaming hot fire shoots out of the dragon's mouth right at the small helpless city. The people in the city are all screaming and crying. The strongest man of the city walks out of his little house with a gleaming sword.
“No one tries to destroy my city, No one!” screams the strong man. He has no chance, the dragon sniffles. An enormous icicle comes speeding out of his nose. The man is frozen. Everyone yells.
All that remains of the city is ashes, and people and a man trapped inside a block of ice. Cartman City was destroyed' and it would be too hard to try to rebuild.
Adam Morrison is a 16 year old boy who lives in a village called Basin Village. Every member of Basin Village is immortal, but if they are stabbed in a certain place of the body they will die. For Adam if he is stabbed in his right calf he will die. Adam has amazing accuracy with a bow and arrow. He is very fast, strong, and quick. He is meant to be a hero.
“There is a dragon that must be stopped, he is destroying villages one at a time. He is going to come into our village and destroy it. He won't stop there, he will start attacking the regular world. Someone must kill him,” explains an old wise man named Steve.
The village looks at Steve in shock. “Why should any of us believe you?” asks Adam.
“If you want proof, follow me. I will show you the destruction this dragon has done,” says Steve. Adam follows Steve, and they walk to Cartman City which was destroyed by this dragon. Everything is gone. All that is left is ashes and a man frozen in a block of ice. Adam stares at the ruins. He turns to Steve and says “I will kill this dragon.” They walk back to the village and tell everyone what he is doing. His two best friends Donny and Walter ask to come with Adam. Steve gives Adam the fastest shooting bow and arrow and Adam and his friends are off to find this killer dragon.
Just as they are leaving, Adam hears a roar and screams. He runs back to the village, but he is too late. Adam's village is in ruins. The people are dead, except for the people who aren't hit in their weak spot. The buildings are all burned down. Adam has a look on his face no one has ever seen before. It is a look of determination and hatred. He walks back to where his friends are and tells them what has happened to the village. Walter and Donny both are in tears.
“You guys can go back if you don't want to continue. I can go alone,” Adam explains to Donny and Walter. But they too have that look, the look of determination and hatred. The friends walk everyday at least one mile. Every town they pass they stop for food and to re-supply on goods.
Finally, after about one year of walking through different towns, cities, climate, and terrain, they find a clue. It is a large footprint, the size of a dragon's, leading to Crayola City.
“Quick! We can catch up to the dragon if we pick up the pace!” screams Adam. Right at this moment each one of the young men sprints towards the city. After two minutes they have made it.
There he is, the Buccinator, the dragon of doom. Walter and Donny are both frozen. They look up and see a creature that is the scariest thing they have ever seen in their lives. It has a blood red body, with green arms and wings. There are three spikes on his lower back that are navy blue. Blood is dripping off of his teeth. An icicle hangs from his nose. He has an angry look on his face. Walter and Donny both jump down to cover their weak spot. Walter's is his left hand and Donny's is his right foot. Adam stands up and gazes straight into the Buccinator's eyes. Adam has that look, that look of hatred and determination. He is here for one reason, and that is to destroy this massive beast. At this same moment, the Bucinnator reaches down and grabs Donny by his right foot. All that dragon has to do is destroy that foot and Donny will automatically die. Adam reaches back and pulls out an arrow. He places the arrow into the bow and starts screaming at the Buccinator.
“Put him down! Put him down!” screams Adam. The Buccinator swings around and hits Adam in the face. Adam is out cold. The dragon then rips Donny's right foot off and drops him to the ground. Walter is in shock. The dragon reaches down and grabs Walter's left hand. The dragon rips it in half. Walter is also dead.
Adam wakes up to the sight of his dead friends laying next to him. “Why Lord? Why!” Adam yells while staring into the sky. He rushes over to his friends and begs for them to come back to life.
“Donny, Walter! Can you hear me? Please wake up!” Adam stares at both of them. The look on their faces is a dead and boring look. Only one year ago Adam and both Donny and Walter were back at the village. He remembers telling them not to go, but of course they said “No.” Now he looks at them and thinks, “I should not have gotten them into this. I'm so stupid.”
Crayola is in ruins, and now he will have to stop the dragon and not let it enter the human world. Adam must beat the Buccinator to the last city, Real Barcelona. He must get there quickly and kill the dragon or else the world will be destroyed by the vast dragon. He must forget the past and focus on the present. If he thinks about the past, he will miss the present. He sets up a tent and falls right to sleep. He dreams about his friends and how to kill the dragon.
The next morning Adam wakes up and devises a plan. Adam thinks that he must beat the dragon to Real Barcelona. If he can do this, Adam can hide in a bush and have the upper hand of the battle. Adam must also cover up his right calf with many layers of protection. He will wait in a bush and have his bow and arrow ready. He will string barbed wire across the ground. The beast will trip, and Adam will release the bow. The arrow will fly right into the dragon's face. Adam will re load and shoot again and again until he is positive that the Buccinator is dead. All Adam can think of is Donny and Walter. “No! No! Do not think of the past, think of the present,” Adam says to himself. He packs his bags and is off.
After half a day, Adam has made it. There is no sign of a dragon. He sets the barbed wire along the ground, about one foot above the ground to be exact. He then goes straight into the bushes. There he places an arrow in his bow. He pulls back the bow and waits. He waits and waits. Finally, Adam hears the footsteps coming. He is ready. The dragon trips on the barbed wire, and falls to the ground letting out a large yelping noise. Adam lets go of the bow, and the arrow goes soaring towards the dragon. Another yelp comes out of the dragon. The arrow has hit the desired place, the Buccinator's neck. Adam re loads and fires again. He can see his friends flashing threw his mind as the arrow soars through the air.
Adam walks over to the dragon and pulls out a sword. The silver luminous sword is beautiful. It has a diamond right at the bottom of the sword and has his name engraved into the side of the sword. Adam was given this sword at birth from his father. He pulls the sword back and at the last second he drops the sword to the ground. He cannot kill anyone or anything, even a dragon. He must forget about his feelings. This creature killed his friends, his village, and many other villages. He lets go of his feelings and picks up the sword again. He reaches back and throws it right into the Buccinator's neck.
There is a loud noise and Adam thinks the dragon is dead, so he kneels down besides it and prays to God for forgiveness. Adam has done a good deed, but feels bad, like he has done something wrong. The dragon lifts his head and bites Adam in the right calf. Adam is going to die. He looks at the dragon and sees its eyes close. He killed a dragon and saved the world for the price of his own life. That seems like a fair trade to him. He can see Donny and Walter again. They are standing right in front of him. He sees a white bright light and closes his eyes forever.
© Copyright 2006 mr alba (hisdudeness at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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