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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Thriller/Suspense · #1065891
Is a person crazy if the things that only they can see are real?
Jeff tiredly tried to avoid the rain puddles as he made his way back from the curb with his morning paper. Rebecca wasn’t home yet but she might have gotten delayed out of Miami in which case she would be pulling in the driveway in another few hours. He still missed her though. They had met seventeen years ago and in many ways she was as mysterious to him now as she had been back then. That was one of the reasons he immediately fell for her.

After only three months they got married and moved here to Seattle for a job he was taking. His parents and friends warned him that he was rushing too fast but love pushes all logic out the window and he was definitely in love. Only his family and friends attended the wedding. She had told him she was an orphan and had no family. Another piece fueling the mystery.

Two wonderful children, Timothy and Jenny, came along making them the perfect family. He marveled at how strong Rebecca was but at the same time how protected she felt with him. He stopped inquiring about her past six months into their marriage when she had become visibly upset about it, to the point of leaving him for three days with no warning.

He mis-judged the last puddle before the step up to the house and his mind raced back to the present as if he had been hit with a defibralator. The cold water began to numb his toes through his sneaker and sock as he hobbled up the step.

Once inside he took off his shoes and wet sock, peeling it off. He removed the plastic wrap from the newspaper and stumbled across the cold wooden floorboards.

“Let’s go Tim.” He yelled up the hall stairs on his way to the kitchen.

Six year old Jennifer sat at the breakfast nook eating a bowl of cereal. Jeff never had to get her motivated. She was definitely a morning person, like her mother. Also, like her mother, she was wise beyond her years. Jeff had to sometimes remind himself that she was only six. She was very responsible and articulate for her age.

He sat down at the table next to her and began pouring cereal into a bowl.

“Mom coming home today?”

“Yes. She probably missed her connecting flight. She should be home by the time I pick you up this afternoon.” Jeff turned his attention to the ceiling and brought his voice up a few levels. “Tim, you’re going to be late. Let’s go.”

Sixteen year old Tim burst into the kitchen as if he were running a race. He breezed by his dad and little sister on his way to the cupboard. He swiped a cereal bar and headed for the front door.

“Do you need me to stop by and pick you up this after…” Jeff barely got the words out.

“No. I’m fine. Gotta go. See ya.” Tim blurted. He opened the front door. “Dad, I think you better come here.”

Jeff made his way to the door a little perplexed by hearing his son ask for him. He noticed two tall, well built, men in suits standing in the doorway.

“Mr. Janes?”


“Can we speak with you please? There’s been an incident.”

Jeff looked at his son with dismay.

“I didn’t do anything dad.”

Jeff’s mind took a second then he addressed the men again. “What do you mean? Is Rebecca alright?”

“We need you and your family to come with us.”

Jennifer ran to her father’s side and stared distrustingly at the men. Jeff noticed that their expressions gave away no indications of what might have occurred. In fact they appeared to show no emotion at all.

“I, I need to call in to work and let school know about the kids.” Jeff said more as a way to hold a little sanity as a cushion to the news he was dreading was next.

“That’s been taken care of already sir. If you would.” The men moved away from the door allowing Jeff and his children through. As Jeff put on his shoes he glanced at the three unmarked black cars in the driveway. Each one except the middle, filled with men. All appeared as the two at the door did, wearing the same black suits and lacking any form of emotion.

They escorted Jeff and his family to the middle car and the procession backed out of the driveway.

Continued in Chapter Three...


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