Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1065230-another-day-at-the-office
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1065230
think you know someone, maybe you don't....
another day at work
She adjusts the minute hand to show the correct time, synchronizing her watch with the clock then, she exits the bathroom stall. 25 minuets, enough time to say her good-byes. Removing her gloves she reapplies her shocking pink lipstick in the mirror. Then she pulls her brown hair into her usual tight bun, making her features appear harsh and much older than her true age. Her glasses slide down as she arranges her drab gray skirt and jacket. Looking good, Mary. she says to her reflection. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Pushing her frames in place, she replaces her gloves, picks up her box of personal belongings and exits the executive bathroom. She locks it behind her and positions an out of order sign on the door.
Placing a fake smile on her face she moves from cubicle to cubicle saying her farewells and making false promises to keep in touch. None of them really knew her. They had judged her early on and found her lacking. Never once had they included her in the after hours activities. Mary had worked long and hard with these people yet most of them didn’t even know her first name. She was invisible. 20 minutes. Well that was a waste of five minutes.
She reaches Rachel’s work space, a pleasant associate, who sort of understood her. Taking a deep breath, she enters. Rachel looks up, her eyes, warm and sparkling. Her blond curls, as always, was captured high a top her head in a trendy bun. When describing Rachel, one would use the terms, fun, lively and perky. Everyone knew her first name.
“Hey Rach... This is it, my last day.” She offers an honest, little smirk.
“Mary, I can’t believe it, were minutes away from never seeing each other again.”
“I know, It so unreal.”
“I wish you wouldn’t go.”
“I have to. I need to, there’s nothing left for me here.”
“You gave this company 10 years of your life. You earned them millions. You practically ran this place. You deserve the promotion.” A frown replaces the once pretty smile on Rachel’s face.
“Well they turned me down, obviously I didn’t have what they’re looking for.”
“He only got the job cuz he’s a man.” Rachels sneers.
“That sucks!” Furry now edge Rachel on.
“Your telling me.”
“Your way more qualified for Vice Prez and everyone knows it. Jonathan’s such a conniving little fucker. He’s already talking about downsizing! I’m going to hate working for that stupid little prick.”
“I know. Make his life hell for me OK?”
“Yha” Rachel’s anger diminishes as she realized it was time for Mary to go.
“I have to go.” She turns to leave.
“Mary, take this....” She holds out her stapler. “It’ll make you feel better. Take it..... And these pens.....”
Mary bursts out in laughter. A large snort emerges from her throat and she clamps a hand over her mouth. Me steal from the company. Only Rachel could make her laugh like that.
Rachel rummages through her desk and pulls out every object imaginable and throws it into her box. “here take it all....Fuck them. They owe you everything.”
“Thanks Rach, your the best co-worker a girl could ever have.”
Rachel moves around the desk and they share a brief hug.
“Bye” The reality of ever meeting again was hopeless. Mary leaves for Mexico in one hour. She looks down at her watch. 17 minuets. Her day will be over soon.
She heads to the back of the building. Entering into the security room with her key, she walks up to the desk where the guard was viewing the monitors. Doug’s the only other member of the staff that she enjoys talking to. The only time she could act like herself was with Rachel and Doug. He turns around, his eyes crinkling at the sight of her.
“Hey Mary girl. Saw you coming a mile away.”
“Now Doug you have to stop stalking me.” She responds with her usual answer, bringing a smile to the lonely guards lips.
“So it’s your last day. Now who is gonna watch the screens for me while I sneak out for my smoke?”
“Rach will do it if you ask her nicely.”
“I heard about what happened, you deserved that position. Not that slimy little bastard.”
“Thanks that seems to be the consensus around here.”
“So, are you leaving right now?”
“Soon. I passed Vic on my way up and he was frantic, told me to come get you.”
“Why didn’t he radio me?”
“Not sure, he was acting odd, and he mentioned something about a box of some sort.”
“Ah hell, that boy is always getting himself into trouble.”
“Don’t worry I’ll hold down the fort.” She seats herself down in his rickety old chair. The executives can’t even buy the man a proper chair.
“Thanks Mary, your always such a big help. Radio me if there’s a problem. I’ll be back shortly to get my goodbye hug.” He winks at her as he turns to leave.
The door closes and locks behind him. Mary watches the monitor. The screen shows Doug walking quickly through the corridors, passing the offices and heading to the North stairwell. A buzzard sounds in the room as he opens the emergency exit that leads to the parkade. Goodbye Doug.
Mary grabs her box and enters the safe room which is conveniently located next to the security room. She looks at her watch. 14 minutes.
A minute later, she locks the door behind her, and removes her gloves. Time was running out and she still wanted to say goodbye to the Boss. She quickly walks through the deserted corridors. The surrounding offices are currently under construction. Her heels clicked all the way to the bosses office. Last stop. She knocks on the large doors. 12 minutes.
“Come in” His deep voice penetrated the wood. She opens the door squaring her shoulders for the last goodbye. Upon entering the masculine chamber, his bald head pops up and stares at her with beady eyes, through his thick glasses.
“Hi sir, just wanted to say bye.”
“Mary girl, come in, have a seat.” He stands up, all 5’3 inches of him and motions her towards a chair.
It’s your last day.... actually your last minuets.” he says looking at the gilded clock above his desk.
“Yes sir, your the only one left to say good bye to.” She places her box beside her and sits down, crossing her legs appropriately.
“Saved the best for last didn’t you.” His turkey like features smiled at his own joke.
“Yes sir.”
“I’m glad to have you on the team. I’m sorry that you feel the need to leave. The decision was not mine to make you know. I would have chosen you for the Vice President position.” He lied sweetly through his chocolate stained teeth.
“Don’t worry sir I have moved on.”
“Yes, yes. I see you have. Chocolate?” He pushes the crystal bowl towards her.
“No thank you Sir”
She grinds her teeth and forces the smile to remain on her lips. Glancing at her watch renewed her spirit. 8 Minutes.
“Now, I have something for you. A thank you for all the hard work you’ve done and well honestly, for all the money you’ve made me.” He chuckles at his wit and passes her a velvet blue box with a white ribbon wrapped around it. Her heart stops. Could this be the recognition she was looking for? She accepts the gift and stares at it with horror in her eyes.
The ring of the telephone breaks the lengthening the silence. He answer the phone.
“Yes...” The smile slowly dies from his now flushed face. She holds her breath listening intensely to the one-sided conversation. He turns around and goes to the window.
“What did you say?!.....What!...... Doug I don’t care how what you do, but get it away from my baby. If anything happens to my car, your both fired!” He slams down the phone and settles his large frame back into the leather chair.
“What’s going on sir?”
“Nothing for you to worry your little head about. Go on sweetie, look in the box.”
Her jaw clenches at the word sweetie. She hesitates for a brief moment, telling herself that it’s almost over.
She pulls the ribbons off and opens the lid, and closes her eyes preparing herself for the unknown treasure, pearls, diamond, rubies.
She looks down. A shinny metal pen stared up at her. She was dumb struck. Unable to force out any words she lowered her head and tried to calm herself down. Taking a few deep breaths she lifts up her head and smiles at him.
“This is such a thoughtful gift. Thank you.”
“It’s just a little thing really. No need to thank me”
She gets up smoothing her skirt removing the sweat that had gathered on her palms. She takes his hand and gives him a strong shake.
“Good bye sir” She hands him her keys. For ten years she’s had them. Never had she abused them, except for today.
“Goodbye Mrs. Winters.”
He assists her in picking up her box and hands it to her. If only he had looked inside. She walks out of his office for the last time.
She checks her watch. 2 minuets. She walks towards the elevators putting on her gloves and scarf. She by-passes the elevators and enters the South stairwell, following it down to the main floor. 1 minute Every step sending silent laughter straight into her heart.
Finally she reaches the exit door, pushing the metal bar the buzzard sounds at the exact time her watch beeps. A radiant smile lights up her face as three consecutive explosions fills the air. First the executive bathroom, second the safe room, and thirdly the Bosses precious car.
Clutching the box tightly to her chest she saunters up the street. Bystanders start to surround the building pushing and shoving one another to get a better view. She reaches the Northside Parkade and sees the poor cherry red ‘67 corvette engulfed in flames. Her boss was seated on the ground weeping into his hands. Doug and Vic consoling him, while firefighters battle the flames.
Planting the cardboard box under his car had been so easy, the bold red letters marking the box was a bomb kept every one far enough away until the right moment.
She notices a thousand dollar bill that had worked its way out of a hole in the box, glideing to the floor. She continues on, wishing the person who finds it lots of luck.
After sending Doug outside she had entered the adjoining room where she had
exchanged over a million dollars in cash with a bomb big enough to torch the safe and the security office.
Placing a bomb in each toilet from the executive bathroom was just for fun. A little Fuck you to all the men in charge. She giggles at the vision of the four porcelain thrones destroyed into tiny little pieces.
I am fucking brilliant. She tosses her glasses into the nearest garbage bin, along with her scarf and gloves. She skips along. With one hand she removes the elastic in her hair and waist length curls drops to dance merrily at her hips.
Everything was timed so perfectly. She laughs out loud and wishes she could see the look on her bosses face when he realizes what happened and how she had played him a fool. He was so blinded by lies that wouldn’t figure it out right away. Mary Winters had played the whole company.
Doug and Rachel will figure out that Mary was responsible, but they never really knew Mary Winters. She twirls on the sidewalk, humming to herself a little song. Hailing a cab, she requests the driver to take her to the airport.
Elizabeth Hayes had a flight to catch.
© Copyright 2006 Silver77 (silver77 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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