Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1065176-AngkorWat
Rated: 13+ · Sample · Action/Adventure · #1065176
Ivy is your UNtypical archeologist who might have made the greatest discovery in HISTORY!


Ivy slid down her rope silently and with ease, she had done this
plenty of times so to her it was all a piece of cake. She hit the bottom
with a soft "thud" and began to unhinged herself from her rope buckles.
Ivy made sure she blended in perfectly with the dark surroundings, her
raven colored hair was tied back in an assassin ponytail. She was
dressed in all black from her to toe, to the untrained eye Ivy herself was
a shadow.

Giving her rope two quick jerks she caught it before it hit the ground then
began to wine up the thick cord, stuffing it into her pack. Reaching into
her side pocket Ivy pulled out a flare and pushed the bottom against her
leg. The room soon filled with an eerie bluish haze, she smirked as she
felt she was suddenly in a " Tomb Raider " game and she was the
infamous Lara Croft.

With careful cat like footsteps Ivy observe her surroundings taking
note on every single detail she could with what little light she had. This
was unlike any Cambodian temple in the known world. It had an ancient feel to it
that Ivy couldn't describe. It had a feel to being something beyond
ancient, something as old as time itself. Though why and how did it still
remained undiscovered was beyond Ivy.
Though if one where to think about it, no one really
explored the south East Asian rain forests. From the outside there was all
but no trace that this temple all of it was covered with tropical growth
and a century old trees and vines. Nature had long since reclaim this
Magnificent temple, but on the inside even in this vast chamber Ivy could
tell it was enormous.

Everywhere she stepped dust surrounded her, there millions upon millions
of cobwebs and spiders. Ivy wouldn't be surprised if there where
creatures the had a few million years or so to adjust to the damp, dank
darkness that blanket not only this room but the rest of the undisturbed
temple. It was surprise easy to breathe inside the chamber, but the air
was stale and moist. Droplets of water echoed in the temple ruin giving
It an unnatural chill that was in contrast to the warmth of the rainforest

Frowning Ivy began to survey the walls of the temple she had to find the
lengdary "Mosaic of Kragoth" It was only a matter of time and she had
to hurry before they caught up with her. As Ivy searched the walls of the
temple she was overcame with a sense of awe at the sophistication of it
all. The design and craftsmanship was extremely detailed and flawless.
Each stone carving was prefect and complexed, it made Ivy wonder whom
was responsible for them. It had to be from a previously unknown
As Ivy looked closer at the stone craving she saw what
looked like dancers in either a ceremony or a festival. There was what
looked like monks praying to a Buddha like Deity on the top of a hill.
Ivy turned away from the wall and focused on another one, as she shifted
her flare something caught her eye. It was the cravings on the wall adjacent
to her the seem to pull her attention. This differed from the rest there
were hardly if any drawing on it what so ever. Ivy stuck her flare in her
mouth and fumbled behind her feeling for her translator.

She had a feelingabout this wall. all of the symbols seemed to be like some form of an
ancient writing system that has been long since dead and forgotten. When
she found it she began furiously scanning the wall written text. The
computer on her scanner showed all the symbols on the screen and
started to translate it.

Ivy began to get anxious because she knew her clock was ticking and that
she had to find the mosaic before he showed up. The only other sound
that seems to echo rather loudly in the chamber besides the dripping
water, was the faint buzz her translator was making as it deciphered the
ancient texted.

"C'mon you stupid computer hurry up!" she whispers fiercely at it. It
seemed like it was an eternity and a day for it to complete the

"C'mon, c'mon!" she urged the computer then suddenly it beeped


Ivy's eyes widen in comprehension dawned on her, she had found it, after
all the agonizing searching and planning she finally found it.
The "Mosaic of Kragoth" was right in front of her, Ivy could barely contain
her delight and excitement. She put he flare down and ran her fingers
lightly across the ancient inscriptions. Glancing at her translator she
read the words that it had decoded.

"In the time of great doom,

we will turn to the door with no room,

to the Gate of the Guardians is what thy seek,

place the key were all six lines meet,

you will see what you missed before,

but be wary when you open the room with no door"

Ivy frowned at the enigma and pocketed her translator, picking up the
flare she served the room once more. She looked at the cravings on th
walls Ivy knew they had to give her some sort of clue. Then as she was
searching Ivy came across an impressive and detailed craved door.

It was on the walls adjacent from her; she carefully made her way over to it
stepping over dead wood and swatting cob webs aside.
Ivy scrutinized the wall and mumbled to herself sarcastically,

"Well it seems like I found the do with no room,

now to find the rest of that damn riddle"

As Ivy looked at the wall for some more symbols droplets kept falling on
her face. Ivy muttered a curse and looked up towards the ceiling, but it
was too high to see anything and her small flare light weren’t enough.
Sighing she glanced at the floor then did a double take, the floor had an
unusual pattern to it. It wasn't the type of thing you would see in any other
temples so Ivy assumed that it had a meaning to it.

As her flare light flickered, and waved back and forth Ivy crouched
down and examined the stone tiles closely. The floor consist of
thousands of tassels like grooves cut into the stone's surface.

Most of the lines were going this way and that but there were six, very
Distinctive ones that drew Ivy's interest.
All six grooves seem to converge to the center of the room and form a
ring and from there six more lines trailed to a hole in the dead center
spot of the chamber.

Ivy gazed from wall to floor then suddenly the lights with off in her head.
Ivy nearly smacked herself for being so dense, the Mosaic of Kragoth
wasn't a wall mosaic the whole room was.

It was that realization the Ivy noticed the room was a perfect cube, the
wall cravings were there to distract the viewer from the detailed
grooves on the floor. Ivy made her way to the center of the room when
she got there her necklace began to glow and pulsate beneath her shirt.
She reached in her tank top and pulled out her necklace, the orb part if it
was a luminosity purple sphere. It shimmered in the darkness letting its
purple hazes penetrate through out the room.

Slowly but surely Ivy placed her necklace into the spot where the lines
disappeared to. As soon as she was about to push it in the sound of
clapping caused Ivy to snap her head up. She frantically scanned the
room for the source of the sound and was greeted by the voice she hoped
she'd never hear again.

"Well, well...well what do we have here? Or should I say who do we

Have here?"

Narrowing her gaze, Ivy's eyes darkened to a molten silver orbs,

"Malakai..." she hissed then growled lowly.

Stepping from the shadows Malakai flashed her wolfish grin,

"Ivy...dear I really must thank you. If it hadn't been for you darling
I'd never thought of looking here of all places"

He made a gesture to the room then rolled his eyes, Ivy gave him a dry,
humorless smirk,

"It figures... just like when we were children.... You took
all the credit while I did all the work you still haven't changed"

Ivy watched Malakai carefully as he once more rolled his baby blue eyes
heavenward and gave a careless shrugged.

That gesture gave his handsome face an air of innocents that Ivy knew all
to well her didn't have. Then he reached for his gun in his coat pocket
and out of the darkness several huge men-in-arms appeared like magic.

Giving Ivy a charming smile he pointed his pistol at her head,

"You know its a real shame...I'd hate to kill you

After all you are my best-----"

"Ex-best friend"

Malakai continued like he hadn't heard her interruption,

"You are my best friend in the whole world. Tell me my dear Ivy what
went wrong? Why have our friendship gone sour? Can you tell me that?

Ivy looked to the side a mock expression on her face and pretended to
give his questions some thought.

"Hmm... I think it turned for the worse when you murdered my father and
brother in front of me. Yes I think that's what trigged our rift"

A smile satisfied smirk played on her lips, as Malakai's handsome
face screwed up into a dark scowl. But it was only for a moment the her
look normal again. He pulled the hammer on his gun and continued

"Like I said earlier I really must thank you for leading me here, now if
you would be so kind as to tell me which one of these wall cravings is
the Maozic I'd be grateful."

Ivy shook her head in silent laughter she really couldn't believe what she
was hearing. Malakai's face darkened he was far from amused at her
mocking laughter. He repeated himself again this time more forceful then
his previous time,

"This is my last time asking you, now WHERE IS THE DAMN

He shouted at her, Ivy stared intensely at Malakai before she
replied softly,

"Tsk, tsk Malakai its not like you to lose your cool around me" she
paused and held his gazed,

"Besides I wouldn't show even if it was right beneath your feet... your a
smart man.. Or at least I hope you are...figure it out yourself!"

Malakai "tsked" at Ivy wagging his index finger at her,

"Wrong answer my friend, and it’s really a waste to kill you...
but oh well. You sealed your fate pity..."

Ivy looked to the orb she placed in the floor; she was relieved it had
stopped glowing, she slowly looked back up at Malakai.

Stealthy she pressed the orb in as she pushed herself up from the floor.

"Yes...what a pity..."

As if on cue there was a low tremor, the walls began to quiver and
tremble violently as centuries of dust and cobwebs filled the air.
Ivy, Molokai and the rest of his hentch men coughed and covered their
faces from the falling Debris. Beneath her the orb once again glowed in a
shimmering brilliance. The dazzling purple hue shot up the six grooves
and within second began to spread all over the carved floor.

"Ivy!! What the hell have you done! What the hell is this you started!"

Malakai exclaim hysterically over the noise. Ivy only smiled,

"I told you... you wouldn't even see the mosaic if it were right beneath
your feet!!"

Everything seem to click for Malakai when Ivy said those words, he
looked at the purple hue climbing the walls. His face then distorted into
fury has he realized that she had made a fool of him,

"You BITCH!!"

Malakai roared at her then stared firing. Ivy did her
best to dodge the bullets as best she could as she ran but it was hard.
Stones where collapsing and the dust in the air was overwhelming, and
to make matters worse the more the purple hue spread the more extreme
everything was. Ivy heard Malakai bellow not to far behind her.


From the order on all hell broke loose shots ranged out in ever direction
imaginable. Ivy barely manage too avoid getting hit as she scrambled
to safety, but then she felt an explosion of sharp pain burst in her left


she cried out and stumbled, Ivy nearly tripped and fell over a
collapsed stone column. The room was bombarded by the roar of the
tremors that seem to echo everywhere and get magnified ten times.

Then as suddenly as it began... it ended that caught both Malakai and
Ivy's attention.

The purple hue ran up the wall several feet in front of her, as it turned out
it was the wall with the carved door. When it was completed everything
was deadly quiet it was as if time itself had stopped. The only thing Ivy
could hear was the sound of her own heart ramming against her chest and
her haggard breath in the room.
She temporarily forgot about her injured arm
and that her blood was now seeping over her grim covered fingers
pouring down her arm. She didn't even fell the pain that was racking
over her body, all of them were waiting to see what happened next.

Their answer came sooner then they expected when the room filled up
with an enormous luminous pure white light. It swallowed the whole
entire rooms making everyone shield their eyes for protection. That
wasn't all though an extremely powerful, commanding after shock racked

the room hoisting Ivy and Malakai and slamming them several more feet
away. It seem like an eternity before either of them could see properly,
but when Ivy's vision finally cleared all she could do was stare in awe.

Where the impressive carved door once was, was
now replaced with an irradiance wormhole-like tunnel. Ivy and

Malakai both whispered in unison,

"The Gate of Kragoth...."

Ivy glanced from the portal to Malakai, at the
same time Malakai glanced to Ivy then back at the portal. As soon as Ivy
made even an inch of moment Malakai seemed to sense her intentions
and promptly grabbed his other gun and started to shoot at her. Time
itself seemed to slow down along with everything else as Ivy bolted
towards the portal. She had no where left to run to and she didn’t dare
turn back to see if Malakai and the others followed her. Ivy kept her
focus on reaching the portal.

The last thing Ivy remembered as she made a desperate leap into the
portal was the sound of a tiny explosion that engulfs though out her chest.
She gasped for air and coughed up blood as she clutched her chest, but it
was too late and Ivy disappeared into the portal.

A/N: This is an OLD piece so forgive the choppiness of it i just want some feed back I intend to fix this soon.
© Copyright 2006 ApplesOfDyscord (cherrydollphi at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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