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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Drama · #1064592
A work in progress about life's ups and downs.

Her name was Sara, and just so you understand a little bit more about what led her to a small country

town and a tall country man, you should know her beginnings...

Sarah was born in a small port town in Spain while her father had been in the Navy. With his

constant sea duty things were tough from the beginning, especially after Jessica and Ronald were born.

Suddenly she was thrown into a role she did not want. Responsibility she couldn't handle. Her siblings

never listened. They were stubborn, rowdy, and overall spoiled rotten. They never did any wrong h=in her

mother and father’s eyes though. It was always her fault when her brother didn’t clean his room, when

her sister left a mess to clean.

In her mother’s eyes she was the problem child. She called it acting out when the school reported

Sarah’s slipping attendance and grades. Her mother never listened to her and her father always was

angry. Soon the real problems began. Molestation, neglect, and denial. She cried out for help, but no one

listened. Her family's way of solving was religion. That meant ignorance. She found her own therapy.

Drugs weren't hard to find, in fact, they almost came to her as if they were looking for her.First

it was marijuana with "friends" outside of school. Then it turned into coke in the bathroom between

classes. She started cutting classes and ditching school in general. The school tried to tell her parents

but it seemed that they didn't care. Then she met Corey. Corey was tall, dark haired and handsome.

Something in his voice just mesmerized Sara. She did whatever he asked. So of course when he asked

if she wanted to shoot up with him, she agreed whole-heartedly.

Meth was the experience she thought she needed. She felt free. Free to talk, free to do what and

who she wanted. The parties were amazing. The sex, the drugs. Then things started to get out of

hand. The days got harder to get through, and the highs didn't come as easily anymore. She couldn't eat,

couldn't sleep. She looked like shit. And where was Corey? He left her just as soon as he found her. She

had to escape.

She had run away from home about five months ago. Her living conditions were fine, but her

mental conditions weren't. At least thats what the doctors told her parents. She saw a therapist three

times a week and took a lot of pills. On the inside she was twisted and dark, however on the outside all

anybody could see was a sweet brunette with green eyes.

One day, after dinner, she decided it was time for her to runaway from her troubles. Maybe she

would go so far away that her troubles would not be able to catch up. Her run wasn't an easy one. She

was hungry a lot. She was tired a lot. She was always scared. When she hid and slept in alleys there

was always a chance of getting raped. She shot up with other runaways. She saw others die from

muggings or ODs. She came so close to death every day. It wasn't a pretty life. It was hideous, but to

her it was hers and she was finally in control of something. Though it wasn't as fulfilling as she wanted.

She knew inside this wasn't all right. All the running was eventual going to have to stop.

Soon this lost soul would find herself in a town called Bloom. It was a small town in the

country. When a trucker dropped her off at the edge of the town she almost turned away. From her view

she saw a diner, a general store, a gas station, a hardware shop, and dozens of other buildings all only

one story high. "You have got to be kidding me.” she whispered to herself. How was she going to

survive here? What was she thinking? She decided to turn and leave. The highway was about thirty

minutes back. From there she'd hitch a ride somewhere else. Suddenly a car pulled next to her. A tall

black guy in an old muscle car motioned her over. She hesitated. “I’m not a hooker." she called out. He

just smiled and laughed.

"Not interested in a hooker. Just wanted to know if you needed a ride. You're obviously not from

here and you look lost." he explained. She hesitated again. He shrugged, "Never mind." He started to

depress the clutch when she had already moved to the passenger seat. As she buckled up he stared in

disbelief. “Change your mind?" She didn't speak. He just shrugged as he put the car in gear.

"My name's John." he told her. She stayed quiet. He laughed sarcastically. As he turned a glass

cylinder slid towards her. She looked at it. It was a beautiful rose. White with pink edges and a lavender

tint in the center. "Where is this from?" she asked. "Ah the mute speaks." he joked. She glared. " Okay

then...It’s from Mt. Everest. It's an elusive flower that doesn't take root. It kind of creeps through the

snow always moving away from where it sprouted. Runaway Everest is what it's called." She turned to

the window. "Running away.....it’s not always beautiful." John cocked his eyebrow. “So what are you

doing in a town like this?" She was reluctant to answer but she felt he deserved one. "Drifting." was all

she could say. "Hmm, drifting, do that a lot?" he asked. "Is that any of your business?" she responded.

John thought for a moment. "Must be very hard. All that drifting may take a lot out of yah. Its got to

stop some time you know?" She kept herself turned away.

They drove for about an hour. He tried to get her to talk but she wouldn't. She just listened and

daydreamed. She watched the countryside roll and bounce. She saw the clouds and pulled shapes from

them. Then memories came to her. She turned and looked sharply at him. I told you I was not a hooker.

Just drop me off and get your jollies elsewhere." she grabbed her bag and was ready to go. "I didn't

mean it like that. I mean if you need my place is only a bit further. You can stop there, bathe, eat, and

be on your way in the morning. I'll even take you to the next town if you want." She contemplated.

"Okay......" John smiled. The next few minutes were quiet until they reached the house.

As they pulled up she looked up at the house. It was big for just one guy. Victorian style, white and
black paint. A white picket fence. It was the all American dream house. She was in awe. John got
out the car.” Coming?" he asked. She snapped out of it and nodded slowly as she grabbed her bag. As
she entered the yard she felt weird, almost out of place. Then again what wasn't weird about her

situation? Why was this John so nice? She remained cautious. When she approached the door she

noticed how strange it was that all he had was a screen door. "You leave your house open with just a

screen door?" John laughed. "I'm not much worried about any burglars. That and its kind of hot this

time of year." John went in and she followed behind him. The inside furnishings were modest. A

tattered recliner, a blue living room set, and small television made up the living room. To her left were

stairs that led to the up to where she assumed the rooms were.

"Make yourself at home." he said as he plopped down onto the blue recliner. She was about to

ask to use the restroom when a girl wrapped in a towel came from what she assumed was the bath area.

The girl walked past her and started to go upstairs before she stopped herself.” Who are you?" she

asked. John laughed. She remained quiet. "I asked her the same earlier." She stood silent. "Call her

Everest." John said."Everest? Like your flower?" the girl asked. John nodded. The girl smiled. While

holding her towel she reached out for Everest's hand. “Well Everest my name is Amber Ann. I am that

idiot's roommate." Everest shook her hand." You look like you could use a hot shower. It’s just over there
in that room. I'll get you some clothes. There is shampoo and everything you'll need in there."
Everest stood silently, reluctantly." Well," Amber Ann urged." Go. Don't be so shy." Everest nodded slowly
and went into the bathroom.

She couldn't remember the last time she took a hot shower. When she took a look at herself in

the mirror she saw what others saw. Her hair was matted down and dirty. Her faces dirty, pale, and

sickly looking. Her arms scarred up and the needle holes swollen and bruised. As she removed her shirt

it was almost like removing a top layer of soil. She undressed and moved into the shower. She turned

the water on and as the hot water went down her body it turned brown by the time it hit the bathtub. It

almost made her cry. What made her cry was the name that John had given her. It was because she was

a runaway like that beautiful rose. It was the kindest gesture she had seen in years.

While she was bathing Amber Ann brought her a change of clothes. "I think we are about the

same size. If not then I can take you shopping in the morning if you'll stay that long." Everest stayed

quiet. Amber moved towards the shower. "You're a runaway aren't you?" Everest responded sharply,

“Yea, so what?" Amber stepped back. "Poor thing." Everest opened up the shower curtain. "Don't feel

guilty; I don't need pity from you or your friend. I'm just taking a shower and leaving as soon as I can."

Amber Ann was taken back by this outburst. " Well ....umm...I'll leave you alone now." Amber walked

out hesitantly. When Amber was gone Everest stepped out the shower her. Her face wet from tears. She

wrapped herself in a towel and moved to the mirror. Amber had been kind enough to put out combs,

brushes, and a blow dryer. "Time to get to work ." Everest said.

Out in the living room amber sat in the recliner. "so where did you pick her up?" she asked

John. John was in the kitchen. He poked his head through the door." At the edge of town. She looked

like she needed help." Amber sighed. "and you felt it your duty to help her?" John smiled. "What? I

couldn't let her roam the streets."Amber sighed. "She is just gonna leave as soon as she can. Why even

bother? she doesn't even like us." John came out with a towel in his hands."We'll just have to get her to

like us. Maybe even convince her to stay a little longer." Amber looked puzzled. "Why?" John laughed.

"Cause its right. She was delivered to us for a reason. I think it was to help her." Amber shrugged

"Whatever." Just as she was done talking Everest came out the bathroom.

Everest walked out. As she did she noticed Amber and John staring at her. "What? What's

wrong?" she asked. John laughed. "Nothing's wrong. you look great." Her hair was now clean and

flowed down to the middle of her back. Her face was clean and she used some of Amber's make up.

She also wore a simple flower dress. She looked wonderful."Well I do think my clothes suit you."

Amber said, "Don't you John." John was speechless. Everest gave him a weird look. Amber smiled as

she punched him in the side. "Dinner's ready.", John struggled out as he recoiled from the

punch.Everest almost laughed. Amber got up and started off for the kitchen. Everest watched John try

to get back up. "Come on Everest. He'll be fine." Amber called. Everest nodded and went into the

dining room with Amber.

It was a beautiful room. A big oak table , low chandelier. It was remarkable. "Sit." Amber said

while laughing. "I'm sorry, this room is just very pretty." Everest said as she sat down. John walked in.

"Built it ourselves we did." he said as he put the food on the table. "Took me and John 6 months to

build it. It was hard." she said. "But it's ours." John finished. Everest looked up. "So you two are

married?" she asked They both looked at her like she was crazy. "No way!" Amber said. "We are just

friends. Been friends since we were babes." John explained.Everest looked down. "Oh, I'm sorry if I...."

Amber stopped her. "It's alright."

As they ate Everest remained quiet. she listened to their conversations. They were the best of

friends and she could tell that by their conversation. It would start out simple ,then get complicated

,then Amber would argue about something which usually ended in her hitting John.Once or twice she

laughed, but that was as close as she got to entering the conversation. That was until it got quiet.

Amber Ann played with her mashed potatoes. She looked at Everest. "So why did you run away

from home. Has it been hard?where are you from? What about your family." John launched some peas

at Amber Ann. "Cut it out." Everest pushed her plate away."Done already? "John said nervously.

"Ummm....let me show you where you'll be staying." He started to clear off the table. amber got up and

left the room. John went about cleaning the table off while Everest sat there. He put the dished in the

sink., Everest still sat there. He looked around to make sure he was done. "Well....Follow me please."

She got up and followed him. they went up the stairs. Everest looked up in time to see Amber go into

one room. John motioned for her to go into the opposite room. The room was very decorative.The bed

was large and the theme of the room was blue.She liked it.Though she soon realized it was John's


"Ummmm....I am sleeping with you?" she asked.hesitantly." No silly, i am sleeping on the

couch. You have my room to yourself." She looked at her feet. "I don't want to put you out though."

John laughed." don't worry about it. enjoy it. Have a good nights sleep. I will be ok." he started to leave

the room. She tried to say something as he walked out but she couldn't. She wanted to say thank

you.She placed her bag on the bed. she took out a syringe...

She slept well that night. The first good nights sleep she had in a long while. When she awoke

she looked at the clock next to her. 2 o'clock! She slept hard. She sat up and looked around the room. In

the light she noticed the pictures in his room. most were him and Amber, but a few were of him and

another girl. She was beautiful, tall, dark hair, but something seemed wrong. Like he was holding on to

these pictures for some reason. Maybe he was dating her and she broke up with him. No. The next few

pictures proved something else. They were wedding photos. He was married.What happened? They

looked so happy. Everest got up and went to a dresser where there was a photo of him and his ex on a

cruise. He was on one knee. How, romantic she thought."She left him for a football player." Amber
said. Everest quickly put the picture back. "....really...." Amber smiled sarcastically. "Yea, apparently he

changed and she felt like they were drifting apart. There was nothing in this world he loved as much as

her and she blew him off." Amber handed her some clothes. "So he really loved her?" Everest asked as

she got dressed in the room's bathroom. "Yep. He had a hundred blue roses brought to her door when

she left. She didn't care. I should have knocked her block off."

Everest laughed."He's lucky to have you watch his back." Amber sighed. "Yea. He may be big

but he sure ain't bad.Just a big softie." Everest came out. Her look was sort of tomboyish, but it was

Amber's clothes so that would explain it."You look nice. So did he ask you yet?" everest looked at

Amber puzzled."Ask me what?" she asked. "He was going to ask you to stay awhile. He doesn't like the

thought of you out on your own." Everest frowned. "thats too kind of him." Amber nodded. "That's

john though. So watcha gonna do?" Everest thought for a second. "Well I guess since you two have

been nice...." Amber Ann smiled. "great but first me and you are gonna go shopping. We'll leave in 30

minutes. Be right back." Amber left Everest standing there. Everest smiled again. This smile she

couldn't hide.

Amber Ann drove Everest to a small clothing store. When they walked in the women were

giving strange looks to Everest. "Howdy Amber Ann." said the cashier." Hey Becky!" Amber yelled as

she went up and gave her a hug."Becky, I'd like you to meet Everest. She's a new lady friend of John's."

Everest hesitantly moved forward. Becky looked her over. "Hmmmm....the last lady friend was alot

taller, but I like this one better. She feels ....right. Hi Everest. I'm Becky." Becky reached over and

hugged Everest."Hi...I guess." Everest said surprised. Becky released Everest and Everest took just a

small step back. "so what are you two here for?" Becky asked. "I am here to buy Everest a new

wardrobe for her stay here." Amber Ann answered. "Ah, how long is she staying here for." Becky

asked. "Not much longer." Everest responded. Becky frowned."Thats a shame. We could use another
young lady out here. The others have grown so old. Me and Amber are among the youngest." Everest

forced a laugh." Well we should get to our shopping." amber said once she noticed the

awkwardness."All right then. Y'all have fun. see ya when your done." Beckie said as Amber dragged

Everest off by the arm.

Amber dragged Everest all around the store , but she didn't seem to think any of the outfits

suited Everest.She stopped." I just can't find anything." Everest took a second to catch her breath."

Ummm...let me find something." everest decided. Amber motioned for her to go ahead. Everest went to

a rack. She pulled off a pair of blue jeans and a blue blouse. Amber took her to the dressing room.

When Everest came out Amber was awe struck."You look great." Everest blushed. "Really?" Amber

nodded."C'mon. I guess we're done here." They finished their shopping and headed home.

The ride home was a little less awkwards but Everest couldn't help wondering. "Amber. Why

are you being so nice to me. I mean, I'm grateful and everything, but why?" Amber smiled. "When John

picked you up, it was because he saw a lost soul he could help. He believes in his heart that you can be

saved. From what I don't know , but if John is willing to help you then so am I." Everest thought a

moment. " You had questions last night. Still want answers?" Amber hesitated. "Well yes, but you don't

have to ...." Everest cut her off. "It all started when I was 6...."

"We were at a family reunion. There was a man there. He said he was my aunt's boyfriend. He

followed me around the whole day. When I went to the restroom he followed me in. It was there that he

raped me. I screamed and I kicked , but he overpowered me. To make things worse my brother came in

to see what was wrong. He came in and saw, but he turned out and ran away.I prayed that he would get

help, I prayed so hard. Help never came. When he finished he spit on me and told me not to tell anyone

, because he would deny it and blame it on my overactive imagination. So I kept quiet for three years.

Then I couldn't stay quiet. I told my family. I told them everything. They just looked at me like I was
crazy. They sent me to therapy, got me pills,they totally ignored my. They were in denial.I had to suffer

through that B.S. for 12 years.Finally I had enough of it. So I ran away. I traveled across the country.I

did things I am not proud of. I stole, I mugged,...I did drugs.....my past is full of regrets. Though, now I

feel as if the past doesn't matter anymore."

When Everest looked at Amber, she saw tears. Amber was doing her best to hide them , but she

couldn't. Seeing this Everest too started to tear up. Amber wiped her eyes."So...you have a hobby?"

Everest regained her composure. "Yeah, I...I kinda paint." Amber laughed. "great.Thats so great. Thats

what I do. I am a painter." Everest smiled. "Really? Thats cool. What does John do?" Amber smiled.

"Nothing." Everest looked puzzled. "John belongs to a very wealthy family. All he does during the day

is help others around town. He pays for things to help people, he gives them enough money so that they

can make ends meet. The remarkable thing about it is, he asks for nothing in return. Can you believe

that?" Everest smiled. "Yes I can. After all, he took in this miserable street urchin and is making her

think of change." Amber Ann smiled. No words were needed.

The girls got in the house . They thought they would see John but he wasn't down stairs.Amber

went to check the back and Everest went upstairs. She found John. He was standing in his room over

Everest's open bag. Everest began to tremble.John turned with the heroin in his hands."I...I can

explain...I..." John walked over to the trash and threw away the drugs. " No need. I understand that we

all have done somethings in our lives that we regret. It is not my place to pass judgment." John turned

and smiled. "We'll just forget this happened." Everest looked up. She started to cry. "Whoa little lady.

Cut off the waterworks." he wiped away her tears. She looked up at him. His face was so kind and

forgiving. "Now lets go see what Amber Ann is doing." John and Everest went downstairs and out on

the patio to see what Amber Ann was up to.

Out on the patio Amber was busily painting on an easel.John placed a finger on his lips,

indicating that they should be quiet.Everest nodded. They watched as Amber brushed and sketched and

moved her hands across the canvas almost magically. They watched as an empty canvas quickly

became a work of art. Slowly the figure of a girl formed. her hair was brown and her eyes a deep green.

Her body was highlighted by the moonlight. As Amber neared completion Everest noticed

something.The girl in the painting was her. Everest made a noise when this realization struck her.

Amber stopped and turned around."Well, I guess surprise is a little late." she said annoyed. "Sorry

Amber.I didn't know what you were doing and..." Amber interrupted John. "No excuses." she said as

she held a hand up. She composed herself." Well,Everest, what do you think?"

Everest was speechless. she walked up to the painting. This alone was the nicest thing anyone

has done for her. Everest turned to look at Amber and John. She stood for a second and then ran. She

ran past them knocking them out of her way. She ran upstairs and locked herself in the bathroom of

John's room. She sat on the toilet and cried her brains out. These two strangers took her in, knowing

full well she wouldn't stay long, but they treated her like she was family. All she could think of was that

she was going to leave them.That thought made her cry even more. Deep inside she didn't feel like

leaving ,but she didn't belong here. This place was a very large opposite of what she represented. All

her hatred ,anger, and sadness seemed nullified in this place. Maybe she should stay. Here with John

and Amber she felt secure for once. She even felt happy. Happiness. She thought it didn't exist for

awhile. Why leave it?

Amber knocked on the door." You know Everest, if it was the moonlight I can change that. Just

tell me what was wrong and I'll fix it." Amber waited for an answer. What she got was more than she

bargained for. Everest came jumping out of the room. she pounced on Amber. John who was sitting a

few feet away smirked. "What a drastic change of personality Everest. May I ask what it's for?" Everest

got off of Amber. "Well you guys have been so nice to me I have thought about it, and if you would

allow me to, I would like to stay here." Amber tackled Everest." Gladly!" she said as she pinned

Everest down. John meanwhile stayed calm. "We'd be more than happy to have you on one condition."

Everest looked at john puzzled. "Okay. What condition?" John got up and simply said, "No more


The next day was full of hustle and bustle. Well, at least it was for John. With Everest staying

John needed to clear a room for her. After all, he wanted his room back eventually. The beginning of

the day consisted of John laboring to move non-important items to the shed out back and new items for

Everest's room into the room which was once John's office. While he labored doing this Everest and

Amber Ann watched him. They even teased him when he took his shirt off. This was fun for awhile ,but

it quickly bored the girls and they soon sought their fun elsewhere. Amber Ann went out to go grocery

shopping while Everest decided to look around the house. While doing so she encountered a room

which was usually locked but it seemed to be unlocked recently.She nudged the door a bit so she could

peek in.

Before she could recognize any shapes John turned the corner causing her to act nonchalant.He

was moving a large chair into her room. He winked as he came past but was too busy to converse.

Everest sighed. She realized she had only been here two days and already she was moving in. Were

things moving too fast? Or is it that things are so perfect they are moving as fast as they can so that if

things do go wrong they can say they had a good time while it lasted. Whatever the reasons, Everest

was sure that her time here was going to be well spent. She turned the corner so she could watch john a

bit more. when she came upon him he had nothing in his hands. He was just standing at the doorway

with one hand stroking his chin. She walked up to him. "Anything wrong?"

John shook his head. "Guess not. Think it just needs a personal touch. "He said as he turned to

© Copyright 2006 Danzen Andrino (danzen at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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