Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1063379-By-ourselves
Rated: 13+ · Novella · Family · #1063379
Opals parents have just left and she has to look after her siblings.
My life wasn't good. I am the oldest of 4 and I have to look after my little brothers and sister. I couldn't go to school much because I had to work to provide for my siblings.
It all started when mum found out dad was cheating on her. She started drinking to try and ease the pain. Then dad started drinking.
Every night I could hear them shouting at each other from my room which I shared with Kaitlin, James and Tom.

"What's wrong with you woman?" yelled Dad. "You can't tell me how to live. Now get out of my house."

I fell asleep after that. The next day mum and dad were both gone. I didn't know where they had gone and I wasn't going to the police, they would just put us in foster homes and they might split up the family. I couldn't let that happen to the three little one's.

"Opal, where's Mummy and Daddy?" Asked Kaitlin when she got up.
"Um...," I thought for a bit. "They've gone on a holiday. They left me in charge. Now go and get James and Tom up and get ready for school."

I knew very well that they hadn't gone away on a holiday but it would break Kaitlin's heart if she knew the truth.

"Hi boy's," I said when they entered the room. "I've got all your lunches made. I'm going to take you to school in 15 minutes, now eat your breakfast."

It was terrible saying goodbye to the little ones.
"Now when school finishes I want you to come right here and wait for me. If anyone ask's you if you need a ride say no. Okay?"
They all nodded and ran off. They didn't know what was going through my head at that moment.

I put on a brave face for school. I couldn't tell anyone about last night, especially the teachers. I just didn't know how long I could keep it a secret.

Still nobody was at home when we got back.

"Opal. When is Mummy and Daddy going to come back?" Asked James.
"Yeah, When?" Questioned Tom.
"I don't know the exact date," I replied, my head hanging. Would you like to go to the park?"
"Yeah." All three of them shouted at once.

At the park I felt as if everything was okay again. But I knew it wasn't. We needed food and to get food we needed money. That was something we didn't have. I should be able to get a job. Things like babysitting and dog walking. I wasn't old enough for a proper job, but surely I could make enough to keep my family alive.
The next day I dropped the little ones at school and then went looking for a job. First I went to the newsagent for a paper round. The first one I went to said they didn't have any. The second was really nosy. after 4 more newsagents I was finally given a job. I would be given $5 per day. I hoped that would be enough. I went home and scribbled a note that I had been at the dentist and did my mums signature and then rushed to school.

"Hi Opal." Yelled out Kaitlin that afternoon when I went to pick them up.
I waved and walked over to them.

I had to put them to bed early that night so that I would wake up early to so I could go on my paper round.

I got up at 5:30 the next morning and scribbled on a piece of paper that I had to go out for a bit and they should just keep sleeping and then I left.

At the end of the week I was given $25.
I then went to the supermarket and bought some milk and cereal then went home.
Kaitlin woke up at 7:30. I pondered in my head wether to tell her about mum and dad but decided against it, but I would have to tell her sooner of later. I decided to tell her after she turned 7, in 3 weeks. I just hoped we would all be okay until then.

Life was pretty much the same for the next few weeks. I had I small party in the park for Kaitlin, with her close friends. At the end of the week I decided to tell her.

"No, No," she said, shocked. "That can't be possible. No."
"I'm afraid it is Kaitlin." I said my head hung low.
"Yes. Now you can't tell the boys or anyone. I'm doing a paper round to get us money to live un but I need you to help. Alright."
"Yes. Yes. Of course."
"Firstly, I need you to keep the boy's from wondering to much. They need to keep thinking that mum and dad are on a holiday."
Kaitlin nodded.
"Then I need you to help me as much as possible. The early morning paper rounds make me really tired so if you could help keep the house neat that would be great.
"And lastly I need you to not mention this to anyone, not your teacher, not even your best friend. Understand?"
"Yes. I'll go wake James and Tom up now."
She left the room.
The next day everything changed. The little one's were at school and I was having a sleep. Suddenly the front door opened. I was scared. I could remember locking it and none of the little ones had a key.
I opened the bedroom door slightly and saw dad standing in the hallway. He was drunk I wasn't going to give him any reason to hurt me. He hadn't noticed me so I quietly shut the door and went back to sleep.
When I got up I walked around the house quietly, checking every room for some sign of dad. When I found he was gone I saw a note on the kitchen bench.

'Your mum has gone off with some idiot. I'm not going to look after you. Go to a foster home. You'll be fine there.'

At 3:30 I went down to the school with the note. My eyes were full of tears. I located the other three and went inside to the senior building. There I found The school physiologist.

"Opal," she said. "Sit down, Sit down. All of you. Now Opal, What's wrong?"

I explained all about the night they left and how I'd been looking after the little ones. Then I showed her the note.

She went into the next room and used the phone. Then she came back into her office.
"I've called Social Services," she said. "They're going to pick you up soon. You'll be put in a foster home."
"We can't be split up," I sobbed. "We have to stay together."
"Yes, I know that. Don't worry, you'll be together."
Then she looked out of the window.
"Ah, here they are now."
I looked out of the window and saw two ladies get out of the car. They entered the building and in no time at all they were in the room with me and the others.
James, being the youngest, was crying, and had his head on my shoulder.
"Opal, this is Karen and I'm Isabel," said one of the lady's. "Now, these must be Kaitlin, James and Tom."
I nodded, staring at them, and then went back to comforting James.
"Okay Naomi," said the other lady. "We'll take them from here. Follow me."
I stood up, James still clinging to me and then followed the ladies, Tom holding my hand tightly and Kaitlin on my other side, shaking slightly.
"Where will we be going?" I asked as we got into the car. "We can't be split up."
"Don't worry," said Karen in a rather frustrated voice. "We couldn't find anyone who could take 4 kids in on such short notice so you'll be put into care. There's two spare bedrooms with two beds in each. You can sort that out yourself."
We arrived at the house at 4. One of the social workers there led us up to our rooms.
"Can I be wif u Opl?" Asked James, sucking his thumb. I thought about it for a second.
"Okay," I replied. "If it's okay with the others. Can you share a room?"
Kaitlin nodded.
"Yes," she replied. "That's fine."
Tom looked a little less sure.
"I'll be right next door if you need me Tom."
"Um..., okay." He eventually said.
We had stopped at our old house to pick up our things on the way there so I put each of our suitcases in our rooms.
A few minutes later a girl my age came up.
"Hi," she said. "I'm Lara."
"I'm Opal," I said. "This is Kaitlin, James and Tom."
"I heard about what happened to you," she said. "I can't believe what you did. I would have broken down or something. Oh, Max sent me up to tell you dinners at 6. Do you want some help unpacking?"
I nodded and she came into my room.
"So why are you here?" I asked.
"My parents were killed in a car crash and there was no one who would take me."
"Oh, I'm sorry. It must be really hard for you."
"Thanks. I was only 3 when it happened so I don't really remember them much. Oh, do you like Harry Potter?"
She was looking in my bag and had found the 3rd book. I nodded.
"Love it, I've read all 6 books and I'm re-reading them all again. Do you like them?"
"I've seen the movies but I've only read the first 2 books. Maybe I could borrow yours when you're done with them."
I nodded.
"Go ahead. I finished that one on the way over here."
After sorting out mine and James's room we went into Kaitlin's and Tom's room. The three little one's were in there and were trying to comfort James who had started crying again.
"Sorry," I said to Lara and went over to the bed he and the other 2 were sitting on. "What's wrong James? Are you scared?"
James nodded.
"Why didn't you come and get me?" I asked Kaitlin. She shrugged her shoulders. "You and Tom organize this room. James. Tell me why you're scared."
After comforting James me and Lara left the room with James who had decided he wouldn't let me out of his sight.
"So, would you mind giving me a tour?"
"Okay. Well, you know where your rooms are. The bathrooms right there." Lara pointed at a door.
"My rooms there and all the other rooms up here belong to other people who live here. Downstairs there's the office, the kitchen, lounge room and dining room."
At 6 I collected the other 2 and we all walked down to dinner. Kaitlin and Tom sat either side of me and James sat on my lap, still scared. When he saw all the other kids he went pale and started shaking like mad. I held him tight and sat down.

"Well," said one of the workers. "As you can see we have 4 new kids living with us. Opal, Kaitlin, Tom and James."
I gave a small smile but James just gave one look at everyone staring at us and looked away again.
"This is Brook, Claire, Joanna, Rebecca, Adam, Lara, Brett, Liam, Jake and Simon." He pointed to each one in turn.
After dinner I took James upstairs to look at him. He hadn't eaten any dinner of dessert and he was as pale as a ghost. I felt his forehead. He was burning up. Suddenly Lara walked in.
"Lara, can you come over her and look at James?"
She walked across the room and stared at him.
"He's more pale that I've ever seen and he's shaking like mad."
Then she felt his forehead.
"He's burning up," she said quietly. "I'll go and get Mary."
She left the room and returned a few minutes later with one of the workers. She took one look at him, felt his forehead and said quietly. "I'll call the doctor." Then she walked out of the room.
I wrapped James up in a blanket and cuddled him. Lara went and returned with a glass of water. She handed it to James and sat down on the bed, waiting for Mary to come back. When Mary did return she had a hot water bottle and a thermometer. She gave the thermometer to me and I managed to get it in his mouth. A few minutes later the temperature on the Thermometer had risen to 39 degrees.
"The doctor said to put him to bed and keep him warm. he's coming to take a look in the morning," said Mary. "I think it would be best if you stayed with him Opal."
I nodded and then she left.
I put James to bed and gave him the hot water bottle. Then I sang him a song that mum used to sing to me when I was little.
'Don't cry little baby, you'll be okay.
Don't worry little baby, no monsters today.
Don't fuss little baby, mummy's here.
Don't cry little baby, don't shed a tear.'
I sang it over and over again, until James was asleep. Lara was still in the room.
"You have a really good voice," she whispered. "Are you in a choir or anything?"
"No," I answered. "I haven't had any lessons of anything. Could you go and find Kaitlin and Tom for me?"
Lara nodded and left. She returned moments later with Kaitlin and Tom. They rushed to me and started telling me about their new friends.
I put my finger to my lips and pointed at James.
"He's got a really bad fever," I said. "I don't want you to wake him." Then I told them to go out. Lara came over to the bed again.
At 8 I asked Lara to watch James for a few minutes while I put the other two in bed.
When I returned I saw Lara sitting in the exact same spot I was sitting in before and watching James as if he was her own brother.
The next day was Saturday so I didn't have to go to school. I was really tired from watching James all night that I couldn't even go down to breakfast so Lara brought up some toast and orange juice.
James woke up just before the doctor came.
"Where am I?" he asked, looking around. "What's happened?"
He was talking very quietly and was still very pale. After I explained about the day before he went quiet. Then the doctor came in with Mary.
He felt James forehead and then put a thermometer in his mouth. He did some other things and then turned to me and Mary.
"He has a flu and Pneumonia," said the Doctor. "He's not fit to go to school. Actually, he's very weak. He should stay warm and I'll give you some medicine for him. If he hasn't shown signs of improvement in 2 weeks call me again." Then he handed Mary the medicine and left.
After he and Mary were out Lara came in with Kaitlin and Tom.
"He's very sick," I told them. "I don't want you two to bother him."
I spent all of Saturday watching over him. The only time I left was to go to the toilet and Lara brought up meals. I was so exhausted by the end of the day the Lara offered to watch over him during the night.
"Really?" I asked. Lara nodded. "Thankyou so much. It would be really useful."
So after getting James to sleep that night I went straight to bed, leaving Lara watching James.
"Opal, Opal, wake up," said Lara, shaking me. "What is it?" I looked at my watch. It was 3 am.
"James is shaking like crazy and he's sweating like mad."
I jumped out of bed and went to look at my brother.
"Okay, you go and get Mary. Bring her straight here to look at James. Tell her it's an emergency."
Lara nodded and ran off. When Mary came in she took a slight look at James and told Lara to go get a bowl and then she went to ring the ambulance.
3 minutes later an ambulance had arrived and I had woken James up and was carrying him downstairs. He was still wrapped in blankets and was clutching the hot water bottle, and a toy crocodile he got when he was little, tightly. Lara was just on her way up so she followed me with a bowl. Outside there was two doctors and Mary.
"Maybe the girl should come with us to," said one of the doctors to Mary. "Just so she can be with her little brother."
Mary nodded and I turned around to Lara and opened my mouth.
"Don't worry," said Lara. "I'll tell the others."
I nodded and then gave James to one of the doctors and followed her into the back. The other doctor went around the front and into the drivers seat.
James was put on a bed and I sat on a chair that was secured onto the floor. James started crying.
"Where are we going?" He sobbed.
"The hospital," I replied. "You're really sick."

James was in the hospital for a week, so I stayed at the hospital for a week. I slept on a chair next to James's bed and ate what he didn't of his meals. Every night I would sing to him to make him sleep.
Everyday he would wake up and eat his breakfast. Then he would have some medicine and then go back to sleep. Before lunch he would go into a different room which I was not allowed in. Then he would eat lunch, talk to me for a bit, have dinner and then I would sing him to sleep.

When we went back at the end of the week everybody wanted to know what had happened. One day I was called into the office to talk with Mary.
"The doctors said that his flu and Pneumonia were caused by great shock, namely finding out about your parents and coming here," she started. "I would like to thankyou. You did a great job of looking after him and I'm surprised at how well you can handle things. You're certainly a very mature girl."

"Thankyou," I said, crying. "James will be alright, won't he?"

"The doctors said he'd make a full recovery in the next few weeks. In the mean time he needs plenty of rest. Now I think you'd better go and see how he's doing."

I nodded and ran upstairs. James was sleeping and Lara was sitting next to him.

"Lara," I said softly, not wanting to wake up James. "Why do you care for James as much as me?"

Slowly she turned around.

"It's because he reminds me of my little brother, Ben, who died when he was 5," she started. "I guess I was trying to feel the way I used to when Ben was alive."

"I'm so sorry. Did he die in the car crash your parents died in?"

"No, he died before that. I really miss him and James makes me feel happy again."

"I know what you mean. I think I'd die if anything happened to James or the others."

The next day was school and Mary made me go. I couldn't concentrate on anything but all the teachers knew about my brother so I didn't get in trouble. As soon as the bell went I went back to the home to check on James. He seemed to be making a recovery and by the next week he was better and running around.

2 months later I turned 13 and soon after that we were put into a foster home.

"Opal," asked James one day. "What are you doing?"

I ruffled his hair. "Just writing about when you were really sick." Then I laughed.

My life was pretty much great until shortly before Kaitlin turned 8. I was in my room doing homework when my foster mum, Juliet, called and said that there was a phone call for me.

"Coming," I shouted closing my book and running down the stairs. "Hello, Opal speaking."

"Hi Opal," said the voice at the other end. "It's Ms. Warrington, the school Social worker."
"Oh, hi. Why are you calling me?"
"Well, your mum has turned up. She just came into my office looking for you kids. She's in a terrible state and can barely stand."
"So what's going to happen to her, I don't want to go back to her and I know the others won't want to."
"We're not sure what to do with her. Oh, and the police are after your Dad. He's committed a series of robbery's and murders. We need you to come down to the Social services office to see your mum. The others don't need to come. Now, could I please talk to Juliet."
"Sure, Bye."

Then I handed the phone to Juliet and ran back upstairs. I tried to finish my homework but I couldn't concentrate so I gave up and went to see James.
He now shared a room with Tom and he was really happy. He had almost forgotten about mum and dad and I was determined to keep it that way. Tom and Kaitlin knew and like me, would never forget it.

"Hi James," I said as I walked in and sat on the bed. "Are you okay?"
"Yep," James replied, not taking his eyes off his book. "I'm fine."
James was learning how to read and was now reading anything he could.
"How's your book?"
"It's great, but I don't understand this word. Can you help me?"
"Sure." I lent across the bed to see the word he was pointing at.
"That word is Major. It means something really important."
"Okay." Then James put the book on his bed and ran over to me.
"I love you Opal."
I grinned at him as he hugged me.

The next day I was called out of English to go to the Social Service office to see my mum. When I got there she was awful. She was very drunk and wearing rags and no makeup.
When she saw me she lunged at me.

"Opal," she said. "Opal, I'm so sorry. I didn't want to leave you but that awful man forced me. Please, I'm so sorry I left you."
"Now now Kathrine," said Ms. Warrington. "Sit down Kathrine, you to Opal."
I sat down on a rather uncomfortable chair and mum sat at the other side of the room.
"Now," began Ms. Warrington. "Kathrine, you left these four children to fend for themselves and didn't even think about your kids. It is likely that you will not get custody over the children, however there is a small chance."
Then she turned to face me.
"Opal, after your parents left you looked after you and your brothers and sister for many weeks. You were very mature and didn't crack until you were visited by your dad again, You were also very calm while your brother was suffering through the Flu and Pneumonia.
You are certainly mature for your age."
"Thanks," I mumbled. "So what's going to happen with mum?"
"Well, that's what we're here to figure out. Isn't it?"
I nodded. "I don't want to go and live with mum again. Me and the others want to stay with Juliet and John."
"Very well then, if you don't wont to live with your mum then you won't have to."
"Why Opal, why," cried mum suddenly. "I said I was sorry. I can take care of my kids. Please, just give them back to me."
"I'm sorry but you will not be receiving custody over these children. Once you go through rehab we will review the situation. Opal, Juliet is waiting outside, you can go."
"Thanks, but what about dad?"
"The Police are catching up with him. You never have to see him again. Alright?"

I stood up and walked down the stairs to Juliet’s car.
"So, How'd it go?" Asked Juliet when I got to the car.
"It was alright," I answered. "Me and the others are staying with you and the situation will be reviewed in a while, but for now it's fine."
"Okay then. Well, how 'bout instead of going back to school we go and get something from Macdonalds?"
"Yes, that would be great."

At Macdonalds I had 6 nuggets, medium fries, a coke and an Oreo McFlurry. After I had lunch I felt much better but instead of going to school, Juliet took me to the city.

"Since you've been through so much recently," she began. "I've decided to give you a reward. An afternoon in the city. What do you want to do first?"
"Um," I thought about it. "Can we go to Dymocks. I think a new Jackie Wilson book is out."
"Sure, Let's go." Juliet walked down the street and I followed her.
After buying 3 new books we went to Myer and Juliet got me heaps of makeup, a new outfit and a new pair of Sunglasses.
"Want to go and get something to drink?" Asked Juliet.
I nodded and Juliet walked into a fancy little cafe.
"Choose anything." She said. I ended up ordering a slice of Chocolate mud cake and an Ice-Chocolate.
"Thanks for that," I said on the way home. "It was great. And this outfit is fantastic. So Sophisticated."
"It's alright. And the clothes look great on you. You're really growing up. How 'bout I take you to a Salon next weekend? Get your hair done and things."
"That would be great."

When we got home the others were still at school so I went up to my room to try on my new out fit. After I put it on Juliet came up and helped me put my makeup on. I thought I looked pretty good so I went downstairs to show Kaitlin who had come home because her school finished before James and Tom's.

"What do you think?" I asked her.
"You look great," she answered. "Are you going somewhere?"
"No. Juliet took me shopping and I got a load of stuff."
"Are you trying to get a Boyfriend?"
Then we both started laughing.

That night Tom walked into my room when I was practising my singing. (I was having lessons).
"You're really good," he said. "Are you going to make lots of CD's and travel the world doing concert's?"
"I don't think so." I replied, laughing.

The next day I got a phone call on my mobile from Social Services.
"Hello, who is it?" I asked.
"Hello Opal, it's Ms. Warrington."
"Oh, hi."
"I called with news of your dad. He has been caught and awaits trial. You need to be at that trial to give testimony."
"I've already rung John and he's going to take you. Your brothers and sister don't need to come. They don't know as much as you. The Trial is two Saturday's from now."
When I got home I collapsed on the couch I was pale and felt sick. Juliet came out to look at me.
"John rang me," she said. "Do you really need to go to your dad's trial?"
I nodded.
"You're in shock and I don't blame you," she went on. "I would be to. So, what would you like for dinner?"
I rolled over on my stomach.
"Nothing." I mumbled into the cushion.
"Alright. I'm making spag so I'll save some for you. Now don't tell the other's about this, okay?"
And with that I ran to the bathroom to be sick.

When I came back Kaitlin was sitting on the couch.
"What happened?" She asked.
"I think I ate something bad at school." I lied, I wasn't going to make her anymore worried.

I had the next day off school, and the next. It kept going on like that until the trial. In the morning I put on my blue skirt and top and went to brush my hair. Then John drove me to the city courtroom. I was silent but through my head I was saying what I had been practising to say for two weeks.

During the trial I sat on a bench watching until I was called up.
"My dad beat me and my mum," I croaked. "Then he left me and my siblings with me to fend for them. He drink's and Gamble's. We never had enough money for food. If you're smart you'll lock this man up for life."

I wanted to leave afterward's but John made me stay to hear the Jury's decision. 10 years in Jail!!!

When I got back I pretended I had gone to the city with my friends so the little one's didn't suspect anything. But I knew it wouldn't be the end.
When we got back home, I ran up to my room and sat on the bed, my ipod playing songs in my ears.
“What’s wrong?” Kaitlin asked, coming into my room.
I wiped away the tears and looked at her.
“Nothing,” I lied. “I’m perfectly fine. I just hit my toe, and it really hurts.”
Kaitlin nodded and put one of the plugs from the ipod in her ear.

More will be added soon. Look out for it.
© Copyright 2006 cleotiti (koolkid at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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