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A one-act play recently submitted for staging at an annual college festival. |
Lights up to reveal a chair, a leather couch, and a bookshelf, front center stage. A woman is sitting in the chair jotting down some notes in a notebook when Chris, 21, enters.) CHRIS (Looking around) Hi, I’m Chris Brady . The secretary told me to come on in. You, uh, wanted to see me? MS. MALONE You must be a little confused. (smiling, extends hand to Chris, shakes his hand) I’m Ms. Malone, feel free to call me Tricia. Please, have a seat. (He sits on the leather couch) Now, you must be wondering why you’re here. I’m sorry to interrupt your day, I’m sure you have classes, but I wonder if we could have a talk? CHRIS Well, sure, I guess. I’ve never seen a psychologist before…I don’t really have any problems … MS. MALONE Oh, I’m sure you don’t. This meeting is in regard to Amy Keller. CHRIS The girl who killed herself? MS. MALONE Yes. The suicide has had the whole campus a little on edge. I’m wondering if you have anything you’d like to discuss. That’s why we have the counseling center. CHRIS Yeah, I imagine her friends are pretty upset. The thing is, I didn’t really know Amy. I mean, it’s terrible and all, but I don’t know if I really need counseling. MS. MALONE You’re sure? CHRIS I don’t want to sound insensitive, I mean suicide is awful. I guess you have to meet with every student right? MS. MALONE Well, any student is welcome to make an appointment. CHRIS So you’re not meeting with every student? MS. MALONE We’d like to, of course, there just aren’t enough hours in the day. CHRIS Well, I’m not sure how to ask this…but why am I here? Was I randomly chosen? MS. MALONE Well Chris, the administration, along with Amy’s family, has asked me to meet with you. CHRIS Oh. Is it alright if I ask why? MS. MALONE What I’m about to tell you is strictly confidential. It’s not to be repeated, do you understand? CHRIS Sure. MS. MALONE Amy left behind a note. Well, more of a letter, really. CHRIS (nervously) A note? I hadn’t heard that. MS. MALONE The family has chosen to keep that private…due to the controversial subject matter. CHRIS Oh. What’s that got to do with me? MS. MALONE Chris, the reason I’ve called you into my office today, is you were named in Amy’s note. Now, you’ve said you don’t know her and I have to choose to believe you. But if there’s anything you want to talk about, now is the time. CHRIS Am I being accused of something? MS. MALONE Not at all. This isn’t a disciplinary meeting. Amy was obviously a very troubled girl, We just want to rule out the possibility… CHRIS What possibility? MS. MALONE In Amy’s note, she mentioned your name. We’re not sure how seriously to take her claim, but we thought we’d have you answer some questions. CHRIS What claim? MS. MALONE Now, Chris, I don’t want you to get upset. But in Amy’s note she wrote she’d been raped as a freshman. She implicated you CHRIS (defensively) I didn’t rape anybody! She said I raped her!? MS. MALONE (calmly) Again, we’re not sure how seriously to take this. You’re sure you didn’t know Amy? Keep in mind we’re conducting other interviews with some of her friends… CHRIS I knew…of her, I guess. MS. MALONE You did? CHRIS Sort of, I guess we were friends with some of the same people. Freshman year maybe, But I definitely wasn’t friends with her. It-it might not have even been the same Amy. MS. MALONE Hmm. That’s interesting. CHRIS Why is that interesting? MS. MALONE I just find it interesting that on such a small campus you’d have difficulty remembering whether or not you knew someone. Especially since I’ve just spoken with Jen Brown, and she seems to remember you and Amy dating. But then, it might not have even been the same Chris, right? CHRIS Chris is a pretty common name… MS. MALONE Chris, I’ll ask again. Did you know Amy? CHRIS I knew her. I haven’t spoken to her in a few years, though. So I’m not sure how this whole suicide thing relates to me. Spring semester freshman year, we went out a few times. I’d hardly call it dating. MS. MALONE Why did you feel you had to lie? CHRIS Oh, I don’t know, maybe because she killed herself! I...I know it’s not my fault. But…Amy and I…there was one time where something happened. Sh-She was pretty upset afterwards. I think she thinks I...did something wrong. But I didn’t. Am I going to get in trouble? MS. MALONE Whatever you say doesn’t leave this room, Chris. We’re just talking. Can you tell me what happened? CHRIS Amy and I had been talking for awhile. I really liked her. One night, we were drinking…a lot. I was trying to make it to 20 beers. I forget how many I had before I started to feel sick. I barely remember that night. I remember her kissing me. SHE kissed me. I remember that. One thing led to another, and I remember her saying no, but in that cute, not serious way. She kissed me. Anyway, the next day she didn’t remember anything. I freaked out. I tried to avoid her. She didn’t understand what was wrong. I couldn’t tell anyone what happened. How could I have? MS. MALONE So you haven’t talked to her since? CHRIS Well, not exactly. She managed to corner me one night. She had a vague memory of what happened. I guess it came back to her or something. Can that happen? Anyway, she was upset. I told her she was crazy. I told everyone she was crazy. (pause, looking down) We never talked after that. MS. MALONE I see. Did Amy ever press any charges against you? CHRIS I-I told her that if she told anyone they wouldn’t believe her. I was scared! I was just a scared freshman. I think I scared her too. I don’t think she ever told anyone MS. MALONE What makes you say that? CHRIS Let’s be honest. This is a small campus. If something like that got around... MS. MALONE What do you think would have happened? CHRIS Well, I definitely wouldn’t have seen as many girls in the past four years, that’s for sure. MS. MALONE Do you date a lot, then? CHRIS Not really…I guess…I’m not really sure what you mean by “date.” MS. MALONE Do you go out with a lot of girls? CHRIS Oh, no. No, we don’t go out much. MS. MALONE Have you been sexually active since the incident with Amy? CHRIS I don’t know how comfortable I am with this…is this going to get back to my parents? Or my professors? MS. MALONE Nothing leaves this room. Sometimes it’s nice to have someone to talk to, no? CHRIS Well, I’ve never really talked about this stuff before. But yeah, I’ve been sexually active. MS. MALONE With about how many girls? CHRIS (pausing in thought, counting on his fingers) Ten, Twelve maybe? I’m not positive. MS. MALONE Do you find the incident with Amy affected your sex drive at all? CHRIS It did. Yeah, it definitely did. MS. MALONE How so? Was it difficult to spend time with a girl after Amy? CHRIS Not really…it was sort of the opposite. After Amy, I…Well, Amy- that was my first time, you know? After that, I just wanted to hook up with different girls. MS. MALONE Were you ever concerned the same thing would happen? CHRIS I guess…I guess it did concern me. MS. MALONE Were you able to overcome that? CHRIS Yes. MS. MALONE So it never happened again? CHRIS (pause) I have class…maybe I should go now. MS. MALONE Of course. Would you mind answering my question before you go? CHRIS Well, I really don’t know if I feel comfortable. MS. MALONE Did it happen again? What happened with Amy? CHRIS Yeah. Yeah, it did. MS, MALONE With how many other girls? CHRIS Well, like I said, I’m not sure. MS. MALONE You’re not sure? CHRIS No, like I said, ten, twelve maybe. All of them. MS. MALONE It happened again? The same thing that happened with Amy? CHRIS You can say it. Nothing’s going to happen to me right? So you might as well say it. I raped them. Well, not rape rape. I didn’t hurt them. I just didn’t listen when they said no. They liked it. MS. MALONE How do you know? CHRIS Look, I know you’re a psychologist but…I don’t have to be politically correct do I? MS. MALONE Of course not. CHRIS Girls play all kinds of games. They say “no” in that cute, girly way and they don’t mean it. Society just tells them they shouldn’t be sluts, so they try to make it harder for us. They wear slutty clothes and practically non-existent underwear and drink too much. They know exactly what they’re doing. MS. MALONE You believe all those girls wanted to have sex with you? CHRIS They wouldn’t have been in my room if they didn’t. None of them have pressed charges, have they? They knew why they were there. MS. MALONE Perhaps. Now, you said when the incident with Amy happened freshman year, you were scared? Why was that? CHRIS Amy was different. That was…an accident. I didn’t mean to do that to her. I liked her. But that situation taught me a lot. About girls, how they work. I think Amy pretended not to remember what happened, just so she wouldn’t feel bad. That’s when I started understanding girls. I hurt her a lot, I think. (pause) Was I…was I the reason? MS. MALONE In my experience, most people who commit suicide are severely depressed. And depression can’t usually be attributed to one cause. So I’m afraid I don’t know how to answer that. CHRIS Sure. But, the note. What did it say about me? MS. MALONE Amy’s family would prefer I didn’t share that information. Can you tell me anything about the other girls? CHRIS There’s not much to tell…they’re just…girls. MS. MALONE How do you meet them? CHRIS Parties, bars. Places where I don’t know a lot of people. It just works out better that way. No mutual friends, no one asking me about it the next day. MS. MALONE That must be difficult on such a small campus, no? CHRIS I guess I never thought about it that way…I mean, you can’t go picking any random girl. That would be dangerous. (chuckles) MS. MALONE How so? CHRIS Think about it. Any girl you meet could be your roommate’s girlfriends’ friend, or something that like. So that’s why I started developing a way to go about picking girls. I had a scare once, so I had to be more careful. MS. MALONE A scare? CHRIS Yeah, this girl Alyssa. I met her at a bar one night. She was a freshman. I figured she wouldn’t know anyone I did. Except…afterwards, you know, after we were done…she said to tell Mike hi. Mike’s my roommate. I freaked out, because how was I supposed to know they had stats together? I mean why the hell was Mike taking stats anyway? MS. MALONE So, you were afraid Alyssa would talk to your roommate? I take it your roommate didn’t know about your sexual habits? CHRIS God, no. He’d never get it. Alyssa never talked though. You need to make sure you pick young, always young. MS. MALONE Any other rules? CHRIS Sure. Always go for freshmen if possible. Never pick…the loud one. You know, the leader? Groups of girls always have one leader and she’s usually an attention whore. So never pick her. Never use that “date rape” drug. No drugs, ever. Alcohol, always. I could go on. MS. MALONE How did you come up with these rules? CHRIS One day I was eating by myself in the cafeteria. They had these napkins, with this information for girls about date rape. They had this list of ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts.” I looked at all the ‘don’ts’ and I figured out what girls would be good to pick. The kind of girl that usually doesn’t get attention from a guy, you know? MS. MALONE Mmmhmm. Let’s go back. After what happened with Amy, how did you decide to continue this behavior? CHRIS The thing with Amy happened toward the end of the year. When I went home for the summer, I decided to start dating my ex-girlfriend, from back home. She wanted to…you know, but I couldn’t. I just didn’t get that same rush. That feeling of power. Knowing that I was in complete control. It all happened on accident, but…I liked it, to tell you the truth. MS. MALONE So you kept it up? CHRIS I never wanted to be a rapist, if that’s what you mean. I don’t consider myself a rapist. MS. MALONE But you’ve admitted to raping almost a dozen girls, haven’t you? CHRIS I don’t hurt them. It’s complicated. I don’t hurt them, though. I wouldn’t do that. MS. MALONE Do they ever hurt themselves? CHRIS I wouldn’t really know…I-I don’t know. Look, is it my fault? About Amy? I need to know. MS. MALONE Do you think it’s your fault? CHRIS I don’t hurt them. I’m careful not to! All I do is hold their shoulders down. Barely a bruise. Maybe cover their mouth, but usually they don’t scream. MS. MALONE Why do you think that is? CHRIS Because of how I pick them! MS. MALONE Oh? CHRIS It’s so obvious! Pick a girl- an insecure girl. They’re so insecure, they won’t tell anyone. They think they deserve it. And if they think that- they’re right. MS. MALONE How can you be sure that once you’ve picked a girl she’ll go back to your room with you? Do you ever force them? CHRIS How stupid do you think I am? No, it’s all about carrying yourself in a certain way. Of course I don’t go home with every girl I choose. I’m not that good. MS. MALONE How do you carry yourself then? CHRIS It’s all about pretending to be a quiet, sensitive, slightly dorky type. I’m about six feet tall. I’m good looking, but not great looking. I’m a white, middle-class male. People generally trust me. I mean, all I have to do is play the dorky angle and I’m in. Never pop your collar. You can’t look sketchy. You have to pretend that hooking up is the last thing on your mind. MS. MALONE How do you do that? CHRIS Find something in common with them. A band usually works, a movie. Go on about it so that they keep talking, but don’t touch them- don’t give them any idea that you want to take them home. Be patient. MS. MALONE And then? CHRIS Then, it just happens….Usually I’ll pick a real band that I actually like. Most of the girls I pick, they listen to the same kind of music I do. I don’t plan it that way, it just happens. I mean, I guess it makes sense because I pick girls that I’m attracted to, right? Anyway, get them talking about the band. Then I’ll say I have a live album on my computer. I let them suggest that we go listen to it. I never ask them back, they always suggest it. MS. MALONE You find things in common with these girls. Do you ever find yourself developing feelings for any of them? CHRIS No. MS. MALONE Never? CHRIS You can’t…treat girls that way if you like them. You just can’t. The girls I…you know, they’re…objects to me. Yeah, more than anything I think they’re objects. You know what I mean? MS. MALONE Certainly. So is this something you plan on continuing? CHRIS I don’t…plan this… MS. MALONE You don’t? What about your strategies? CHRIS I-I don’t know. I just do it. I don’t plan on doing this my whole life. I…I just do it. MS. MALONE You talked about pretending to be quiet and sensitive. What are you really? CHRIS I’m… I’m not sure what you mean. MS. MALONE Who are you? What do you want to be? Where did you come from? CHRIS I don’t talk about this stuff much. I guess…I have a lot of friends. People trust me. They like me, I think. I make a lot of jokes. There’s nothing…well, you know, nothing special to tell. MS. MALONE So you feel there’s nothing special about yourself then? CHRIS That’s not what I said. I mean, I’ll be fine. Whatever I choose to do, I’ll succeed. I have a 3.7 you know. MS. MALONE I see. But why pretend to be someone else? CHRIS It’s…easier. It can be fun, too. Sometimes when I go out, I’ll think of what my backstory is. I’ll pretend that I come from this perfect family, that I’m this nice guy, no problems at all, just a guy who likes to talk about his favorite bands. I like that guy. Once we go back to my house, I’m me again. But out, I can be whoever I want. MS. MALONE At the beginning of our meeting you said you didn’t have any problems. Was that true? CHRIS No, I mean, everyone has problems. I guess mine are kind of stupid. My parents got divorced when I was little. And I know what you’re thinking…get over it, right? But ever since, my mom just lets guys treat her like crap. She wants a husband, you know? I always thought my mom was stupid. But then with Amy…I knew that’s how girls just are. MS. MALONE How is that? CHRIS Amy thought it was her fault. And it wasn’t! I told her she was crazy. I wanted her to fight back, to tell everyone, to not let me get away with it. But sh-she thought it was her fault, you know? MS. MALONE Do you think you raped Amy to test her? CHRIS I never thought of it that way before. But yeah, maybe. Maybe I did. I liked her. MS. MALONE How did you feel when you heard about her suicide? CHRIS I felt…sick. I know it’s my fault. I need to know what she wrote! Please, can you just tell me? Nothing leaves this room, right? So you could just tell me. MS. MALONE You know I can’t do that. What about the other girls? Were you testing them? CHRIS No. After Amy I knew I could do this a million times and get away with it. And I just couldn’t, you know, get excited otherwise. It’s messed up, I know. I mean, think about it…on such a small campus. How could you get away with it? But I do. MS. MALONE Are you proud of that? CHRIS Yeah, I mean, who wouldn’t be. You wouldn’t think someone could do this so many times and keep getting away with it. But it’s just like anything else. There’s a system. There’s a formula. MS. MALONE Are there any other rules? CHRIS They’re all pretty obvious. No last names. I usually use a fake name, but Chris is common enough that it doesn’t matter. The real key is what you do afterwards. MS. MALONE And what is that? CHRIS Make them feel like it’s their fault. Make them feel like something they said, or wore, made you get the wrong idea. Apologize. Not too sincerely, but say “sorry.” Blame it on alcohol. They’ll feel bad and they’ll usually be too embarrassed to tell anyone. MS. MALONE Are you always conscious about what you do in these situations? CHRIS Of course. I don’t like to take too many chances. I’ve never told anyone about this before. It feels weird to be saying it all out loud. I know it makes me sound…bad. MS. MALONE Why do you think that is? CHRIS Come on! I’m sitting her telling you about all the girls I’ve forced sex upon. You’re a woman. Do you feel safe with me? Don’t you think I’m a horrible person? MS. MALONE I’m here to listen, Chris. I don’t pass judgment. CHRIS But what if I told you I planned to keep doing it? What if I told you I was going to do it tonight? What if I did it to you, right now? MS. MALONE I’m here to listen, Chris. And I don’t think you are going to rape me. CHRIS Why not? You have something I want. I want to know what that note says…I could, you know. I could. MS. MALONE Is that why you keep raping, Chris? Is there something the girls have that you want? CHRIS You mean besides the obvious? MS. MALONE Yes. What is it that you want? CHRIS (long pause) (quietly) I want a do-over. MS. MALONE I thought so. Why? CHRIS I know that if I tried this crap with a really loud, bitchy girl she’d report me before I could get my pants back on…but I just wish that these nice, quiet girls would… MS. MALONE Do you mean to say you want to get caught? CHRIS No….maybe…I don’t know. I just want them to have some self-respect. MS. MALONE You haven’t respected them, have you? CHRIS (angry) It’s not my job to respect them! They need to realize…prince charming isn’t coming. Guys are going to be shitting on them their whole lives…it’s their responsibility to do something. Not mine. MS. MALONE Are you saying you’re not responsible for the rapes? CHRIS Yes and No. They dress like whores. They drink too much…they…know. They know what they’re doing. And then they say no at the last minute. If they meant no…they’d have the self-respect to do something about it later. But when they keep quiet…it motivates me. I’m going to keep doing this until I’m convinced no means no. MS. MALONE Has Amy’s suicide convinced you? CHRIS The opposite. She gave up. She never talked to me again. She was scared of me. (pause) Look at me. I’m nothing to be scared of. MS. MALONE Why do you think she was scared of you? CHRIS She said so. I got mad. I told her if she was scared of me she should leave. She was crying. MS. MALONE How did that make you feel? CHRIS I wished I could take it back, you know? I wished I could have drank less…thought more…something. But I knew I couldn’t. MS. MALONE Amy wouldn’t forgive you? CHRIS That’s the thing! She kept asking me what she did wrong! She kept wanting to talk about it, she wanted to know if I was ok. It made me sick. MS. MALONE What did you do? CHRIS I told her to leave me alone. I told everyone who knew we were dating that she was crazy. I made up a story. I said she lied about some other stuff. I figured I needed to be the one to talk first in case she tried to tell anyone. MS. MALONE But she didn’t? CHRIS No, like I said before. She never told. She should have. She still had feelings for me I guess. MS. MALONE What makes you say that? CHRIS The way she looked at me. Whenever I saw her on campus after that, she’d just look at me. I’d hide under my hat or pretend not to see her. (beat) She always looked sad when I did that. I know it’s wrong, I do. But…I couldn’t look at her. Every time I did, I’d see the same thing. MS. MALONE And what was that? CHRIS The bruises on her shoulders. The way her face looked when she cried. Those images will never leave my head. No matter how many times I try to do it over. MS. MALONE Maybe she had images in her head, too. CHRIS I know that! I just…I need to know if I was the reason she… (quietly) I need to know. MS. MALONE Well Chris, I’m sorry to say I’m out of time. I have other students to meet with, I’m afraid. You could come back next week, if you like. My door is always open. CHRIS No thanks. You’re sure what I’ve said won’t get me in any trouble? MS. MALONE Of course it won’t. Though I’d recommend you begin some kind of therapy. When you’re ready. CHRIS Alright. Sorry to take up so much of your time. (gets up and begins to leave) MS. MALONE Oh, and Chris? CHRIS Yeah? MS. MALONE In her note…Amy specified that you be given a message CHRIS Really? MS. MALONE She wanted you to know that she forgives you. CHRIS I’m sorry to hear that. I really am. (Chris exits) (Lights down) |