Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1063263-The-Dentist
by zefo
Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1063263
a greatly exagerated maybe-true stroy about my trip to the dentist
Strange things happen at the dentist. Don’t ask me why, but they just do.

It started off as a normal day. I woke up half asleep, and my sleep self said I shouldn’t go to school. That I should just sleep. I was going to listen to it, when it mentioned killing something. I didn’t think it was such a good idea to listen to feelings that said kill.

Then a regular boring day at school.

Now, things get interesting. As I was leaving I hear some one calling "hey, hey you lazy runt"

. It’s marshal, wearing a suit made of money. I asked him what he was doing there

"Why, dealing with the devil (AKA, the school) you need a ride?"

I ignored the assassination attempt on "the school" in the background. Just another poor soul for the hole. I hear Mr. Right would be turning the spits the next day.

"No, mom's coming to get me. I have a dentist appointment."

On the ride over, Carly tried to persuade me to the dark side by starting up a conversation. I’m sorry to say I took up that conversation, although it was about Stephanie, the evil tyrant of the kingdom called 'our room'. I swear she was raised by goblins. She even looks like one. She’s been stocking up the larders and barring the door. Preparing for war, I think. To bad she eats all her food instead of storing it. To bad for her.

I arrive at the dentist, dark and foreboding. I could hear the screams from outside. I enter, and the door slams shut behind me. The thing at the reception desk gives me an evil look and a cheesy smile.

"We’ve been expecting you"

They lead me into the back and strap me to a chair, they ready their tools and I can see in their eyes that they love what they do.

I'm doomed



"Kathleen? What are you doing here?"

"I sold my soul to them!"



All hope lost, all I can do is watch in horror as they ready their tools. Then I remembered something.


I reached for the skittles in my pocket, I was so close! They were already working on my teeth, but I know if got them I had a chance. Yes! I had them!

"Taste the rainbow!" I screamed and threw one at him. He screamed and shrank back in pain. I rushed to Kats side and popped on in her mouth, but there was no time to talk. I ran for the door, dragging Kat with me. I came to a screeching halt, for standing in front of the door was the most horrifying, hideous creature ever (besides Stephanie). It stared at me with 6 beady black eyes. It was covered in ugly, greasy hair, huge jaws dripping with poison. It was a thing of my nightmares, a giant spider! I couldn't move, I was to scare!

"RAAAAR!" Kat let out a fierce battle cry, and slashed at the spider with a piece of paper!

"NOOO! PAPER CUTS!" the spider scurried off in fear.

Kat and me burst through the doors, out in to the warm sunny daylight. Freedom!

"Ashley, I have to go back. There’s so much good I can do there. I can help people, and I can spy for the good guys. Plus they give me my pay-check."

"I understand."

I gave her my best wishes, and hoped they never figured out she was faking it.

Besides, I had my own war to fight, with the goblin queen of 'our room'

The End
© Copyright 2006 zefo (zefo at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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