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TWIZTED - A STORY of FOURPLAY PART 1 The screen is black.... We hear heavy breathing.... We hear moaning and groaning.... We hear whispered sex talk.... FADE IN: INT. DIMLY-LIT HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT We can hear a man and woman in the heat of passion. A fluorescent sliver coming from the bathroom is the only light in the room. The camera follows the hastily- discarded clothes strewn across the floor, until it comes to a nightstand, where we see an expensive RADO watch and a pair of diamond earrings. "Me And Mrs. Jones" plays in the b.g. over the stereo. The woman is becoming louder and more guttural. In due course, she drowns out the music. WOMAN {Deeper, big daddy.} The bed rocks and squeaks loudly. They have been at it for a while, as evidenced by the sweat on their bodies. She is on top of him, pumping vigorously. In profile we see her body moving up and down against his. Her full breasts, cast in silhouette, hang near his face. In the dim light, we can't see their faces clearly, merely parts of their bodies -- her buttocks slamming against his pelvis, his muscled chest, his legs, her head jerking back. She grabs his hands, interlocking their fingers, and pins them to the bed. C.U. of her HAND. We see her WEDDING RINGS gleam in the partial light. WOMAN {Tell me you like it!} We do not hear his voice clearly. It is raspy. MAN Damn!! You know I love it, baby. Give it to me. The man is on the verge of climaxing, when he quickly flips her over, and throws her to the bed. We get a clear glimpse of his muscled buttocks as they flip over. WOMAN {Ooh-yeah-that's-it-get-it-ooh-damn!} His voice is still husky and not clear. MAN {Whose is it?} She's REALLY getting into it now, and begins to speak in ENGLISH AND SPANISH. WOMAN Yours, baby! It's yours, baby! Take it! {Ooohh, baby -- that feels so good! Ooohh, Vencedor!!} C.U. of woman’s WEDDING RINGS. Meticulously-manicured fingers dig into the soaking wet sheets. C.U. of man’s WEDDING BAND. Still in semi-darkness, we see him rear up on his hands, rapidly thrusting his pelvis, as they climax simultaneously -- they are spent. FADE TO BLACK: CREDITS START: NOTE: The letters in the title come out of the b.g. one at a time and slowly twirl/spiral toward us until they spell the word TWIZTED. The letter 's' in all names slowly fade and turn into the letter 'z'. EXT. MIDDLE CLASS NEIGHBORHOOD - MORNING (NEXT DAY) Well-maintained, green lawns, people are leaving for work. A lady is jogging. A DOG makes his way home, after running the streets all night. Tranquility reigns, until we hear a sudden yell -- AJA (o.s.) MOM!! INT. TEMPEST HOUSEHOLD - MORNING AJA TEMPEST, sixteen, a spoiled daddy's girl, and very pretty, is dressed in the trendy clothes of the day, which includes an OVERSIZED JACKET. Her complexion is more Hispanic than Black. Being sixteen, she feels that she has outgrown a lot of the things she used to do. She approaches her mother and attempts to speak to her. JACQUELINE (o.s.) Good morning, beautiful. What's the yelling all about? JACQUELINE TEMPEST, 36, a thick, brown-skinned, voluptuous woman with an ample butt, is rushing through the kitchen, on her way to work. We see every part of her body except the face. She opens the fridge. Jacqueline's back is toward us. Aja (looks doleful) Mom, do you have a minute? You got home late last night, so I couldn't talk to you then. Warren looks at his daughter, and then curiously, at his wife. He did not know she was out late last night. WARREN (sotto voce) Where was I at? (aloud) Jacq, aren't you going to eat breakfast with us? I thought you didn't have to go in until 10 o'clock. WARREN TEMPEST is 35-years of age, uxorious, tall, light-skinned, with hazel eyes, has sandy-colored hair, and works hard for what he has. Loves his daughter and will do anything for her. JACQUELINE I'm doing my workout at the company gym this morning. I have a change of clothes at the office. She turns around and we SEE HER FACE FOR THE FIRST TIME. She takes another sip from the glass of orange juice. She has a lovely face to go along with the gorgeous body. She is simply beautiful -- stunning. She has big, doe eyes and luscious lips. Even unmade-up, and wearing a sweat suit, she is striking. Her heritage is obvious in her facial features. Jacqueline (smiles; ) {I'm sorry, dears, but I'm in a hurry.} She grabs her purse from the counter top. JACQUELINE (continues; to Warren) Warren, can you see what she needs, dear? Warren stares at the door as it slams shut. Aja flops down in a kitchen chair. She has a sad look on her face. AJA {She never has time for me.} WARREN (he feels the same way) Aja, don't say that about your mom. She's busy with her new job, and she's trying to stick to her diet. At the mention of the word DIET, we notice a peculiar look on her face. WARREN (continues) And you know you can always talk to me, babygirl. What's on your mind? Aja I know we talk about everything all the time, el papá, but this is different. I'm sorry. She gets up from the table, with a sullen look on her face. Warren Okay, honey, but if you change your mind, let me know. I'm always here for you. She KNOWS that. Warren gets up from the table and picks up his keys and a briefcase off the counter. Warren (continues) Well, I'm going to be late if I don't get a move-on. You want a ride to school or will you be riding with your friends? (beat) You need money? Aja (picking up her backpack) Don't worry, Dad, I have a ride -- I could use some lunch money though. Warren pulls out several bills from his wallet and hands her a ten; she takes a twenty from his other hand. He kisses her on the forehead. He TRULY LOVES his daughter. We can FEEL this whenever they interact. AJA (continues; reacts to the kiss) Dad! CREDITS END: DISSOLVE TO: INT. COMPANY GYM – MORNING VICTOR AUXVASSE is a hard-driven man, who has 'paid the cost to be the boss' and now he is on the verge of loosing it all. He is a man driven by two things -- power (through wealth) and his image -- respectively. He is practicing his martial arts with a sparring partner. With only a muscle shirt and shorts on, we can see that he is smooth-muscled, with an athletic, yet powerful build. He is in his late thirties. He is very SELF-ASSURED. Spinning on his bare heel, Victor's right foot swings high. His opponent quickly blocks the blow with a padded glove. He attempts to counter by sweeping Victor off his feet. Victor avoids the strike by jumping over his opponent's leg, and retaliates with another high kick. His partner dodges the kick. His opponent grabs Victor in a clinch and accidentally butts him. The butt bruises more than his brow. His EGO -- his IMAGE is bruised. Victor becomes furious over the hard blow and drives a flurry into the man's body. He slams the man on the jaw and the fighter falls into the ropes. Others in the gym stop to watch. GYM ATTENDANT MR. AUXVASSE! MAN#1 (to man next to him) What's wrong with him? He just went crazy on that guy! Victor continues to attack the man, as he shuffles backwards, to escape the barrage. He is kicking his partner's ass! The gym attendant bounds into the ring. GYM ATTENDANT MR. AUXVASSE! Sir, take it easy! It was an accident! He pulls Victor off of the man. We can see the anger in his face -- he is INTENSE. He snaps out of it and reaches for the man’s hand; helping him from the canvas. VICTOR (to sparring partner) Hey, I'm sorry, Wesley. I have a lot on my mind -- see you next week? His sparring partner nods his head 'yes'. EXT. ABOVE THE CITY OF ATLANTA – LATE MORNING Camera pans down on the city. Over this we hear "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" by Tears for Fears. The camera continues panning across the Atlanta skyline and approaches a 30 story building. In large letters across the side is the word TTEXSYS. It does a 360 and zooms down toward the edifice. It comes to the outside of the 20th floor window of the office building and shoots THROUGH the window, and into the office proper. INT. LUXURIOUSLY FURNISHED CORNER OFFICE – LATE MORNING We see Victor, talking on the phone with someone. The camera zooms in on his back and then swings around to his front. As it does, he turns his back to the camera and faces the large window. He is dressed in an Armani suit, and wearing a VERY expensive RADO watch. The office is decorated with extravagant artwork and furniture. Lining one wall is a case filled with numerous martial arts trophies. On his desk is the first $1000 bill that his office made, encased in a thick piece of solid glass (this exemplifies his excessiveness). There is also a newspaper opened to the stock page. Circled in RED is the market symbol 'TTXS'. VICTOR (loudly into headset) Look, Bill, we talked about this already! You were supposed to have those numbers on my desk yesterday! If you want to continue to be employed, I would advise you to get this done ASAP! C.U. of his face shows that he is concerned about something, and he is a man use to being in control. He hangs up the phone and calls his assistant over the intercom. VICTOR (continues) Rita, have the driver bring the limo around front in ten minutes. EXT. TTEXSYS BUILDING - LATE MORNING P.O.V. is from the waiting car. The doorman opens the door and Victor exits the building, putting on his shades as he does so. VICTOR (continues; to doorman) Thank you, Efrem. EFREM You are quite welcome, Mister Auxvasse. He tips the doorman a 20 and walks PASSED the camera. The camera swings around and we see that the limo is a $360K Maybach. The driver is standing with the rear door open. Victor enters the car and the door closes behind him. INT. LIMO - LATE MORNING Victor picks up the car phone and speed dials someone. VICTOR (into phone) Look, Sam, I don't care what you have to do, but I need to know what they are planning on doing to me. I received reliable information from someone, and they are after my head, but I need details. SLOWLY FADES TO: EXT. SIDEWALK CAFÉ - NOON We see Victor and a woman sitting under a large umbrella, in bright sunlight, having lunch. People are walking to and fro on the street. She is wearing a big-brimmed hat and shades. We see their hands touch affectionately across the table; they both have WEDDING RINGS on; he is wearing a RADO watch. Her face is HIDDEN by the hat and umbrella. All indications tell us that they are married to one another. VICTOR So, how is the new job coming along? She smiles at him. She has a pretty smile. Waiter has tray in front of her face and we see only the lower part of her face. Her lips are very sensuous and inviting. She is wearing classy, red-colored lipstick. It is sexy but not overly so. She is wearing an expensive white dress with matching hat. VERY STYLISH. WOMAN (not pleased) It's going okay, but I wish I could have kept my job at TTexSys, so I could be close to you. VICTOR C'mon, baby, you know I'm a stone sucker for you when you pout those pretty-ass lips and flash those big eyes, but this is one thing I can't give in on. And I had to pull a lot of strings to get you in there. (beat) You know that wouldn't be good for our image, Jacqueline. People will think you are getting preferential treatment from the boss, and start to talk. Considering our tenuous situation, we don't need that to complicate things, do we? She does not reply. He quickly changes the subject. VICTOR (continues) Baby, did I tell you that TTexSys is holding its annual financial meeting in Dallas next week? WOMAN No. You hadn't mentioned it to me. A smile appears on her lips. The hat still conceals part of her face. VICTOR I thought that might cheer you up. Well, they are, and we have first class accommodations for the entire trip. Can you get away? WOMAN It should be no problem. I'll see what I can do. P.O.V. changes to across the busy street, looking toward the couple, where we see a mysterious woman in shades and a scarf, dialing her cellular phone. Her expression tells us that she is REALLY PISSED about something. Betty Wright's "YOUR HUSBAND IS CHEATING ON US" subtly plays in the b.g. EXT. GATED, AFFLUENT, AREA OF ATLANTA - AFTERNOON RING! RING! RING! (O.S.) A grandiose two-story house, with giant, Spanish moss-laden trees neatly lining each side of the walkway, leading up to the house. A Mercedes and a Chrysler 300C sit in the driveway. A gardener is working in the large yard. Continues ringing (O.S.) RING! RING! INT. AUXVASSE HOME - AFTERNOON The home is luxuriously decorated and lavish pictures line the hallway. The camera moves through the house until it comes upon the phone, which continues ringing. It is sitting on an ORNATE phone stand. RING! RING! ANNA (she has no accent) Hello. Auxvasse residence. She listens to the caller, her mouth agape. ANNA MARTINEZ is a Mexican American lady, in her late 50s. Among other things, she is Mrs. Auxvasse’s personal assistant, and has been taking care of the Auxvasse family for many years. She KNOWS the Auxvasse's and handles most of their affairs herself. This is different. ANNA (continues; taken aback) One moment, please. She puts the phone down and hastily walks toward the back of the house, passing exquisite artwork and priceless statues. An oversize chess board sits on an elaborate stand. We closely follow her quick-paced walk. She exits through a French door, into the pool area. EXT. POOL - AFTERNOON ANNA (continues) Ma'am, I know you wished not to be disturbed, but I think you will want to take this call. MONICA AUXVASSE, a stunning 34-year-YOUNG Black woman, is lying on her stomach on a lounge chair near the pool. She's dressed in a white, one-piece bathing suit with a wrap around her waist. She doesn't have a job and hasn't worked since she got married eight years ago. Next to her, sits a half-empty glass of ice tea and a radio, playing some relaxing jazz. We SEE HER FACE for the first time when she rolls over onto her back. Her features are stunning. She is wearing shades. MONICA Gracias, Anna. ANNA {You’re welcome.} Anna goes back to the house. Monica Picks up the phone from the table. Monica is ‘bossy’ by virtue of her high-maintenance lifestyle, and from having people at her beck and call, because money DOES talk AND makes things happen. However, at the same time, she is a good-natured person, but lately she has been FRUSTRATED due to inattentiveness in the bedroom. MONICA (into phone; irritated) Hello? If you are a telemarketer, I will have your job by the end of... There is a long silence. She removes the shades and we can FEEL, as well as see, the anger and rage growing in her. MONICA (continues) Look, whoever this is, I am very busy, and I do not have time for games. EXT. DOWNTOWN STREET - AFTERNOON At first, reluctant to speak, when she does speak, there is great sadness in her voice. CALLER (hesitant) Yes -- you don't know me -- but I just thought you should know -- your husband is cheating on –- us -- on you. From the caller's p.o.v. we look across the street, where the couple has finished their lunch and are preparing to leave. The black Maybach pulls up to the curb. EXT. POOL - AFTERNOON Monica (shocked) Who is this? A bewildered look appears on Monica's face, and she is becoming VERY agitated -- VERY quickly. She sits up. Monica (continues) Who the fuck is this!?? EXT. DOWNTOWN STREET - AFTERNOON There is a moment of silence. The caller considers hanging up. She glares across the street at the couple kissing goodbye, and changes her mind. This woman is FIIIINE. EXT. POOL - AFTERNOON Monica (continues) Listen, I don't know what kind of sick joke you are playing, or why, but if you call here again, I will call the police. Monica is about to hang up, when -- SPLIT SCREEN: CALLER (slowly gaining conviction) How do you think I got this private number? (beat) I know you don't want to hear this, but it is true. I'm his ex-mistress. When he got tired of me, he kicked me to the curb. And right now he is having lunch with his new concubine. Just thought I should let you know – woman to woman. MONICA You're out of your mind, heifer! My husband wouldn't do anything like that; he gets all he needs at home. Long silence. MONICA (continues) Why are you doing this? You don't know me or my husband, so why are you doing this to us?? Is it money you want!? CALLER And if you still don't believe me, this should convince you. I know that he wears boxers and he has a birth mark on his right thigh. Again there is silence, on both ends of the phone. Monica's expression is confused. Her cavalier attitude is gone, as quickly as it came. CALLER (continues) Now, I know what you are asking yourself -- is this a disgruntled employee who saw him working out in the gym, or am I telling you the truth? She pauses, waiting for a response. CALLER (continues) Well, I also know that he dresses to the left. She pauses again. CALLER (continues) I wish you the best of luck, Mrs. Auxvasse, you are going to need it -- goodbye. Monica's expression changes to shock. Monica Wait a minute. I... We hear the phone hang up and a tone. Split screen disappears. INT. AUXVASSE HOME - EVENING Monica is talking with her girlfriend. DAVENA McFADDEN, 31, is a thick, light-skinned woman, who is dressed in a casual dress. She has a cherubic face and a carefree attitude. She is single and enjoys being that way. DAVENA You wanted me to come by after work; what you want to see me about, girl? Davena is seated in the living room, flipping through a beauty and fashion magazine while Monica is in the kitchen, getting drinks. MONICA Who you kidding, girl? You haven't worked since we got out of school. You have all your men doing your work for you. Monica walks into the living room, carrying drinks. DAVENA Look who’s talking, Miss Prissy. You haven’t lifted a finger to work yourself. MONICA Anyway, I didn't really want anything. We haven't talked in a while and I just wanted to catch up. How are things going with Jermaine? Monica sets the tray on the coffee table. She sits down on the love seat, across from Davena. On the coffee table we see a set of CAR KEYS. DAVENA (eyeing her friend warily) Hhmph. Yeah, we haven't kicked it in a while. That brother is last month's news. MONICA Why, girl? I thought you two were clicking. DAVENA We were, until I found out he exceeded the one-baby waiver. MONICA Girl, you need to quit. DAVENA You know I love kids, but three was a bit much for me. And the bad part is, they all had different mamas. Can you imagine the drama? MONICA (taking a sip of her drink) So, who are you seeing now? DAVENA You remember Raheim from the twelfth grade? MONICA (a sad smile) You mean 'fine-ass' Raheim? DAVENA Yeah. That's the one. He's even finer without the football uniform on. And that athletic supporter was (more) packed, girl. (beat) Moni, I know you better than that. Something is wrong. I could tell by your voice on the phone. And look at you, girl. She pauses, expecting a response from her friend. DAVENA (continues) You are the fashion plate for all of Atl., and you looking like you just finished shopping at the half-off sale at the 99 cent store. They laugh, when suddenly Monica blurts out, in tears -- MONICA (sadly) I think Victor is having an affair. The laughter stops. DAVENA (feigning disbelief) Girl, what? Monica Yeah. I mean -- I'm not sure, but I got a phone call from a woman, saying they used to be lovers. I didn't know what to think at first, and then I started thinking about the last time we made love. Her friend is not sure of how to respond, and attempts to lighten the mood. Monica picks up the car keys. DAVENA How do you go that long without getting any? After one day without it, I'm ready to jump on the first thing swinging my way. Monica doesn't answer; she just looks at her. She begins twirling the keys around on her finger. DAVENA (continues) I'm sorry, girl. But you knew how Victor was before you married (more) him. Did you think a wedding ring would change that? She intentionally disregards the question. Monica Dee, I'm not joking. (beat) He told me he had erectile dysfunction and that he was waiting for his appointment to come up, so we haven't had sex in 120 days. She begins sobbing. Davena comes over to comfort her, and puts her arms around Monica. DAVENA Maybe it's just someone playing a phone prank. Maybe a pissed-off employee. Davena removes some tissues from a box and hands them to her. She continues sobbing. MONICA (taking the tissues) I wanted to believe that, but she knew too much about him. The woman knew that he dresses to the left and about his birth mark. DAVENA She could have guessed that, because a lot of men dress the left side first. Monica No, girl... She indicates the crotch area, signifying a penis hanging to her left thigh. MONICA (continues) ...he 'dresses' to the left. DAVENA Oh. Is that what you call that? (beat) According to this informant, he is involved with someone else, right? Monica (starting to sob more) Yeah. (beat) Look, Dee, I knew how Victor was when we got married, but it’s different when someone puts it right in your face. DAVENA I think you should check into it yourself and get your own proof. You have too much to lose based on the word of someone you don't know. But you know you can't trust these pretty men, girl. And Victor is very... Monica (wiping tears away; becoming angry) Eight years we have been married and he does something like this? Davena stares at the keys for a moment, not sure what to make of them. C.U. of keys twirling. DAVENA Moni, look... She does not hear her friend –- she continues twirling the keys. Monica ...1460 times... C.U. of keys twirling on her finger. MONICA (continues; sniffles) ...2 hours... Davena grasps her hands to calm her down; looks into her face, feeling her friend's pain. MONICA (continues; wipes tears) ...5 times. DAVENA What are you talking about, Moni? Monica The number of times we made love -- the longest we made love -- and the most times we made love in one day. Her friend continues trying to bring levity to the situation. DAVENA 1460 times in 8 years? Girl, you should consider yourself lucky. You know anybody that gets it every other day? I guess he got the seven year itch a year late, huh? They laugh for a brief moment and then Monica begins to cry in earnest -- tears of sadness and ANGER. She tenses up. MONICA (unexpectedly) FUCK IT! In a flash, Monica jumps up from the couch and bolts for the door. For a split second Davena looks at her, puzzled. Then, she quickly figures it out, and she’s in hot pursuit. DAVENA (yelling) Don’t do it, Moni! The door almost hits Davena, as Monica flings it open and runs out. She runs out behind her. DAVENA (continues; yelling) Moni, you don’t want to do this! EXT. AUXVASSE HOME – EVENING MONICA Like hell I don’t! Monica runs toward the Chrysler, brandishing the keys. DAVENA Moni, there’s another way to do this. You don’t get him by burning his clothes –- or running up his (more) credit card –- or keying his car. You get him by doing the same thing to him as he’s doing to you. Monica raises the key up over her head. She’s still crying. MONICA What are you talking about, Dee? DAVENA Put the key down –- and let’s go inside and talk about it. There –- is –- another way. She begins to calm down. Davena slowly gets close enough to grab the keys from her hand. DAVENA (continues) That’s it, girl -- let’s go inside.... DISSOLVE TO: INT. AUXVASSE HOME - LATE EVENING Some time has passed and it's getting late in the evening. Monica is wondering why her husband is not home yet. With the aid of some Cognac, she has calmed down, but is still sobbing a little. They are sitting at the dining room table, after finishing dinner. DAVENA Girl, stop doing this to yourself. Once you get proof and you find out he really is messing around, then you deal with it. Besides, you still have some nice curves for a 34-year-old. You could still work it. Maybe get you a young stud, like Demi. Monica is quite disheveled by this time. Make-up is running and she looks beside her, normally refined, self. Monica But, that's just it... I don't want to leave him. Her friend pauses for a moment -- not sure how to respond. DAVENA I'm serious about that, Moni. You know, I heard this old song on a blues station the other night... Monica, caught up in her grief, looks at Davena, puzzled, trying to figure out why her friend is talking about a song, when she is experiencing a significant emotional event. DAVENA (continues; unabated) Well, in this song the singer is telling a story about how this one guy is having an affair with this other guy's wife. And by the end of the song, the wife and husband of the two people who are doing the nasty with each other, get together and start an affair. Monica gives her a dumbfounded look. Monica Huh? Girl, what the hell are you talking about? DAVENA I'm just saying... ANNA (O.S.) Ma'am, is there anything else you need before I go? Monica looks in the direction of the foyer. Monica Thank you, Anna. There's nothing else. I'll see you tomorrow. ANNA (O.S.) . We hear the door close. Monica I know what you are saying, and it is unthinkable. I couldn't do that -- I'm married. I haven't been with anyone else since we started seeing each other. DAVENA I'm just trying to help. Monica Dee, we both know you have more men than you can count on two hands... (they laugh) ... but I'm not that type of woman. And you know that. Davena gives her a forlorn look. Monica (continues; apologetically) I know you mean well, but I could never do anything like that. Besides, I don't even know if she is married. They hear a car pulling up to the house and Monica looks out the window, to see her husband coming up the driveway. Davena I guess it's time for me to be going, girl. You probably want to have some quality time with him. Monica goes to the bathroom to check herself in the mirror, to make sure there are no signs of her grief showing. DAVENA (O.S.) (continues) You going to be alright? MONICA (yells back) Yeah. I'll be okay. As Monica is opening the door for Davena, Victor walks into the house. Victor (giving Davena a curious look) Hi, Monica. Victor gives Monica a kiss on the cheek; she slightly pulls away from him. He doesn't notice. Victor (continues) Hi, Davena. Davena (dryly, to Victor) How's it HANGING, Vic? (to Monica) About time I LEFT, Moni. VICTOR (spiteful) Davena, you know me well enough to know I do not like to be called 'Vic'. Monica gives her the “you need to quit” look. As Davena walks out to her car, Victor continues into the living room. Monica waves out the door to her friend. Monica Bye, girl. I'll talk with you tomorrow. Davena Okay. Call me if you need me. And remember -- don't get mad, get even. Smiling, she closes the door and goes into the house. |