Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1061859-Our-Story
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #1061859
Lovers come together on the beach at twilight. Slash.
Kneeling down in the sand, I closed my eyes and drew in a deep slow breath; the salt from the water and the fresh air filling my lungs; relaxing my tired body. I ran my fingers through my hair and blinked my eyes open to see the sun slowly starting to sink behind the water. Sitting down completely, I leaned back to watch dusk fall over the California beach; happy and content to be there, and feeling almost like I was part of the scene; not just watching it.

My mind swept over the past few days, and when my memories presented me with his picture, I felt butterflies land comfortably in my stomach. There were those deep brown eyes looking at me gently, and those soft big lips smiling; slightly parted. Even just allowing myself to see them in my mind made me long to touch him, to look in his eyes; feel those lips pressed to my own in a heated kiss filled with the passion and desire that had been building between us from the time we both hit puberty.

Smiling softly I blew the bangs from my eyes and laid down in the sand; not caring for once about it getting in my hair. My eyes again fell closed, and my mind continued to drift over him. I could see him clearly before me; standing in our room in a pair of low slung plaid pajama pants and shirtless; his soft long hair billowing beautifully around his shoulders, and his defined chest rising and falling in smooth even breaths. I could almost feel my hands resting softly on his hips; their favorite place to be, squeezing them gently between my fingers. If we had really been there together, I would have by now had my body tightly against his, and my lips would have been pressing soft pleading kisses to his neck; asking desperately to feel his strong arms wrap around me, and his fingers pushing teasingly into my back.

Soon I found myself so completely engrossed in my daydreams that I hardly noticed when he joined me; the only thing that gave him away was the sinking feeling that came with his feet pressing into the sand so close to my body. Even though I knew he was there, I kept my eyes closed; knowing that when he wanted me to see him, he’d tell me.

I heard him sit in the sand beside me, and my heart jumped in my chest as I felt his hand creeping very slowly up the inside of my bare leg. After allowing myself to see those visions in my mind, the touch of his hand on my skin started to very quickly drive me crazy. I let out a quiet moan, and my legs seemed to part slightly on their own. “Shh...” was all he said, and I knew he didn’t want me to make another sound.

Frustration mounted inside me from the restriction he placed on me when I felt his hand inching up underneath the leg of my shorts, and I had to concentrate hard to swallow the sounds that were desperate to escape from my throat.

My lips parted softly when his warm soft lips pressed a kiss to my collarbone, and I fought to contain myself as his teeth sank in, and he began to suck gently on it; intending to leave a mark, but wanting to take his time.

Swallowing hard, my chin tilted up and my back arched; his fingers now pressing through the material of my boxers, against my balls. Another moan raced to my throat, and I found my fingers digging into the sand to keep control of it. My mind spun and my chest started to rise and fall rapidly as his fingers slipped under my boxers and brushed against my balls lightly.

I wanted to ask him to really touch me, to really let me feel his hand wrap around my shaft, to give me some kind of relief to the intense pressure that I found building; but I knew better. I knew that I couldn’t make a sound until he told me to, and the aggravation that continued to grow within me only made my arousal worse, and the need to be vocal stronger.

His lips left my collarbone, and traveled hot tongue kisses along my neck and up behind my ear. His breath was hot against my throat, and he once again latched his mouth to my neck; this time letting out his own soft moan. It was done only to tease me and to push my limits farther, and to express my frustration I kicked my heel against the sand.

I soon felt a sharp bite from his teeth, and his free hand slapped my side; telling me not to do it again. The pain seemed to only increase the desire within me, and I breathed hard to try and gain some kind of semblance of control over myself.

Suddenly he took his hand from my body and I knew he had sat up, due to the fact that I could no longer feel the weight of his body on my own. Biting down on my lip to keep myself from begging him to at least give me the teasing sensations from a moment before, I breathed hard and the air came out of me in quick sharp gasps; frustration showing every time I exhaled.

His hand gently cupped my jaw, and his thumb moved in slow circles over my cheek. I could feel him lean down close to me again, and his lips pressed to my ear, “Open your eyes…” he whispered; the hot moist air from his mouth hitting my skin and leaving goosebumps where it had landed.

My eyelids slowly lifted, and I looked at him from under my lashes. His hair was down, and falling in gorgeous blond waves over his tanned skin and those deep brown eyes looked at me with a pleased expression written in them. Knowing I’d made him happy made the feelings of frustration suddenly worth it, and I continued to breathe hard as I smiled up at him.

He leaned over me and his hair brushed against my neck, and I once again found myself fighting the moan in my throat. “Its okay for now…” he whispered; his lips brushing against my own, “I love you.”

My heart’s pace quickened rapidly when I heard that, and I couldn’t help but tilt my head up enough to capture his mouth in a slightly desperate kiss. When our lips parted, I let my eyes open again, and the glow from the setting sun made his features look slightly golden, and I couldn’t help but allow my eyes to wash over his beautiful body. “I love you too…” I whispered quietly; my voice thick and low from the desire that was still mounting inside me.

He grinned at me; his smile soft and lazy, and bent over me to give me another gentle kiss. His lips didn’t move too far from mine when they pulled away, and his eyes sank into my gaze. “Tell me what you want,” he asked quietly; his lips brushing lightly over my own.

I let out a low moan, and tilted my head again to kiss him; but he pulled away too fast, and my mouth ended up kissing the air. Sighing, I let my head fall back against the sand, and I continued to watch him as my mind raced; trying desperately to come up with some sort of answer for him.

He raised his eyebrows as he waited for my response, and his fingers snuck up my shirt; tracing tiny patterns through my treasure trail; making it once again difficult to think. Forcing myself to clear the fog from my mind, I swallowed and bit my lip for a moment. “You…” I said quietly after another minute, “I want you.”

He shook his head, and his hand moved to my side and he pinched the skin. A rapid jolt of pain sped through me, and I whimpered softly from it. “Not good enough,” he told me quietly, “How do you want me?”

I felt myself straining against my shorts; pain beginning to once again build from the pressure, and I had to suck in a slow breath to try and take my mind off of it, “Your mouth…” I said in a quiet tone. I felt another sharp pinch, and a groan slipped out from my throat. My mind was reeling and my thoughts came to me muddled from the agonizing teasing he was putting me through. “Your mouth…” I said again; my voice slightly more sure of myself than before, “on my shaft.” I got out before looking up at him, “I want to feel myself inside your mouth.”

He smiled softly and leaned back down to my lips; kissing me passionately as his tongue parted my lips and entered my mouth. Mine swept over his, and my body shivered at the amazing feel of his silky tongue. He began to explore the inner recesses of my mouth as his hands slid under my shirt; his fingers sliding in smooth motions over my skin; goosebumps forming under his touch.

A soft whimper came out of my throat as his fingers continued to travel up my body, and my hips thrust upward as they took my nipples between them and jerked on them hard. “Oh God…” I breathed out quietly as his mouth parted from mine.

He laid down so that his body was completely covering my own, and his mouth once again covered my collarbone; this time on the other side. His hips dug into my own, and his hands went to hold mine. He ground against my hips in slow circles, and a low moan came racing from my throat; my whole back arching upward from the amazing pressure I felt from his groin against my own.

“Say it…” he whispered; his lips still against my skin, “I want to hear it.” His hips pressed harder against me, and another sound came out of me as I fought to keep my thoughts as coherent as possible.

I didn’t speak right away, and soon felt sharp pain spreading through my hips and straight between my legs as his fingers dug into my sides. I groaned and thrust against him before swallowing to try and rid myself of my dry throat, “Please…” the word came out raspy and full of air as I could hardly find enough thought to speak.

His fingers dug into me again, and my body jerked underneath him, “Please who?” he asked as his hips dug into my own.

I whimpered and tried to breathe as my mind worked on once again getting words to flow from my lips. It didn’t work, and I found myself only capable of a low mumble from the back of my throat. This time his teeth sunk into my neck, and jolted me into concentration, and I groaned in appreciation. “Please Zac…” I managed to get out.

Relief once again filled me as he lifted himself up enough to reach between us, and he undid my shorts quickly. He sat up and looked at me with bright eyes, “Good boy.” He whispered before bending to kiss me.

I moaned into his mouth as I raised my hips and felt him lowering my shorts and boxers off of my hips and down my legs. I helped him kick them off, and my knee accidentally brushed against the bulge in his own shorts. He groaned, and grabbed my leg; holding it with my knee bent, and pushed himself onto it.

I watched him in appreciation as his eyes closed and his head tilted back. I loved the look on his face when he was enjoying himself. I found it to be one of the most beautiful things I’d ever seen. His lips parted, and I pressed my knee farther against him as he moved his hips over it, and he let out another moan.

Finally gaining control over himself again, he pushed my leg back down and smiled at me before crushing his lips once again to my own. As we kissed, he managed to get my shorts off of my body, and soon I could feel the sand against my skin; scratchy and soft as I moved slightly under it.

Lifting his mouth from my own, he unbuttoned my shirt and pushed it off my shoulders, “I want you naked,” he whispered to me as I sat up to pull it off. I let go of a soft noise; loving to hear things like that from him.

Once I was completely undressed, he stood up and took a step back from me. The cool breeze that was coming off the water made my body shiver, and my penis twitched slightly. It was fully erect, and aching to be touched. As I laid still and watched him, I felt my fingers flexing as I wanted to feel some kind of relief as I waited for him.

“Ask,” he said simply as he tugged open the drawstring on his shorts. He stood still and rested his hands on his hips as he looked down at me. I could feel his eyes washing over my body, and blushed when I saw them rest between my legs.

I bit my lip and let out a small whimper, “Please?” the word came out of me more easily this time, “Can I?” I raised myself up on my elbows and looked at him; my eyes pleading as my swollen bottom lip slipped into a slight pout.

He raised his eyebrow at me as he walked between my legs and pressed his toes against my balls; causing me to groan and fall back against the sand. “Can you what?” he asked; his eyes boring into my own.

I cried out as I felt his toenails pressing into my sensitive skin, and my hips jerked violently upward, “Can I touch myself?” I asked; my voice coming out in a strained whine. I looked up at him and frowned slightly as he chuckled.

Backing up again, he nodded and stood in front of me; his toes pressing lightly against the heels of my feet. I let out a sigh and lifted my left leg; bending it at the knee. Sitting up on my elbow, I blew the bangs out of my eyes and watched him as my right hand reached down between my legs. My fingers grazed lightly over the underside of my shaft, and my head couldn’t help but fall back against my shoulder; a low moan ripping from my throat. I kept my eyes on him, and smiled slightly as he drew his plump bottom lip between his teeth, and my hand slowly wrapped around my shaft. I knew I had to take my time, as I was so incredibly aroused by this point, that it wasn’t going to take much for me to hit my release, and I knew he wouldn’t like that.

Keeping my grip light, I dragged my fingers slowly up and down my shaft, and my chest heaved for air as relief and pleasure raced through my entire body. My eyes stayed locked on his, and I darted my thumb out over the head to catch the now large amount of pre cum that was pooled there, and spread it generously out over my shaft; moaning softly as the new acute sensation caused by the slight lubrication sped through me.

I tightened my fingers’ grip, and brought my hand from base to tip slowly; squeezing harder as my hand came up; concentrating the pressure at the head of my penis before quickly dropping it down around the base.

“I love you” I moaned out as I continued to assault my body; looking up into his now desperate gaze. His feet stepped forward slightly, and I knew he wanted to touch me, and that alone made me let out another low noise in the back of my throat.

I tugged hard on my shaft, and my face contorted as pain sped through my body at a rapid pace. I loved the feel of it, so I did it again; this time flicking the head of my penis with my thumb nail. Breathing in sharply, my head lulled back, and my hips jerked forward slightly. “Stop…” he said in a gravelly tone, “Fuck… stop...”

I opened my eyes and looked at him through my eyelashes. He was now kneeling between my legs, and his intense eyes were burning into mine. He bit at his lip and took my hand off of my shaft and pushed me roughly back into the sand; a look of hunger so fiercely written on his face that I almost felt scared for a moment.

Groaning, he leaned down and kissed me roughly; drawing my bottom lip in between his teeth and he bit and sucked hard on it, making me moan loudly. He wasn’t touching me, but I was so engrossed in the kiss, that I hardly noticed. By now his tongue was thrusting deep into my mouth, and I lifted my head up and pressed my lips more tightly to his own; wanting to feel it as far down my throat as it would go.

Suddenly my hips were being lifted in his hands, and my legs rose to rest on his shoulders as his mouth parted from mine. “Sometimes, you don’t always get what you want…” he said as a devilish grin spread over his lips. I let out a quiet whimper as his face drew closer to mine and I wondered what he meant. The answer came in a quick hard jolt of pain as he thrusted violently inside of me.

My back arched as I felt myself stretching to accommodate him, and I let out a loud cry. He stopped his hips once he was buried inside, and leaned down to give me a soft loving kiss, his own moan filling my mouth; our lips vibrating together.

When our mouths parted, he nudged his nose against mine, and I felt tremors of emotion come over me and I reached up and buried my fingers into his hair; bringing his mouth down to my own for another heated kiss. “I love you” I whispered against his lips before crushing them to his own.

Soon he started to move his hips against mine, and I felt him pushing and pulling inside me. A low soft noise came out of me, and I arched my back farther; tugging him deeper inside. “Holy fuck Tay…” he whispered as he thrust in and out of me. He buried his face in the crook of my neck, and kissed my throat softly; a huge contrast from the hard movements from his hips.

My fingers tightened their grip in his hair and I couldn’t help but let out a series of my own moans; my head spinning from the amazing sensations that were filling me from head to toe.

I bit down on my lip as I felt his abdomen brushing against my shaft, and shifted slightly so that it hit it repeatedly with each movement from his body. As my fingers once again tugged on his hair, he let out a low deep moan, and I felt his lips vibrating against my throat. “Harder…” I whispered; loving the pain that hit my body with the move of his hips, and I wanted more of it.

He complied without hesitation, and his hips moved hard and fast, and my head once again spun out of control. I could feel my thighs and abdomen starting to burn due to the contact of his stomach on my shaft, and I knew it wasn’t going to be long.

He lifted his body up from mine, and sat up part way on his knees. His fingers dug into my hips, and he raised them slightly higher. Moaning in slight frustration from the loss of contact on my shaft, I pleaded at him with my eyes. He shook his head and smiled before aiming slightly higher, and thrusting in as deep as he could go.

Crying his name out loud, my back arched high, and my eyes squeezed shut tightly. He’d hit my prostate hard, and I wanted him to do it again. Before I could voice my request, his hips thrust hard and he did so, making me call out his name in a high sharp tone as my back once again arched high; my shoulders pressing into the sand.

Fighting with myself, I forced my eyes open, and breathed hard. By now my lungs were screaming for air, and the burning sensation in my chest caused another moan to erupt from my throat.

He continued to thrust hard against my prostate, and it was enough to make my penis twitch and burn as I raced closer and closer to my release. Without warning, all of the heat centered in my balls, and they lifted and tightened. My body stiffened in his grasp, and I yelled out as my orgasm sped through me, and I came heavily; hitting his chest and stomach.

He continued to push his hips in and out of me, and when I came down; I lazily opened my eyes and breathed hard as I watched him. He lowered himself back down to me, and kissed me passionately; love physically filling me from the kiss, and I returned it just as strongly into my own.

His body started to jerk slightly, and he thrust harder and faster into me, and I knew it wouldn’t be long before he finished. I laid my head down to the sand, and my fingers buried once again in his hair as I watched him. I loved the look in his eyes as he moved inside of me, and relished in the soft noises that continued to come from his throat.

The stars were now shining above us, and the moon glowed around his features beautifully. I loved it when I hit mine first; it meant that I could watch him enjoy himself, and that to me was just as good as hitting my own release.

He bent down to kiss me again, but his lips never reached my own. Instead, his breath came out in hot rapid gasps across my mouth, and I smiled; keeping my lips a certain distance from his so that I could feel his breath on my skin.

My fingers curled tightly into his hair, and another moan raced from him. His lips drew nearer to mine, and I tugged his hair back to keep them from reaching them. I had a feeling that I might end up paying for it later, but gaining this slight amount of control over him felt good.

Sitting up a little, my lips pressed against his ear, and my tongue flicked out over his earlobe. He was pushing harder and faster now than he had before, and I moaned softly at the feel of him driving in and out of me, before whispering in his ear, “Come on… cum for me.”

That was all that it took for him, and I soon felt his entire body grow rigid, and then without warning he shot into me; moaning loudly as he shook with the force of his own orgasm.

My back arched a final time as I took what he gave me; the force of his hot cum causing one last tremor of pain to hit my body. I groaned at the feel of it, and smiled up at him lazily.

Pulling him down to me, I finally kissed him hard; feeling the sense of relief that came from him as our mouths touched. My hand was still buried into his hair, and the other arm wrapped around his back. I drew tiny patterns over his skin as we both caught our breath and let our heartbeats settle.

When he finally sat up a little, I couldn’t help but look up at him and let a few tears fall from my eyes. Leaning down he smiled at me and kissed my tears away; his soft lips gathering them between them. I’ve always told people that I don’t cry, that I’m not a crier, but he knows I am. I will cry at the littlest thing if I feel safe around the person, and with him I know I can cry… and I do. As cheesy as it sounds, sex with him makes me cry all the time. No matter what kind of sex it is, it’s always filled with love and high strung emotions, and the only way I can let them out at the end is through tears.

After the tears stopped, he pressed his lips to my ear and whispered quietly, “You know… I should smack you for not letting me kiss you.”

I couldn’t help but grin. I knew that he’d say something along those lines eventually, and I couldn’t help but let my smile grow slightly cheeky when he pulled back to look at me. “Are you going to?” I asked as I twirled a strand of his hair around my fingers.

He raised his eyebrow, and his lips tugged slightly upwards at the edges of his mouth, “I’m sure you’ll know when I decide to or not.” He said before resting back down on top of me, “Right now though, I just want to hold you.”
© Copyright 2006 Oxygen_Desired (lyide at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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