Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1061645-In-the-Beginning
Rated: E · Prose · Fantasy · #1061645
This is the creation myth I wrote for the world in which I set my novel The White Flame.
There was never a time when the Three did not exist. Rhianna, Brahn, and Gwinn always were, and They existed in harmony.

Rhianna decided to create. She made land and water and sky, with sun and moon and stars to give them light. Then She made things to fill them - plants and animals for the land, fish for the water, and birds for the sky. Then She taught these things how to multiply, and bid them do so. Brahn and Gwinn were very impressed with Her work, as They had no skill to create.

Brahn saw that although life was good, the ability for it to be lost made it precious. He decided to destroy. He walked among Rhianna's creations and took the lives of each in its turn. Some He took soon, and some He granted long lives, but each came to know Him in their turn. He then taught each creature how to destroy some of the other creatures. Gwinn and Rhianna were very impressed with His work, as They had no skill to destroy.

Gwinn was not sure of Its place in this created world. It could neither create nor destroy, and It did not see what else there was for It to do. It walked forlorn acrost Rhianna's creation. It met some hounds that licked It lovingly. "We will cheer you," they said excitedly. "We are going to play the game your Brother taught us. It is great fun!" Gwinn did not wish to offend the creatures, so It tried to join them. But the hounds were swift as the wind, and It could not keep pace with them. It then met some horses that nuzzled it. "You are too noble to run about," they said reverently. "Let us carry You where You will." Gwinn did not wish to offend the horses, so It climbed astride one and bid it follow the hounds. Thus was created the first hunt.

Gwinn grew fond of the hounds and horses, and soon they looked to It more than to Rhianna. Still, though, Gwinn was unhappy. Besides the hunt, It had no purpose, and the living world did not fully satisfy It. So Rhianna created for Her Sibling a plane of Its own, a range of one hundred hills where the spirits of dead lives could exist. She also created for It a horse and a pack of hounds to patrol the hills - not truly alive, and therefor never to die, and Brahn taught the hounds the way to destroy any game that Gwinn might wish them to chase. Gwinn was very grateful to Its Sister and Brother, but was only slightly more happy than before.

Brahn saw this, and asked Rhianna what She thought that They might do. Rhianna suggested that She might create something with the help of Brahn and Gwinn, in hopes that Gwinn might be cheered by Its participation. The Three decided to create a complex animal.

They made two, a man and a woman. Rhianna created the bodies, giving them forms similar to those of the Three. Then each was given three driving forces. From Rhianna, they received the heart, from Brahn, the libido, and from Gwinn, the mind. Then Rhianna gave the two life. Rhianna, Whom the woman took after, taught them to multiply. Brahn, Whom the man took after, taught them to destroy other creatures. Then Rhianna and Brahn feared that Gwinn would again feel left out, but not so! An idea came to Gwinn. This complex animal allowed It to discover and use its own skill. Gwinn taught Man and Woman right from wrong. Later, when Man and Woman and their offspring were destroyed by Brahn, Gwinn judged whether or not they had done right or wrong during their lives. Those that were wicked became quarry for Its hounds, and those that were good joined Its hunt. At last, Gwinn was pleased. Rhianna and Brahn were very impressed, for they had no skill to judge.

The Three decided each to bestow a gift on the race of Men. From Rhianna, Men received Music, the ability to make pleasing songs, even more beautiful than those made by the birds. From Brahn, Men received Weaponry, the ability to use bits of wood, stone, and metal to destroy, or to compete with one another. From Gwinn, Men received Talent, the ability to slightly alter the natural laws that governed the land. From these three gifts arose the three High Classes, which devoted themselves to their god and to protecting the things created by Rhianna, revering the destruction of Brahn, and following the morals of Gwinn.

Thus it was that Creddarn, Men, and the High Classes came into being. Let it be known to all.

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