Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1061164-Fools-Finery-Epic-Crystalys-Part-1
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1061164
A traveling jester with a hidden agenda becomes the advisor to the mystical Snow Queen
A small trail winding behind me is the only thing that breaks the pristine landscape of unending snow. Large snowflakes fall silently to the ground, the air still, without a trace of wind. The kingdom of Crystalys is larger than I had first thought, and though the moon still hung high in the southern sky when I departed, a late evening sun caused the Snow Fortress ahead to cast shimmering shards of light in triple halos around it. Ever since I had left the southern pine forests it had shone, the fortress stark against the dark faces of the Shaidar crags. Fluted towers pushed impossibly toward the sky, connected by delicate crosswalks than seemed to hang effortlessly in the air.

I continued to trudge through the knee high snow, nearing the capital of all Crystalys. The high arch dwarfed the two guards who stood silently on either side of it. As was typical of most every royal guard, their faces were completely obscured by metallic masks, leaving only a narrow slit for their eyes to see out. A heavy hooded cloak covered their whole bodies, covered in a thin layer of freshly fallen snow. It was only right before I reached the front entrance that the snow was packed enough for me to get a solid footing.

I bowed in front of the men, stating my name and business. Just as quietly as the snow falls, the guards opened wide the doors with silent nods. Stepping over the threshold, I lightly tapped the snow from my boots and shook the powder from my coat before entering. I shrugged off the garment, a rag tag conglomerate of colorful leather swatches with an extensive amount of fur trim at the collar. What surprised me first was how warm it was inside this castle, even though the elegant walls were composed of tightly packed snow. The sculpted interior glittered like gems with every step. The floor shone like thick ice, or brilliant glass, though my foot never slipped. Intricate stairwells spiraled off into the vaulted ceiling, suspended by glimmering white pillars. I was startled as the gatekeepers shut the front doors behind me, the cold air ceasing with it. Yanking my gold and orange cap out of a weathered rucksack on my back, I crammed it on my head roughly, mumbling to myself as to break the eerie silence of Crystalys.

It was only after then that I noticed another presence in the vast hall. A short warrior slouched against a wall, her frame bedecked with the gilded armor of a distinguished guard. Wisps of wavy brown hair peeked out from under a tight fitting leather skull cap. Sure enough, the symbols of the Frozen Edge were apparent on her helm and and breastplate. Though her face was stern with a trained resolve, her eyes shone with an bubbling energy that I predicted could only be seen in pubs and on the battlefield. With a leisurely walk, she crossed over to me, extending her hand. Her head barely came up to my chest but even the way she strolled hinted at hidden strength and grace.

"You must be the visitor Our Lady has been expecting," She said, her eyes focusing on my hastily donned cap, "A jester, eh?"

"I must confess, I am such guest," I replied sheepishly, making a shabby flourish, still in my ragged travel clothes, "And here to jest."

"I am Staff Sergeant Javanelle, and I will be escorting you to Our Lady's royal hall. I'm sure you are anxious to meet her, coming on such short notice."

A shy nod of my head was enough for Javanelle to head down a glimmering passage way. I followed complacently and although Javenelle continued to empathetically describe the various places we passed, I heard and remembered little. Snowy globes lit the way, emitting a soft light from within their depths. Even the wondrous sights of the castle could not break me out of my thoughts. My mind was weighing and balancing the negotiations I would soon have with the Snow Queen. She had the potential of being a fearsome adversary or a powerful ally, but the cards had to be played exactly right. Since I'm used to changing at a moment's notice, and always enjoy displaying my sleight of hand, I slipped into my full fool's finery while the Sergeant was distracted. From the puffy shoulders to the curling toe shoes, I shone in the same gold and orange as my cap. Once she reached the doors that I could only assume lead to the Snow Queen's royal hall, I was rewarded by her widened eyes, betraying her usually stony warrior's facade.

"Well aren't you the clever one," She said smugly. I answered with a small smile and a curt bow, "Make sure you watch your airs in Our Lady's presence. Neither she nor General Sammei take kindly to arrogance."

"I'll do my best," I replied, shaking three colorful leather balls out of my right sleeve. Tossing them lightly into the air, I began to juggle, an activity that was so natural to me now that I found myself doing it without noticing. The familiar feel of the routine calmed my nerves. With one hand, Javanelle pushed open the icy entrance and with a deep breath and a shake of the head, I ducked inside

The vaulted ceiling of the room was dominated by a chandelier of impossible size. It cast its light through the myriad facets of crystal that hung effortlessly in the air. How it was suspended, I could not tell, though I would not doubt it was a manifestation of the Snow Queen's vast dominance over the frigid elements of snow and ice.

A stern frown greeting my entrance, accompanied by piercing eyes that gazed daggers at my approach. I returned General Sammei's look with a subservient bow of my head. Though I doubt she recognized my face, I had seen her lead the forces of Crystalys in the battle of Sienna Falls. Although she casually slouched against the wall, her trim body was tensed for immediate action if the need arose. Polished black boots shone brightly under heavy cloth pants. A leather jerkin, just as painstakingly polished, was visible beneath a heavy black cloak, its edge scant inches from the floor. Her silky black hair was bound up by two thin sticks in the shape of silver icicles. The streaks of red in her locks accented the severity of her expression. The handle of the legendary Frozen Edge that had lead countless warriors to battle, peeked out from above her right shoulder, a menacing reminder of her reputation. I could see a belt knife strapped to her thigh, within easy reach. Even though very few weapons were visible, I was certain a deadly arsenal was stowed away in various places. Though she commanded the legions of Crystalys, many said they would rather fight off every soldier in the kingdom then duel this woman. I had no doubt that even her hair accessories could kill a man from several yards away. She was nearly my equal in height, her almond eyes still focused critically on me.

The Snow Queen, whose back had been to the double doors when I had entered, now turned to see what caused her general to scowl. Upon seeing her face for the first time, it was all I could do to keep my colorful juggling balls in the air. The name Ella had brought nations to their knees, and caused an uneasiness in the most hardy of soldiers. Rumors abounded about her appearance, since the Snow Queen had rarely left her fortress since she began to rule. Everything ranging from a withered old hag to a monster of ice to a girl, her face frozen in emotionless youth. None of them could even come close. The light from the overhead chandelier reflected off of her light blue gown, dazzling my eyes. Her face, not withered or frozen, but nonplussed yet inquisitive, a small smile teasing at the edges of her mouth. Her soft brown hair was bound up with a simple crown. The glint of a turquoise gem flashed in the light as it dangled on her forehead. This was not any gem, but rather, the Sixth Shard. It was that crystal that augmented her elemental abilities to awe inspiring strength.

"You!" Queen Ella exclaimed, "You must be the jester. Jester Pollo, correct?"

She clasped her hands together. Her liquid blue eyes showed amusement but also, deep inside, a flash of a hidden pain. Gazing over to her second in command, she noticed that Sammei's predatory gaze had not left me.

"Up from the South and through the snow. I have arrived to start the show," I piped, hiding my juggling balls within my voluminous sleeves with a quick flick of the wrist, "But I wonder. Why is this great castle so barren?"

The Snow Queen opened her mouth to answer, but it was Sammei's voice the rang through the air.

"Our Lady's forces are gathered and await her word to drive a crushing blow to the people of the South," the general snapped, her body suddenly rigid and at attention, "I forsee victories for Crystalys and suffering for the Aeroians!"

"Foresight is a gift sometimes blind, even when sung in a rhyme" I replied, as Sammei's hand went instinctively to her belt knife, "A hasty attack on the south lands would mean great losses on both sides, something neither kingdoms can afford. If I may be so bold..."

Sammei opened her mouth angrily to retort, but Queen Ella silenced it with an upraised hand

"Please," she said quietly, "Go on."

I swallowed hard to rid myself of the lump that had grown in my throat.

"My liege," I began, "My travels have taken me quite recently from the South lands. Not only is it a wretched place, a wasteland scoured by torrential winds, but many complications arise with a full scale attack. Not only would the Blizzardin Borderlands cause much grief to your troops passage, but the Aeroians expect an attack. You are the closest to their borders and they have studied your techniques. An offensive siege always gives edge to the defenders. You may outmatch them in numbers and skill, but even at the best, your forces will suffer great losses, and your only reward will be a paltry desert!"

The general was seething with cold rage, her thumb running back and forth across the edge of her belt knife. Her gaze had gotten more deadly, if that was possible, and I was certain it was the queen's presence only that held her back. Queen Ella, her lips pursed in contemplation, gazed upward at her chandelier. "What, then, do you suggest is a proper course of action? I cannot let our troops sit and wait for our enemies to make their move."

Taking a deep breath, now more confident of myself, I continued. "By no means, my liege. I only suggest you set your gaze east, to the Hydronians"

"Never!" General Sammei blurted out, "The Slushish Borderlands are more than 3 days ride from here. The supplies needed are more than tripled! How can this possibly be a better alternative?"

"Supplies can be easily replaced, General," I retorted, "Men cannot. Not only are the Hydronian's forces separated, but they are the least likely to ever be attacked, beyond Crystalys." Many of the kingdoms armies have attempted to siege this fortress, that I knew well. Certainly, many of the mounds I had passed upon my arrival were the burial sites of many a soldier, the ever falling snow burying their battlegrounds forever. "Upon acquisition of the Eastern Sea area, the Hydronians have had all the water they could ever desire to aid their legions. They've dug a trench around their central kingdom, known as the Water Wall, and no army has been able to penetrate its defense."

"What makes you think that we will succeed where all others have failed," Ella said, her brow raised questioningly.

"Of all the elemental magics, yours is the most akin to the Hydronians. Many of their techniques can by foiled by simply freezing them. Your army can penetrate the vast Water Wall, surprising the Hydronians with a raid they could not have predicted."

The Snow Queen blessed me with a smile that seemed to warm the room. Sammei still looked discontent, but with a few whispered words from her Lady, she was off and running. As she opened the door to leave, Javanelle came tumbling into the room. She gathered herself up off the floor as gracefully as possible and murmered excuses. The Snow Queen just giggled a bit and smiled at her.

"Javanelle, will you please escort our guest, Master Pollo, to his room," Queen Ella said with a wave of her hand. I bowed out of the Queen's presence as Javanelle nodded and lead me out of the Royal Hall.

A small sigh escaped me as I followed on the Staff Sergeant's heels through more twisting corridors, each just as elaborately carved as the last. This move had been a daring one, but the dice had already been tossed. It was true that Hydronia's power was perhaps the greatest in the realm. A move by Crystalys could be just what the realm needs to stabilize again. Still, too many outcomes could fall from this decision, and the dice were still rolling. The Queen was harder to read than most I had encountered, her cool resolve was not what I had expected and I was still reeling from her surprising appearance. She still had not come out with why she had summoned me here, but I was not one to ask unnecessary questions. She was obviously a competant leader and powerful elementalist, but her goals were still unclear. Still too many unknowns to go frolicking into danger.

Javanelle's cheery voice broke through my musings. "Here it is!" she exclaimed.

I was so tired from the journey and my encounter with the queen, that I pushed past her, shoving the door open with my right hand. Javanelle cried for me to wait with a voice sharp with alarm, but it was far too late. My heart froze up as I heard the sound of a knife whistling through the air.
© Copyright 2006 SimpleJester (holypollo at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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