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Rated: E · Article · Spiritual · #1060708
God tells the signs of the end times. Hopefully this brings a little clarity.
When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. Thes are the beginning of the birth pains. You must be on your guard. (Mark 13:7-9)

There will be earthquakes in various places....hmmm that's interesting. Does everyone remember what happened December 26,2004? The great Tsunami that happened over in Asia was caused by a great earthquake. In the 10th century (that's 100 years) their was only 32 recordable earthquakes. Every year the earthquakes grew but just by a little bit, as far as the 18th century their was just only a few hundred earthquakes for the century. In the 20th century alone their was over 4000 earthquakes. If you check this website http://earthquake.usgs.gov/recenteqsww/quakes/quakes, you will see that within the time period of January 11-January 18th, their was a total of 137 earthquakes. Many of them over 4.0 magnitude in the world but none less that 2.5 magnitude. Their will be false teachers out in the world, a famous false teacher I believe is Maitreya who calls himself The World Teacher, but there are also many numerous ones to come. To me the most pressing matter right now is Iran and their nuclear weapons capability. Iran hates Israel and The United States of America. They think of the US as Big Satan and Israel as little Satan. This has to do with their faith and how they are to slay people that do not agree with Muhammad. Their is nothing we can do to stop all the events of the wars, famine, plagues, and false prophets. What we can do is preach the gospel, tell everyone about the love of Christ, get covered by the blood of Christ, and feel great about how soon the glorious reappearing will be. My one request is for you to study the word of god and keep his commandments for he says that he who keeps my commandments loves me.
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