Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1060440-A-Winter-Romance
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1060440
This is the first part of the story about a shy university student's love life.
A Winter Romance
Part 1

It was my first year of university, the year that is supposed to be full of parties, and most of all girls. Let’s just say that this isn’t the way that it went for the first three months. It wasn’t until the Christmas bug hit, which occurred when I had a major paper due. (Figures, eh?) I had been invited to a party, actually two parties, neither of which I was looking forward to attending. I blew one of them off, and decided to fake sick in order to get out of the other one, but something made me change my mind at the last moment.

I was studying in the library, surrounded by mountains of books, when a girl passed by. She was in my Stellar Astronomy class, and was absolutely brilliant. Not to mention that she looked amazing in every single color (though she looked most dazzling in blue), her extensive blonde curls, and the most radiant sapphire blue eyes ever born. I had never had much luck with the opposite sex, so I decided to stay clear of her path, and ache for her from a distance. Knowing that she would soon trace my gaze, which was situated intently on her voluptuous chest, I returned to my heap of physics homework.

I had just gotten started with a series of tricky equations, when Ms. Sapphire blue joined me at my table. I wondered why she found it necessary to invite herself to get acquainted at my desk piled high with textbooks. But I didn’t stick around to ask. It was a cowardly thing to do, but I figured I would end up living a real-life physics experiment, if I stayed sitting across the table from an elegant blonde. (If you get my drift…) So I packed up my stuff, and proceeded to return the borrowed books to their proper location. When I had returned, she was gone. Not that I was overly upset about this concept, but I didn’t want her to think that I was giving the cold-shoulder. I picked up my books and continued out the front door.

I didn’t realize until it hit the ground, that there was a lavender coloured sticky-note hanging off of my Advanced Calculus book. Generally I would notice such things, but I guess I was preoccupied with other things, and overlooked it. I reached down and retrieved it from the slush-covered pavement. The slush had soaked through the thin paper, but the silver ink was still visible.

Will I see you at the party, Saturday night?
I certainly hope so, because it could certainly make the evening for more enjoyable….
For the both of us
Room 648, Girls Dorm

Thoughts rapidly rushed through my head. Could this beautiful girl actually be implying that the enjoyable evening, (what ever enjoyable may entail, I’ll let my imagination run free later) could be spent in the company, of yours truly? I couldn’t imagine anyone that great looking wanting to waste her evening with me, Mr. Physics. I’ve been labeled as a geek my entire life, and she didn’t look like the kind of person to spend her time with a book-nerd. At that moment, I vowed to make it to that party - at all costs, even if it meant missing homework. Even if the note was a hoax, I’m sure that there would be someone to hang around with. (Besides, who can give up free food?)

For the next week, I tried to keep my mind focused on my work. If you think it worked, you’d be wrong. If you’ve ever been a teenage male, you know the thoughts that are rushing through his mind, 90% of the time. I’ve never had to deal with these thoughts extensively, but for that week, it was pure torture. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’d had those feelings for females before, but nothing quite that severe.

I paid particular attention to my hair the night of the party, a good part of the time it was either extremely strewn every which way because I hadn’t bothered to comb it in the morning, so I decided I would work at enhancing my appearance. Either way, it was going to be perfect tonight, because for once in my life, I impressed someone other then my mother. Just as long as I looked “tidy” and smelled good, because that’s what all girls fantasize about (good smelling men). I had to learn the hard way that women wanted good smelling guys, we won’t go into the details, but you can trust me that it wasn’t a pleasant experience.

I arrived a little after 9:00pm, so I wouldn’t look too anxious. I was almost shaking my dock-martens, when I knocked on the door. From my limited experience with parties, generally you could hear the party before you saw it, but in this case, it was completely opposite. My palms were sweaty, as a gripped the door handle, and twisted it open. I figured it was normal for partygoers just to open up the door and walk right in. I was greeted by an unexpected surprise, when there was nobody else in the room. The immediate thought that ran through my head was that this really was a hoax, and I actually fell for it. I contemplated exiting the way I came in, but my thoughts were interrupted by a toweled figure shuffling into the living room, and turning on some music. I cleared my throat, which made her stifle a scream, and jump a mile into the air. I turn around and face the wall, because I don’t think it’s appropriate to stare at the half-naked female standing in front of me. She blushed with embarrassment, and then rushed out of the room. I thought it would have been smart to leave, but I figured it would be more polite to apologize for barging in, and then excuse myself.

At this point in time, I was feeling very stupid. I should never of followed the lavender sticky-note, and I most definitely shouldn’t have thought that she had an interest in me. I was in the middle of my thoughts when she emerged from the hallway, leading to I assume her bedroom, fully clothed. (I’d never admit it to anyone else, but I was truly disappointed she didn’t come back clothed in the towel).

“I didn’t expect you to come, I always thought of you as a prompt kind of guy. And when you didn’t show at 8:30, I figured you missed my note”.

I was stunned at her voice, it suited her figure perfectly, innocent but mysterious in the same sense. I was still confused though, why had she invited me here if she hadn’t intended to have a party?

"I’m sure you’re confused why I invited you here”, she said, as though she read my mind. “But I figured it would be the only way I’d be able to get you alone, without you thinking strange things.

“See, I’ve noticed you like watching me.”

“Hey, before you think I’m some sort of stalker,” I stumbled out before thinking about what I was going to say.

“That’s not what I was thinking at all. Actually, (a brief pause) I realized that you noticed me, around the same time that I started thinking about you.” There was an awkward silence, the kind that only 10 year-olds must endure, and then she continued. “Hey, if you don’t feel the same it’s totally alright. I mean, I went out on a limb inviting you here. That, and I think I was in some sort of trance the night that I wrote that note. I actually wrote it, before I went to the library, hoping that I’d run into you. By the time that I had actually spotted you, I had forgotten what the note had said. And I apologize for anything that may have been deemed inappropriate, but I was just really hoping to meet you, in a way that you might actually consider. I figure you’re the kind of guy, that likes to sit home and read during these big social gatherings, (actually, so do I!) and even if I did manage to get the note to you, I figured that you wouldn’t want to go… but maybe you’d consider it because I had invited you. Then I chickened out, because I really did have a party planned for tonight, but it was at the other dorm room, and then.. ”

“Okay!!” I cut her off, but I couldn’t register everything at once. “I get it, you wanted to meet me but didn’t know how. Just hold on a second; you’re talking a mile-a-minute!”

Her face fell at my harsh comments.

“Don’t get me wrong!” I added quickly. “I have been watching you, there’s no hiding that. And I know you’re probably nervous, even thinking about my reaction, but I want you to know, it’s alright.” I half-smiled, and she smiled back.

I thought for a moment and carefully planned out my words. I couldn’t believe that this girl actually liked me. It truly was amazing. Her hair was pinned up with some sort of fang-dangled clip, and my lust got the best of me. For some reason or another, I found it necessary to reach over to her and pull the clip out, causing her hair to spiral down onto her shoulders. There were no words for what I was feeling at that moment. If there was a heaven, that was it. I felt nervousness float out through the top of my head, for gazing into her eyes gave me strength to move on, (It’s rather cheesy, but it’s how I felt). I just wanted to scoop her up into my arms and have my way her, right there on the kitchen table. But, I knew it wasn’t the proper thing to do, so I controlled my desire.

Before I spoke again, she was rising to her feet. Her eyes never left mine, and it was as if she floated across the linoleum floor, to right in front of the spot where I stood. I was significantly taller then she was, and it was a stretch for her to reach her arms around my neck.

“Maybe, we should go sit on the sofa”, she wondered aloud. By the sound of her voice, I think she knew that I was going to go crazy standing in the threshold of her apartment. Or, it’s possible that she pressed against the forming protuberance in my pants. I couldn’t believe myself; just her being close was arousing me. I can’t imagine what might happen if we were to go and sit on the chesterfield. I think about fleeing, but the yearning in my heart has taken over, and any logical thoughts had been manually deleted by the possibilities of getting lucky. I couldn’t believe I was actually thinking like this. Before I knew it the most beautiful girl that I know was leading me over to the sofa. I wasn’t sure of the proper terminology, but I think this voluptuous blonde, who actually wanted me the same way I wanted her, was seducing me.

“Where have you been all of my life?” I stammered out.

She giggled wickedly, pulled me close, and we fell into a heap onto the sofa.

Click Here to go to the next Chapter! *Smile*
"A Winter Romance (2)"   [18+] by musical_moo
© Copyright 2006 musical_moo (krysib at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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