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Fanfiction for the game Dark Age of Camelot |
Ok everyone, this is something new I've been working on. I have no clue where it's going, I just kinda started writing I guess! For those that don't know, this story is based from a game I play called Dark Age of Camelot, it's a MMORPG, my good friend Ann (aka Saeraphyna when we are in game) tends to write these nice short stories about our characters, and so now I'm gonna try my hand at doing an epic adeventure of sorts! Questions and comments are greatly appreciated, this is an unfinished draft and still not anywhere near complete! Nature's Conflux A single candle burned brightly, illuminating he small class room, it was late. The strawberry blonde druid came into better view as Xalin drew closer to her desk. "Another long night eh?" He asked quietly, walking up to the front of her desk. "Well, you know me, all work, no play, downright boring person!" She said lifting her head to give him a cold stare. The words stung, knowing it was her way of reminding him that she was still mad. She had already started to pack up her things for the night, deciding that he was in the way he turned to walk out. "What did you expect in coming here Xalin?" She asked as she lifted her book bag over her shoulder. "I don't know what I expected really." He replied, she had now moved up to within feet from one another, her hand on the door handle getting ready to open it. "Well that would be the point now, wouldn't it." She spoke softly, as she opened the door and stepped out, leaving the young man to his thoughts. He stood motionless, taking in the harsh reality of her comments. When he finally came too, she had already left the main city gates. "No use going after her now." He thought to himself. Keeshia was half-way to the guild house before she realized she was finally alone. Her pearl white stallion was breathing heavily and covered in sweat. Drawing him down into a light walk, the young druid cursed herself for letting him get so hot. By the time Keesh and her mount had made it to the guild stables, the pearl was already cooled off and tired. Removing his armor and other tack she blanketed him, tossed him some hay and stalled him for the night. "G'night Caesar" she whispered to him before she left. Leaving the stables she made her way to the guild house, no lights seemed to be on, meaning everyone had already left or was asleep. Opening the door as quietly as she could she lit a few candles on the table, then dropping her pack on the bench. Feeling hungry she wandered into the kitchen, seeing a covered plate of food had been left out for her. Having heard the druid, Saeraphyna groggly walked down the stairs, seeing a few of the candles burning and Keesh's pack next to them she sighed. Walking towards her favorite comfy chair, she dropped herself down, waiting for her guildmate to come out of the kitchen. Having poured herself something to drink, she backed into the kitchen door to open it, walking back into the common room. "Do you have any idea what time it is?" Saeraphyna said, in her usual slightly annoyed tone. Just about dropping her plate on the floor the druid turned to see Saer in the chair. "God Saer, don't do that to me. And yes it's around 1am, sorry if I woke you." "You know I barely sleep, anyway, these days it's you I'm more concerned about. This is the third guild function you've missed, we barely see you anymore. Ever since that kobold got to you, all you've been doing is teaching out in the Grove. We could have used your help in protecting the keeps you know." Her tone was soft and motherly. "Maybe I'm just not into that anymore. Besides it's been rather obvious I'm not really needed in your groups." She stated, matter-of-factly. "Well we are going to make due with what we have if your not joining us anymore. We are all concerened Keesh, we are worried that your trying to avoid what happened these last few months." Saer knew bringing up this subject would be a bad idea, but she had to talk about it at some point. It had been the last straw, she had talked for what seemed hours about what had happened to her. She didn't want to talk about it anymore, all she wanted to do was be left alone. "Well if this is how you all feel, then maybe it's time I moved on to greener pastures." She spat back, obviously ticked. Grabbing her knapsack, and plate of food the Druid made haste to leave the building for her own house. Saeraphyna sighed heavily and went to follow the young druid. "Keesh, will you stop this nonsense already, please." She called out, but the druid was too far to hear her. 'What a night' She thought having made her way to the cold empty home that was hers. Her older sister Kalania had long since moved out, and her own daughter was away at school. Having lit a few candles and setting down her food and pack, she proceeded to the bottle of mead at the center of the dining table. Pulling an empty glass off a shelf she poured herself a rather large glass of the potent beverage. It was almost nine in the morning, Saeraphyna was getting worried, Keeshia was not acting normal last night, that's for sure. "I don't know Cinir, she was just acting odd." Saeraphyna spoke, sitting across from the Shar Mentalist in the guild house. "Well you know how Keesh is Saer, she probably had a bad day or something." "No....this was something different. I've never seen her just go off like that, I didn't even say anything to her." She sighed. "Would you go and check up on her? I don't know if I'm the person she wants to see today." "Yeh, I have to make a stop at the market first, then I'll check in on her and come back to tell you whats up." He smiled warmly. "But if I may add in my thoughts, you two are both grown women, I don't see how you can't just talk to her like you normally do." "I don't know Cinir, something happened after her accident, she closed off, to everyone. Kal even agree's, this isn't like her, and I sure want to keep her from going back to the way she used to be." They both stood, and hugged. "Well then I'll be back then." He walked out the back door and towards the stable. Valterra was not too keen on visiting with Keeshia, these days she seemed to always be depressed, and he felt bad that she was so alone. Yet Kalania had asked him to stop by and remind Keesh that she was to have dinner with them tonight. He knocked on the door, once, twice, and finally a third time before he opened it. The druid was slumped over the table, and as quickly as he could he opened the door all the way and rushed to make sure she was ok. On the floor were at least 4 empty bottles of mead, and the stench of booze was all around her. Almost in a panic he didn't know what to do, going to the basement of her home, he used the teleporter back to Kal's home, thankfully she was awake and dressed. "Kal, umm.." God how could he tell her that her own sister was drinking. Sitting at the roundtable wide-eyed she awaited his words. "Kal, you gotta come with me, Keesh is well..." He stopped himself. "Ohh you just have to come with me, now." Having efficiently made Kal panic he spent the next few minutes reassuring her that Keesh wasn't dead. "You found her what?" the slender Mentalist asked. "Keesh hates Mead, we all know this, she doesn't even keep it in the house." She cursed hereslf for not seeing this sooner. Kalania didn't even bother knocking at the door, she knew Keesh wasn't going to answer it. She grunted seeing her sister slumped over at the table, the room smelled like booze and silently Kal cursed her sister for doing this. "Val can you carry her upstairs for me, I'm going to go make some tea." Valterra scooped up the druid and started up the stairs, while Kalania moved into the kitchen. When she entered the kitched to her surpise bottles of mead were strewn all over the place. Half the bottles were empty the other half were still full, she continued to curse under her breath as she put a pot of water onto the stove, and walked back to clean up the mess of bottles in the living room. "She's sound asleep in her bed Kal, you will probably want to remove her armor, figured you better do it." He grinned sheepishly, as he walked down the stairs and towards her. "I don't get it Val, she was doing good, she was happy, I mean I thought she was happy. I know I should have stayed with her." She sighed, as Val wrapped his arms around her in a loving embrace. "Sweety we all knew she was hurting, I mean you don't get over the things she had to go through. She's probably just stressed out and needed to relax." He spoke in a loving soft tone, trying his best to reassure her. "No, I don't think so, the kitchen, it's full of bottles of Mead, some of them are empty, they look like they've been there for weeks. I just don't know what I should do." She pushed away from Val's embrace to continue cleaning. "I know you have some stuff to take care of in Tir na Nog, I can finish up here, and I'll see you at home later." He nodded, moving up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist in an embrace." Everything is going to be fine, just don't be too hard on her." He smiled, turned her around and planted a tender kiss on her lips, breaking the kiss after a few seconds he let her go and started to the door. "I wont be too long, if I'm going to be I'll let you know by messenger." She nodded and he walked out the door towards the guild house. Kal wondered if she should just leave Keesh in her armor, it would be a fitting consequence for drinking in her battle gear. Then again she loved her sister too much, and decided it would be best to remove her armor, she finished up with the bottles, and proceeded to find her way upstairs. Valterra didn't know what urged him to Saeraphyna's house before the capitol city, he had a sinking feeling about Keesh's situation and decided the Warden needed to know what was going on. He knocked on the door, and waited for a few minutes, he was about to knock again when he heard the locks being turned, and the door swung open. "Valterra, what are you doing here? Kal got you running her errands already?" She grinned being playful. "Very funny Saer, and the answer is no...at least not yet. This is about Keeshia, Kal asked me this morning to remind her that tonight we were all having dinner, when nobody answered I opened the door, and well." He sighed. "She was drunk Saer, I thought she was dead at first, but there were bottles of Mead everywhere. Kal is there now, cleaning up, and what not, but I thought you should know what was going on." The look on her face is one of total confusion. Mentally she tried to put the pieces together, and realized the spat she had with the druid was probably because she had been drinking. "Thank you Val for letting me know, I will have to go and check on her after I finish breakfast." She said as calmly as she could. "Ok, I'll see you later then, tell Kal that I love her, and I'll see her soon." He walked down the stairs and to the guilds house and the porter. Saer knew that Kal could handle her own sister, but she was just too worried to not hurry over there to help where she could. She put aside her breakfast and made her way to the Druid's house, knocking on the door as softly as she could. |