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Rated: XGC · Draft · Adult · #1059327
It is still in progress people!! lol
here is the story, i also sent it to myself so i can work on it at home!!!

The Seven Keys to the Gate of Shadows-By Ayanna Walker

Book I The Beginning- The First Gate Unlocked.

Main Characters

Chani Anu’Dien

Chrys Anu’Dien

Chapter 1 Prelude-

“Sometimes, in the blink of an eye, your destiny can change. I know, it isn’t the right to consider infinity possibilities, but having your life in the hands of another puts things into perspective for you. As I am thinking these thoughts I realize my body is in limbo, over the final Gate of Shadows, unlocked staring into the abyss, almost…almost falling into it. That is when I hear the soft, almost unobtrusive laughter of the one who holds me captive, the one who has unlocked the Gates, to destroy the universe one final time. If I die, I realized, there would be no Big Bang, no heavenly cosmos to gaze upon on the darkest nights. In my head, I hear the soft psychic voice, making my brain tense in apprehension. “You see your death Chani, it is futile to resist. Embrace the Shadow, or embrace your own destruction!” I feel my mouth opening into a scream, not heard in many a night, many a life. The psychic fire growing stronger and stronger, I can feel my soul slipping away falling, shattering like so many shards of glass on the pavement. Like water cascading down an endless terrain…Then, I fall…and fall…and fall…

I am awake, laying in a cold sweat, safe in the silken sheets enfolding me like a protective barrier….Every night for the last 17 years the same dream. The same hopeless feeling…death is my destiny…there is nothing I can do to stop it….

Chapter 1- Destiny Comes Calling

“To understand the future we must understand the past. To understand the past we must understand the present or else, there is nothing, and in the nothing is everything we hold dear”-Calichien Brokmore, High Councilor of the Nine, Representative of House Anu’Dien.

The woman gritted her teeth, grinding them silently in the pain of childbirth, her High Maidens quietly chanting the Mantra of Nikolatium to ease her pain, and even without this, she knew her pain would ease and pass. Her body tensed as she bore down for one last push, as instinct and contractions commanded her to do their bidding. She gave in to the rush, the adrenaline of birthing. She collapsed on her back as the tiny sound of a newborn cry engulfed her ears. Immediately as if some unseen force possessed her, she shot upright and pushed, giving a shrill cry to the heavens. A soft tiny whimper and cry was heard. “My Lady it is a boy! Praise be!” “My Lady it is a girl!! Blessed be!” The joyful noises settle into a compressed and hushed silence, filling the room with silent static. The twins were placed in her arms, but she could hear the thoughts of the Maidens as if they had spoken out loud. She could feel their doubts, and unease about having two heirs to the Keys of Shadow. The woman who gave birth managed a tiny smile. Were they already forgetting who and what she was? Did they so easily forget their place?

Did they so easily forget what has been preordained for generations? For many a millennia?

She could feel her strength returning to her as if she had pressed her soul to the heavens, and it giving her the energy she needed. She spoke softly, but the power in her voice was not to be contested. “Quickly, calm yourselves. I am Ela’hei Anu’Dien, Leader of the Nine, Priestess of the Sacred, Guardian of the Seven Gates of Shadow. Most High of House Anu’Dien. Finder of the Keys to the Abyss. And these, these little ones are my heirs, Chani…Chyrs…welcome. I have waited for you for 45 years.” She laid back down breathing softly. Telepathically speaking with her children who stared at her in perfect comprehension. “All that I have is yours, and all that I give is yours to bear.” She closed her eyes, in blissful sleep all was as it should have been just as she foresaw it.

Suddenly it was all over, said and done. She awoke to find the children gone, she quickly struggled out of bed, groggily, she moved to the nursery, pushing the elaborate silk hangings out of the way. She called for the twins. Not hearing an answer she panicked her heart rate accelerated by fifty beats a second, thin sweat broke out on her body, for she had dreamt the children has been killed. She called out their names a second time. She heard a soft giggle and a rumble on the floor. “RWARRRRR!!” Ela’hei screamed clutching her heart and laughing also. “Chrys! Oh little one…where is your sister?” Chrys shrugged “Dunno. I cant find her. She don hear me.” “What do you mean she doesn’t hear you?” Chrys tapped his head. “In here. I call she don come. I say “come to bed” she don lissen. She lissen to stars.” She shook her head. “Use proper words child.”

Ela’hei realized in a moment of dawning clarity, she had passed a leap through time. She stared at her son, and wanted to freeze it, hold that moment in time. “Come little boy lets find your sister.” Chrys paused in taking her hand, shifting from one bare foot to the other. “Mother?” “Yes” “Did I scare you?” “Only for the moment my love, only for the moment.” She hugged him warmly and continued walking out onto the marble balcony, entrenched with mythical creatures molded into the base of the balcony, gold filigrees depicting fairies underneath her feet. She looked at her daughter, who was curled on a bench, one slender brown arm propped under her chin gazing at the stars. She sighed deeply in thought for one so young. “Hello. I was just listening to the stars.” “Hearing what Chani?” “The stars Mother, they sing to me.” “They sing to us all the time Mother, right Chani?” Chani nodded. Ela’hei smiled softly. A slight breeze blew onto the balcony, Ela’hei gazed upon her children. Who were the opposite in looks, but bonded in souls.

Chrys was going to be taller than Chani, with brown blonde hair, begotten from his father, and jade green eyes from her, his nose ended in a soft point, and had the potential of a man’s face who commanded legions, or women, whichever. He was handsome, and that could contribute to softness in leadership, Ela’hei thought. He was the optimistic one of the twins who saw sunshine in every dark corner. She wished he would keep that in the days to come. Chani, was her child of the night, with spiral ink black hair and the same jewel like orbs as her brother. She was quiet, and introspective, compared to her brother.

She had a fierce temper, rarely seen, but Chrys was the only one who could calm her when she raged. She had softer facial features than her brother, and would be a beauty when she came of age. That could work for her, or be her downfall, their mother thought again. After her quick assessment of her children she ushered them into her thin but muscular arms. She saw so much of herself in her Heirs, it scared her. The potential of these two would unite or destroy. She prayed for the former. “Come you two, off to bed. The stars can wait. Tomorrow is your sixth birthday and you must begin your training as soon as possible.” Chani spoke softly as her mother tucked them into bed. “What training mother?”

Moonlight filtered through the silk hangings and reflected onto Ela’hei’s face darkening her features in the soft half light of the moon. “To become what destiny has called you to be, so when I have gone to the Sprits of the Ancients you will hold the universe at your feet my loves. But enough of speaking from that book, now you must rest well. Good night my angels.” The children spoke in hushed unison. “Good night mother, may the Sprits keep you!” She smiled and closed the door to nursery, passing the stoic guards on the way to her room, her smile faded into a painful look, and as she closed the thick wooden door, a breeze flew into her room, heralding the faint reminiscence of the cold, icy fingers of death. She instinctively shivered from more than the cold…

Chapter 2- In the Beginning….

“In thought, there is silence, a spoken word, a whispered thought, and all have the same meaning….The thought was there-whether to harm or to help. Beware of thoughts little ones, they can kill you quicker than the sword, or the poison. Thoughts have immense power, and of course what do all men alike crave…..power.”-Ela’hei Anu’Dien, High Guardian of the Seven Gates of Shadow.

Chani breathed hard, as the sweat dripped down her cheeks, “Concentrate….harder…” She ground her teeth silently in frustration, as she glanced at her twin. He had the same intense look of concentration on his face; he looked up and gave her a wink. Idiot, she thought to herself, he isn’t concentrating hard enough. We will never be able to do this correctly. Suddenly, she felt the connection slip, a thin string of psychic energy, her eyes closed, and she began to see a bright white light, and cursed under her breath, as the psychic force from the connection began slipping. “Dammit Chrys! Concentrate! I cannot do this alone!” Then the sharp piercing pain, vibrating though to the very fiber of her being. She winced as her mother yelled, “NO NO AND A THOUSAND TIMES NO!!” The electric pain coursed through her system again. Loving mother she may be, but she was also a Guardian, and Guardian’s take nothing less than perfection from their pupils. Chani stood unsteadily on her feet, swaying for a instant before collapsing onto her knees in a ungraceful crumple. Chrys ran to her and began to pick her up gently. With a soft cry of rage she pushed her hands out and with a burst of silent sound her brother flew fifty feet across the training room, and landed on his back.

She laid back breathing deeply. Her mothers laughter intruded her ears as her voice echoed throughout her mind. “Good…Good! That is what I have been talking about this lesson, you must harness the energy, and focus it with your entire being for it to be effective. Now get up, and get back to the lesson at hand. Again, imagine my mind as a strongbox with locks and chains abroad, breech my mind and the lesson concludes. I assure you, if you do not, the pain you feel will super cede any guilt of failing, young ones.” As she spoke the twins imagined the box again, the room darkened, plac with old but strong locks, still withholding that which they were trying to obtain. Chrys sent a quick mental note to his sister. “Beware, there are more than just locks at our teacher’s disposal” Chani smirked. “As well I know dear brother. Are you ready this time or do I have to knock on your back again for you to pay attention?” A slight grin on his face was all the answer his twin got from him. Chrys began to concentrate on the locks in his minds eye he began to see the internal workings of the locks, his psychic energy sent in forceful, uncompromising waves into the mental images of the locks.

Chani waited, pausing for the right time for her to send a wave of mental energy towards her mother, suddenly, the planes shifted, the box grew in size and dimesions, and shivered fiercly. Chrys chuckled to himself and spoke aloud “Here it comes, the trap, be ready for it Chani!” A hot wave of energy coursed over her body, as the flames grew around her mental image, she could physically feel the heat, feel her skin bubble and crisp. The intense heat rose. Her breathing came in short gasps. “Chani! What are you doing? FIGHT HER!!” She steadied, fighting off the feeling of burning alive and suffocating all at once. She rose her hands and sent a wave of energy in the form of a cool wind around her. Chrys heard the click of a lock and inwardly smiled this was the furthest they had gotten in this exercise. He glanced across the mental plan on which they stood. He intensified his energy being sent into the box. Out of the corner of his eye he saw his sister raise her hands in the air, and draw a intricate glyph in bright blue, he watched as it exploded into blue flames, and envelop his sister in flames. It exploded into a million pieces of bright blue light. Chani’s mental image began to fade into the darkness of the mental plane. Shadows danced across and began to shape and form itself into a huge nothingness, but the bright blue glyph appeared in the darkness, burning brightly as a shot of blue energy decended on the box cracking its foundation. Chrys intensified his psychic energy into the box. The box burned with a pure white light. The it shattered into numerous pieces of light. The mental images faded.

The three of them stood back in the training room breathing heavily. The twins walked towards their mother, who knelt on one knee. They each put one arm under her, to steady her as they lifted her to her feet. “Wonderful, simply wonderful my pupils, you have made me proud this day.” She smiled brightly at each of the them, wiping a shaky hand through auburn colored tresses. “It is time for your training with Calichien, yes? He will be most unpleased that you were late being with me. Don’t worry, I will be alright.” The twins looked at their mother with sincere concern. They glanced to each other, thoughts left unspoken flickered between them. Their mother pushed them through the huge wooden doors and into the hallway. Chani, reached for the column with one hand, feeling the intricate design on the column as they walked slowly towards the weapons room. Chrys reached for her other hand and squeezed it tightly. Their footsteps echoed softly in the halls, nodded to the guards who saluted them as they passed by. Chrys spoke mentally with his sister as they walked. “Chani, do you ever wonder what it would be like if we didn’t have this life? Look at the servants, who do their work with a devotion that would stun the Priesthood of Nikolatium and Amiandai and the rest of the lesser gods. What would it be like if we were simply royalty? A child of kings and queens and did not have the responsibility of finding the keys of Shadow?

Chani smiled softly as she stared into her twins eyes, deep pools of jade reflected her image back at her. “It seems like a forbidden dream, doesn’t it Chrys? I sometimes wonder about it. To flirt with the guards like a common maid. To marry a merchant! Ah, Chrys! If only we could shirk it. But we both know we couldn’t if we tried. Our people would sink into chaos. We must protect that which is ours and lend a hand to those in need. The abyss would be opened. The forces of evil let out of their cages, unchecked, unchallenged.” They walked through another set of guards and doors. They could both hear the metallic clang of forged steel against steel. The sounds of battle grew louder as they moved down the cooridor. Chani then spoke aloud before continuing, stopping her twin by placing her hands on his shoulders. “It is the curse of all who are born Heirs. It is what we were born on this plane for. To preserve the delicate balance of dark and light.” He nodded, his face taut with secrets of sleepness nights, and painful days. “Chani, I wish to the Gods it was someone else. This is the truth of my heart. The Sprits cloud my mind, whispering portents of the future. “

“How does our mother deal with this all the time? Im tired of it. Seventeen years of whispers, I thought I was mad when we were younger. “ He paused briefly. “Chani, has it ever happened? You know what I mean, what we learned about in the history lesson. To the others that came before us?” They halted for a brief moment, the sounds of battle ringing still. They were in a hallway that had numerous mural and frescos depicting the ancient Heirs of the house caught in the struggle of light against dark. Chani leaned back against one of the columns, feeling the cool softness against her silk shirt. She closed her eyes as Chrys leaned forward and placed his head on her left shoulder. She sensed his bitterness about the lot they had drawn. The burden of being an heir was hard on her also. She was filled at night with the voices of those who came before, their knowledge and their power. She remembered her dream that haunted her every step, and waking moment. “Chrys, I feel what you feel. You know I do. Inaliya, (which means brother in the harmonious tounge) I do believe it to have happened before. This taking over of the mind and body, spirit. It had to. Why else would Jo’mei stress the point of meditation so?” She wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders and sighed. “Why do you struggle with this? Even before we were born, we saw, we knew, and we felt.” Jeweled orbs stared into hers filled with all the pain and reflection of her very soul. “Chani, we could give it all up, and disappear. Get married, have children and live a normal decent life. People do it every day, you know.” Arched eyebrows and a slight soft laugh was his sisters response. “Now you know as well as I do that the children we bear might have the possibility of being Heirs. Or not. “ He smiled and winked. “I know dear sister, that would be the beauty of it.” “The legend of our people decrees it only happens to one child when the spirits decrees that the forces of dark are too numerous and an Heir must be born to counteract this.” He began the old argument. “Then how do you explain-“

“You know that I cannot.” She moved away from him, lifting her arms from his shoulders.

Come she spoke mentally, Calichien awaits our pleasure. Swords and steel ache for us. We must not keep them waiting, for this line of thought is no good for us. Let us continue the old dance some other time. Chrys nodded and fell into stride next to his sister almost a full head taller than she was. As they entered the weapons hall, Calichien and his opponent stood in a large sandy circular pit dressed in leathers, stripped to their chest and barefoot, breathing heavily. Sweat shone on his heavily muscled chest and he lifted his sword above his head in greeting. A smile crossed his chisled face. “Ah-my late pupils have arrived. Come Brikan, let us finish our duel so I may attend to my duties.” Brikan gave a quick nod and a short courtly bow. “As you wish, my liege.” Calichien moved into a two handed stance as Brikan advanced slowly, placing his right foot in front of his left, the veins in his feet making a quick appearance as he placed his weight on that foot. The twins blinked at the quickness of his rush towards their House Weapons Master.

Every member of the House was able to shift weight, space, and matter quickly to benefit them. Calichien grinned a warriors grin as he waited for the advance. Steel against steel flashed in the fires placed in small gold stands and hanging gold braziers around the room. Brikan quickly shifted to the right and ducked quickly, attempting to sweep Calichien onto his back. Calichien, forseeing this move, leapt into the air, twisting his body into a back flip, moving into what was called the stance of flight. His sword was positioned directly in defense, shielding the lower half of his body, it was a passive defense move designed for your opponent to catch you off guard. But it also came with a very good offensive move. As Brikan spun counterclockwise, sending a shower of tan sand into the air, he grabbed Calichiens left arm and twisted it towards his torso, crushing it into Calichien’s chest. Calichien let out a short rugged gasp, and swore softly as he thought he felt a rib crack. Brikan grinned. “Trying to outdo me in front of my students, yes?” “No my liege, I am trying to pummel you into a bloody pulp for my own selfish reasons!”

The Weapons Master chuckled as he began his offensive move. He felt the hot saltiness of his lifeblood seeping into his mouth. He spit onto the sands, grabbing Brikans arm and flipped his opponent onto the ground, and in one fluid motion his sword came around from the right, resting on Brikans throat. Brikan laughed softly. “And this is why, my Lord, you are House Weapons Master, you see an advantage in everything. Taiprienda.” “Taiprienda, Brikan” (Taiprienda means “well done” in the Harmonious Tounge). Chani and Chrys clapped loudly, even though they had seen the end of the duel, they were not disappointed. The sound echoed loudly through the hall. Both men bowed to the twins placing their right hand over their hearts, and straightened. The twins returned the gesture with a smile. Chani’s eyes flicked to the left as Brikan turned to leave the weapons hall. A small turn of his head, and a quick flash of even teeth was all she got. He sensed my eyes upon him, she thought. A barrage of images assaulted her mind, and swept in front of her eyes, oh Gods, she thought, not again. Please not now…..The images moved so fast she couldn’t focus on a single one. Voices grew louder in her head, she could hear Calichien speaking, even though he was right in front of her, he could have been over a mile away his voice was so faint.

“The process of learning sword stances improves concentration, speed and strategy.” “But when do we spar Calichien? Weve been learning sword stances forever..” She tuned them out and tried to focus on the images. She pressed a hand to her forehead as a image came clear with blinding precsision. A flash of amethyst eyes. “Chani…I would die for you..” Overwheming grief, joy, and pain swept through her being. A hand rested on her shoulder, brought her out of the trance, but not before the impression swept in. She placed a single finger to her bottom lip. His lips, she thought, Oh Gods, his lips, those eyes, so saddened…..I…. “ “Chani?” She gasped as she blinked, and looked into Calichiens eyes and saw his worried frown. Her brother has his arms around her. “Gods sis, are you alright?” “What?” “You collapsed, Chani.” “I…” she started to speak but Calichien held out a hand palm facing outward in a “stop” motion. His deep baritone rumbled in his chest as he spoke. “No, my pupils I think out training will be held after the evening meal. Chrys, take your sister to rest.” Chani stepped towards Calichien with a outburst ready. “No! I-“ “No buts. Training this eve. Go, now and I will speak to your mother, and let her know what has occurred.” He turned to walk to the great marble doors and paused with his back facing them. “And I mean rest, Chani” Chrys helped her to her feet as Calichien walked out the door. “Chani what happened?” She felt mentally weak as she leaned on her twin, as they started their journey towards the marble doors.” Honestly, I don’t know Chrys, these images flowed into my mind, these voices, these words, those eyes…I don’t know what to make of it.” “Show me.”

She closed her eyes and breathed deeply giving her brother full access to her mind. She felt his gentle probing as the images flowed into her mind, the statements echo in the deepest part of her being, the feelings resurging like a tidal wave in the deepest part of the sea. She felt his retreat as they walked down the halls. The evening fires in the halls had been lit, sending their shadowy forms flickering down the halls. Chrys spoke mentally, fully aware of the guards, the servants bustling down the halls. “Twin soul, I don’t know what to think of it. Brikan is in your future, I suppose, the images were too fast for even me to slow down.” “Why do you think Brikan is involved?”

“Who else has eyes like that?” “It could be anyone, you know.” He smirked leading her into her room. After he closed the doors, he spoke aloud. “Yes it could be, but due to what I felt from you-would you really want it to be?” She turned to stare at him, a slight frown on her face. “Funny, Chrys.” He chuckled darkly. “I know your every thought, every single desire, as if it was written across my own flesh dear sister.” She laid down on her bed, she reached out her arms to her brother who moved with a swiftness of thought. He laid beside her cradling her to his chest. She breathed in deeply, memorizing his familiar scent, one she had known since before she could speak aloud. “Chrys, what is happening to me?” “Stress?” “Perhaps.” “Perhaps not, eh? I think you’re reading to much into this beloved twin” “Perhaps.” “Ugh, is that ALL you’re going to say, chani?” She responded with a evil grin “Per-“ He rolled her over and clamped a hand over her mouth with a laugh. “ She squirmed and bit his finger, he jumped with a yelp and fell off the bed and landed with a loud hard thump on the hardwood floor. “Ow.” “That is what you get.”

They lay for a long time not speaking, enjoying the nearness of each other. Chrys looked down at his sister; indeed, her breathing had slowed to a rhythmic pace. Her eyes were closed in the blissful forgetfulness of sleep. He removed himself from her bed, covering her with thick and fire-warmed blankets. He smiled gently as he moved to the door to exit. He heard her sigh, in thought and aloud…He closed the marble doors behind him. A part of him was worried immensely. He had read the histories of Heirs just as she did, and this is how they all became insanely crazy, he thought. I cant let that happen to my Chani…He moved through the halls without really seeing them, left turn, right turn…ten paces to the room… He opened the door to his room, and heard a startled gasp. He inwardly grinned. Makai, the little maid who tended to his rooms…”My Lord, you startled me.” “No need to be alarmed little one. Continue with your duties.” “Your bath is prepared, and evening wear has been set out for you.” “Really, thank you Makai, your attention to the smallest details should be praised by the gods themselves.” She blushed from head to toe. Quite a pretty little thing, he thought, bemused. “Now go, Makai finish your duties later. I need to study” “Yes My Lord, at once.” He flung himself onto his bed watching the little maid go about her way, shutting the wooden doors behind her.

He closed his eyes deeply, meditating; reaching deep into that fathomless pool that was his conscience, and the consciousness of so many others that came before. He opened his eyes and his bed melted, shivering like a mirage in the desert. The walls dissolved into nothingness. He stood bathed in darkness, warmed and caressed by the darkness. It reminded him of the womb. In the darkness, light filtered and waved in front of his eyes.

He walked, towards the light which reflected off of a large dark pool, which occasionally rippled as if something moved underneath the surface…which it did….the lives of the other heirs, ancestors passed down through generations. He sighed, and felt the breath move through his body like electrical current. This was the part that scared him, the part that attracted and repelled him. He moved towards the edge of the pool.

Book 2 Introduction-

I could be insane. That was my thought. My only pressing thought. Never mind what else happened.

I knew it. Chrys knew it. I was losing my mind. My powers...had become a black hole sucking everything i knew and loved....the Spirits were restless....they wanted to live, and through me, they actually had a chance.

Chapter 1-And in the Darkness I was Born So....Darkness I am....

“There is history in the smallest leaf of the lowly flower, pupils. History that has flowed through the bulb, the genes themselves. I for one am a mirror of history. I reflect that which history has tried to hide.”-Jo'Mei Krichesolnai , Historian and Teacher of House Anu'Dien.

She ran. “Dammit stop Chani!” Chrys yelled out as she ran the dark corridors. Blindly, in fear of her life. They crowded her, pressing her lungs against her chest. Her head pounded..her eyes pulsed red flashes. She yelled “Stay back! Dont make me hurt you Chrys! Get away from me!” Then like a invisible rope she was held in place. She screamed. An invisible fist slammed into her gut, her breath came in short gasps. And then, blessed darkness. “Is she unconscious Calichien?” “Aye. Your mother holds her in place.” Chrys nodded. His mother, her grace apparent even as she ran, long limbs running towards Chani. “Oh my darling..” she whispered. She released the psychic bonds that held her daughter in place. Chani fell into her mothers waiting arms, deeply breathing. Ela'hei brushed sweat, and hair from her daughters face, and looked to Calichien, her normally calm exquisite features stricken. “Why is this happening to her?” Chrys spoke softly as to not wake her. “The Spirits vie for the window, mother. They know the crack between their world and ours has widened. She has inadvertently become a beacon. Two years she has been hiding it, suppressing it. She has blocked me completely out, i don't know if i can help her, now...” They all began to turn and walk back to her room. “Every time i try to talk to her mentally, i get this pain, like a high pitched sound then whispers of voices that i know are not hers.” Calichien kicked open the door to Chani's room, and laid her down gently on her bed. Ela'hei spoke “I almost didn't have her you know” The two men looked up shocked. “She almost broke free, i fear that she may be even to strong for me to contain. I must meditate and find out what to do next” Her eyes turned to Chrys. “Watch over her my son, see that nothing awakes her until morning” she spoke mentally. “As you wish, mother, i was planning on doing that anyway..” Chrys sat down in a obsidian marble cushion chair and put his face in his hands. Ela'hei and Calichien walked out the door.

As they walked down the corridor to Ela'hei's room, Calichien took a trembling breath. She leaned into his arms for support. “Ah, my guardian. I need much of your strength tonight.” He turned and stared into her eyes. “As you wish, i shall stay with you until the morning.” She nodded and opened the doors to her quarters. The doors closes with a soft thud. She fell into his arms sobbing, as he held her tight. Blinking quickly to clear his own eyes from tears. He caressed her hair, her soft luscious arms. She shivered slightly under those warriors hands. So hard, so calloused, she buried her face into his neck. He whispered, “My love. My light. It will be alright, she will fight. She is strong. She will beat whatever this is that is taking ahold of her.” “How can you be sure of that? When it comes to those like us, there are no certainties, other than the Keys and our powers, calichien. Only those.” “ I know this to be certain, Ela, i know this with all of my being. She is ours, and carries the blood of Heir and Warrior, she will not give up. And neither should we.” She smiled through her tears. “Then forgive my weakness Ithiayai (which means compass of my heart).” A deep chuckle rumbled in his chest. “You? Weak? Never. “ He brushed a finger across her face. She trembled. He smile broadened. “Well, maybe a little, but only in one area.” She lifted a brow and crossed her arms in front of her, taking a step back to assess the Warrior, her Guardian, and her only love. “Oh? Which area is that Calichien?” His hand moved lower on her skin. She shivered. “My point, Ela.” He laughed and swept her into a soft kiss, and led her to her bedchamber's.

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