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Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #1059266
Christian comes to the Ranch, Kiley shows her true colors, things become more interesting.
“Sam is a nice girl.” The nurse told Christian.

“She is.” Christian said as he leaned back into the pillow after being examined. “Do you think she’ll be back?”

“Probably. She’s been here almost 24/7 since they stumbled across you. She was worried.”

“Over a complete stranger?” He asked and flinched as he shifted his weight.

“She’s had a bad past.”

“You sound like you know her pretty

“No, I’ve just heard a lot. She’s kinda of the story around town. Well, she was before you that is.” She smiled.

“So what can you tell me?”

“What would be the fun in that? Wouldn’t it be easier for you to just get to know her but talking to her?”

“Perhaps.” He smiled.

“Well honey, with an accent like that I’m sure she’ll be happy to tell you herself.” She smiled and left the room.

“It’s good to see you.” Cal said meeting her at the truck.

“Am I in time for dinner?” She smiled at him.

“Go change and you will be.” He smiled and gently pushed her toward the barn.

“See you in ten then.” She smiled and ran into the barn.

She stopped for a quick moment to see Zeus before running up to her room and changing into something a little nicer before running back to the house and letting herself inside.

“Showed up for dinner huh?” Kiley said coming down the stairs.

“Yeah.” Sam said and took her shoes off.

“At least you look half decent.”

Sam smiled and turned toward her, crossing her arms. “Look Kiley, I’m not looking for a fight with you and as far as I can tell you have no reason to pick one with me. So back off. Remember, I was in prison, you may want to rethink anything you plan on doing to me.”

Kiley just glared at her as Sam passed through into the kitchen.

“That was quick.” Cal smiled at her.

“I’m hungry.” She replied.

“That’s good. You have news then?”

“Let’s eat and I’ll tell you all about it.” Sam smiled and went into the dining room.

“Sam, I’m happy you’re here.” Meg said and gave her a quick hug.

“Thank you.”

“Well, let’s eat.” Cal said and everyone took their place.

Sam told them about Christian and how he was going to be okay and seemed to be in good spirits. He looked better and even though he didn’t tell her what had happened the fact that he was okay made her feel like she didn’t need to know. She had done something good for another human being and that was enough for her. Though, throughout her recap Joe had a face that clearly told her that he still wasn’t happy about the whole thing. It seemed Kiley had picked up on this and she was the first to bring Sam down.

“So you really don’t know anything about this guy but keep going to see him even though he told you to leave him alone?”

“He didn’t say that. He had just woken up.”

“A huh.” Kiley said with a raised brow. “So you’re going to continue to go and bug him even though he doesn’t want your help?”

“No, I’m not bugging him. If he didn’t want me to visit he would have told me. He’s a big boy Kiley.”

“How old is he?”

“I don’t really know. They haven’t told me much and neither has he.”


“Kiley, that’s enough.” Cal told her.

The rest of the evening was quiet but Kiley had a smile on her face throughout it all. Sam left as soon as possible. She helped clean up and then made a quick exit. She walked to the barn and took Zeus from his stall. He trotted from in and returned to her leaning his head against her. She ran her fingers through his mane.

“Do I seem stupid to you?” She asked him. He just nickered softly. “It doesn’t feel wrong to me to care. The guy nearly died in front of me and it just doesn’t seem right to just drop it now that he’s going to be okay. Everyone needs someone to help them through the hard times in their life. I never had anybody, maybe that’s why I feel like I need to stick around and make sure he’s going to be okay, not just his body.”

Zeus just nudged her with his nose and neighed. Sam smiled and then pulled herself up onto his back. She ran him toward the door only to have someone step in front of them at the last second. Zeus stopped so fast that Sam went right over him slamming to the ground on her side. She yelled in pain and Zeus reared up at the person before Sam could get up. She covered her head as his hooves came crashing down on either side of her. Zeus charged again and Sam stayed where she was as his hooves caused the ground the tremble around her.

“Zeus!” She hollered at him. He stopped and backed up before he started to move his nose over her. Sam quickly got to her feet.

“Are you okay?” The person said coming to her.

Zeus charged again with his ears back. “Zeus.” Sam said putting her hand on his neck. He was trembling with anger. “We need to work on your anger.” Sam told her horse. “I’m fine, Andy.”

“I’m sorry.” He said and took a step away from her and her horse.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Sam asked him angrily holding her side.

“Are you okay? That was a pretty big fall.”

“I’m fine.” Sam said and ran her fingers through her hair.

“You’re bleeding.” He told her.

“What?” Sam asked.

“Here…” Andy said and touched above her temple.

“Ow!” Sam said and hit his hand away. “Good god!” Sam said and touched her own head.

“What’s going on?” Joe said coming into view.

“Oh nothing, Andy came out of no where as I was leaving the barn on Zeus, Zeus put on the breaks and I flew over his head and I guess I cut myself.” She explained and took Zeus back to his stall.

“I’ll take it from here.” Joe told Andy. “Derek’s in the house. Why don’t you go and see him.” Andy nodded and left. “Come on.” Joe said and put a hand on Sam’s back leading her to his trailer. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. Just shook up I guess. It was one of those moments where my life flashed before my eyes.” Joe smiled. “Andy’s just stupid for stepping in front of a running horse.”

“He’s lucky Zeus didn’t run through him.”

“He tried.” Sam smiled. “For a moment I was almost afraid of him.”

Joe shot her a look. “Why?”

“He reared up at Andy while I was still on the ground and when he came down I was between his legs and for a moment I thought…” She said and paused. “I thought that…”

“I’m stopping you there. I may hate the horse but I know for a fact that if an animal is truly capable of love then that horse is head over heels for you. You already know that he was protecting you but if you ask me he knew exactly where you were and would have never touched you in anger.” Joe told her as he found his first aid kit and pulled out some peroxide and a band-aid. “Here, hold still.” Joe poured the peroxide on some gauze and cleaned the cut on her head before putting the band-aid over it. “Feel better?”

“Feels fine thanks.” Sam told him.

“Good.” He smiled.

“So is this going to be a vicious cycle between us?” Sam asked.

“What?” Joe asked.

“One minute you’re an ass the next you’re my friend. I’d just like to know so I can plan ahead. I’ll need a good comeback if I plan on fighting with you before you do something nice and make me think you’re an okay guy.”

Joe sighed and stood up. “I don’t know what to say to that.”

“Why not? You have so many smart ass remarks any other time. Where’s one now?”

“I don’t have one.” He replied.

Sam just looked at him. “I just want to know if you’re ever going to think of me other then the delinquent that you think I am.”

“I don’t think you’re a…”

“Yes you do. I can tell when you order me around or when you start to get to be too nice. You look at me the way a lot of other people do. Like I’m a nobody with no future.”

“That’s not…”

“Joe, please. It’s okay, really. I’m used to it. People have looked at me like that since I was fifteen. Not a big surprise that it would change now.”

“I’m not saying that it’s easy having you around…”

“I don’t want to know what you’re saying or not. I don’t care what you think. All I want is a little respect.” Sam told him and paused. “Thanks for fixing my head.” She said and left the trailer.

Sam went up to her room and changed her clothes. When she took her shirt off there was already a bruise forming on her side.

“Haven't had a bruise like this since I smashed through the fence.” She told herself and finished changing.

The next few days went by and Sam worked as hard as she could, feeling like the time she spent at the hospital needed to be made up. She avoided Joe along with everyone else. At night she called the hospital to check up on Christian. She talked to him for a little here and there but she hadn’t gone to see him. Some of what Joe and Kiley had said made sense. She didn’t want to be made a fool by sticking by a guy who didn’t know her or had asked for her help, let alone wanted to accept her help.

“How you doing?” Derek asked one morning as he helped her clean stalls.

“Doing fine.” She told him. She lifted a bale of hay and winced as she tossed it into the hay trough.

“Are you okay?”

“Fine, just work isn't exactly letting my side heel.”

Derek nodded. “Andy told me what happened. He’s feels pretty bad.”

“It’s not a big deal. I’m used to pain.” She smiled.

He smirked at her. “You’re getting soft. The prison wall you’ve had built up around you is starting to fall.”

“Believe me, it’s that animals not the people.” She grinned at him.

“Whatever you say.”

Before she knew it a few weeks had gone by and Sam had become to terms with what happened to Christian. She never went back to see him and she stopped calling to check up on him. She knew he was going to be in the hospital for a while but she didn’t know when he was released or if he still was in the hospital. But time managed to erase him from her mind and life moved on and returned to normal.

“Here…” Joe said and tossed her an envelope.

“What is it?” Sam asked.

“It’s some vacation money from Cal.”


Joe sighed and walked over to her. “Cal is impressed with your work and told me to give you this. It’s money to get you through a month without work. You’re free to do what ever you want. It’s time off. Be happy for a change.”

“Who said I wasn’t happy?” Sam shot at him as he walked away.

Joe didn’t slow or look back, let alone reply. He just walked away. Sam couldn’t figure him out. But that didn’t matter, now she had to think of what to do with her new found freedom she was about to enjoy.

“I am so bored.” Sam told Zeus as she sat in his stall with him. “I spose I can go help out for just a little while.” She said tearing up a piece of straw. Zeus nickered and shook his head. “I need to do something. It’s not even noon yet and we’ve already worn out the trails around here.” Zeus nudged her with his nose then started to play with the stalls handle. “Fine…” Sam sighed as she stood up and opened the door.

Zeus followed her as she walked slowly through the barn. She looked up to see Derek having trouble getting a horse back into its stall.

“Here…” Sam said running over to them. “Let me help.”

Sam guided the horse’s rear into the
stall as Derek backed it up.

“Thanks.” Derek smiled.

“No problem. That took up about two minutes of my time. Now I have to go find something else to do.” Sam said and folded her arms.

Derek just laughed at her. “It’s day one of a month off and you’re already bored?”

“I can’t help it. I’ve been here a few months now and every day of that has been spent working all the time. It’s what I do.”

“Are we expecting company?” Derek asked looking over her shoulder.

Sam turned around and watched a cab pull halfway up the driveway. A man got out and started to walk the rest of the way with a bag over his shoulder. He was wearing blue jeans and a white t-shirt. He was well built and quite attractive from the looks of him.

“I don’t think so.” Sam said pushing her hair out of her face as she watched him. As he got closer Sam could now see his face and her stomach lurched as she realized who it was. “Oh my God.” She said and shuffled her feet a little and dropped her eyes.

“You know him?”

“Yup…” Sam said and looked back up at the man. “That is Christian Holden.” Derek looked at her and stepped up next to her. Sam looked over at him. He had an expression that she had never seen being used for her. “What are you going to do, protect me? I have Zeus for that.”

“We don’t know this guy. We don’t know what he wants.” Derek said without changing his

Sam smiled and looked back at Christian. He looked in her direction and smiled. He changed his direction and walked toward her and Derek. She did her best to quickly come up with something to say.

“Hi.” Christian said with a great smile and that great English accent.

“Hello.” Sam smiled back, unable to help herself. “What are you doing here?” She asked and then Zeus put his head over her shoulder.

“I was released from the hospital a few days ago and having realized that I have no where to go I looked you up.” He told her.

“Why did you do that?” Derek asked him.

Christian didn’t falter. “She’s the only person who gave a damn.”

Derek just smiled apologetically and didn’t say anything.

“So, you’ve healed up then?”

“I’ll live, I promise.” He grinned.

“Can I help you?” Cal said walking over to them.

“Cal, this is Christian.” Sam told him.

“Oh, Christian, you’ve been released.”

“Yeah, a few days ago, ‘bout time really.”

“I’m Cal O’Connell.” Cal smiled and put out his hand.

“Christian Holden.” He replied and took Cal’s hand.

“So what brings you here?”

“I ah, didn’t have anywhere to go so I came to see if Sam here could help me out.”

“I see.” Cal said and eyed her.

Sam averted her eyes and kicked the ground.

“Why don’t we go chat.” Cal smiled at Christian and started for the house.

Sam watched as he followed Cal toward the house. He glanced back at her before catching up to Cal.

“Hm...” Derek said and looked at Sam.

“What do you think he’ll do?” She asked him.

“I have no idea.” Derek said and went back to work.

Sam waited for a moment before turning back and walking back to Zeus’s stall and taking him out again. She walked from the barn and started to walk along the side of the long fence lining the driveway. Zeus was prancing up and down the fence saying hello to the horses he knew. Sam just smiled as she watched him. He’d return to her every few passes and have her run her hand up and down his face, and through his mane. When she got to the end of the driveway she whistled for him and he ran over to her. She pulled herself up onto his back and started walking him along the dirt road. She wasn’t sure what else to do with her day. Since her knew found freedom, the first three seconds were fun but now the reality of not having work to do and not knowing what to do was already too much to bear.

“Where have you been?” Derek asked her when she rode up to the barn.

“What is it?” I asked him worried.

“It’s my dad.” He said with a worried look.

I slid from Zeus’s back and almost held my breath before asking.

“What’s wrong?”

“He hired Christian.” Derek replied. I smiled and sighed at him. “What? Did you hear what I said?”

“Yeah I heard you. It’s not a big deal.”

“Not a big deal? How can it not be? We don’t know him and now he’ll be working with us.”

“I don’t think it’s that big of a deal.” Sam said and started to walk toward Zeus’s stall. “Come on.” She said and Zeus walked in.

“I’m serious Sam.” Derek said closing the stall door.

“I don’t care.” Sam told him.

“Why? Why don’t you?” He said looking her in the eye.

Sam opened her mouth to reply but realized that she didn’t have a good answer for him. She didn’t know why she didn’t care. Maybe it was because she did care. She didn’t mind the thought of him being around. She spent all of that time in the hospital only to have him turn her away and then show her a glimmer of hope that he wanted her there and then have him come to her home. I don’t think it’ll be bad at all having him around.

“I…don’t have an answer for you.” Sam told him truthfully and went to exit the barn.

“He’s been working all day.”


“I’m sure you’ll just love the idea of having him here once you’ve seen his attire.”

Sam just smiled at him and walked out into the setting sun. To her great surprise walking toward her was Christian…shirtless and looking more attractive then ever. She couldn’t stop but stare as he walked over to her and Derek. Sam could see his wounds but they were nearly fully healed and they didn’t affect his looks in any way.

“Hi.” He smiled at her.

Sam smiled trying to find her
voice. “Hi.” She finally replied.

“Any plans for this evening?” He smiled sweetly.

“Not as of yet.”

“Thought you might take me on a ride around the property. Thought it would be a good way to get a feel for the place and the animals I’ll be dealing with.” He smiled and put his shirt back on.

“Sounds pretty good to me.” Sam said, her smile growing.

“Dinner’s ready!” Brendan called walked halfway to them from the house.

“Let’s eat and go.” Christian smiled and motioned for her lead the way.

“Okay.” Sam smiled and started them off.

She caught Christian smiling at her and could feel herself flush. She didn’t know what it was about him but every time she looked at him the butterflies in her stomach would stir and find a new place to rest.

Sam tried not to make it look like she was trying to inhale her food but seemed to have Derek’s suspicions on high alert. You never know how a person feels about you until something comes in and changes the way things are. Sam didn’t know why Derek seemed so protective. He almost seemed to be acting like a big brother. Sam loved the feeling of family but she didn’t feel the need to have a brother-like figure trying to protect her. After jail and being told what she can and can not do for so many years, she did not feel that anything she wanted to do was up to her and Derek, nor anyone else, would have a say otherwise.

“You ready to get going?” Christian asked once the maids had taken there plates.

“Where are you going?” Cal asked standing from his chair.

“We’re going riding for a while.” Sam smiled at him.

“Can I talk to you for a minute?” Cal asked her.

“Of course.” Sam smiled and followed him into the hall. “Is everything okay?” She
asked him.

“I just want you to be careful.” Cal told her seriously.

Sam furrowed her eyes slightly. “Okay, I will. Is there anything you want to bring to my attention to watch out for?”

“No, I just don’t want you to get hurt.”

Sam smiled. “Thank you for your concern but I am capable of taking care of myself.”

“I know you are. I know that. I also know that he’s an attractive man and I don’t want to see him being here affect your work or cause you pain. Any bad association with this place would be bad.”

“Cal, I’ll be fine. He’s a nice guy, but if anything should happen that may affect anything that I do or that happens here you’ll be the first to know.”

“Thank you.” Cal said looking relieved. “Alright, go have fun. Enjoy your vacation.”

“I will.” Sam grinned at him and met Christian at the door.

Sam and Christian didn’t talk much on the way to the barn. Sam found it hard to stop smiling and also kept finding herself watching him. He didn’t seem to notice as he watched the sunset.

“Do you have a horse in mind to ride?” I asked him as we reached the barn.

“I’m guessing the big black one is out?” He grinned.

“I’m assuming your talking about Zeus, then yes, he is out of the question.”

“Alright. I saw a lovely paint down on the other end.”

“Shamrock.” She replied nodding her head. “Do you know how to saddle a horse?”

“Yes I do. I spent some time at my uncle’s horse ranch in Colorado for a while.”

“Sound’s fun. Then why don’t you go get her set up?”

“It’ll be my pleasure. Are you going to saddle Zeus?”

“Never do.” Sam smiled and walked over to Zeus’s stall. “Hey beautiful boy.” She smiled and opened the door. “Wanna go for another long ride?”

Zeus threw his head up and ran from the stall and out of the barn into the openness of the ranch. Sam followed him and watched as he exercised himself. She leaned against the barn and smiled. He faltered, though, as she saw Joe approaching. She watched Zeus intently as well as Joe out of the corner of her eye. As Joe came closer to Zeus she saw him tense up for a moment but then he relaxed and turned back to Sam and walked just in front of Joe till he reached her.

“What was that all about?” Sam asked Zeus and ran her hand down his neck.

“We’ve come to an understanding.” Joe told her.

“Really? What kind of understanding might that be?”

“I’ve been visiting him everyday and talk to him trying to gain his trust. We’re almost there. He doesn’t charge at me anymore, that’s something.”

“Why are you trying to hard to gain his trust?” Sam asked feeling slightly captivated by his sudden interest.

Joe paused, thinking about it. “Well, if you ever leave or have to go back to prison someone is going to have to take care of him.”

In one moment Sam went from being completely happy for a change to down right appalled and pissed off. Joe had a way of making her feel like crap and reminding her of where she came from. With her mood shift also came a change in Zeus. He sensed her feelings and Sam saw his body start to tense up, as his ears flattened, and he nickered in a threatening way.

Sam was still glaring at Joe when Christian came trotting out. Sam didn’t take her eyes from Joe; she merely pulled herself onto Zeus and circled Joe before running down the dirt road leading to the property trails. Sam ran Zeus through the trail at top speed until the ranch was completely out of site. She slowed and waited for Christian to catch up with her.

“What’s going on?” Christian asked when he reached her. “Is everything okay?”

Sam just smiled and shook her head. “He’s an ass.”

“What did he say?”

“Oh nothing important, he just has a way of making me feel like I’m nothing.”

“So do something about it.” Christian told her.

“It’s not that simple.”

“So make it that simple.”

“He’s my boss Chris. I can’t just tell him off for pushing my buttons.” Sam told him.

“Sure you can. If he doesn’t treat you right do something about it.”

“Is that what you did?” Sam asked. “Did something about whatever it was that was happening to you and that’s how you got all those gashes?” Christian didn’t say anything. “I take it your silence means that we don’t talk about you.”

“Not about what happened.” Christian said without looking at her.

“I don’t expect you to tell me what happened. I just don’t want you to try and tell me what I should and should not do. I have Joe for that and I can handle him the way I feel I should.” She told him.

“Understood.” Christian smiled at her. “Moving on then. How long have you been here?”

“About four months.”

“Are you happy here?”

“Very.” Sam smiled without the slightest hesitation.

Christian smiled and looked ahead. He paused before asking his next question. “So…what’s with you and Derek?”

“What do you mean?”

“Are you two…?”

“No! No, no, no.” Sam laughed. “He’s just a friend. In truth, since I’ve been here I haven’t really talked to him much but we know enough about each other. He probably knows more about me then I do of him.”

“Why is that?”

Sam smiled at him. “Let’s just say that I prefer my past in the past.”

“I guess I can’t argue with that.” Christian smiled. “Everyone has there own little secrets. You’ve had an incite to mine and by the way people act around you I can make my own idea about what yours is.”

“Don’t have too active imagination.” Sam smiled at him.

“I’ll try not to.”

They continued riding through the trails and started the beginnings of their friendship. They were getting all of the basic information out of the way, leaving room for possibility. They rode till the sun was down and then followed the trail’s that circled the ranch and came out on the other side. They slowly made their way into the barn and put the horses in their stalls.

“Thank you for a wonderful evening.” Christian smiled at her.

“It was my pleasure.” Sam smiled putting her hands behind her back.

They stood there a moment before Sam took a step back. “So where is Cal putting you?”

“I have no idea. He said we’d figure it out later. I don’t think he was quite sure himself.”

“Hm, we should go find out.” Sam said and walked toward the house.

She went into the kitchen and found the house quiet. Sam made her way though the house to see where the family was.

“What the hell are you doing in here?”

Sam stopped and sighed as Kiley’s voice rang from the top of the stairs.

“Hi Kiley.” Sam said turning to her.

“I asked you a question.” Kiley said stopping a step from the bottom.

“I was looking for your dad.” Sam told her quickly.

“He’s not here. I’m the only one left; the rest went out for dinner.”

“Why didn’t you go?” Sam asked raising her eyebrow.

“I happen to actually have a life.” Kiley said snootily.

“Yeah, chasing a man twice your age that will never look at you the same way that you look at him.” Sam grinned cautiously.

Before Sam could stop it Kiley punched her left eye. Sam faltered with the blow and when she looked up Christian had Kiley by her wrist, an angry look on his face. For a moment Sam wasn’t sure what he was going to do.

“Christian…” Sam said standing straight again.

“Don’t…ever, touch her again.” He told Kiley. “Do you understand me?”

“Yes.” Kiley told him nervously.

Christian let go of her wrist and left the house. Sam followed him and once they were outside she grabbed his arm and turned him around.

“What the hell was that?” She asked him.

“She hit you.”

“So what? I can take care of myself. I would have been more then happy to hit her back.” Christian didn’t say anything. “Did you think that maybe now you’ll get fired? Kiley has a way of twisting the truth and she hates me and now she has a reason to hate you.”

“The feeling will be mutual.”

“You don’t even know her.” Sam said frowning at him.

“I know enough.” He said and started toward the barn.

Sam sighed and rubbed her forehead. She looked up at Christian and he was still walking but had slowed his pace. Sam ran after him.

“I’m sorry.” Sam said walking next to him. “I’m just not used to people sticking up for me like you did. I appreciate it a lot, I really do. It just can’t happen again.”

Christian stopped and she turned in front of him. He sighed and took her face in his hands, turning her head so he could see the red patch that covered half her eye and temple.

“Does it hurt?” He asked.

“Ah, only when you touch it like that.” Sam smiled. He smiled down at her. Sam could feel her stomach turn. “Thank you, really.”

“You’re welcome.”
Sam just looked at him then started for the barn again. “Come on, let’s get to bed.” She told him.

Christian followed her up to her room and looked around.

“This is where you live?”

“Yes it is. It isn't much but I don’t spend much time up here. Too much work to do, I usually only sleep up here.”

“I see.” He said walking around the room. “I think you need a little more color in here. Something to hang from the ceiling, since you don’t have any walls.”

“Yeah, it’s not as private as most people would like, but like I said, I’m not up here much.” Sam smiled at him. “I’ll be right back.”

Sam left the barn and walked toward the familiar trailer amongst the trees. She knocked and waited for an answer.

“What is it?” Joe asked once he opened the door.

“Can I have an old pair of sweatpants
and a white T-shirt if you happen to have some that you can part with?” She told him quickly.

Joe just looked at her. “What for?”

“Christian doesn’t have anything to…”

“I got it.” Joe said and disappeared, coming back with what she had asked for.

“Thank you.” Sam said and walked away from the trailer.

She walked back to her room to find Christian putting antibiotic ointment on his healing wounds.

“Here ya go.” She said and put the clothes on the bed next to him. “It didn’t occur to me if you need boxers or anything so I don’t have any for you.”

Christian smiled at her. “It’s fine. I have plenty for now and with my pay and can get whatever it is that I need.”

“Alright.” She said returning his smile.
Sam watched him as he medicated himself and when the front was done he tried to get the back.

“Here, let me help you.” Sam offered and took the ointment tube from his hands and kneeled behind him on the bed.

“Thank you.” He said softly.

“You’re welcome.”

Sam gently ran her fingers over his wounds till they were all covered.

“There you go.” Sam said handing the ointment back to him.


Sam smiled and moved over on the bed. Christian sat on the edge of the bed for a while letting the ointment sink in. He moved back and sat cross-legged on the bed and faced Sam. She was lying on her side resting her head on her hand.

“How do they feel?” She asked him gently.

He smiled sweetly and nodded his head. “I feel fine. Every once in a while I get a pain but it passes pretty quickly.”

As they sat there both kept glancing at each other. Christian started to mess with his pants and Sam just smiled at him. His shirt was off and she couldn’t help but notice his muscular arms and well sculpted torso. She glanced away from him when he raised his eyes toward her. She caught him grin and then got up from the bed. He put on the T-shirt and then took of his pants to reveal boxer’s with Winnie the Pooh on them.

“Oh my god.” Sam laughed.

“What?” Christian said looking at his boxers.

“You’ve got to be kidding me. Please tell me that you’re going to by new ones and throw those away.”

“Why?” Christian said honestly.

“You’re not serious are you? Come on, it’s Pooh. You can not be wearing Winnie the Pooh boxers.”

Christian glared at her. “Fine, when I get new ones these ones are out.” He told her.

“Good, now come on.” Sam said and pulled back the covers. “If we don’t get some sleep we’re both going to be dragging tomorrow and that will suck.”

“I think you’re forgetting something.”


“I believe someone is on vacation.” He smiled.

Sam stopped and sighed at him. “Right, vacation. I guess that means I’ll be bored as hell again.”

“Oh come on. When I get up and start to work you can sleep in.”

“Sleep in…? I haven’t slept in for years. I don’t think I can start now.”

“Years…? I find that hard to believe.” He grinned.

“Remember Chris, the whole past thing is back there.”

“Right…” He said and left it at that.

Sam got into the bed and made herself comfortable. Moments later the bed shifted as Christian got in. It actually was nice to have another person near her. She smiled to herself and fell asleep.

When she woke up she was the only one in the bed. She rolled over to see a note on the pillow.

I don't want to see your face till 10:00 am

Sam smiled and looked at the clock. It was only eight. She rolled back over and looked at the ceiling. She heard people below her cleaning and she got up and looked over the edge.

“I’m serious.” Christian said from below her.

“Chris, I can’t. I’m wide awake.”

“Try going back to sleep and I bet you will.”


“Samantha…” He said and grinned up at her.

Sam just smiled and went and laid back in bed. She closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep. She dozed for a half hour before she managed to fall back asleep. She awoke to a large slam from below and looked at the clock.

“Shit.” Sam said. “It’s eleven o’clock.”

“Yes it is. What are you sick?” Cal smiled.

“Oh god, you scared me.” Sam said sitting up. “What are you up to?”

“Just came to check up on you.”

Sam felt her nerves shutter. “I’m guessing Kiley gave you a big spiel about…let me guess. I…broke into the house and was searching for anything that would get me money and then when she caught me I put up a fight. Something like that?”

“Something like that.” Cal smiled and sat on the bed next to her. “Jeez…she got you good.” He said tilting her head to see the nice shiner that almost eclipsed her eye.

“What did she really tell you?” Sam asked seriously.

“You really wanna know?” He asked still looking at her face.

“I really do.”

“It was along the lines of what you said but she made you look worse then what you said.”

“She made me look worse then that? How did she manage that?”

“You don’t want to know.”

“No, not really.” Cal smiled. “What really happened was Christian and I went into the house to find you. He didn’t have anything to wear to bed so I thought I’d ask you what we should do about it and to see where he was going to be staying. The lights were off and we slowly made our way through the house only to be stopped by Kiley. She said some nasty things, I said some nasty things, than she hit me.”
Cal nodded. “She’s grounded for a month, just so you know.”

“Really?” Sam smiled.

“Her mother and I have been looking into her stories since we realized that she tends to lie quite a bit. Meg checked her stuff and did find a few things missing. We went into Kiley’s room to see if we could find anything and we found everything that was missing in her pillowcase.”

“Really?” Sam said slightly shocked. “I didn’t think she’d go to such extremes. No offence or anything, since she’s your daughter and all.”

“There’s a point when a girl’s father has to see the truth and it’s usually him who has to deal with it.” Cal explained.

“I’m sorry.” Sam said unfortunately.

“It’s not your fault.”

“I know but…”

“No buts about it.” Cal smiled. “I’ll see you later.”

“Okay.” She smiled. “Hey…” She said stopping him. “Did Kiley mention Chris in her explanation?”

“No, why?” Cal asked, his curiosity sparked.

“It’s just that when she hit me Chris grabbed her wrist and kinda told her off for it. I figured she’d tell you.”

“No, she didn’t. I’m glad you told me.”

“I guess she has it in for me more then I thought.” Sam smirked.

“I’ll handle it.” Cal told her.

“Thanks Cal but just leave it. You know so let’s just leave it at that.”

“Alright.” Cal said and turned to leave.

“And Cal…?” Sam said stopping him again. He turned toward her. “Thank you. For not believing her story. For believing that I’m not just some screw up.”

Cal just smiled and winked at her before leaving. It was nice to have someone who believed in her. She quickly got dressed and went down to the barn floor. She went to Zeus’s stall and gave him a handful of oats before going up to the house for breakfast. She went into the kitchen to come face to face with Kiley.

“Bitch! You ratted me out!” She yelled in her face.

Sam sighed and took a few steps back. “You’re the one who lied about it and got caught. I was just telling the truth. You screwed yourself over all on your own.” She told her flatly.

Kiley glared at her. “By the way, nice eye.” She said and hit the bruise before she left.

“Kiley!” Joe said from the doorway.

Kiley froze and Sam could tell she didn’t feel as cocky now. Joe glared at her and she passed by him. She turned around long enough to glance at Sam and then disappeared. Joe walked up to Sam and looked at her eye before walking away. Sam just shook her head and let it go. She ate her breakfast and took a cup of coffee out onto the porch. She sat in a chair and looked out over the ranch. Before long she saw Christian and he walked over to her.

“Afternoon.” He smiled at her sitting in a seat next to her.

“Not yet.” Sam said returning the smile.

“Felt good didn’t it?”

“I actually did. I feel more refreshed then usual.”

“Told ya.” He grinned at her.

“Yeah, yeah, stop gloating.”

They sat in silence for a few minutes before Christian got up and smiled at her before heading back off to work.

Time seemed to go by slower then it had the day before. She had less time to do things and that seemed to make it slow down even more so if she wanted to she could fit it in. She took Zeus out and rode the trails before bathing him, grooming him, exercising him, and then bathing him again. It took up a good chunk of her time so the day seemed to be moving on a bit faster. When the sun finely started to set the work was being rapped up and soon Christian joined her on the porch again.

“How’s it going?” He asked.

“Fine, how about you?”

“Great, I’m starting to feel like my old self again.” He smiled.

“That’s very good to hear.”

“Enjoying your vacation yet?”

Sam gaffed at him. “No.” She said and laughed. “I don’t know if I’ll ever enjoy it.”

“You will.” He said and got up again. “I’ll be back.”

“Okay.” She said and looked out into the sunset.

Sam leaned further down in the chair and listened to the night. She was enjoying her self until there was a crash inside and then yelling was heard. Sam sat up and looked behind her into the house. Derek came out into the refuge of the porch and sat next to her.

“What’s going on in there?” She asked him.

“You don’t want to know.”


“Kiley’s pitching a fit. Dad took her cell phone away.”


“He got a call from the school today telling him that Kiley was caught in the bathroom smoking pot with a few of her friends.”

More yelling and screaming was heard from behind them.

“Oop, he just took away the laptop.”
Derek smiled.

Sam laughed. “Wow, I think she’s having a bad year.”

“I don’t know what it is with her. She has everything she wants and yet she’s so unhappy.”

“Some people are like that.” Sam told him.

“Yeah, well, I don’t know how Brendan and I stayed so sane and she’s the one who’s hell on wheels.”

“I second that.” Brendan said coming from the house.

“Hey.” Sam smiled at Brendan.

“Hi.” He replied and sat on the other side of her.

“Everyone wants to get away.” Sam said aloud.

“Yup.” Derek and Brendan said together.

Sam smiled and together they watched the sun go down.

“Having a party out here?” Chris said coming from the house.

“Yup, wanna join us?” Sam asked him.

“You know…” Derek said and thought a moment. “I know where there’s a real party. It’s Friday night. I think we should go to it.”

They all exchanged glances and smiled. Soon they had all changed.
© Copyright 2006 The Writer (doggy_25 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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