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(chapter 1) my first real work. i intend on getting more on later |
Lone Wolf A book written by Charles Harageones; Fel For all the werewolves that are the readers Good luck on your journeys. “In a deep forest of black, a family will live. A young one will grow knowing only sadness. He will overcome the dark, and set all of his kind free” 225 AD. Unknown werewolf There is a forest that I know of. It is hidden deep in the Rocky Mountains of North America. Near the center of the forest is a town called Lupine. This small town is surrounded by the dark mass of gnarled trees called the Blood forest. It is said that monstrous animals lurk in the forest, and that it is not safe to go out at night… 1 “Kaeara, get back here!” Trey hissed quietly, yet vehemently. He was not going to get blamed for this one! “KAEARA! Get over here NOW!” Abandoning caution, Trey leapt over the fence and ran after his 16 year old age mate. She was much lighter than him, but he had been hunting more and was in better shape. He caught up to her near the well, which was a short way into the village. “Kaeara, you can’t just run into the town in the middle of the night! You know that! What if someone sees you? We live MILES from here, and we can’t drive. Don’t you think it might be a little suspicious if you just popped up in the middle of the town ass naked?” Trey lectured her, making sure that he had a tight hold on her wrist, and that no one was in sight. ”You better have a damn good reason to be here!” “I do, as a matter of fact!” She glared at him with her bright green eyes, which now seemed to shine in the moonlight. ”Do you remember the mayor’s daughter, Kelly?" she continued without waiting for an answer." Well, she said that there is a meeting tonight at the town hall. A meeting about how to get rid of the “Feral Dogs” that are running loose in the forest. They are talking about us, Trey, and I don’t want to move unless the pack ABSOLUTELY HAS TO!” She stared at Trey with a hard cold fury, then continued. " I am doing this for the good of the pack, Trey. If you're not going to help, then leave me alone! I won't get caught." Kaeara continued looking at him, witing for his answer. Trey contemplated her short speech. After a long and thoughtful silence, he replied in a low voice. "Fine, but I'm going with you." She opened her mouth to argue, but he quickly cut her off. " A pair are will spot danger faster, and will recall more words later. I am going." Kaeara glared at Trey with her icy green eyes, angrily considering his words. Thinking of no way to make him go she let him come, or rather she had no choice but to let him come.Turning around, she led he way through the dark twisting streets of Lupine. The only time that they had to duck and hide was behind a hardware store, called Durban's. Some dog had caught their fresh scent from their shift, and began furiously tugging at it's leash to get to the alley. The dog's owner looked once and seeing only shadows, pulled the infuriated dog away. They waited until the dog was gone and theywere sure that weren't being watched. When they were all clear, they jumped up and climbed onto the roof of the store. Jumping from roof to roof they worked toward the center of town. They came to the town hall unseen and without further incident. Trey whispered to Kaeara once they reached the top of the building. " I think that they would hold the meeting in the big assembly room. I was here once, it's on the northern side." Nodding at Trey's knowledge, she studied the quarter moon and worked to the north side of the building. Peering over the edge they saw only one lit window that glowed a bright, furious yellow. The window was about halfway down. That made it a good twenty feet up from the ground. Knowing what to do, both of them urged their nails to grow in a partial shift. Once their nails formed to claws, they eased over the edge and worked down on either side of the window. Thier claws gripped even the slightest depressions on the dark red brick. Reaching the window, the two of them halted and listened to the dull sound of a man's voice. A rich scent of perspiration and rug cleaner swept out of the partially opened window. If they listened hard they could hear his voice over the regular hubbub of a crowd of people. " There are dangerous animals in the woods out there! Whats not to panic about? Last week Mr. Karry lost six of his cows. A search the next day found them torn, mutilated, and eaten. All of his cows are now locked in his barn with his son guarding the door with a shotgun! Who's to say that it won't be six people next time? Six children? I looked up a state animal control office and contacted them. I gave them all the information I could. They sent back a reply saying that they will be here tonight, at 11:30" A murmur of agreement swept through the room. The last faint murmers never reached the two ears out the window. They had already begun their climb up toward the sky weighted with sadness and fear. They swung easily over the top rim, Kaeara slightly behind Trey. The two immediately jogged off toward the edge of town, and the forest. At the edge of the buildings they jumped off together and landed next to a dumpster. After they did a quick look around with nervous eyes and found no one nearby, they began their shift. Trey willed the shift and it began immediately. Looking toward Kaeara, he saw that she too began to change. He felt his bones warp and resize, in a not completely unpleasant way. His pelvic bone gave a gut wrenching twist, reshaping to that of a quadruped. He was forced to the ground when this, coupled with the stretching of his foot bones, occured. Fur sprouted along his entire body beginning over his shoulders and rippling down his back and sides. Growing longer, the fur gave messages of gentle sensations as a soft breeze blew across his sensitive hairs. Trey moaned as his jaw elongated into a muzzle, and his vocal system changed to that of a wolf. Teeth grew into lethal fangs which would, when coupled with his powerful jaw, tear a man's arm off with a passing bite. His pelvis moved up his spine, exposing a few vertabra. These either elongated or doubled, making a tail on which long grey fur sprouted as it grew. After a few more minutes of more minor adjustments, a full wolf stood there. The once-human male looked back, and saw the she wolf finishing her business. Once she growled a soft affirmative, he leapt forward toward the Blood Forest with her in tow. ****** The huntress smiled with a humorless twist of her lips. She could now prove herself. Black hair and dark skin hid her well in the shadows. When she saw the wolves enter the forest, she waited a little while longer before coming out of hiding. Startling green eyes looked out into the dark mass of vegetation. "Finally! I can now rid the earth completely of their curse." This whisper was a promise to herself, that she would hold until her death. Turning on her heel she strode toward the town square. The tall female strode with long graceful, yet purposeful, steps. Her long black cloak billowed behind her, displaying an array of silver heapons and multiple firearms across her belly and down her sides to her knees. The dark cloak was pulled up around her, hiding the small arsenal. It was still loose enought to move, though, and gave the illusion that she was a mere shadow moving through the night. |