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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Emotional · #1058627
A story based on the lives of high school students and the trouble and thoughts they have.
Staring down the somewhat empty corridor, Monica thought she was going to scream. Apparently, the boy of her dreams, Steve, finally broke up with his long time girlfriend. Well maybe now I can actually have a chance with him, she though as she walked towards her first period class. The halls of Lindor High were bustling with students trying to get to class before the second bell rang. Monica was slowly walking to her math class trying to keep from doing a stupid little happy dance. She had been hoping that Steve and Emily would break up since they started to date two years previous.

Wondering if she could ever have a chance with Steve now, Monica just made it into her class right before the bell rang. I’ll have to be more careful about that. I really don’t need to end up being late for class. Taking out her heavily doodled on notebook, she started to write down the notes the teacher was writing on the board. This crap is so stupid, why do I even bother? Giving up on her math, Monica decided her time could be better spent doing something she actually enjoyed. Taking out her well used black permanent marker she decided that today, not even paper could cut it. Carefully she started to draw on her bare arm. A sharp jab in her shoulder made her put down the marker. It was one of her best friends Stacy, trying to get her attention. “What the hell do you want?” Monica grumbled turning around. “Nothing much, I was just curious if you heard the big news yet.” Figuring that Stacy was referring to the news about Steve and Emily, Monica, not wanting to ruin her friend’s obvious eagerness to spill the beans, decided to play dumb. “No what’s the scoop?” “Oh my god you haven’t heard? Steve and Emily broke up! Isn’t it like, the best news you’ve heard in like forever? Cuz like honestly we all know you got a major thing for Steve.” “Are you serious? That’s like the best thing I’ve heard in a long time.” Wow I’m good. I could be a kick ass actor if I wanted to be. Laughing slightly she turned back around in her desk and pretended to be doing some work, seeing as how the teacher looked like she was about to flip on the two friends.

Later that day as Monica was walking in search of her friends during break, she noticed that she was just a little behind Steve. Now this would be the best time to go and say something to him, but I can’t be too pushy. He just broke up with her. What would I say though? Nice weather we’re having? Why can’t I ever think of anything smart to say to him? Stupid fucking boys I never know what to say to them that sounds intelligent. Then again most guys if I said anything intelligent would probably not even know what I was talking about. Stupid guys. Ok this is my chance, just go up and say hi. It’s just that easy. Damn he has a cute ass. Oh my god I need to focus. All I have to do is walk up a few steps and say hi. It’s not that hard. Damnit! Stupid ass kid just has to be popular and just has to start talking to some other guy now doesn’t he? Fuck! I missed my chance! I really need to stop procrastinating. Like really at this rate I bet he doesn’t even know who the hell I am. Well maybe not but who really knows about that one. I bet he knows like everybody. Damn he is so sexy. I really want him but like really what’s the chance that he’ll ever like me? I bet he never will. Well yah I guess some people say that I should be more optimistic but I don’t know why. Why would a boy like him like me? “Hey Monica watch where your going!” stopping, Monica looks and realizes that she was just about to walk into the post in the middle of the doorway. Oh my god that would have been so embarrassing! Thankfully at least someone was watching me. Hey who was that? Looking around she could not seem to place who the voice could have came from, but did notice a cluster of younger girls watching and laughing at her. Stupid kids they really need to get a life, not just laugh at everybody else’s god.

A few days later Monica was hanging in the hall during lunch and she noticed that her one friend was talking to this other boy. She knew that her friend, Amy, liked the boy, but you could not even tell from how she was acting. Damn I wish I could be like that. Just be able to talk to the guys I like and not just flirt hardcore with them. It’s kind of really pathetic. Damn I’m so pathetic. Like really. Oh well not like I can change who I am I guess. Maybe I should go talk with them. Perhaps I can pick up some ways to not flirt so much with guys then. I wonder what there talking about. Oh my god theirs Steve. Fuck he’s so cute. Why can’t he walk down this part of the hall? I’d kill to even just be near him. “Hey dorkwad are you going to stand there all day looking like a reject or come and talk to me?” Amy called out. “What? Oh yah I was just coming you know.” If only she’ll believe that. Oh well. “Heya Amy, hey umm, sorry I forget your name.” “Its Charlie,” the guy told her. Wow his voice sounds familiar, but I’ve never even talked to him. That’s sort of creepy, thought Monica. Meh it’s all good. I must have just heard him around in the hall or something then. I don’t know what Amy sees in this guy though. He looks to be pretty stupid. Some people have strange taste in guys.

What the hell was that? She wondered. Noticing a balled up piece of paper by her foot, Monica reached over and picked it up. Opening the crumpled piece of paper, she notices it’s a note. Although she could not recognize the writing, it said it was for her so trying to make it less obvious of what she was doing, she started to read.
Hey Monica!
I’m not really sure if you know this or not but I think you are very beautiful. I would really like to get to know you better, but I don’t know if I’m really ready for a relationship right now. I would like you to consider meeting me sometime so we can hang out and get to know each other better. If you are interested then please meet me by the library on Friday after school. I’ll know who you are but you don’t know me. Just wait and see.
♥ Your secret admirer (yes, I know that’s cheesy but its true)

Now what’s that about? Well I for sure don’t recognize the writing so maybe it is from some guy who likes me. Oh my god what if it’s from Steve? It said that he doesn’t want a relationship right now, and well who would blame him? He just broke up with his girlfriend. It has to be him! Who else could it be? This is like the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time. This is awesome! On Friday I totally have to dress nice. Maybe even a little sexy. This shall be fun. Oh Steve you won’t be disappointed!

Slowly the week progresses and Monica get more and more anxious about finding out who threw that mysterious note at her. Still believing it was Steve, she started to become oblivious to the fact that Charlie was trying to become more and more friendly towards her. I bet she doesn’t even know who I am. Now that’s a depressing thought. I wonder if she is actually going to show up at the library tomorrow or if I’m going to end up being stood up. I need to talk to her and tell her how I feel. I just hope she will listen to me. I wonder what she thinks of me. I bet she doesn’t even like me. Why would she?

Finally it was Friday and Monica couldn’t be more excited. Waking up an hour earlier then usual she decided that she had to look perfect to meet her secret admirer today. I really hope Steve likes how I look today. Should I crimp or curl my hair. Oh whatever it doesn’t really matter. Let’s just pull it up sexily. I don’t even know how the hell I will be able to concentrate in school today. This has to be the best day of my life. It’s sort of funny because it’s Friday the 13th. Who would have though something good could come from it? At least for me anyways.

Walking down the hall Monica was trying to stay focused, but her head was in the clouds all day. Not even paying the slightest attention to anything. That ended up causing her some major embarrassment. This is perfect. I’ve seen Steve so many times today he has to have noticed that I took extra time to look good for him today. Oh my god. Their he is. Damn he looks so hot. Ok breath. Keep walking. Don’t drool. That is totally unattractive. Oww! Mother fucker! Oh my god there all laughing at me. How embarrassing. Its totally attractive walking into a fucking pole when you just walk by the guy you totally like. Great now he will probably think I’m a loser. Wow. Oh well. Just got to pay more attention to where I go. I hope that didn’t turn him off. I guess ill find out after school.

Finally it’s the end of the day. I really hope Monica isn’t too disappointed to see that it’s me who wrote her that note. She probably will be. Why did I have to wear this shirt? It’s so ugly. What is wrong with me? When have I ever cared about clothes? God this girl is driving me insane! If only there was some other way to do this. Oh my god here she comes. Damn she looks so hot. Well I guess I should talk to her.

Where the hell is Steve? I really hope he didn’t forget. After all the work I did to look good for him if he doesn’t show I think I’ll cry. Hey there’s that guy Amy likes. What the hell is he doing? Whatever he’s a freak. Steve where the hell are you?

This is it. Just walk up to her and start talking. It shouldn’t be too hard. Not like I’ve never talked to her before. Ok I can do this. Carefully walking over, Charlie came up to Monica and tapped her on her beautiful shoulder. “Hey Monica. How’s it going?” Oh please let her answer me and not be too disappointed.

“Charlie what the hell are you doing here?” Oh please don’t let it be him. I’ll cry. Oh my god please let Steve come right now.

“Monica, there’s something I need to talk to you about. This is kind of awkward but I have to get it off my chest. I really like you and I just can’t pretend anymore. I would really like it if you would consider maybe, like, going to a movie or something with me. As like, a date.” Oh please let her say yes. This can’t be good. Why isn’t she saying something? She looks like she could cry. Or punch me. I knew this was wrong! Oh why did I have to be so stupid? I knew an amazing girl like her would never like a loser boy like me.

“Look Charlie, you’re a great person and all that jazz, but honestly, I just don’t like you. I’m sorry?” I can’t believe it. All the time I spent, everything, just pointless. This is not cool. I feel so stupid. I guess I’ll just go home and cry now. “Yah you know what Charlie, I have to go. See you around.”

I can’t believe I was stupid enough to think that she could ever like me. Why am I so stupid? Fuck! Well I guess I can say I’ve been totally humiliated and hardcore rejected. Who would brag about that though? I know I won’t. I really hope she doesn’t tell anyone. I need someone to talk to now. But who? Maybe I’ll go find Amy. She always seems to listen to me. Hopefully she’s home. At least she doesn’t live to far away I can just walk there.

“Amy I really messed up. I told Monica that I like her and she just totally blew me off. What is her problem?” I hope she doesn’t get too mad or anything, but she does know Monica best seeing as how they are best friends. At least Amy listens to me. “Sorry what was that? I was kind of thinking.” “I said that you just have no chance with her sorry to say. She is way too into that Steve guy. Honestly I think she is crazy for liking him. Also for rejecting you.”

“Why do you say that?” what is she talking about? Girls are so weird! She actually looked relieved when I said that Monica rejected me. Wow Amy has really nice eyes. Why didn’t I ever notice that before? She’s just been hanging around me for how long? How strange. “Well all that I mean is that I think Monica is pretty stupid for saying no to you. So many girls would love it if you asked them out.” “Really like who?” that’s a laugh and a half. There’s probably no girl in the entire world who would want to date me. “Like me.”

“What? Oh Amy I never knew you felt that way about me. Are you serious?” I can’t believe it. How could I not see she liked me? Oh wow. This is one messed up day. I guess that’s what happens on Friday the thirteenth. Why did I never realize all this? Why do I feel so weird? I can’t like Amy can I? Oh boy this is messed up. “Amy, I have a confession to make. I think I like you, but I really don’t know how I feel, but I think I’d be willing to try something and see where it goes? Would you like to, you know, go out sometime?” “Oh my god yes! Oh Charlie you don’t know how happy this has made me.”

Why did it have to be Charlie? I was so sure it was Steve too. “Oh sorry I should pay attention where I’m going. Oh Steve, hi.” That’s always the smartest thing to do. Run smack into the guy you totally like. “Hey Monica how’s it going? You look nice today, you know that?” Oh my god is Steve hitting on me? Oh I really hope so! “It’s going pretty good. I just had a major disappointment though. A total creep just asked me out. It was totally rank. How are you?” “Oh I’m pretty good. I was just about to head home. Hey, where do you live? If you want I could give you a ride home.” Oh my god I just got offered a ride home by the sexiest boy in the world! “Yah sure that would be cool.” YES! Now this is how a Friday the thirteenth should be.

“Wow Steve you have a nice car.” sucking up to a guys car always works. Then again it is a sexy car. “Mustangs are my favourite car did you know that?” “No actually I didn’t. Hey what time do you have to be home? Wanna just cruse around in a sexy car for a while?” I can’t believe it! This is amazing. “Yah sure I don’t have to be home for a while.” Damn this is so awesome. Oh Steve you have no idea how much I really want to kiss you right now. If only I could tell him that. He would probably think I’m insane though. If only I had a camera this would be the best picture. Me in Steve’s sexy car. Oh my god! He just put his arm around me!

Amy, why did I never notice before how beautiful you are? I can’t believe how much I actually like her. Maybe getting rejected by Monica was a good thing. At least I found myself a great girl. Thankfully this theatre is pretty empty. I don’t know what I would do if there were a lot of people around to see us together. I wonder what she would do if I put my arm around her. I guess there’s only one way to find out. Oh wow she didn’t push it off, and she’s snuggling into me! That’s always a good sign. Hopefully. I should do something romantic. Damn I really want to kiss her. “Amy, there’s something I want to tell you.”

As if time started to go in slow motion, Amy looked up at Charlie. Instead of saying anything to her though, Charlie, somewhat slow and cautious, bent down slightly and tenderly kissed her. Drawing apart, Charlie finds himself feeling something he has never felt before in his life. As Amy snuggles deeper into him, he puts his arm around her and for one perfect moment, everything is right in the world. At least for the two of them.

“Wow Steve this is so much fun!” I wish I could say something that doesn’t make me sound like a total ditz. God! “Do you want to know something Monica? I’ve had a crush on you for a while.” I can’t believe he just said that! “Are you serious? Oh my god. Steve I have totally liked you for like, a long time.” hopefully that didn’t sound too pathetic. “I sort of figured that. I just never had a time where I would actually be able to talk to you. You were never alone. You have no idea how happy I was when I ran into you today. Hey I got an idea. Do you want to come over to my place? I know we will be alone there babe.” Can this day get any better? “Yah sure. You know I would love to.”

Damn he has a nice house. I wish I had this kind of money. I wonder if he will kiss me. I really hope so. That would just be so amazing. Wow that couch looks comfy. “Do you want to just watch some TV or something?” do I want to watch TV? What a stupid question. Obviously I don’t. “Yah sure Steve that would be fun.” I wonder if he actually just wants to watch TV with me. That would be pretty lame. Oh wow he’s warm. Just snuggle a little closer. “Monica, I really want to kiss you.” “Go ahead. I won’t stop you. Actually I’d love it if you would. ”

After many minutes of intense kisses, Steve starts to get a little more friendly. Softly touching every inch of her body, he wants to explore more. Monica, caught up in the passion of the moment, doesn’t even notice when Steve starts to undo her pants. She only begins to notice when he starts to pull them off. “Steve what the hell are you doing?” Getting scared she starts to fumble around and trying to pull herself away from him. “No please! Stop!” “What don’t you like me? Come on Monica don’t be a drag. Or are you scared?” Obviously I am. What happened? He was so sweet. It’s all an act! Oh how stupid am I? All he wants is to fuck every single girl he can get his hands on. Oh why did I reject Charlie? If I never did that none of this would have ever happened. I’m so stupid! “Steve, stop! I-I-I have to get home.”

Wow this has to have been the best night I’ve ever had. “Amy, thank you I had so much fun. I’m just sorry I didn’t realize how amazing you were until it was almost too late. I really like you.” I hope she realizes how much I am telling the truth. Who would have though that Amy and I would have become an item? I know I never even though about it. I guess I will have to thank Monica for rejecting me. Hah, and people say that Friday the thirteenth is unlucky. It has ended up being the luckiest day of my life.

I can’t believe it. Why am I so stupid? I should have known that all a guy like Steve would want is sex. It’s just not fair. I feel so violated. I bet nobody will even believe me when I tell them what happened ether. He would probable just tell everyone I was all over him and that I was willing to fuck him. I can’t believe he actually did that though! I have to find Amy. She will believe me. I hope. Oh why did I have to be so stupid? God why can’t I find where the hell you live Amy? Oh my god I’m stupid. I do have a cell phone. I can just call her. Come on pick up the damn phone. “Oh thank god. Amy I have a major problem. Please can you help me? I don’t know where I am and something bad has happened. I’m really scared. Please hurry. Umm, right now I’m walking down uhh, Jenson drive. You will? Oh thank you so much.”

I really hope she will believe me. Just wait a few more minutes until we are in her house. Then I can tell her. Oh please let her know what to do. “Amy, I have something I need to talk to you about. Please believe me.” Hey whose car is that? Oh I don’t care I just need to get inside.

“Charlie? What the hell are you doing here?” I really don’t need an audience. Fuck. “I was just hanging out with Amy. We kind of started going out.” “You’re what? Oh congratulations hope you two are happy together. I hate to be mean. Again, hah, but I really need to talk to Amy. Alone.”

Holy shit what is wrong with Monica? She looks like she’s going to cry. I hope nothing bad happened to her. It’s probably my fault. “What happened? Please I want to know. I still care about you, you know.”

“Whatever you can stay fuck. Something bad happened. After you talked to me Charlie and I left, I kind of, ran into Steve. At first it was great. He offered to drive me home, but then we decided to go cruising around, and then he told me he liked me and we ended up at his house and we were making out but he kept pushing me into having sex but I didn’t want to, but he kind of. Persisted. And in the end he got what he wanted. I didn’t want to do it. I swear I didn’t. I’m not that type of girl.” I can’t believe this. I’m crying. I feel so stupid. I just want to go home. Crawl in bed and stay there forever. Or just die. What is the point of living anymore? Nobody gives a fuck about me. “No I don’t need to go to the hospital, I-I’ll be alright. I hope. Just can you please take me home?”

I can’t believe how worried Amy was. I sure hope she doesn’t tell anyone. If she does I’ll beat the hell out of her. Nobody needs to know what an ass Steve is. Well actually they do. Nobody will believe it though. Oh what to do. I can’t face him at school on Monday. I don’t think I can face anyone. They probably all know about it. Oh god I should just forget about it. I can drop out of school. Who needs to finish high school these days? Well I guess everyone but what’s the point? I can’t go back. I just wish there was something I could do. People need to know about Steve. What if he does what he did to me to someone else? That’s their problem I guess. I can’t take it. I need to get away. I’m so dirty. I will never be able to get a guy now. Fuck what is even the point of living anymore? It would just be so much better without me here anyways. Nobody would miss me anyhow. I should write a letter. People need to know at the very least.
Whoever the hell finds this:
I can’t take it anymore. I can’t live with myself for what people have put me through. I’m sorry. I just feel so alone and dirty. Please someone warn everyone about Steve. He’s not nearly as good as he seems. Amy and Charlie know what he did. I just can’t take it. Good bye. I loved you all.
♥ Monica

Now. How to get this over with. Oh I know. Might as well make sure it’s going to work. Where’s that bottle of sleeping pills mom has? I know she just got that prescription filled before they left yesterday. Yes found it. Now to get a water bottle and go for the second part. Thankfully mom and dad went out of town today. They won’t hear me and when they get home I’ll be good and dead. Now where are my keys? Here we go. There put the letter one the fridge. I should take a pillow. That will be good. At least make this comfortable. I should take a blanket too. The garage floor is probably cold. There start the car, now just these pills. I hate taking pills. Oh well this will be the last time I ever have to worry about anything like that.

Wow. Dying is actually quite relaxing. At least I don’t hurt anymore. I can’t believe that test said I’m pregnant. Fucking Steve he should be the one dying. Oh well he’s an asshole. I don’t think I could live with being pregnant when I’m only 16. Who cares though. I know I don’t. At least I don’t have to worry about that or anything anymore…

“Charlie, I’m worried about Monica, I think we should go check up on her. She didn’t seem like herself when I dropped her off.” “Sure come on I’ll drive you don’t seem to be in any condition to be driving. Let’s go.” I really hope she’s ok. I don’t know what I would do if something happened to Monica. “Don’t worry hun I bet she’s fine.” I hope. I guess I’ll just pull into her driveway. “Oh someone must be about to go somewhere, I hear a car in the garage.” that’s odd, I though Amy said Monica’s mom and dad were away. “Whoa, do you smell that? It’s intense. Someone needs to open that garage door. It’s about enough to knock someone out!”

As they opened the garage door, Amy noticed something on the floor. With an amazing shock, she realized that it was her best friend resting lifelessly on the cool floor. With a piercing scream she realized what her friend had done. Running over to her, Charlie went over to the car and turned it off, kicking a bottle on his way back to comfort his girlfriend. Bending down to pick it up he realized that it was a pill bottle for some heavy duty sleeping pills. He also noticed that the date issued for the bottle was only the day before, meaning it should be full.

“Amy, stay here, I’m going to call an ambulance. Maybe there is some way we can still save her.” oh my god Monica what did you do? “Yes I have an emergency. My girlfriend’s best friend committed suicide. I really don’t know what to do. Please we need some help.”

The funeral was yesterday. Amy’s a wreck. I feel so bad because I really don’t know what I can even do for her. I just let her talk and cry to me. I guess that is about all you can do when you’re girlfriends best friend killed herself. We found out why she did it. Steve rapped her and she was pregnant. I can’t believe that. At least people know how bad of a person Steve is now. I just wish there had been an easier way to find out what an ass he really was. I don’t think I will ever forget Monica. I really liked her. She was a special girl. I really like Amy though, and I’m happy we can at least try and get through this together. I wonder if Monica ever realized that it was me who warned her that day that she was going to run into that pole…
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