Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1057789-Once-By-Night
Rated: E · Other · Detective · #1057789
Starting scene of a story.
Once By Night

The storm came upon us suddenly, without warning. Night had fallen and we slept, unaware of the sudden fierceness of the night.

I awoke to the groan of our house complaining in the wind. Rain splattered itself against my window.

I parted the curtains, peering into the darkness. What was once a clear, moonlit night had turned as dark as a grave.

Anxiously wondering what to do, I let the curtains fall back to their place. I nervously glanced around my darkened room as the house groaned again.

I made my way on silent feet across the room. I had lived in this house so long I knew which floorboards creaked and could easily avoid them, even in the dark.

The door whined quietly as I opened it and stepped out into the hall. The wind whistled, entering through unseen cracks.

I paused to let my eyes adjust to the darkness, not that it helped much.

I crept past my brother's door, then my older sister's, and turned to face the stairs. There was no way I would be able to keep quiet going down. Over the years I tried every possible way to keep quiet, but none had worked.

As silently as possible, I tip-toed down the stairs, each one creaking beneath my feet.

I reached the floor and paused. Just when I was about to take a step, I heard a noise. A thump. A creak. Silence.

I stood there with baited breath for minutes upon end. I know not how many, but it was long enough to calm my pounding heart. Before I moved again, I strained my ears for a noise. Any noise.

I heard none.

Satisfied, I made my way to the kitchen door, pausing now and then to listen for a noise to cut through the silence.


Nothing, that is, but the wind and rain outside.

I peered around the wall into the kitchen. My eyes scanned the counters. Everything seemed to be in its place. But something didn't seem right. Something that I could not see.

I scanned the room again, this time scrutinizing more carefully. Then I realized what wasn't right.

Something, or someone, was here. Watching me. I could feel their eyes upon me, and yet I could not see them.

The wind still whistled as I stood motionless against the wall. The only other thing to be heard was my own breath. But even as silent as it was, it sounded loud in the dead of night.

I silently crept forward into the kitchen. There was a creak; I paused. I held my breath, my mind racing to solve this oddity. I knew I had not made the noise, for I had been choosing my footsteps wisely.

I slowly turned around, coming face to face with the mysterious presence.

Our eyes met on either side of the barrel. Those vacant eyes were the last I saw as she pulled the trigger.

*** To Be Continued ***
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