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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Death · #1057277
The Bond bewteen twins is a powerful thing, even in death...
Sadie trudged home in the rain, teeth chattering loudly. Her hair was sodden and hung limply over her pale face, making her sniff and wipe her nose with the back of her numb hand. She returned them to her ever-so-slightly-warmer pockets, wrapping her coat around her shaking body. The rain deafened her, so much that she didn't hear the car as she stepped into the road...


Sadie awoke to a white room and panicked. Her gut dropped to her toes that were unmoveable. Covers were wrapped tightly around her body, cutting out all movement and restricted her breathing. She cried out, voice echoing slightly in the small room and wriggled her toes helplessly. Something moved to her left and Sadie caught a glimpse of her mother before she was hugging her and settling her. She leant back, heart thumping, and clutched her thumb between her fingers in a tight fist. A slight sweat had formed on her forehead and she untangled her arm, wiping it off.

"Now, Don't panic, sweetie, but you... you..." her mother gulped, drawing a breath. "Got hit by a c-car and y-y-you," her mother leant over and took Sadie’s hand in her own, grasping it firmly "have severe head injuries. You've been in a c-concussion f-for nine days" she said, holding back the tears that Sadie knew were going to fall.

"Nine days?" she echoed, dumb struck. Nine days...and head injuries? She didn't remember a thing... The door opened a shut, causing Sadie's mother to whip round, glaring at nothing. Sadie felt confusion leaking round her body with the steady flow of blood, pounding in her head, her lungs, her heart. There was a ghostly giggle, making her jump. "What was that?" she whispered sharply, sucking in a breath.

"What was what, honey?" her mother asked, frowning. Sadie felt afraid...She clung to her mother's hand in a death grip, knuckles white as her breath came is raspy gasps.

"You mean you didn't hear it?" she said hoarsely, spinning her head around. The sound of her mother's voice died out to a steady dripping noise, and she dropped her hand slowly, skin turning ice cold... Sadie looked around and found the source - a puddle on the ceiling. It was letting off a steady stream of clear droplets that fell on the floor noisily. She stared at it for sometime, unaware of the existence of her mother who had stood up to get a cup of coffee and a soda for Sadie. The swishing of blood and her breathing mingled with the dripping, the only noises in the otherwise silent room. As she stared at the puddle on the ceiling, it started to change colour. It faded into a yellow colour, soon turning to a dirty brown stained with red, which soon took it over. The red liquid fell constantly and regularly, glistening in the light of the hospital room. Sadie gasped as she realised it was blood falling from the plaster, not water. It stopped dripping, fading out to churning noises at the foot of her bed. Sadie was curious as to what the blood was doing, so she disentangled herself from the tight bedclothes and crawled over to the foot of the bed, cautiously peering over.

Sadie stifled a scream, trying desperately to throw herself backwards but she was frozen, mouth stretched open and eyes fixed onto the empty ones staring at her.

On the floor lay a girl, shoulders and head revealed from underneath the bed where she lay on her back, staring up at Sadie. She had blank eye sockets, surrounded by grey, flaky skin stained with red flecks. She had gashes running over her cheeks and nose and her hair was matted and tangled around her face. Her mouth was stretched into a grin, black teeth and gums revealed in her unreal smile. Dark, sticky liquid was trickling from her mouth, dribbling down her chin like spittle, staining her parched skin a deep, dark red.

Sadie eventually found feeling in her legs and arms and pushed herself back, leaning against the bedstead. She was trembling violently, lip quivering as she released meaningless babble in a terrified manner. Spittle was leaking from her own mouth like a version of the twisted girl lying beneath her bed. Sadie drew a breath and pushed herself away, heading back to the end of the bed. She had to be dreaming, it wasn't real. The monster beneath the bed had disappeared long ago, when she stopped wetting the bed and getting silly nightmares. She peered over, laughing out loud in relief when she realised the thing wasn't there anymore. She threw her arms back, falling gracefully back onto her uncomfortable mattress. Except she didn't. She writhed and screaming silently as the small girl held her head in her lap, stroking her hair as she softly sang the songs Sadie knew all-too-familiarly. She struggled and sobbed, feeling the bile rising in her throat as piece of the decaying corpse fell on her face and torso unpleasantly, thick blood dripping onto her bare skin. She shivered and moaned, tears falling fast and thickly down her pained face.

The door handle clicked violently and someone banged on the door, the shouts muffled and irregular. Sadie shivered and held out a hand, pleading in desperation and she stretched, trying to hold whoever was there in her clasped fist. She felt the girl look up, grin still stretched maliciously over her face, running her hands through Sadie's tangled hair, humming under her breath. The door flew open and it revealed her mother and a doctor, both looking panic stricken. Her mother raced in, pulling Sadie into a hug as she sobbed, the occasional squeak slipping out. She rocked her backwards and forwards, talking softly. As she did so, the girl slipped off the bed and crouched in the corner, gnashing her teeth. She had never, ever like doctors.

Sadie's sobbing eventually subsided and she collapsed into her mother's arms, fast asleep. She set her back on the pillow and left the room with a quick kiss on the forehead. When she woke up, she met her mother's beaming face. She scanned the room - nothing.

"Guess what, Sadie, sweetheart! You can go home!" her mother said happily, kissing her on the cheek. Sadie forced a smile, flinging her arms around her mother's neck.

"I'm just going to get a drink" she said, sliding off the bed and dashing out the room. She walked down the corridor, heart thumping. Had she gone? Had she left her? A warm, happy bubble formed in her chest and she sung under her breath quietly and calmly. She stopped by the vending machine and inserted a coin she found on the floor the day before, clicking her selection. It fell into the bottom and she slipped her hand inside, picking it up. She turned around, still humming and jumped, dropping the carton of orange juice on the floor, where it exploded, covering everything around her. Surprising how much one small carton could hold. Sadie didn't concentrate on anything around her, the focus was on the dark figure standing with her hands clasped in front of her, grinning at her. She turned and fled back into the room with her mother, panting and pushed a smile onto her face so not to worry her mother.

"Hi sweetie. Ready to go home?" she asked, smiling warmly. Sadie nodded, still shaking like a leaf caught in an autumn up breeze, pushing her along a path she didn't want to retake. She picked up her bag, which she didn't even realise she had until then, and followed her mother to the car, constantly checking over her shoulder. She climbed in, feeling edgy and yelped when she looked in the mirror.

"Hi, Sadie. Remember me?" she cackled, wiggling her fingers in a wave. "You thought you'd got rid of me, didn't you?" she asked, laughing maniacally. Sadie winced and covered her eras with her hands, removing them quickly when she saw her mother looking at her oddly, folding them in her lap. As soon as they pulled up in her drive Sadie ran up the stairs, yelling to her mom that she was going to get some sleep.

She went to the bathroom first, stripping and turning the shower up to the maximum heat, scalding her skin but scrubbing ferociously. She muttered to herself, wiping the bloodstains and spittle from her pale arms, now raw red. When she got out, she dried herself and pulled on clean under - she didn't suspect she had had it changed - and an overly large tshirt, climbing into bed. She noticed the sheets had been changed and she pulled them up around her head, tightening her grip when she felt a weight at the bottom of her bed. The giggle rung out in her room, piercing Sadie's mind.

"Funny how just a little knock by a car can bring back the worst memories" she said shrilly, shoving Sadie from under the covers. She huddled there, shaking and moaning as she spoke to her constantly throughout the entire night. When she got up, it was eight o clock and she followed her constantly round the house as she made breakfast, showered, changed, bid her mother goodbye, watched TV…everywhere Sadie went, she went too. Sadie had goose bumps that were impossible to loose and her teeth chattered. She sat at the computer screen, staring at it blankly. The girl came close and picked up her hair, whispering in her ear.

"You know you have to do it. Think about it, we'd be together again, forever." She rasped, breath washing over Sadie thickly, the smell of rotting impossibly overpowering. She gagged, pushing her away and ran to the toilet, retching but no vomit rose. She weakly clutched at the basin, the cold soothing beneath her clammy hands. Her words echoed around her head, making her mind spin. She retched again and this time vomit did rise, burning her throat with the sour taste of bile. She pushed herself up, first on all fours then weakly onto her legs, walking shakily and uncertainly down the stairs.


"Thirteen year old Sadie Phillips was found at six am this morning by a local woman walking her dog and visiting her dead father's grave. She was said to have been found in a position lying on the floor with her arms curled around a corpse. On further examination, it seemed that she was laying on a grave and indeed holding the corpse of her recently deceased twin sister, Mary Jane Philips..."

-I have yet to find a name for this, and please ingore any grammer or Spelling errors.-
© Copyright 2006 Daughter_Of_Desire (deadlykittie at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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