Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1056504-The-Storm----Chapter-Two
Rated: E · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1056504
Aaron and Breanna are entering into a new relationship.
After they had assured the stewardeses that they were fine,they found their luggage and exited the plane. They immediately began looking for rooms to stay while the airline repaired the aircraft or supplied another.
With all the other passengers that had been aboard the same jet, looking for rooms to say the least was chaotic.
Some passengers seemed numb, some agitated at their schedule being interuped, and some just seemed happy to be alive. That was the category Aaron and Breanna seemed to fall into.
Air felt fresher, the sky bluer, the grass greener and now there was this bond between them. Breanna felt just a little more alive now, with what seemed the beginning of something beyond a work relationship.
Aaron thought about what they had just been through. Actually when that jet was going down, he had been more scared than he had ever been in his entire life. Much to his surprise he had made the choice to be strong for her. He wanted to protect her, he wanted to be there for her in that tramatic incident, no matter the outcome.
He had made promises to her of all being well that he had no way of keeping, but she had believed him and now here they were.
Now when she walked beside him she walked a little closer to him than before, always just slightly touching him. Probably nothing she noticed, but he did. He liked it.
Sooner than they thought they found two rooms provided by the airline. They had hoped to get two rooms close together for convienience sake, but they were rooms apart. Looking on the brighter side of the situaton they were at least on the same floor.
Looking for room 943b Breanna'a room Aaron toted their luggage. When they got to her room Aaron opened the door and she went in first. Aaron followed her with their luggage, and he took it upon himself to check out the room including the bathroom before he
left. "Everthing seems to be in order here, you'll be fine here. I'll be down the hall in room 980b, here's my phone number if you need anything". He put the number down by the card that unlocked the door on a nearby lightstand. "Okay?" he questioned her. "I'll be fine." she answered him, and with that he picked up his luggage and left to find his room that was just down the hall.
He didn't like leaving her alone, but he didn't want to be alone with her either. Not in a hotel room that was for sure. He was feeling some emotions concerning her that were foreign to him.
The Storm had definitely left them different than it had found them.

(to be continued)..........

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