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Rated: XGC · Short Story · Other · #1056024
My romance story isn't finished. please give me feed back.
Jade sat on the edge of the table, dressed in her hospital gown, while the doctor examined her. “ Lay back on the table.” He instructed. His long slender fingers probed Jade’s stomach. “How long have you had these symptoms Miss Duquett ?” “ About two weeks.” “I’d like to go ahead and do a couple of routine tests just to make sure what we are dealing with.” Jade nodded.

When the doctor returned to the room Jade had fully dressed again. She was sitting in one of the chairs near his desk. He sat down on the stool, placing her file on the desk. “It is just what I suspected Miss Duquett, you are going to be a mother.” Jade felt her whole body go numb. She could feel the color draining from her face. The doctor must have sensed her shock. “ You have options with this pregnancy, if you decide to follow through with the pregnancy there are classes we offer for expectant mothers, I think they will benefit you greatly this being your first child.” All Jade could do was nod. “ I would also like to schedual an ultra sound so that we can get an exact due date for your baby.” He handed her a couple of pamphlets that explained things in more detail.

As Jade left the office she stopped at the secretaries desk, handing her the order for the ultra sound. The secretary called down to ultra sound setting the appointment for her. Jade stood there still in shock. The voices that surrounded her all seemed so distant. It was almost as if she was standing in a fog, and could hear echos of the people around her. The secretary handed her the appointment card.

By the time Jade got back home it was nearly dinner time , her father would be getting home from work. How was she supose to tell him that she was pregnant. He had known that she had a relationship with Ryan McDow. After Ryan had hurt her so badly before her returned to California his named hadn’t been mentioned in their house again. Jade’s father was very protective of her, and didn’t like to see his baby girl upset.

Her father came in to the kitchen and placed a kiss on her forehead. “ How did it go at the doctor’s today pumpkin?” She sat down in the kitchen chair, afraid that her knees were going to give out. “ He told me that I am pregnant.” Her father froze in her tracks. “ You mean to tell me that bastard knocked you up, and left you.” Anger wrinkled his brow. “Daddy please, he had no idea, this is as much my fault as his.” He came over and placed his hands on her shoulders. “ I’m sorry sweetie, everything will be ok.”he reassured her. “ I think I’m going to go rest I’m still not feeling well.”

The following Wednsday afternoon Jade layed on the ultra sound table. The technician explained that since she probably wasn’t very far along they were going to have to do an internal exam. Jade wasn’t very comfortable with the idea, but there really wasn’t any option. The only person she had ever had sex with was Ryan, and that wasn’t planned. Now here she was laying on an exam table being probed by some ultrasound tech. Getting her first glimps at her unborn fetus on the monitor gave Jade a strong feeling of pride. “Well Miss Duquett according to the size of your fetus we estimate your due date to be December 21st. After her exam was complete. The technician printed out a picture of the fetus, and handed it to Jade. “Congradulations!” Looking down at the picture in her hand Jade knew at that moment everything was going to be alright.

Parents raise there children alone everyday, her father was a prime example of that, she didn’t need Ryan, she could do this. Jade strolled out of there with a new sense of strength.

Jade stopped at the grocery store on the way home. She was feeling peppy and wanted to make her father his favorite dinner tonight. In the last week they hadn’t talked much, Jade couldn’t help feeling he was distancing himself from her. That was the last thing she wanted, she couldn’t lose him too, he was the only person in her life she had always been able to count on.

Standing at the meat counter Jade picked a nice thick steak. “ This will do nicely.”she said thoughtfully to herself. “ Jade… How are you.” she looked up to see Anna McDow. There was no denying that Anna and Ryan were brother and sister, they both had the same light brown hair, and startling blue eyes. “Good, and you ?” “Not bad, but I have missed having you around, we should get together for lunch sometime soon.” It made Jade feel good to know that Anna had missed her too. Even though Anna was only 19 almost two years younger than her she had always felt that Anna was the sister she never had, why should she let Ryan take that away from her too. “Are you busy on Friday?” Jade asked. Anna smiled “ I’ll meet you at Janet’s café at noon.”

Jade was setting the table when her father came into the kitchen “Something smells wonderful.” he gave her a peck on the cheek, and helped her place the food on the table. She had made his favorite Steak, potatoes with gravy, and corn on the cob. Jade watched as he ate his dinner quietly. “Dad we need to talk.” He sat his fork down looking up from his plate to meet her gaze. “ I want to know why you have been pushing yourself away, if anything I need you more now than ever before.” He had never seen his daughter so desperate for his attention before. The guilt hit him right in the gut, his stomach twisted.

“ I am just having a hard time excepting this whole thing, I know that you are a grown women free to make your own choices, I just don’t want to see you go through what I went through with you.” Jade felt a pang of guilt for not being more understanding. The day that Jade was born her mother had died, sacrificing her own life to bring Jade into the world. “ I also think that it would be best if you told Ryan, he has a right to acept responsibility.” This isn’t what she wanted to hear. “ He made it clear that he didn’t want me in his life, why the hell should I give him anything, I don’t want him to take me back just because were having a baby.” Her father wasn’t convinced that she really didn’t want to be with Ryan, he knew it would take her time to come to her senses. Jade had always been a very stubborn child. He would love to knock some sense into Ryan McDow himself.

Friday afternoon Jade grabbed a corner booth inside the little café. This had always been their favorite place to have lunch. The atmosphere was very homey, the walls decorated with old fashion pictures of the town. The waitresses Shirely was the same lady that had worked there for years, since they first started coming there when they we’re 10 for chocolate shakes.

Anna slid into the booth across from Jade. They been coming here for so long that Jade knew Anna was going to order a Blt, and a chocolate shake. She shook her head “ Your never going to change.”she chuckled. “Let’s hope not.” Anna said in sarcastic tone. Anna filled Jade in on the new guy she was dating, and how her job at the dental clinic was going. She had gotten the secretary job at the local dentist right out of high school, and she loved it. “ I only have a month left in nursing school.” Jade announced. “That’s great do you have any idea, where your going to apply to?” She hadn’t really thought about it much, and now she didn’t know if anyone would even hire her in her condition. “Not really.”

Anna could sense the tension in Jade, she wasn’t her usual vibrant
self. Anna reached over and cupped Jade’s hand with hers “ We have always shared everything Jade, no matter what is bothering you, you can tell me.” Jade’s eyes stung from the tears that threatened to spill.
“I’m having a baby.” Anna sat stunned for a second “ Are you telling me that I am going to be an Aunt ?” “ Yes, but you can’t say anything to anyone.” “I take it you haven’t told Ryan yet.” Anna looked questionably at Jade. “No.” her answer subdued. “ I know he hurt you Jade, but you do have to tell him, he has a right to know.” “ Anna I just need some time to figure out what to say to him, I don’t want him to over react.” “ I’ll give you until the end of August to tell him, and if you don’t I will.” Jade sat there in silence staring at her friend, she nodded.

July seemed to go by slow for between her bouts of morning sickness, and having to drag herself to school. She was happy when it was over with. She finally had her degree, after two years of hard work. Now there was nothing left standing in the way, no more excuses of why she hadn’t dealt with the reality of her life.

Staring into the bathroom mirror she took a long hard look at herself. The eyes that stared back at her were pleading with her to just accept what she had to do, get it over with, you’ll feel better after.

Jade spent the afternoon packing some close into her suit case, there wasn’t very much to choose from she had already begun to out grow some of clothes. The thought of her pregnancy starting to show only forced Jade to accept the inevitable. She went down to the bank and took a small fortune out of savings. She wasn’t sure how much money she was going to need, because she wasn’t sure how long she was going to be gone.

That evening at dinner Jade discussed her plans with her father. He didn’t like that she was leaving in such a delicate state, but he was happy that she had owned up to her responsibilities. “ Did you call Ryan to let him know you were coming ?” he asked. “ No, I didn’t want to give him the chance to turn me down. She said wearily.

Jade’s father kissed her cheek as she got ready to board the plane at Logan International Airport. “ Don’t worry I’ll call you and let you know I’m alright, and I left Ryan’s number on my night stand incase you can’t get a hold of me. She gave him a reassuring hug.

Five hours later Jade stepped off the plane in Las Vegas, she went to the rental counter and picked up the keys to the car she had reserved.
Placing her luggage in the trunk, Jade pulled her map out of her duffle bag. This was the first time Jade had ever been this far from home, the last thing she wanted to do was get lost.

She followed the highway for about 45 minutes, until she reached her exit. The only thing there was a small truck stop. It was almost 6’am, she needed a break. She picked up a raspberry danish, and an apple juice. After a quick bathroom break Jade found herself back on the road.

She was amazed that she could see for miles, but there wasn’t anything except the occasional rabbit, and hundreds of cactus. After an hour and a half of driving down an endless road in the middle of no where, she saw the promise of civilization ahead. As she grew closer she realized she had reached her destination. Twenty-nine Palms California.

The first thing she needed to do was find a hotel. Jade drove down the main strip , finding a shabby little hotel, she decided it would do. She had no intention on staying very long.

Jade grabbed her luggage from the car, and headed for her room. When she opened the door, she was shocked. You would never have known by looking at the out side of the hotel that the rooms were so nice. She had her own little kitchen with a mini fridge, a small table in the corner. She sat her bags on the end of the bed, and began to unpack. There was a dresser across the room next to the television. She gazed around the room, the walls were a cream color, with a flower border.

Jade stepped out of the shower. Drying her slender body, she stared into the full length mirror on the wall. Running her hand over her lower abdomen “We’ve come this far we aren’t going to turn back now.” Still feeling weak from the bout of morning sickness that racked her body , Jade stepped over to the dresser. Picking out a baby blue sundress with tiny white flowers.

She sat down on the edge of the bed in her hotel room. Thoughts clouding her mind. His light brown hair, sparkling blue eyes. His masculine sent tickled her nose as he leaned in and softly parted her lips with his. His finger tips running over her breast. Her nipples hardened, every inch of her body ached for him.

“Pull your self together, we’re here for one reason, and one reason only.” To let Ryan Mcdow know that he is going to be a father in 5 short months. She had put off telling him afraid of what his reaction would be. The last time they were together he had made it very clear that military life left no place for her. Yet she still felt she owed him the right to at least let him know they were expecting a child.

She dug a phone number from the bottom of her purse. Scooting over to where her phone lay on the night stand. Picking it up her heart beat quickened, and her hands started to sweat. “Hello.” an unfamiliar voice said. “ May I speak with Ryan please ?” “ He’s not here right now can I take a message?” “ No, no message.” she quickly returned the phone back to the night stand.

With nothing left to do, except wait for him to return Jade decided that she might as well explore the surrounding area. She had never been outside of the country before so everything was very interesting to her. She found her self surrounded by palm trees and cactus in the middle of the desert. It was certainly a lot hotter here than at home. She was glad she had chosen to wear her sundress today.

After grabbing a chef salad for lunch Jade returned to her hotel room. She sat down, flicking through the television channels, she settled on watching Dr. Phil. After watching the families on tv she decided that she wasn’t so bad off after all. She picked up the phone “ I’ll give it one more try.”

“Hello.” it was that unfamiliar voice again. “Is Ryan there?” hoping he didn’t sense the nervousness her voice. “ No, I expect he won’t return until this evening, he’s playing foot ball at the park, is there any message ?” she thought for a second “Will you tell him that Jade called ?”

Jade went to the front office at the hotel, ringing the bell she waited patiently. An elderly women stepped out to the front counter. “How may I help you dear ?” “I was hoping you could tell me where to find the park. After receiving directions from the woman Jade thanked her.

She pulled into a parking space at the local park. Amazed at the sight in front of her. Grass thick green grass, and trees. Not something she had seen at all since arriving in twenty-nine palms. Stepping out of the car she ran her hands along her dress, making sure she hadn’t wrinkled it. Across the large grassy field she could see a group of people, she wasn’t close enough to tell if Ryan was one of them. She walked at a steady pace hoping no one would notice her. Stopping at the edge of the tree line, she spotted him.

Her heart began to race at the very site of him. His light brown hair glimmered as the sun beamed on it. He was wearing a white t-shirt, and a pair of loose black shorts. Standing there watching them play, she was trying to prepare herself for what she was going to say to him. He was no doubt going to be angry she hadn’t called before driving out here.

The quarterback passed Ryan the ball, running to the end zone he scored the winning touch down for the team. Now or never Jade she took a couple of steps towards him, when he greeted a female standing on the side line with an all to friendly hug. Jealousy shot through Jades body, she froze in her tracks.

Ryan turned to his team mates giving them all praise for such a good game. Out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of a female running off. Paying no attention Ryan gathered up his duffle bag, and said his goodbyes. When Ryan returned to his barracks, he found his room mate had already left for barracks duty. He’d have the place to himself for 24 hours. It wasn’t something that happened very often, so he intended to make the most of it.

After hopping out of the shower Ryan pulled on a pair of blue jeans, and his favorite navy blue t-shirt. Grabbing a drink out of the mini fridge Ryan realized there was a message for him. He picked up the small piece of paper his room mate had left on the stand “ Some one named Jade called for you not once but twice, I get the impression she really wants to talk to you.” Grant

“ Shit!” It hit him. The female in the park must have been Jade. What the hell was she doing all the way out here. “ No it couldn’t be her, how would she have known where I was?” Ryan had to talk to Grant. He hurried down the stair case trying not to trip over himself. By the time he reached the barracks office three floors down he was out of breath. He leaned against the door case waiting for Grant to get off the phone with his girlfriend Abby.

Grant shot him a sly smile “ I see you survived the game today, Abby was telling me how good you were, I hope your not thinking about replacing me full time.” “ Not a chance, I just had a question when Jade called today did she ask where I was ?” “Yeah, I told her you were playing football at the park, why ?” Grant asked giving him a questioning look. This was the first time in the year they had been room mates that Grant had ever seen Ryan anxious. “No reason, I have to go, check with you later.”

When Ryan got back to the room he pulled his address book out of his foot locker. He found Jades Cell phone number. His hands were clammy. What could she possibly want, why was she here. The last night they had seen each other they got into a big argument, and she didn’t want to hear what he was trying to tell her. The things this woman did to him. She drove him crazy in every sense of the word. He wanted nothing more than to hold her and tell her how he felt about her. On the other hand how could he possibly expect her to live the military life, never knowing when he would be able to be there for her. His job was so demanding, and that didn’t leave much time for anything else.

Ryan picked up the phone, punching in Jades phone number. It rang four times, he was afraid she wasn’t going to answer. “ Hello.” she said sleepily into the phone. She had cried herself to sleep after her encounter at the park earlier. “ Jade, this is Ryan.” She sat straight up on the bed “This is going to sound crazy, but are you in Twenty-Nine Palms ?” she hesitated a second “yes.” His heart about jumped from his chest, and he tried to keep his composer “ Would you meet me at the park later, I would like to see you.” hoping he didn’t sound too eager he waited for her to answer. “ Is 8’o clock ok ?”she asked. “I’ll see you then.”

Jade hung up the phone feeling like she was floating on a cloud. She glanced at the alarm clock on the night stand. It was 6:45 , she didn’t have very much time to get ready. She pulled her light pink sundress from the dresser. Slipping it over body, she looked in the mirror pleased with the way the thin straps lightly lay upon her shoulders, and the thin fabric kissed the top of her breasts. Jade brushed her shoulder length blonde hair leaving it flowing free. She dabbed some lip gloss on her lips. She was very pleased with how she looked, it was certainly better than how she had felt in the last few months.

Jade arrived at the park a few minutes before 8’oclock. She wanted to be there before Ryan so that she could find a place where she would be comfortable in his presence, somewhere that she didn’t have to worry about trusting her self not to fall into his arms. She had to stay strong.
When Jade stepped out of her car she spotted Ryan leaned against a tree. Damn him did he always have to look so sexy.

He shot her a devilish grin “ Did you miss me, is that why you were at the park this afternoon ?” She felt her face get flush, she hadn’t realized he had seen her earlier. He must think she was really childish for running off. When she didn’t answer he took her hand in his and walked them through the grass to the other side of the park. The her skin on his stirred emotions he thought he had buried. He had spent the last four months trying to put her out of his mind. Jade was speechless, she let him lead her to a picnic table.

Jade sat down, Ryan taking the seat right next to her. He rested on leg up on the bench seat. Just staring at her for a few moment. He wondered if she knew how beautiful she looked. She was so tempting, he had to place his hands in his lap to keep from reaching out and touching her. The silence was beginning to get awkward. His eyes bore into hers, and she felt like he was looking right through to her soul. “Are you going to tell me why you are here?” The anticipation was killing him. She looked deep into his blue eyes that beckoned her to answer . “ I was visiting my uncle in Hemet, and thought it would be nice to see you while I was here.” she lied hoping that he didn’t see through it. “ I know that we left some things unsaid between us, and I didn’t want it to end like that.” His eyes never leaving hers, for a second it looked as if she was tearing up. He didn’t realize that he had hurt he so badly before. He was just trying to protect both of them.

Reaching out and taking Jade’s hand in his, he stroked the top with his thumb. “ I missed you, you know, there wasn’t a day that I didn’t kick myself for saying that I didn’t want to give our relationship a chance.”
Jade’s body stiffened “ If you missed me so damn much why were you in the arms of another women today ?” Ryan was stunned he had known that she had seen him in the park today, but never realized she had seen him hug Abby. Not giving him the chance to come up with something smooth to say Jade sprung to her feet, and headed back across the park.

“ Jade…, damn it you can’t walk away from me every time the conversation isn’t going your way, you never give me the chance to explain myself.” She had almost reached the car when he caught up with her. Ryan gently grabbed her arm, stopping her in her tracks. With tears streaming down her cheeks, she looked up into his glistening blue eyes. His instincts took over, and he wanted to take her pain away, he had been protecting Jade since they were in elementary school together, he could never imagine it any different.

He bent down parting her lips with his, her sweet moist lips felt like heaven against his. It had been way too long since he had held her, slipping one arm around her waist he pulled her into him. Jade felt her body respond all to willingly to his , she could feel his body become excited, her heart began to race. This was exactly what she wanted to avoid.” She put her hands on his chest and pushed him away. “ Damn it Ryan I already lost you once, I’m not going to do it again.” With that she turned and left him standing there dumb founded.

When Jade got back to the hotel she quickly climbed out of her clothes, and slipped beneath the comfort of the sheets. Jade welcomed sleep, it had been an all too exhausting day, and she hadn’t even accomplished what she came here to do.

Back at the barracks Ryan decided that he had to talk to Grant. He had been Ryan’s only confidant for the last year. Although he had never felt comfortable discussing Jade before, she didn’t leave him much option anymore. Here She was standing in front of him, yet he still couldn’t reach her. Ryan stepped in to the barracks office to find Grant going over paper work. “What’s up, did you get a hold of your friend Jade ?” Ryan nodded “ That’s actually why I came to see you, I saw her tonight, she drove all the way out here to see me, and I messed things again, every time our conversations get sticky she runs off.” Grant chuckled “Maybe what you need to do is get her somewhere that she can’t run off.” That was it, why hadn’t he been able to think of that.

The next morning Jade woke feeling sick again. She went into the kitchen. Pouring herself a glass of milk, Jade popped some bread in the toaster. It was usually the only thing that could settle her stomach .
Her cell phone starting ringing, she picked it up staring at it for a second. “Hello.” “Jade this is Ryan” She was in no mood to talk to him, not when she felt like this. “ I was hoping we could get together today, I really wanted to explain things to you.” “ Ryan you have your own life, and you’ve made it clear that it doesn’t include me, I really don’t think I need to hear the details.” “ Please Jade, just tell me meet me at the park at noon.” “ Under one condition, you keep your lips to yourself.” Now he knew she was really mad at him “ Deal.”

Jade pulled on a pair of denim shorts, she let out a sigh when she buttoned them at this rate she was going to need new clothes soon. She found a lilac color baby doll shirt she had packed. Holding it up she decided it would be the perfect, it would make her figure to still appear slim. She wasn’t prepared for this mother hood thing, or the changes that came with it. Her mother had died during child birth, so Jade had been an only child raised by her father. He hadn’t prepared her for all of the things life would bring.

Ryan arrived the park at 11:30, he toted a picnic basket, and had a blanket tucked under his arm. Finding a nice spot under a shady tree, he sat the basket down, and spread the blanket out. Laying back on the blanket he propped his arms under his head and waited for Jade. He opened his eyes to find Jade standing over him. She was so beautiful. A soft moan escaped his lips, as he sat up. “I was hoping you hadn’t had lunch yet.” He pulled a couple of turkey and swiss sandwiches, and her favorite fruit Strawberries.” She smiled “You always know how to sweeten me up.”

“ Look Jade you never let me explain my self the other day, and I think you at least owe me that.” Why did he have to ruin their perfect afternoon. Now she was annoyed , why not just leave well enough alone. “ The other day at the park , I know you saw me hug Abby, but it wasn’t what you think.” she shifted on the blanket. She was never comfortable discussing other peoples personal lives, hell she couldn’t even discuss her own. “ Abby is my room mates girlfriend, I was replacing Grant in the game, because he pulled a ham string.” Relief flushed over her. How could she have been so foolish, jumping to conclusions. “ I’m sorry.” she said feeling a little ashamed of herself for not listening to him last night.

They spent the next hour in the park enjoying one another’s company. He explained to her that he got promoted in rank. She was happy for him, but still a little jealous that he had chosen his job over her. She had excepted that they couldn’t be together, but yesterday when she saw him all of the feelings she had for him came rushing back. “Will you have dinner with me tonight ?” This was her opportunity she could tell him what she needed to during dinner when they were surrounded by other people that way he couldn’t get furious with her.
“ Yes I’ll have dinner with you.” She told him what hotel she was staying at, he agreed to pick her up at 6’.

Back at the barracks Ryan talked to Grant to make sure he wasn’t going to be around tonight. He hurried around making sure everything was perfect. He went down to the video store and picked up “ Ghost.” it was Jade’s favorite movie.

Ryan knocked on the door at exactly 6’oclock. She grabbed her purse off the dresser. When Jade opened the door. Ryan was surprised by her beauty. She was wearing a crimson sundress that hugged her curves. He stepped in place behind her, watching her hips sway with each step she took. Oh boy it was going to be hard to control himself, he was already getting aroused. He opened the door for her, watching as she slid into the passenger seat. Her dress slid up her, exposing her thigh. Jade quickly pulled it back down. A little embarrassed.

© Copyright 2006 rainlilly526 (rainlilly526 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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