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Rated: E · Article · Other · #1055823
What's missing?
Have you ever felt that something’s missing in your life? Have you ever felt like there must be more? Have you ever felt that the complex jigsaw of your heart is missing a piece? Then listen to me. I have tried most things, not much surprises me.

You may have tried drugs. What is the point of pumping your body full of man-made poison? What is the point of slowly killing yourself? Slowly and painfully I might add. I have tried this route in life. I had to make a U turn., it wasn’t working. It was like trying to fit a too big jigsaw piece in a very small space.

What about drinking? That must be O.K. No. Drinking in excess is just as bad as pumping yourself full of heroin. Getting hammered is no fun, it can lead to vomiting, now where’s the fun in that? Or, if you’re not quiet as stupid as the people mentioned above, you might drink and only get merry. You’re still in danger of Violence or unwanted sex. Now I have drunk in excess a lot I haven’t done anything quiet as stupid as the above but it’s still bad news.

Now, the only one I haven’t tried. Many people try to fill the void with sex. This is the most dangerous of them all. They all are able to kill you but this is the only one able to, not just kill you, but also ruin your life. You can be killed from AID, HIV and numerous other sexually transmitted diseases. That’s the death factor, but imagine you have a kid. That is financially and physically draining. You might also have to do the most dreaded thing of all you might have to…. Commit!!!!!

There is the right jigsaw piece out there. You can just take it if you dare. Jesus came to fill that huge gap. He is all that can. No matter how hard you try there is no substitute. The gift is being given to you, just reach out and take it.
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