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by schulz
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Sci-fi · #1055649
6 friends are caught in the middle of an invansion...
“Well, I will see you later. Everything is done and I need to get home before my parents leave,” Jake said.
“O.k. Well you have fun this weekend and I will see you on Monday,” Mary Jo said.
“Yep, see you later,” Jake said back.
With that said and done, Jake walked out of the store and ran to his car through the pouring rain. He opened his car door and threw himself into the car. He turned on his car and his heated seat and he drove home.
When Jake got home his mom and dad were packing things and getting ready to leave. The suitcases were all at the door and the truck was already started.
“Jake! Good, you are home. Help me put these suitcases in the truck,” Jakes dad said.
Jake took two suitcases and threw them in the back of the truck. He came back in and grabbed the rest of the bags and the cooler and put them in the back of the truck as well. He then walked back into the house.
“Everything is ready to go,” Jake said.
“Thanks,” Jakes dad said.
“O.K. lets get going so we don’t get there too late,” Jakes mom said.
“Alright you guys have fun and tell grandma hi for me,” Jake said as his parents walked out the door and got into the truck.
He stood next to the door and watched them drive away. Jake walked into the living room and laid down on the couch. He flipped threw the channels but nothing was on. He then got up and walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge.
“Figures, they leave me with nothing to eat,” Jake said to himself.
With that Jake got into his car and drove to Wal-mart. He parked his car and walked inside. He walked through the food aisles and picked himself up some frozen pizzas and some macaroni and cheese. He also bought himself a bucket of chocolate ice cream. He then went to the checkout counter and got checked out. He walked to his car and drove himself home.
When he got home he threw his favorite pizza in the oven, Canadian bacon, and turned on the TV to the soccer channel. He sat watching soccer until the pizza buzzer went off. He took his pizza out of the oven and cut it into slices and he went back into the living room. He sat eating pizza and watching soccer until he was full.
“This is boring, I need to find something to do,” Jake said to himself. “I know, I’ll have a party tomorrow night. It’s Saturday and my parents are gone for the weekend.”
Jake took out his cell phone and began calling his friends. First, he called Jackie and Jordan; they both decided they would be able to make it. Then he called Marcus and Drew they both said they would come too. He then called Wallaby and Amy; again they said they would come too. Jake also called Andy and he said he would be over.
With that done Jake went back to watching soccer and slowly began to fall asleep.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Jake awoke suddenly to a noise in the kitchen. It sounded like glass was being broke. He got up and walked to the kitchen and he was amazed at what he saw. In his kitchen was some type of alien. It was the same size as a grown man and had arms, legs and a head. The only difference was it was bluish in color and it had no mouth, its eyes were on stalks coming out of the top of its head, and it had no nose except for a few slits in the middle, almost like a zombie nose. It was also holding some type of object in his hand. It looked like a pistol but he couldn’t tell what it was.
Jake froze in his tracks, unable to move. He sat staring at this creature until he realized he had been holding his breath. He slowly took a breath and the creature looked at him. Jake and the creature stared at each other only for a second. The creature raised its arm with the pistol looking object in his hand and fired.
Jakes eyes become wide as the creature fired. Orange plasma bolts fired from the pistol. Jake dodged the plasma and hide behind the wall. He then ran up the stairs into his room. He closed the door and locked it. He turned around and outside his window he saw more of those creatures coming into the house. There had to be about ten of them. Jake looked for any type of weapon in his room and the only one is his room was his old paintball gun and his small collection of pocketknives. He took the biggest pocketknife he had and put it in his pocket; he then took his paintball gun out of his closet and loaded it up. He filled his hopper full of paintballs and screwed the CO2 cartridge on.
Jakes left pocket then began to vibrate. He pulled out his cell phone and answered the phone. It was Jackie.
“Hello,” Jake said.
“Jake! What the hell is going on? Jordan killed some weird ass looking creature in our house,” Jackie said out of breath.
“I don’t know what is going on except I have a bigger problem here. There are about ten creatures at my house and all I have to fight them is this damn paintball gun and a knife,” Jake exclaimed.
“Oh god! Jordan there is another one!” Jackie screamed.
“Jackie! Jackie!” Jake yelled back into his phone.
She hung up on him, which meant that they were in trouble too. Jake put his cell phone back in his pocket.
Orange plasma bolts came flying up and hit Jakes window. The window started to melt as more and more plasma began to shoot up at his window. The window melted, cracked and then shattered. The bolts began to fly threw his window and started his room on fire.
“Enough of this!” Jake exclaimed.
He ran over to his door and swung it open. He ran to his staircase and at the bottom was a creature. He fired his paintball gun as fast as he could. The creature began to bellow and soon retreated.
Jake flew down the stairs and looked around the corner into the kitchen. The creature was not there. Jake ran into the kitchen and opened his basement door. He ran down the stairs and into his basement. He looked at his gun case, full of guns. He threw aside his paintball gun and he pulled out his .22 caliber gun and took a 12-gauge shotgun. He quickly grabbed as much ammo as he could fit in his pockets and loaded his 12-gauge shotgun.
Jake ran back up the stairs only to be greeted by a creature. Jake fired his 12-gauge and ended the creature’s life. He ran outside to be greeted by two more creatures. He quickly ended ones life with a shotgun blast but the other quickly rolled behind a tree. Jake did the same, but as he did another creature was trying to flank him. The flanking creature fired and the plasma bolts sizzled over Jakes head and hit the tree. Jake fired two shots and the creature fell to the ground. The other creature began to fire when Jake fired his last shot. The shotgun blast mostly hit the tree but one pellet caught the creature in his shooting arm and the creature screamed.
Jake ran to his car and got in quickly. He started the engine and threw it into reverse. His tires spun on the black top but finally caught. The car flew back so fast he almost hit the garage. He popped the car into drive and drove down his driveway as fast as he could. As he drove he saw more of the creatures firing their weapons at him while they were running threw the forest. One creature jumped out in front of Jake but he just gunned it and ran the creature over.
He came to the highway and to his amazement there were cars everywhere. Although they were not how he wanted to see them. They were some in the ditch, some flipped over, some were burning and Jake could tell that some of them collided. It didn’t look like anyone was alive.
He gunned his car and flew down the highway dodging wrecked cars as he went. Jake was getting close to Jackie’s house when he was ambushed. Three creatures came out of the woods and fired their weapons. The plasma bolts hit Jakes car and began to boil through.
“I hope my insurance covers this,” Jake said.
Jake gunned his car as fast as it went and he smoked one of the creatures as he drove away. Jake was at Jackie’s house or at least her driveway. He came barreling down the driveway and he slammed on his brakes. He looked at the house, it was full of burn marks and there were dead creature bodies everywhere.
He slowly drove up to the house and got out of his car. He walked up the porch and slowly opened the door.
“JAKE!!!” Jordan yelled.
“Jordan! Thank god you guys are still alive,” Jake said.
“Me and Jackie are the only ones left,” Jordan said.
“Oh no, you mean that they got everyone else?” Jake asked.
“Yeah, we held them off as long as we could. We called Marcus, he said Three Lakes was under bombardment and that he was going to try and get Kelly.” Jackie said as she walked out of the bedroom.
“Crap, I should have called Andy or stopped at his house,” Jake said.
“I will give him a call and see what is happening,” Jackie said.
Jordan looked at Jake and asked, “What is happening? I don’t understand, I was driving over here and all of a sudden there is a creature standing in the doorway trying to get in. I smacked it over the head and killed it, but then more and more came. We loaded up as many guns as we could and set up stations for everyone. James and Jared were the first to fall and then Jackie’s ma went and so did Glenn. We were all that was left and we were able to hold them off. Then you came.”
“Well I don’t plan on leaving unless we can find us some more survivors and help form like a resistance or something to stand up to those things,” Jake said.
“Jake! Andy needs our help NOW!” Jackie yelled as she ran out the door towards Jakes car.
Jordan and Jake quickly followed her. Jordan sat in the passenger seat with Jake driving and Jackie in the back. Jordan brought along his .270 and Jackie carried a .410 shotgun. Jakes two guns were also in back and Jackie began to load them.
Jake put the car in drive and began to drive to Andy’s house. He pulled out of Jackie’s driveway only to be met by Marcus’s car.
Jake quickly rolled down his window and yelled, “Marcus! Follow us, we are going to Andy’s House.”
Jake then hit the highway and began to cruise. Marcus was behind and still coming.
“Look at the sky,” Jordan said.
“Oh my god. There must be hundreds of those things,” Jackie said.
“Some type of UFO. I hope those things don’t start shooting at us,” Jordan said.
“Well if they do start shooting they will make quick work of us,” Jake said.
Jake was driving as fast as he could and Marcus was able to keep up. Jake must have hit at least a 120 miles an hour. They drove on the highway and on their left in the field was a UFO. It was on the ground and more creatures were coming out of it.
“Well, I don’t think they are going to shoot at us. I think they are just used for transporting their troops or something like that,” Jordan said.
“I’m not staying to find out,” Jake said.
The creatures fired their weapons but the plasma moved to slowly across the field. The cars were to fast for them and the shots missed their targets.
As Jake drove on to Andy’s house he noticed that the cars that were in the middle of the road were now in the ditch. He saw creatures in the ditch moving the cars and putting them in a pile. The creatures looked up for a second only to see a glimpse of Jake and Marcus’s car speeding by.
Jake pulled into Andy’s road with Marcus still on his tail. He drove down his road and pulled into his driveway. As he put his car into park he noticed that everything was quiet and there was no movement outside.
“Should we get out and see where Andy is?” Jackie said.
“It seems too quiet and still. Usually we would have seen one of those things by now,” Jordan said.
“Your right. I’ll go inside and check it out and see if I can find him. If I find him I will bring him back here and then we can get out of here,” Jake said.
“I think we all should go. It would be better,” Jordan said.
Marcus pulled up to Jake’s car and rolled down his window.
“Where the hell is Andy?” Marcus said.
“We don’t know. I’m going in to see if I can find him,” Jake said.
“Hurry up! I don’t want to get stuck out here if more of those damn things show up,” Marcus said.
Jake took his 12 gauge shotgun out of the back seat and he put a couple rounds into his pocket, just in case. He opened his car door and ran to the front door of Andy’s house and quickly swung the door open and went inside.
“Andy! Andy! Andy?” Jake yelled throughout the house.
No one answered Jakes call but then he heard the floor creak upstairs and realized that one of those creatures must be in the house above him. Jake quickly hid next to the stairs and waited. Jake looked out the front door window and noticed that everyone outside was still all right and nothing had happened to them. He looked up the stairs and heard another creak in the floor. The creature was coming slowly coming closer and closer to the stairs as if it knew someone was waiting for it.
Jake peeked up the stairs and the floor creaked once again. The creature was waiting right next to the stairs, but it would not show itself and Jake could not get a shot at it. Jake kept his eyes looking up the stairs waiting for the thing to show itself. Jake looked closer and noticed that someone was holding a broken piece of mirror, and they were holding it so they could see around the corner.
“Andy! You dumb shit!” Jake yelled up the stairs.
Andy peeked his head around the corner and noticed it was Jake.
“Sorry, I didn’t know it was you,” Andy said.
“Are you a moron? I was yelling your name!” Jake yelled.
“Yeah I heard that, but I had to be careful and I had to make sure there were not any more of those things,” Andy said.
“Whatever! Come on! Everyone is waiting outside,” Jake said.
Andy ran down the stairs and they both flew out the front door. They ran outside only to be pushed back into the house. Plasma bolts were flying from every direction and both the cars exploded leaving a hole in the middle of Andy’s driveway. Jackie, Jordan, Marcus, Andy and Jake all ran back up to the house.
“Where is Kelly? Kelly?!” Marcus yelled.
“She is gone,” Andy said as he put his head down.
Marcus burst into tears. Jackie comforted him, while Andy ran to his gun case and began pulling out every gun he had and he started to load them all too. Jake ran next to Andy and began helping him; Jordan shortly followed him. Andy, Jake and Jordan took as many guns as they could and all the extra ammo and put it upstairs. Jordan went back downstairs to get Marcus and Jackie. He brought them both back up. Meanwhile, Jake and Andy began to do some shooting.
They were picking their shots carefully trying to kill each one with a shot. The alien creatures began to fire back and their plasma began to burn the house. They each had a gun now and they all were firing and reloading as fast as they could. The house started on fire and began to fall apart.
“We have to get out of here,” Andy yelled through the chaos.
“Everyone get out the back door,” Jake yelled.
Before anyone could pull back the wall creaked, cracked and fell. The plasma bolts made the wall buckle and fall. The plasma bolts were flying everywhere and began to start the rest of the house on fire. Everyone hesitated before Marcus got up and tried to run before a bolt struck him in the side of the head. He fell to the ground lifeless.
“Nobody move!” Jake yelled, “Stay down!”
No one moved a muscle and the aliens slowly began to cease their fire on the house, but the real problem was that the house was now on fire. Andy’s couch and sofas and his kitchen were now burning in a rage. The firing then stopped completely.
“Everybody get ready to make a break for the back door,” Jake said.
“On three, 1...2...3...GO!” Jake yelled.
They got up as fast as they could and they made a break for the back door. The aliens realized that they were making for the back door and they rained plasma inside the house. Luckily, no one got hit as they made there way to the back door.
They all ran through the burning porch out through the back door and into the backyard. They ran as fast as they could away from the house. As they ran, plasma began to fly through the air all around them and they realized they had been ambushed but it was too late to turn back, for that was the last thing any of them saw.
© Copyright 2006 schulz (schulzy2099 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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