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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Other · #1055458
about a teenager with many issues
Acting Out

The story starts out with a girl named Jaime: she thought her life was the worst, but soon she would find out she was wrong. Jaime’s mom and dad were going through a rough divorce at the time of her junior year. She took it all in as her fault. Everyone knew Jaime and she had the worst reputation. Anyone that got into a relationship or something of the sort with her got talked about.

Behind her back, her parents started talking to a counselor about her attitude and her reputation. They didn’t know if the rumors were true, but the wanted to know. The counselor told them that teenagers that act out in sexual and harmful ways were always holding something back from the world.

Her parents couldn’t figure out what she could be holding back. Jaime seemed like a happy teenager until she started hanging out with a certain group of kids. She started skipping school, sleeping around, and not coming home. The worst of it was the things she did when she got angry, she threw things and hit people.

Jaime had been suspended 3 times in the last year for physical assault on two students and a teacher. The way she was acting was very unusual for her, but not for many teenagers that have been hurt or neglected. Jaime’s parents couldn’t figure out what she has been hurt from because she sure wasn’t neglected if anything she was spoiled.

The counselor recommended Jaime goes into a treatment facility. When she heard of the news she burst out in an angry rage and ran out of the house. For two weeks no one heard from her or even saw her. The school called and asked if something was wrong with her the school needed to know the truth sometime. So they said if she showed up there, then the school should keep her there under watch and call the cops, then call them to come get her.

Jaime screwed up her life for a while there. She went from town to town not calling her friends or family to tell them she was all right. No one could know where she was or even understand what she was going through. Jaime was hurting inside from everything. The rumor of her running away spread through out the town pretty fast. Her friends were worried mostly her old friends that she had lost when she got in to deep with the other crowd.

One guy had befriended Jaime through everything he was trustworthy to her. He wouldn’t tell her secret to any of them, but he was worried about her, scared that something may have happened to her. He cared a lot about her even if she didn’t want to believe that. Jaime called David (that one special guy). She had to let him know she was all right and not to worry about her. This is how the phone conversation went:

Jaime: hey hun, what have you been up to?
David: what do you think I have been up to? I’ve been scared something happened to you! Are you okay, do you need help or money? Where are you?
Jaime: David I’m fine I can’t tell you where I am right now, but hope I can see you soon. Just be honest with me are my parents really looking for me because that’s what I have been hearing.
David: Jaime your parents are worried sick about you. They even came around here to see if you were staying with me. Jaime, baby come home please I miss you everyone misses you. Please just come home.
Jaime: hun, I can’t come home not yet. I want my parents to figure out things. Maybe I’ll stop in and see you soon, but I can’t let anyone else see me. How are Donna and Machele dealing with this? I’m sorry I had to bring you into this and I’m sorry people are talking about you.
David: how do you know people are talking about me? Donna and Machele have befriended the new girl and they don’t even talk about you to anyone. It’s like you never existed to them. Sorry to tell you hun, but they really didn’t care about you that much unlike your parents and me. Jaime, baby please just come home we can talk about what’s bothering you.
Jaime: sorry babe, but it’s not that simple my parents acted like I was never there while lets see how they like me not being there. Dave hun, I got to go, but I will call back soon.
David: Jaime holds on. Your parents miss you lots and so do I. It hurts to hear people talk about me, but what hurts the most is they talk about you and me. I could live with them talking about me if only you were with me. Please Jaime come home for me if no one else. If no one else means that much to you at least tell me that I mean that much to you. Don’t come home to make your parents happy come home to make you and me happy. Can you please do that for me believe me Jaime I want to be with you and no one else, but I don’t know how much longer I can stand being without you. Or even hear people talk about you the way they do.
Jaime: honey, I want to be with you, but I already told you that I can’t come home right now not even for you. People talk, that’s what their all about, they have nothing better to do. You do mean a lot to me it’s just not my time to come home right now. Don’t forget about me hun. I’ll be back soon I promise.
David: how soon are you going to be back a year maybe two at the least! I don’t think I can wait around for you that long. Tell me where you are Jaime? Are you in some kind of trouble that you can’t get out of? Are you hurt?
Jaime: hun, I’m fine and not into any trouble that I know about. Except for all these cops looking for me; just because of my parents. I will be home really soon. I have to go and get ready I have to go to work. Thanks for everything you’ve done for me and I miss you. Love you lots babe talk to you soon.
David: I miss you too (he says under his breath. As he hears the sound of a dial tone.) Please come home safely and soon.

What a wonderful time David and Jaime had spent together he thought he would never see her again. He kept her in his heart though no matter what happened he knew she was safe and happy. He missed her though. He went through sleepless nights and depressing days. Jaime was his life and he didn’t even know what she was doing, if she was thinking of him, or if she missed him.

Two months passed, Jaime hadn’t called back. There was no sign of her anywhere. One day out of nowhere his doorbell rings. David didn’t know who could be bothering him at 2 in the morning. No one came to visit him anymore not since Jaime disappeared.

David threw on some clothes and answered the door. There stood Jaime soaking wet from the rain. She looked gorgeous, skinny, brown hair, those baby blue eyes he loved so much. She hadn’t changed much since the last time he saw her except she had lost weight. “Can I come in babe?” She asked. “Sure.” He replied. “I thought I would never see you again.” He said.

“I was thinking about what you said over the phone. How much you missed me and that you wanted to be with me. Were you serious or were you saying that to make me come home?” She asked. “No, Jaime I was serious I’ve missed you so much. You look great by the way.” He replied. “Thanks so do you.” She replied. “Where have you been?” He asked. “While for a while I was in New Jersey and then Utah, but I couldn’t go any further. I missed you way to much. I miss everything even my parents. How are they doing?” She asked. “They don’t talk to anyone much anymore. They were worried because they haven’t heard from you so they thought something might have happened to you. I didn’t tell them that you called me so you don’t have to worry about that.” He replied.

“David how have you been?” She asked. “While I have missed you, but I’m doing well. I was scared something had happened to you because you told me you would call and then you never did.” He replied. “While I was busy I had to get a job to make some money to come home. I don’t want my parents to know I’m home yet though. Let me tell them in my own way. Oh I bought a car.” She replied. “Do you think I can take a shower and then get some sleep? I’ve been driving all the way from Utah and I’m exhausted.” She asked. “There’s no problem with that. I can give you one of my t-shirts to sleep in and you can take my bed, I’ll sleep on the couch.” He replied. “Why do that we can share the bed. I just want to be held and be close to someone tonight.” She explained. “While you know where the shower is.” He said. “Yes I do and I remember how much I love you and miss you. You have no idea how hard it was not to turn back and come home when you asked me to. I need to think though and that’s why I didn’t come home.” She explained.

“All that matters now is that you’re home and with me.” He said. Jaime went up to him and planted a passionate kiss on his lips. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him. “I missed you hun.” She said. “I missed you too. Now hurry up and take your shower so we can get some sleep.” He said. Jaime jumped in the shower and David brought her a t-shirt and a towel. He climbed into bed and fell asleep. Jaime got out of the shower and got dressed. She watched him sleep for a minute and then climbed into bed and cuddled up with him. Wrapped his arms around her and fell asleep.

The next morning, Jaime woke up to the wonderful smell of cooking. She walked out into the kitchen and saw David cooking breakfast. “Wow David when did you learn how to cook?” She asked. “Well you were gone I needed something to take my mind off of you. So I took up cooking classes. They helped for a little while.” He replied. “I love you David.” She said. “I love you Jaime.” He said.

“Jaime you’re going to see your parents today right?” He asked. “I guess I have to talk to them sometime. Why not now it’s better than later. I should get dressed and go over to see them.” She replied. She kissed him in a tight embrace and held onto him for dear life. They hugged and she never wanted to let go, but she knew she had to sometime soon. “Thank you for everything and please be here when I get back. We will take some more when I do get back.” She said.

She left the house and said goodbye for now. She walked, to her parent’s house and left the car at David’s. She walks up to the house and rings the doorbell. Her mother answers the door. “Jaime of my god Jaime.” Her mother screams. She runs to her and grabs her in a bear hug and wouldn’t let go. “Mom can I please breathe.” Jaime said between breaths. “Jaime where have you been?” Her mother asked. “Places, I’m sorry that I left, but I can’t stand it in this house.” She replied. “When did you get back?” Her mother asked. “Last night.” She replied. “Where did you stay when you got back?” Her mother asked. “I stayed at David’s this morning and took a shower then I came over here to talk with you. At this moment though it doesn’t seem like you want to talk. All you want to do is ask questions. Why don’t you ask why I left in the first place wouldn’t that be the right question to ask in this case. This is the reason I left, this is why I couldn’t stay here any longer.” She said angrily.

“Mom I can’t talk to you. I can’t stand seeing you like this and I sure can’t talk to you when you’re in this state of mind. Why do you have to be like this? Why can’t you ever be happy for me? I got out of this town so I could think. You’re tearing me to pieces why do you have to do this to me? Be happy that I got out of here, lived by myself and found someone that cares about me truly cares. Mom I can’t stand this between dad and you fighting. I can’t stay here I am sorry that I left without telling you and I am sorry that I scared you, but I am back and safe. I have to be honest though, I am not staying in this house with either one of you. I’ll be at David’s when you decide to talk to me. I have to go though because poor David made me breakfast and I left before thanking him. I will see you around goodbye mom goodbye dad and I do love both of you very much.” She explained.

She started walking back to David’s. Her mom ran up to her and apologized. “Jaime please come home.” Her mother begged. “I’m a little to old to live with my parents. I’m sorry but no I am not coming home.” She replied. “You’re only seventeen you shouldn’t be out there living alone or with some guy four years older than you.” Her mother replied. “Mom that guy you are talking about loves me and cares about me. No matter when I needed him he was always there for me through everything he never judged me. That guy in that house worried about me when I was gone and I think that means everything. I trust that guy with my heart so don’t even judge him like that. Age doesn’t matter and if you make me chose then you’re the stupid one because I would chose him in a heart beat. He showed me compassion when you had none. Mom do you know what you put me through. When I lived there it seemed like you didn’t even notice I was even there and then I leave and you all of a sudden notice me. No way am I going back to that. It took me running way for you to even notice that I existed. No way am I going to give up something so good for that. Just understand if you make me chose then you lose. Right now I am going to walk into that house and I am going to talk to David. Goodbye mother.” She explained.

She got back to David’s and walked inside. “Honey I’m home! Something smells good. David where are you?” She asked. She frantically walks around the house. She went into the bedroom but no one was there, then she went into the bathroom but he wasn’t in there either. “David where are you?” She asked almost screaming. David sneaks up on her and wraps his arms around her. She screams and starts hitting him not knowing it was him. She screams “let me go, please let me go.” David puts his hands on her shoulders and turns her around. “Jaime, Jaime honey it’s only me.” He said worriedly. “David don’t ever do that to me again, you scared the hell out of me.” She screamed. She wrapped her arms around him and started to cry. “Are you okay?” He asked her worriedly. “I’m just scared that’s all.” She replied. “I’m sorry if I knew it was going to scare you that much I wouldn’t have done it.” He said.

“Calm down its all right I just had some bad things happen to me and you scared me that is all.” She explained. “What happened to you that you haven’t told me?” He asked. Jaime told him the story. It went like this. “When I was in Utah I met this guy we went out a couple of times. I went over to his house to surprise him, but he wasn’t there. While he was there, just not alive. I guess someone was robbing the house and he got in the way. While the robber wasn’t gone when I got there either. I went around the house trying to find him, I found him and the guy sneaked up behind me and grabbed me. He tied me to the bed and blindfolded me. Then he raped me, I was so scared. I have never been that scared in my life before. You just helped me to remember that’s all.” She explained. “Did you call the cops or anything?” He asked. “The cops couldn’t do anything by the time they arrived the guy was already gone. They took me to the hospital for an examination, but found nothing. Then I headed back home.” She replied.

“I’m so sorry I didn’t know.” He said. “I know it wasn’t your fault you didn’t know. I got into a fight with my mom when I went to see her. I told her I was going to stay here until I could find a place of my own. I also told her that if she made me chose between you and her then I would choose you. She wanted me to move back into that house so she could believe that I don’t exist again. I told her no thanks.” She explained. “You don’t have to find a place of your own I would love to have you live here with me permanently.” He said. “That was the problem with her she doesn’t want me living with a guy that’s four years older than me. I told her you weren’t just some guy. I told her that I loved you and that you love me and care about me and that you’ve always been there for me through everything. You showed me compassion when she had none. What about school though?” She asked. “All the teachers can’t wait for you to get back.” He replied. “What has everyone been saying about me?” She asked. “Nothing really I think they ran out of things to say.” He replied. “I wonder what they all are going to say now that I am back.” She said. She walked up to David and kissed him passionately. “I want to be with you and I need to be with you. Do you feel the same way I do?” She asked. “Yes I do, but I don’t know if I am ready for that right now.” He replied. “We can make out on the couch and go from there and wait on the rest until we both feel we are ready.” She said. ”That sounds good to me.” He said.

Jaime sat down on the couch and David sat next to her. She started kissing him and touching him. He got into the mood and started kissing her neck. She started feeling up his pants and between his legs. Damn was he getting turned on, he was erect and pretty big too. She unbuttoned his pants and pulled his sack out of its package. She bent over him and started licking the tip and then she sucked up and down on it like a lollipop. Damn was he big. He started moaning. “Umm, Jaime….Umm Jaime, honey I’m going to cum.” He said between gasps and moans. “Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do!” She replied. She put his dick back in her mouth and started licking his balls. He was almost at his pivot point. “Damn don’t stop, don’t stop honey, please don’t stop.” He cried out. She started feeling herself damn he was making her so horny. David cummed into her mouth, she swallowed every last drop. “Damn that was wonderful.” He said. “That’s on thing I’m great at; you have to give me that.” She replied. “That was the best blow job I have ever had.” He replied. She got up and kissed him, he could still taste the sweet nectar on her lips.

“How about we go see a movie or something tonight?” He asked. “We should go see a movie and hang out. I have to go pick up some of my stuff at home but I can pick up the rest another time. We need to catch up on things that have been going on.” She replied. “What have you heard?” He asked. “Is it true that you were engaged to Melissa?” She asked. “Yes I was I thought you weren’t coming back and I needed to move on with my life. I realized she wasn’t the right person, you were no one else could take your place in my heart.” He replied. “So you just dumped her. How could you do that to her and me after you knew she ruined my like on top of it?” She asked angrily.

“It was never meant to hurt you. Truly I just got lonely and needed company, but that wasn’t the right way to go about it. I’ sorry I should have told you when you came home, but I was scared to lose you again.” He replied. “I love you and nothing like that will come between us. I just want you to tell me the truth no matter if you think its going to hurt me or not. I told you about Jackson now how many other women have you been with since I left?” She asked. “None Melissa was the only one.” He replied. They passionately kissed and then left.

They went to her house to grab some clothes and then she said goodbye to her parents. She went into her old room and had flashbacks of so many good times about everything. She remembers the window in which David used to climb through to see her since her parents forbid it. Her stuffed animals which she had since childhood. Mr. Snuffles her favorite always there when she needed him the most. Once he got lost and she found him a week later in the wash. Her jewelry box, which held all her private and intimate possessions, no one could get into it there was a special lock embroidered in it just for her. There were so many good memories in this room, but so many bad ones in this house.

She started packing clothes and found a nightie that she wore the night she lost her virginity to Tommy (a guy she loved, he was on the football team). She cared for him dearly and then lost him. Tommy was the star quarterback he got slammed in the final game of the season; he died from internal bleeding in his ribs and heart. It took her so long to get over what happened and to learn that life goes on. She still had a picture of him though; she took it everywhere with her. It reminded her of how much she could love someone no matter what happens to them. After the accident she started getting heavy into drugs and alcohol. No matter what she did the memory haunted her. That day in the hospital when she was with him, he told her that she was the only one he loved. That hurt her more than ever to hear then he went away forever leaving her all alone in the world with all the hurt. Her family never knew exactly what happened that day in the hospital, but they saw how much it hurt her to say goodbye to Tommy forever. She never wanted to feel that pain again.

A year later, David transferred here from New Pastmore, Rhode Island where she was. He never knew the whole story about what happened with Tommy and her. No one really knew the whole story. Why did so many terrible things have to happen to her? Why did she always seem to get hurt? No one could answer her. She went to Tommy’s grave a lot to say how much she loved him and missed him and that she had met someone new. The thing was that she would never actually get over Tommy completely. No one could take that part oh her away. Thank god she found someone that she could really care about and still have that special part of him with her. She went to see Tommy and say how much she cares for him even if he’s gone. On the reunion of Tommy’s death, she would have a card with lipstick kisses and block roses (Tommy’s favorite) on his grave. Tommy loved her kisses, he said, she tasted like cherries. When she remembered this she started to cry.

She opened her jewelry box with the special key and pulled out a couple pieces of paper. They were letters Tommy had written her before the accident. They had written poems to each other over and over again. She found a poem he had written a month after they started dating. She read the paper aloud to herself.
A girl
Baby blue eyes
Shimmering in the dim light
Thick brown locks of hair
Smelling of roses
Warm, gentle, soft
Safe, comfortable, welcoming
She holds me close
I can feel her beating heart
I know all her feelings
Her breath
Her lips
Red and glimmering
My hands around her waist
I hold her and keep her safe
When I have to let her go
I know it’s time to say goodbye and goodnight
No longer can I keep her safe and warm

Tommy was always sweet and caring like that he wrote her many love letters. At the bottom of the jewelry was Tommy’s class ring along with another slip of paper. Tommy told her that his ring meant as much to him as she did. He wanted her to wear it to show their love until he could afford a real ring. He got her a real ring and she never took it off not even until this day. That summer, Tommy asked her to marry him. It was a memory she would never forget. He meant so much to her and she meant so much to him. They didn’t tell anyone about their engagement though; they wanted to wait until they were out of high school. Still to this day no one knew of the engagement.

She opened the slip of paper and saw it was a poem she wrote after the accident. It read:
He left her
With dwelling tears in her eyes
She’s so depressed
She’s so tormented
So much pain
She cries like a little girl
A little girl that lost her way
It’s so depressing
She cries so much
He left her all alone
No one there to hold her
No one else there to feel her pain
Why is she so lonely?
Why does no one care?
Everyone sits there watching
No one really cares
Tears drop to her side
They make a small puddle
She wonders why?
Loneliness is like pain
It comes and it hurts
Soon I would be gone
She won’t feel so empty and hollow
She won’t be alone any longer

Jaime finished packing her clothes she put the letters and poems in her bag. Her cheeks were red and stained with tears. The memories didn’t really hurt her anymore they were joyful with so much love and understanding. The only thing was Tommy was no longer with her, but somehow she knew he was watching over her. He was happy she had found someone that she could care for and someone that could care for her.

The next week, Jaime went and got the rest of her stuff. Her mother and father came to visit and Jaime and David went to her parent’s house to visit. That weekend she went to Tommy’s grave one last time; it was time to let go of the past and move on. She said goodbye and that she would never totally forget about him. He was a big part of her life.

After school ended and the summer began Jaime and David started planning their lives together. After college David proposed to her and she said yes. They bought a house in the country and started working on their careers. Jaime told David the whole story about Tommy and her engagement and his accident, but everything was going to be all right. Jaime learned life gets better even if it starts out badly.

The end

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