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Rated: E · Novel · Fantasy · #1054931
How far would you go to get revenge? with God?
The story I am about to tell you is not recorded, for humans do not remember. You see our own God cursed us, the human race of the Milky Way Galaxy. We used to have the cure for AIDS and Leprosy and thousands of other illnesses. We could live for hundreds of thousands of years, but reverse evolution has taken our race by storm. Humans these days believe that they are advancing in technology and medical science but I know we are not. We are fighting an up hill battle and the hill is wining. I was there one billion years ago, where it all began. We had a Universal Planetarium Convention to speak with God and his servant hood of archangels. These were held about every alignment or so. Here representatives from every human planet and moon in our galaxy met to discuss the terms of peace and war. I had been to these things many times and was never late to even one, but this was different. When we got there everyone was in disarray. Some of them was preaching about Revelations. Others were screaming prayers and pleas that God would somehow find it within Himself to spare them. "What's going on?" I asked the representative from Io. "God's servant hood was murdered by human bandits." his voice shuttered as he replied. Just then there was a loud crash that shook us all to the ground. A blinding light surrounded us as we began to levitate. I shielded my eyes to try to see what it was that was trying to kill us. What I saw haunted me. This face was filled with more than rage, hate, and anger, there are no words to describe it, the hate. Then I realize I was looking at God. I lowered my head slowly trying to show Him respect, hoping that He would somehow see this and spare me. I don't know His reasoning I just know He dropped me and I fled for cover behind a rock. I cautiously peeked around the rock because I was somehow drawn to the terrible site. I saw Him combined the beings and scatter their dust through out the Milky Was as He screamed, “From dust you were forged to dust you shall return”. The dust cursed everyone in its path, every man, woman, and child, yet I somehow managed to escape with out a single scratch or curse. I couldn’t for the longest time understand why He let me, of all people, live. Now I know that I received the worse curse ever, abnormally long life. He wanted me to show humans their mistake so they won’t repeat it.

Book One: Human Resistance

Humans are very a predictable race. Influence by power can get them to do just about anything. I know that when most humans read this I’m going to get nasty letters via ‘e-mail’ or ‘snail mail’, either way is 10xs slower than back in my day. If you don't influence by power than my greatest apologies, but humans ruined it for the rest of you,
God, a couple billion years ago, decided that humans were going to be the dominant race. After His own liking, hey would prosper and grow through peace and war, but humans became something God did not intend, ignorant. Blinded by greed and power, they came to the belief that they were more powerful than any god or archangel. They sent forth their best warriors to kill God and His seven archangels. The warriors carried a potion to drain angelic enchantment. This cursed potion worked almost too well. The warriors decsized themselves as servant monks and slipped the potion into the drinks. Two angels fell almost immediately. Another followed closely behind. The last one tried to fight them off, but the potion had already started to take effect. In no more than three minuets all enchantment was gone. He took three steps and his lifeless body collapsed on the floor. It was then that the warriors realized what they were doing and stabbed themselves with daggers. Ever since then humans have forgot all about that dreadful day. They only 3 archangels to survive were Lucifer, the humans mole who wanted God overthrown as well is now the ruler of the underworld, Gabriel, the messenger, and Michael the warrior, and now I stand aside and watch them turn to nothing. Our knowledge of cancer has been lost, our ability to predict earthquake thousand of years into the future based on patterns was lost. It is a shame that humans believe that they were cavemen in, when in reality that is what they are going to be. There are few humans like me who knows the truth. They have formed a resistance against God and all other Races of intelligent creatures. These humans are unique, sons and daughters of the warriors who killed the arch- angels and bred for battle. Their leader, Jaiph, is only fourteen but has mastered every martial arts there is and has created a few of his own only to see the day that he kills God. At the age of seven he begged his father to take him but his father shoved him out of the way and slammed the door in his face. Cursed? Of course but they have ways of remembering. Jadea from Mercury is the last known survivor of the Martian attack. She's a pirate and a pickpocket. The last of them is Werio from Titan. He's the technician. They searched for years on end without any success for information on them, but they are extremely paranoid I guess.
I have received word that a second resistance has formed not against God but against the human resistance
Book Two: Jaiph
"Tomorrow I have some business to do. I'll probably be gone for a week or two." said Jacob, Jaiph's father. "Father I'm seven now can I come with you please?" "Absolutely Not!" "But father you..." "Silence!" Jaiph got up and walked towards the door. Jacob pushed him aside and slammed the door in his face. "Jaiph, dear, come help your brother clear the table." Jaiph reluctantly obeyed. Jaiph soon forgot his father’s departure. That night as he slept night terrors crept into his mind. He saw flashes of screaming people, of angels dieing and last he saw his father picking up his dagger with Jaiph’s St. Christopher amulet in his hand, and stab himself. Jaiph awoke in a start. "NO!" he screamed. He jumped off the top bunk, careful not to wake his baby brother; he crept to his parents’ room. They weren't there. Jaiph begin to panic thinking that his dreams were true. He did a 180 on the back of his heels. He saw his mother dead at the doorway. He picked her up and cursed God, as he look to the sky to see dust flying through the air. Jaiph realized that he couldn't stop the attack from God. He carefully dropped his mother and ran inside. He wrote down everything that had just happened, his name, age, and why he hated God. The dust came in as he realized that his dreams were real. His dreams were real. His father killed himself and his mother because of the bond of marriage is also a bond of life. The dust swept him and his baby brother up and dropped them in the middle of a field.
Jaiph awoke later that day. Crows were pecking at his pounding head. He got up and scared the crows away. "Who am I? Where am I?" he thought out loud. He looked around the field he was in and saw a small boy. The little boy was dead but Jaiph did not realize this at first. He got down on his hands and knees to treat the boy's cuts and wounds. Then he realized there was no heartbeat. There next to the boy's jacket was a small piece of paper, which read: "your name is Jaiph Lincoln. You are seven years old. You live on Earth. This is all Gods fault. Your little brother’s name is Matt. He is 3. Your father killed himself and your mother." Jaiph looked this over a few times then he remembered. He remembered his dream of the archangels falling. He remembered his father dieing and his mother dead. Jaiph looked up at the sky and cursed God and promised that as long as he is alive he will hunt and kill God.

Book 3
"Queen we are under attack!" "Send forth the defense." "The defense is gone!" "Gone? What happened?" "The were killed by our attackers!" "How many?" "Three" "Three thousand?" "No just three." "Do we have a chance?" "If we give up our planet and take your people with us." "Where would we go?" "I don't know. I am only your advisor and friend not you." "Could our mother ship hold that many?" "There are only 150 left!" "How could three kill 10 thousand pixies? Sound the alarm. Send all survivors to the hanger." Yes your majesty." "Oh and Rebecca?" "Yes?" "Pray! Pray that God will some how delivers us." Shamakra, the Queen of this dieing planet, gathered her servants and told them to gather supplies. Shamakra gathered every piece of clothing she could find, knowing that her people won't have anything. The last thing she grabbed was a locket that her father gave her. Except it wasn't there. She panicked, searching everywhere until a servant came in and told her it was time to go. She thought about how her people needed her so she reluctantly left the jewelry box and grabbed the clothes and a teddy bear. On her way to the ship she told all her servants to grab provisions and toys for the children. She ran to the ship barefooted, a disgrace in the fairy culture, but that didn’t matter right now if the council wanted to complain about it then who ever is left after all this could but not now. Now was the time she had to save her people, what small number there was. When she reached the ship she immediately told the pilot to leave not remembering the servant she had told to go get all the toys. The ship was about 50ft into the air when he came running out of the palace. Shamakra told the pilot to set the ship down but he couldn't and she knew that. The servant’s only hope was to fly, a direct disobedience to the law for servants to fly and normally would be punished with death, but this was an emergency, this is a life or death situation. Queen Shamakra flew down to the servant and told him to fly. He sprouted his wings for the first time in his life and flew with the queen’s help.
Aboard the ship it was mass ciaos. Everyone was in a line for food, provisions, medical care or dorms. Shamakra’s head was swimming with all the need. She tried to help with anything her people needed. They were her family and she loved the as such. Then the great queen felt a little tug on her tattered rags of what used to be a dress. She looked down to see a little girl in an oversized shirt sucking her dirty thumb. Her hair was matted and her two front teeth were missing. Their she stood right in front of the most powerful person on her dieing planet sucking her thumb and holding out her hand. The queen bent down to look into the little girls sky blue eyes said, "What do you need sweetie?" “Some lady told me to give you this” she said in her little three year old voice. Shamakra held out her hand and the little girl dropped a small locket into it. A small tear came to her eye, she opened it up and saw the picture of her sister and mother. “Who told you to give this to me?” The little girl was just silent. Shamakra picked up the small girl, and made an announcement, “Does anyone know who this girls parents are?” Everyone was silent and none made a comment until a young man came before and bowed to one knee and spoke only this, “Your Majesty?” “Yes? Do you know her parents?” “I did, yes, but I am sorry to bring to you the terrible news…” “I don’t think the day can get much worse. Go on, please.” “Her parents were one of the victims of the attackers. I’m sorry.” “I do believe it is alright. Attention People Of Raquia….” She waited until she had everyone’s attention, “As you all know, I do not have an heir to the throne so I wanted to get your approval to adopt this young girl to make her my heir.” She saw people nod their head and others with blank stairs. “With do respect Your Majesty, this is just a little orphan she could never take the throne she is of no blood descent.” “With all do respect Ethan, I can’t have children and now you’re telling me that I can’t adopt her so your saying that I can’t have an heir to rule after me?” “I am sorry Your Majesty. I didn’t mean it like that.” “No I know you didn’t mean it like that. You were just trying to point out the old laws. The old laws almost made fairies extinct today and if any one is left of the council that wants to dispute this point he or she may, but I am making a motion to change those laws. Anyone against me say, ‘I’.” No one said anything for almost five whole minuets. “Very well then I would like to introduce your new princess,” she bent down to ask the girl her name, “Princess Lillian of Raquia, heir to the throne.” “All hail Princess Lillian!!” screamed the crowd. Shamakra just grabbed the girl’s hand and asked her if she understood any of this. “Not really. The kept saying something about me being a princess.” “That’s because you are a princess. I adopted you to become my heir to the throne. One day you will be a queen like me. I’m kind of like your mom.” “You could never be my mom!” she screamed “Ok, ok just breath how about big sister?” Lily nodded her head. “Ok big sister it is then. How about getting a bath and some new clothes?” Lillian just smiled and they headed to the baths. 'I swear I will punish anyone who was involved with the destruction of my people.' Shamakra thought.

Book Four: Jadea
The air raid sirens were screaming in the young girls ear as her mother shouted for her to get up. "Jadea! Wake Up! Get everything you will need; money, pictures, clothes, um

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