Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1053992-Ignorant-Defiance
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fanfiction · #1053992
A short story about a troubled teenager growing up in the late 1970s post punk era.
Ignorant Defiance
By Lacey P. Morris

Manchester 1979;
As the punk scene struggles to continue in the absence of Sid Vicious, the rapid development of post-punk takes over. Influenced by the untimely death of popular punk rock icon-Sid Vicious‘-death, the defiant attitudes and opinions of the mid-seventies punk rockers transform into a new breed of throwaway kids. Instead of thrashing their emotions out, they bury them deeper within themselves. Thus beginning a generation of a more subtle troubled youth.

Steve Ignorant was a prime example of what it is to be one of those scrubbed-out punk ass kids (in a stereotypical perspective of course). He grew up in the typical poor dysfunctional family. His Dad an ill-tempered drunk and his Mother deceased now for five years as the result of a tragic heroin overdose. Steve Ignorant would never dare to tell, but he saw it coming. He witnessed the perpetual sadness in her eyes, as she would give him a brief but detailed summary of her day, upon his arrival from school. He remembered the cheery tone in her voice that she would use to mask her true emotions with others that could never exist.

Steve Ignorant attended Harold Panabaker Public High School in the rough side of town. Panabaker was just like every other typical high school; segregated into individual groups. But these groups were not ’individual’ per say. The whole school was a complete non-conformist’ nightmare. Just after the punk explosion everyone wanted to be a punk. The very first rule is D.I.Y. (do it yourself), which no one seemed to care for, judging by the way that everyone seemed to make it a point to look the same and act the same, all the time.

It was another dreaded sunny day; Steve Ignorant woke up, rolled over, and vomited. It was 9:34am; school was at 8:40am. Four bottles of wine on a Tuesday night sure does not make for a promising morning. He missed those promising mornings, waking up to the fresh aroma of his Mother’s homemade omelets. His favorite, bacon and cheese. He found himself falling deeper into his father’s shoes everyday, endless binges of heavy drinking, frequent drug use, and an abnormal lack of sleep. The previous night Steve Ignorant had passed-out in his stale smelling whine stained cloths. Seeing how he could have cared less, this left him with sometime. Still half pissed, he stumbled down the hallway and reached for his lighter to spark a smoke. Four hours of sleep ain’t bad, besides what am I missing out on?

Steve Ignorant could have just imagined what the teachers at Panabaker would say to that; every minute that you’re late takes away precious educational time. Yeah Right. Educational time is what they like to call the six hours a day that they spend feeding us their irrelevant conformist bullshit.
Steve Ignorant finally arrived to school, well into his second period class. He decided to avoid being harassed about not having a legit excuse for his tardiness so he headed to his favorite skipping hole; Smoker’s Corner. He knew that that is where Kaydence and Pascal would be. They were the only people who he considered his friends.

Kaydence Mod was the strong silent type. She had a model figure and beautiful long black hair, yet some how she seemed distinctly different from all of the other girls at Panabaker. Kaydence was aware of her status and she seemed to be pleased with it. Pascal X was a handsome looking guy, with very deep eyes. He was not shy he just did not care much for other people. That is how the three were attracted. Antisocialism, some believe that it is a psychological illness, others think of it as a way to escape from the conformity of today’s society.

“Dude, you look like shit.” Kaydence Mod said to Steve Ignorant as he gracefully stumbled across the grass to Smoker’s corner, then pulled out another smoke and lit it.

“Rough night?” Pascal X asked humorously.

“Nothing a little food wouldn’t fix.” Steve Ignorant answered as his stomach made an unhealthy gurgling sound.

“Lucky for you the lunch bell rings in about ten minutes.” Replied Kaydence Mod. She then looked down at her pocket and pulled out a piece of paper, which seemed to have something written in bold print. Kaydence Mod then handed that mysterious sheet to Steve Ignorant. Her face seemed weary. That look worried Steve Ignorant. The paper read:


A dress code will be in affect as of Monday October 1, 1979.

If students do not comply they will be withdrawn from the school.

The cost of the mandatory apparel will cost $34.00 per

student. Thank You.


Wilson Jones

Steve Ignorant’s heart dropped. There was then fifteen seconds of awkward silence before Kaydence Mod piped up “We must do something.”

“But what?” Pondered Pascal X. Before anyone could even put the situation into perspective, Steve Ignorant blurted out, “A school wide walk out! We get the entire student body to leave. Oh wait! We have an assembly this afternoon don’t we?! This could work perfect, but we must execute the plan without a flaw.”

“I have seen this before! If I know what kind of kids are roaming around in the hallways, which I do, Then this should be a synch.” Steve Ignorant exclaimed.

“How can you be so sure?” Kaydence Mod spoke for both herself and Pascal X.

“Well, the school is full of non-conformists. But all of us know that they are the furthest thing from it. Which leads me to my next point: they are vulnerable. Willing to do anything to fight the man! So all we must do is tell them to do it.”

“Too genius! It is fighting fire with fire!”

“…Which brings me to my next point, if we embrace the newly proposed dress code it will make for brighter futures for us all! Thank you and please welcome our new student counsel president Wilson Jones.” Just before Principal Iwanyk introduced Wilson Jones the three nihilists hog-tied Wilson Jones to a pole and stuffed a crusty old sock into his mouth. The assembled student body was silent as they waited for the appearance of Wilson Jones. Kaydence Mod walked across the stage as the other two assailants followed close behind. Everyone stared in question. Was there a legitimate reason for the three punk wasted youths to be on stage instead of the unquestioned leader?

Kaydence Mod tilted her head towards the microphone, which was mounted on the pandemonium.

“The years of a teenager will forever be haunted by the idea of conformity. As the younger generation we are forced to witness years of judgmental censorship. We are pressured into perceiving the individual opinion of right and wrong as some that cannot be changed. The media closes many doors to the growing minds of young adults. As distinct beings we are all brought up within differing environments, being taught to live by the morals of ourselves, which are generally influenced by our the ethical teachings of our gaurdians. Morals and beliefs are the basic key to what separates us as individuals, so why should we feel the need to adapt to others rules? We shall not become the victims of a conformist society! Destruction is a form of creation, just as rebellion is a form of revolution and we shall see to it that it is!” By the end of her speech the whole gym was revved up and ready to take action.

“Today’s rebellion is tomorrow’s freedom!” Steve Ignorant shouted. “We must take action! We have a voice, let’s use it. I will see you all at Okie Dogs!”

By that time the students stood up and began to leave the gym. But Principal Iwanyk grabbed a hold of the microphone reigns and announced, “Students! You must not listen to this preposterous nonsense! You are the future!” The gym was back in order, the place went silent and the kids sat down. But the three kept on trekking and never returned.
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