Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1052744-Raptor-meal
by Zyreph
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1052744
Contains vore and digestion
Note: This story is about a dragon voring a raptor and digesting it. If this is not what you were looking for don't read further.

Zyreph woke up early in the afternoon in his mansion sized house in the forest that was on the outskirts of the dragon capital city. He had been in one of the cities annual fighting tournaments the day before and the event left him feel sore and very very hungry. The young silvery blue anthro dragon walked to the kitchen, yawning and stretching along the way. He walked up to the large fridge and wearily looked to see what he had to eat. There was some meat left over which might have been enough to slate his hunger, but he had a taste for something fresh. Zyreph just downed half a liter of orange juice to hold him over for a while and decided to go hunting.
He made his way out of the house and onto the open grass covered yard in front of his house. A genital wind rippled through his wings as he spread them to take flight. Zyreph crouched down a bit and leapt up, beating his wings down hard to get altitude. He flew just high enough so that he was over the tree line and started making his way into the forest.
The clear blue sky was nice and clear of clouds and the warm sun light beat on his back pleasantly as he glided gracefully over the forest, looking down for something to eat. Although he had been fling for only a little while, he had already covered several hundred feet of land, only noticing birds and small animals, until he caught a glimpse of a something running through the forest. All he saw was a tail at first, but he knew from the smooth texture it was a raptor and not just another dragon.
Zyreph moved around so he was behind where he saw the creature running and he could see an adult tan colored raptor running through the dense trees. The creature seemed to be hunting himself, stopping to sniff around every now and then as Zyreph tracked it in the sky, it seemingly not knowing it was the one being hunted. Zyreph patently tracked the raptor till it entered a small clearing in the forest.
Acting quickly, Zyreph folded back his wings and feel fast upon the back of the raptor, pinning it down. His sharp pointed teeth quickly sank into the back of the creature’s neck as he bit down hard, snapping its neck, and killing it instantly. Zyreph licked the blood from his lips as he stood up, looking down at his kill. As eager as he was to eat, he knew the forest wasn't safe for even a dragon, and eating a large meal would leave him even more vulnerable, so he firmly griped the raptor around the waist with his hands and with several strong wing beats took flight up over the tree line to make his way back home. The raptor dangled limply from Zyreph's arms as he slowly flew back over the forest to his house.
By time he made it home his wings were sore from carrying the extra weight and his stomach was grumbling loudly, eager to be filled. Zyreph laid the raptor, which was less then a feet taller then him, down on the grass and began wondering how to prepare it to eat as he looked down at it. The young dragon winced as a pain shot through his empty grumbling stomach. He decided he couldn't wait to prepare and it and would just eat as is. As he looked at it, with a bit a droll absently escaping from his mouth he thought to himself he could probably eat the whole thing because he was so hungry. His stomach grumbled loudly and made him winch more in pain as if to say "stop thinking and feed me".
Zyreph decided he would try to eat the whole thing, and he'd do it by swallowing it whole, although he'd never tried doing so before. He bent down and lifted up the raptor's head up to his mouth and opened his maw wide, droll dripping from his teeth and bottom of his mouth. He forced the creature’s head into his mouth and relaxed his throat to take in the large size of his meal.
He used his hands to hold up the raptor a little as he swallowed hard, moving its head into his throat, making it bulge quite noticeably. The creature's head slowing moved down the dragon’s neck, making a perfect outline in the bulging neck as it traveled towards the eagerly awaiting stomach.
The upper chest of the raptor had made its way into Zyreph's maw by time the head found its way into the stomach. Zyreph stood up, leaving the back end of the creature dangling from his mouth as he continued pushing the neck and upper chest through his bulged neck towards the stomach as the head started to fill the empty space in his stomach. As Zyreph forced more of the raptor down his throat, the head reached the bottom of the stomach and began to bent and curl up towards the front of the stomach to make room for the neck and as it entered. By time the upper chest had started to enter the stomach, most of the rest of the body was taking up the wide open maw and largely bulged neck, which had a clear outline of creature’s small arms, leaving mostly just the back legs and tail dangling from his maw. It was at this point Zyreph realized he had a problem as the head, neck and upper chest took up his entire bulging stomach. He swallowed hard but the raptor seemed to be stuck.
Zyreph stood there, with the raptor’s tail and legs still dangling from his maw wondering what to do. He looked over at one of his wings and got an idea. Using his ability to manipulate his body structure, he made his wings slowing disappear into his back, using the extra body material to enlarge his stomach.
Zyreph tried swallowing hard again and the raptor began slowing making its way into his stomach again. The rest of the body now took up the large bulging neck as the legs and tail started to enter into his wide open, drooling maw.
Zyreph's stomach, which normally dipped in a bit past the rib cage, now was sticking out almost a foot as most of the remaining body of the raptor entered the stomach and the legs and tail slipped deeper into his maw and started into the throat. Zyreph lifted up his head a little as the raptor's legs and tail slowly got pushed through his neck, making a perfect outline of the legs. His stomach bulged out a couple inches more as the rest of the body entered his stomach; the head was now towards the front of the stomach, curling up back to the top.
Drool dripped from his teeth and down the tail of the raptor as only the feet and remainder of the tail remained outside his maw, and the legs starting to enter the ever bulging stomach. The feet slowly slipped into the dragon's maw and he closed it slightly, leaving only a little of the tail left sticking out of his mouth as more of the raptor filled his now very full stomach.
With a slurp the last bit of the raptor disappeared into the young dragon's mouth and he clamped it shut as the raptor continued the rest of its long trip into the stomach which now bulged out little over two foot from his chest. A few more strong gulps and the rest of the raptor slipped from the dragon's mouth and into the throat, the raptor curled up tightly in his stomach as the rest of the legs were being pushed in. A slight outline of the feet could be seen traveling down the neck as the rest of the raptor got forced into the dragon's stomach.
Zyreph leaned back a bit to support the weight of his bulged out stomach as he burped loudly and patted his large tummy with a satisfied grin. He waddled over to the front door and had to lean forward a bit to reach the knob. He waddled his way into the house, almost losing balance once or twice. He only got as far as the living room, which wasn't far from the door at all, before lying down on his back and resting his hands on the large belly. Zyreph was exhausted from his efforts and quickly feel asleep while his stomach began digesting his big meal.
The digestive juices in Zyreph’s stomach quickly began to eat through the leathery skin of the raptor’s body. The head, arms, feet, and the end of the tail which had little or no meat to them were soon just bones. Most of the leathery skin of the raptor was gone quickly, leaving the meat and fat exposed.
A pool of digestive acid slowly formed at the bottom of the stomach. The side of the raptor resting in the pool of acid dissolved a bit quicker then the rest of the body. It wasn’t long before the skull of the raptor was just bones as well as the neck, part of the legs and most of the tail and arms.
Digestive acid dripped onto the raptors soft organs, eating through them like tissue paper to a flame. Slowly more and more of the raptor became part of a growing pool of digested material.
Zyreph shifted a bit in his sleep, making his stomach swash with the digested juiced and stomach acid. His stomach gurgled noisily as it worked away at the remains of his big meal. After several hours all of the raptor had been digested away expect for some bones.
Most of what was digested was quickly absorbed into the body for energy. The rest was slowing being distributed to reinforce varies parts of his body. Zyreph’s stomach slowly shrunk as his meal was being digested and absorbed till it only extended a few inches with the digested remains of his prey. He cooned in satisfaction and placed a paw over his stomach as he continued to sleep.
© Copyright 2006 Zyreph (zyrephdragon at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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