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This short story complies a gothic setting with a well known fairy tale. |
There it was in the distance. Its might and dark glory oozed out an unearthly sensation. It was almost as if it was too good to be true – yet it was almost as if being true was just a small part of its illustrious history. And to think that I was going to work there? Maybe for a year, maybe for a decade and maybe for the rest of my life. The thought of this prospect was scintillating as I sat motionless on my horse. Funny, a young girl like me, yet to find true love in such a paradoxical world. The thought of it breathed in me a sense of insufferable gloom that pervaded my timorous spirit. Whatever my thoughts were, this had to be my destiny, my fortune, my fate. I knew nothing of my whereabouts. Nevertheless I was determined to get there. I rode a few kilometers north-east and there it was… The castle. What a sight it was, life-sized, sturdy, and murky in all its gloomy self. It shone out like an angel stuck in Hades. While I rode to the door it started raining, or so I thought. The droplets were green, and rather heavy, as I was about to taste the mysterious rain, my senses locked to new dimension of life. Fear. I was knocked off my tremulous horse onto the floor. My body tried to get up but it was only in vain as my nose suddenly and swiftly became covered with a damp cloth. The stench was abnormal-whatever it was, I was unconscious. I awakened, pallid by the sheer fright of the oppressive force that knocked me from my horse. Where was he? Where was I? For I was no longer outside, nor accompanied by my stallion. Surprisingly, I was in a rather vivacious room. As I lifted my head up from the king sized bed which I laid on, its bed posts towered over me like four gods eyeing my every move. The interrupting walls of the room were a sinister ruby fountain colour with coffin black highlights. I saw dark damson dream curtains that covered the long, pointed stained windows, and there were two amethyst leather sofas. These gossamer sofas either side of the king sized bed I laid on. I crawled out of bed and felt the warmness of the room. Then I discarded my coat and placed it neatly on the bed. I felt a bit of my soul detach from me. This coat came in the brown package I received. My mum was never keen on me going. But I hated her. I walked onto a corridor so long either side that it seemed endless. The walls had a sort of stone black net colour, and it was overcome with portraits. The floor had a blood red carpet which completed the depressing atmosphere. I was too scared to carry on, so I turned back into the room I came from. It looked different. It was clean. The bed was made, and my coat was mysteriously sitting on the sofa. The smell was energetic before but now the aroma was shadowy. As I was about to walk in, a chilling voice said to me “your work here is done my maid.” Unexpectedly the coat I had left neat on the bed, flew up to me and slammed the door in my stunned face. I nervously turned around and walked east of the corridor and looked at some of the immense portraits. A portrait stood out amongst the rest. It looked like three surrounding the same young girl in the first picture, only this time she laid frightened on a king-sized bed, almost identical to the bed I was on in the first room. I looked at the girl more. She looked a lot like me and this confused me entirely. I started to get exceedingly frightened and went nearer to touch it, when I did I heard a stern voice with the words “it is done.” In fright I ran to the next room that I saw, it was a small bathroom. Old and rusty, yet it had a sense of innocence in it. There was a shower in the eastern corner of it, whenever I looked at showers I was always reminded of my younger brother who had sex in it three years ago. He was caught by neighbours. Thinking of it, it seemed dangerous yet innovative. I looked at the mirror, which was situated on top of the gold wash-hand basin. I know not whether my eyes were deceiving me or the castle was playing more games with me, because in the mirror stood an alluring man behind me. He was just a bit taller than I, An innocent smile settled on his face, no doubt that if I gave in my temptation the grin wouldn’t be so innocent. I couldn’t resist the temptation. I wanted him. I craved to look back, but I was trapped in his immense beauty. Some people don’t believe in love at first sight, but this contradicted it immeasurably. As he came closer, I felt a feeling a kin sitting discombobulated yet taken aback by the beauty of sitting in the open of a small tarn. “Jessica,” his voice oozed out an aroma that would make any girl surrender their love. When he was closer I saw more of his dreamy features; -Facial hair, not to much not to little; -Clean cut; -Long dark hair which was nicely tied at the back of his head. I almost fainted when I saw those eyes-imaginary, mythological. He came right up me and put his arms around me like a boa constrictor surrounding its prey. I had never been in love before and my body felt peculiar, but ready. His hands slept on my breasts. I felt calm. He undressed me. The room seemed to change its hue from a dark red to a more subtle love pink-red. Even though my eyes noticed the change, my body was noticing something different. Affection. Then I started seeing flashes roll by. For that moment I seemed to be isolated from my body. These flashes I saw were of the picture I had touched in the corridor. They seemed to mangle with each other I started to panic viciously. His hands were still asleep on my breasts and they squeezed even harder. This wasn’t pleasure; no this was torture. The more I struggled the more his hands squeezed, my breasts felt like the ventricles of a heart undergoing isometric ventricular contraction and it was only a matter of time before my nipples were forced open. I felt a part of my soul dispatch from me into the world of the unknown. Was my lover responsible for these pictures? I couldn’t take it no longer, I turned around and slapped him, kicked him in his virile member and as he bent over in agony, I uppercutted him. I knew that my dad’s teachings would come in handy someday. He looked innocent on the floor, and as I looked at him, he steadily started to disintegrate Was it all just an imagination? Did that mean that I was still a virgin? I didn’t understand. He was tangible after all, in fact he was so genuine that his blood remained splattered on the floor, and I didn’t clean it up, instead I washed my breasts and headed back into the swallowing corridor. The corridor was smaller now. I turned left and saw a pale green arrow pointing to a hair black door. I looked at it, cautiously. Was this another trap set by the castle? It may have been or it may not have been, but I wasn’t going to take the risk. I moved to the furthest door I could find and went in. The room was dim; it had the revelation of the nothingness that quarantined the castle like a mother with her first child. I noticed a switch next to me, so I turned it on. A small light in the middle of the creepy room turned on. There seemed to be a large table in the spotlight. But the light was so small and dim that I still couldn’t see anything else other than the outlines of what looked like a large table. So I got nearer to it and I was right. The large table was glittering in the spotlight. In the middle of the table there was a sandwich, it was abnormally big for a sandwich. But it looked mouth-watering. It looked liked it had some chicken strips, lettuce, melted wild boar fat and apple sauce. My taste buds were bracing themselves, this sandwich looked tasty, yet dangerous. Nevertheless, I took a bite out of it. It was a bit watery. As soon as I put the sandwich down, another light turned on ahead of me and this time to my horror I saw my horse on a stick. Decapitated, Denounced, and deprived of its right to live. Blood was trickling down the hunched back body into a large bowl under it. I looked anxiously back at the sandwich, and blood was slowly flowing down it onto the table. Did I just eat part of my horse? I was a girl that had seen many tragedies in my bad childhood. Therefore I tried my best not cry, for I knew that crying never helps. But I knew running did. So I ran as fast as I could into the corridor. This time it was shorter than ever, there was only one door in this corridor now and it was right at the end, so I ran towards it. But after about 10 minutes I was still running, I could still see the door, I felt like I was till in the same place, even though I wasn’t. I stopped to catch my breath and started to walk towards the door, in a few seconds I was at the door. This confused me dearly but I didn’t think of it as I wanted to get out of the castle, back home, back to girlhood. The knob squirted powder at me, and I felt sleepy. Soon enough I was asleep. I woke up. Under a quilt of a somewhat snug king-sized bed. Naked, for the bed to lust on. As I was about to get up, I heard a voice. It was seeping from the door. “Someone’s been in my bathroom.” It sounded like a broken female’s voice. “And there blood on the floor!” “Someone’s been in my bedroom.” I could hear this voice break into tears. “And there’s a ritual coat on my chair!” I knew that I was in trouble, but I didn’t know how to escape. If worst came to worst, they would find me in here and probably eat me alive. Then I would haunt this house forever. “I can smell a daughter of eve” I heard snarling outside the door. I started hearing footsteps; they got louder and louder. The door smashed open and there stood Dracula, and a lady. One could only assume that she was Countless Dracula. There was also a little Dracula, he was crying. “Ahh so you’re the daughter of Eve? On my bed?!” Count Dracula scowled Count Dracula closed the door behind him, looked at me, smiled. Then nodded at the other two. While this was going on I was dressing myself under the quilt. “You’re job here is done maid,” Dracula concluded “I have no use for you now.” The child stopped crying and started licking his lilac lips. “I felt your pitiful soul when I entered the house, I can see it has taking care of itself quite deplorably,” All three approached me at the same time, there smile and face contrasted each other. If this was my fate and fate was immutable, then maybe it was fates immutability that posed a threat to itself? I could still survive. As Dracula was about to complete my destiny, I went under the quilt. I wasn’t going to give him an easy target. Tears started twinkling down my cold cheeks, I wasn’t ready to die. I had lost so many people to nature, and I was about to become a part of nature’s never-ending cycle. The quilt was extracted from me. I screamed my drained lungs out. “Jessica? Are you alright? Your bleeding?” It was my shocked mother. She held a package in her hands “I just got a package with a letter inviting you to the castle down south.” |