Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1051577-Bad-Luck
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Romance/Love · #1051577
Cade realizes that her life was filled with chaos for a reason.
It all started on the 2nd of January, the year of 1999, the moment Cade, a beautiful brown, curly haired, brown eyed baby girl was born. When arrived it was much a surprise. Cade was born a month early. The whole hospital shook. Glasses fell off tables, windows broke, the cement floor cracked, flowers suddenly wilted, then the building collapsed, killing her mother, father, family, docters and nurses, and many other innocent people. Firefighters searched through the building and found no survivors, except for one, Cade. The firefighters turned down the offer for the child, saying she was a demon. They dropped Cade on the steps at a nearby orphanage where she spent her precious years of childhood.

Bad Luck
"Ladies. Downstairs." A grouchy womans voice announced over the intercom. Cade quickly hopped off her window-sil and threw herself into her closet. She threw off her belly shirt and flare pants and threw a small ripped dress over her head. Cade ran to the door and slid on the rug, sending herself smashing her face on the side of the big, wooden door. She burst out laughing. Cade was a very easy person to understand. Nobody was like her. She never let anything get to her, and when something happened she just let out a laugh and acted like it was planned, that way people knew that nothing ever embarassed her, or bothered her.

"Caddy, your nose is bleeding!" said Gracie. Gracie was Cade's only friend. The others all thought she was a freak. They thought that Cade probably got envolved with witchcraft, that's why she was so freaky. No, Cade was just special, just special. Gracie spoke with an english accent and Cade adored it.
"Come here." Cade did what she was told. Gracie grabbed her blanket and held it to Cade's nose.

"Ouch Gray's! Stop! That hurts like hell! Or should I say "Burns" like hell?" Cade burst out laughing again. She couldn't help herself.

"Girls!" The voice yelled again through the speakers.

"We must go. I'm sorry, just, try to hold the blood in. You can do that, yes?' Yeah. Gracie was nice, but sometimes she could be a complete idiot.

"Your kidding right?" Gracie and Cade both ran down the stairs together practically falling. They both slid off the stairs, on their feet! They slid through the living room, then into the main hall where visitors meet everyone. Gracie stopped herself at the door and let herself gracefully walk in, while Cade, not being able to stop herself at all, slid into the line of girls, sending them all bowling over like dominos. The girls screamed like babies and wobbily stretched up.When Cade finally gained understanding of what had just happened. She stretched up, smiled and straitened her dress, blood streamed into her mouth staining her teeth in red.

"You-are-THE MOST- dispicable-creature-I have EVER, EVER met." Said Natalie.

"Your the one S-P-itting. That's pretty gross too if you ask me." Cade spit.

"Ewe! You are so nasty!" Replied Natalie. Natalie was one of those people, and yes, I mean those people. Every school has one. I am talking about the popular people with "followers" that carry hair spray bottles to make sure their "leader" stays looking like a plastic-headed barbie doll all day and even night!

"Thank you!" replied Cade.

"Thank you? You don't say THANK YOU."

"Yeah, thanks." Cade shrugged. Why did people always have to question what came out of her mouth? The short couple looked around the room many times trying to debate who was the prettyiest, and who would make the family look like a million dollars. The head mistress, Gloria, made each child say their names and age, starting with the littlelest children.

"Stephanie Sarah Sniper." Stephanie help up four fingers to show her age. The couple smiled and nodded.

"Amanda, 6. Emily, 7, Areena, Bethany, Joy, River," The girls went on and on. This was a year that most of the women were not planning to have Children, and many of them were stuck in poverty and forced to give their children up just to keep themselves living. It was a very devastating year.

"Gracie, 16." Gracie said with her accent. Finally it was Cade's turn to speak.


"Alright. That will be enough. We have decided." The couple said without even giving Cade a chance.

"We would like to take Gracie, and Emily."

"Alright. Let's just go fill out these papers and get you two both verified." Cade's eyes filled with tears. Her BEST, and ONLY friend was soon to be gone. Gracie bit her lip and turned to Cade. Her eyes were alittle bit glazed.

"Gracie, you can't leave." Cade cried. Usually things like this wouldn't get to Cade, but what would happen to Cade after Gracie left. She would be all alone, by herself, nobody to talk to, nobody to share secrets with. That week, the papers were verified and Gracie was taken away with the wretched couple. Cade spent her hours staring out the window, and drawing black and white, creepy things in her journal. She was alone, all alone.

~*Daniel and the rest of the knuckle heads*~
It was Wednesday. The day that the boys and girls got together to socialize and eat lunch. The boys weren't ever allowed on the girls turf unless it was Wednesday, but the girls were NEVER allowed on the boys turf....ever. Cade sat alone, at a wooden table outside. She Traced her nail through the ridges in the wood, then grabbed the gum from her mouth and stuck it next to her on the bench.

"Are you okay?" A mans voice said from a comfortable distance since he was a stranger. Cade jumped.

"Why would you care? You dont even know me, so get lost buddy boy." If this is the way she made friends, I wonder how Gracie and her became friends. Cade turned around to see a tall, brown haired, brown eyed, tan man. She decided that his new name would be "tan man". She thought it was nice. He looked about 17 or 18 years of age but his face was very clear, unlike the other Knuckle headed boys. He came over and sat down next to her.

"Who said I did care? You just.....I don't know. I-I'm Daniel by the way." Cade smirked and scooted over to the edge of the bench, leaving comfortable space between them.

"Whatever.....Tan man." Cade chuckled, got up and walked back inside the building. Did she just see Tan Man sit on her gum or did she just see Tan Man sit on her gum? Fresh and sticky. Nice! Daniel stood up and followed Cade. As he walked by groups and girls and boys people burst out laughing. He was wondering what for. He looked down, nope, zipper was still up. He checked his feet, nope, no dog crap. What was so funny. Cade watched him as he walked up to her. She too was snickering.

"What is so funny?" He raised up his hands in confusion.

"Oh....nothing." She smiled. "Welp, I better go, I have some major drawing to do." That is usually what Cade drew, stuff that was funny and would make her laugh when she was down, and I must say that made her feel a heck of alot better. She smiled, turned away, and ran up to her room, skipping steps. One of Daniels friends ran over, his face looking more like a cherry than a sea shell which was the usual color of his face.

"Dude! What is sooooo funny?!!? Is there something on my face because I just talk to that chick."

"No Man..Nothing is on your face, just on your as-" His friend stopped. "Sorry, I know you don't like that word." He snorted.

"Yeah. Good Job. What is on my...bottom?" He said with a hint of embarassment.

"Oh...Just a, you know, uh, a big splotch of maybe, five sticks of a.b.c gum." He snorted again.

"Get it off!" He yelled.

"Dude, do you know how wrong that would look. I am not touching your butt."

"Your right." Daniel stared at the tree that was planted to the left of him.

"Well, what are you waiting for!?! Go clean yourself off!" Daniels friend snorted and ran off to go talk to his "secret girlfriend". Love shouldn't be a secret. See, at the Orphanage where these young men and women were staying, The boys and girls were not allowed to date eachother. It was against the rules, and whoever broke the rules went out on the street. Only three "couples" had been kicked out. Nobody has heard from them since. Daniel ran up the stairs looking for the bathroom. He opened many doors only to find empty rooms. He threw open the door and there, sitting out of the window with her back facing the wall was Cade. He paused for a moment and then began to shut the door.

"Looking for a bathroom?" she said without taking her eyes off her paper. He opened the door another crack and glared.

"As a matter of fact yes."

"Well then, you won't find one here because jerks who glare don't get to use my bathroom. Sorry." She shrugged.

"How is it you do that?" he asked confused.

"Your confused alot, and it's a mirror you fool." She pointed to a little make-up mirror nailed to the side of the outside of her window. He relaxed and let him body un-tense.

"I see. Well, I better be looking for another bathroom." He began to shut the door again.

"WELL." She said loudly. He opened it back up again with an annoyed face.

"You know your not going to find one. They are all in the rooms. But you know, if you were nice and maybe smarter than you are now, you might think of saying sorry and then you would know that I might say you can use it, but I guess you aren't that smart are you? AND, coming over here and telling me to shut up would be really stupid. Might I add that I know exactly what you are thinking right now. But o yeah, that's right you aren't smart. But I guess it wouldn't matter anyway because smart people wouldn't have known that either...Well....whatever. O well." Cade said all in one breath. It took her maybe 2 or 3 seconds to say it all.

"Wow..um, I didn't catch most of that but, sorry?"

"Okay. You can use it." Cade pointed to her bathroom door again without taking her eyes off the paper. Daniel shut the door quietly and tip-toed into the bathroom.

"Why are you tip-toeing? I told you use could use it you idiot." Right about now Cade was thinking that this Tan Man was insane.

"Right. Sorry." he said. Cade had finished drawing the pants, and butt, and now she was drawing the nice big splotch of gum.

"It's-not-c-coming off." He yelled from the bathroom as he scrubbed his pants with a washcloth.

"Exactly. That's why I spent all that time talking to you and stalling." She said smiling at her paper. "Whoopsie.....sorry. But you know, I think I might know a way to get it off if you say "Please help me o great, powerful, and mighty Cade." She smirked.

"No way. Hey, but look, I got a name!" Cade rolled her eyes.

"Fine.....Please help me-o-great-p-powerful-and might-y Cade." He gritted his teeth.

"Sure." Cade hopped off the windowsil and out the door of her room. Cade hopped into the kitchen and grabbed a jar of peanut butter and some jelly. She hopped back up the stairs and into the bathroom.


"What's that for?"

"It's to get the gum off you idiot! Think with your brain, not your butt." She slopped some peanut butter on his buttocks, making it look like he had..lets just say an accident. That was her plan though, wasnt it? She grabbed some jelly and smeared it in with the peanut butter.

"Alright, it's gone. Now uh, no time to see in the mirror that it's gone, you have to leave, your friends are already getting on the bus. So go!" He ran out the door and a sly smirk set on Cade's face. She was satisfied and her mission was succesfully completed.

That night at dinner they had bread, butter, some kind of meat, and peas. Cade hated peas, they were to slimy and green and they reminded Cade of Frogs or asparagus. She just hated Vegetables. The meat had to have no Red or pink. It had to be black, brown, or grey or she wouldn't touch it. The bread basket came around but by the time Cade touched it the bread was gone. Only crumbs remained. She rolled her eyes and sighed. She set the basket in the center of the table and just passed on the butter. Why do you need butter if you don't have the bread? The meat came. Cade grabbed a slice of it and sliced it in half to check the color. It was red. Red! It was the color of blood! Cade gagged. She decided to pass on dinner tonight.

"Girls, we have guests coming tomorrow. I would like you all to look nice and be downstairs at exactly 12 o'clock. CADE, NO re-plays of last time. If you can help it." Cade gagged again.

"I need to be excused." She quickly pushed back her chair and wobbily and dizzily stretched up and ran up the stairs. She pushed open her door quickly and ran into her bathroom. She fell down next her toilet and let it all out.

~*Let Me Out*~
Cade woke up to yet another rainy day.

"Another Wednesday. Another RAINY day, Another day in hell! Let me out of this shit hole!" Cade groaned. That was her routine. Her daily speech if it was rainy. She looked out of her bar-covered window again. She was stuck. She was in a prison. Her whole life she had been bottled up like this and she was tired of it. She wanted to see the world and see what it had to offer her. She pushed her covers down and straighted her boxer styled panties and then her matching green and pinkcami. She sighed and walked down the stairs into the living room.

"Cade?" Daniel said shocked. She looked around, many of the boys staring at her tan, neatly curved body and muscles had their mouthes hanging open.

"What are YOU doing here?" Cade shrugged.

"It's Wednesday! I knew that!" Cade started laughing.

"This is sooooooo funny! Okay, okay, okay, so listen. This morning, okay, so like I say it's Wednesday, okay, so then I get up and straighted my underpanties and then,-" Cade kept laughing.

"-I come downstairs. Okay, so like, only stupid people do that. Ha! I'm so stupid! Cade fell down showing more of the curves in her leg.

"Last-Wednesday-" She panted. Cade started laughing again

"-I-made-it-look like-you-had.......DIAHREA! I CAN'T breath!!!!" Daniel stared at her with a awkward look on his face.

"Yeah. C'mon." he got up and grabbed her arm to help her up. They both walked up the stairs together and he opened the door for her.

"Get some clothes on." He then closed the door and went back downstairs.

"Ewe....He touched me." She went into the bathroom and washed her arm off in the sink. She then put on a jean mini skirt and a black halter with sequins that she recieved in the mail from Gracie. She walked back down the stairs. THIS time she was fully clothed......in a way........Her legs were uncovered, her back was uncovered, her upper chest was showing and her stomach was almost showing, so basicaly she was the same as before, but this time it wasn't night time attire.

It was lunch time. Cade and Daniel sat together in an undercover area outside and ate their sandwiches. Cade slightly bent down to her left and grabbed a permanent marker out of her bag and drew on both thumbs under the table. She then straighted her back again.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah. You have something on your face. Here." She stretched both thumbs up to his face and wiped the top of his mouth. Making it look like he had just grown a black mustache. Cade kept a straight face but inside her stomach was hurting with laughter. He smiled blushing alittle not knowing that the mustache was now shaped and looked even more real. What a dumbass. She started laughing

"Are you naturally high or do you take something every morning?" he joked.

"Yup." She smiled back, still laughing. The bell rang and he got up and started to walk away. She smiled at the shape of his ass in his jeans.

"Thank you! I know i'm hot!" For those of you who have forgotten, Cade CAN read minds. Daniel turned around and smiled.

"See you tomorrow Cade." he still smiled obviously happy that Cade actually TOUCHED HIS FACE! Oh my God! Lets all freak out now! The ground began to shake harder and harder and the shelter collapsed over Cade's head.

"CADE!!!" Daniel yelled. Her world went black.

The next morning Cade woke up in a hard bed. She looked around. Nope, she wasn't in a hospital. She was in a room similar to her own bedroom. Things came into focus and voices became louder.

"-take her. When will she be available?" Cade bent her neck to look down at her feet. A man was standing in the doorway. Cade wasn't the one to judge people but-, okay, maybe she was, but the guy was old, fat, and ugly and he had a scar that went from his right eyebrow all the way down to his mouth.

"SOMEBODY needs to get plastic surgury," The lady in a nurse outfit and the man both looked at her.

"Oh good! She's awake."

"Yeah. Whateverz. Did i just say that out loud?" she asked.

"Say what outloud dear?" the lady asked.

"I guess not." Cade rolled her eyes. She was used to hearing people's thoughts but sometimes she forgot she could. The lady left and another man came in. He looked stressed and worried and his hair was plastered to his forehead soaked in sweat. He was eying Cade carefully. His eyes seemed to be filled with worry. The ugly Man smiled really freaky at her and he made her feel really uncomfortable. With each step that he got closer she could feel growing tension. "Who is the guy in the doorway?" she thought. "Is-is-that....D-Daniel?" Her forehead began getting sweaty and she began breathing heavy. She quickly looked to her left at the balloons from Gracie and they popped when she set her eyes on them. Her heart began racing and her body got hotter than a desert.

"Wh-what are you doing-to-me!?" she panted.

Now the ugly man was standing right next to her head. The feeling became so overwelming her head collapsed onto the pillow and her body lost all strength. Her hand fell off the side of the bed and her body was now totally limp. Her eyes slowly closed and the worry in Daniels face (the man in the doorway) became more severe.

~*Learning about the lies*~
Cade woke up on a bed next to Daniel. She screamed. Her scream was high-pitched and girly.

"What are you doing! NEXT to me! With you SHIRT off! Vous personne malade malade!" Cade slid over on the bed as much as she could, she then fell off. "Ah!" She pulled the blanket and it slowly slid off his body. He looked down.

"My pants! What happened to them!?!?!"

"O god. Your not wearing pants!" Cade covered her eyes on the floor.

"No no. i'm wearing boxers it's just I never took off my pants. Also, God, i was in this bed alone, where did you come from? You were supposed to be in the other room."

"I don't know." she un-covered her eyes and got up. She was only wearing a bra and her boxer style underwear. Daniel lusted over her flat stomach.

"Is that really nessasary?"

"What?" she asked.

"You. You not wearing a blanket around you."

"You are so immature." She grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around her body under her arms. She grabbed the brush from the dresser and re-did her part.

"You don't have to watch me 24/7 you know. Don't you have something you could be doing?" Cade said. She knew she liked the attention but she didn't want him to know. Did she actually like him? Her body got hot again. Were his eyes literally burning into her ass like in the expression?

"Goodmorning children." Cade jumped and turned around. It was that man! The fat man! She glared.

"What did you do to me the other day?...and more important...what did you do....here...." she pointed to the bed that Daniel was still laying in.

"MOST importantly.....WHY AM I UN-DRESSED!!?!?!?!?" She slapped the mans face. Daniel was shocked. The man punched her back in the stomach. She winced and fell to the ground.

"Damn man. What was that for?" Daniel hopped off the bed and met Cade on the floor on the bottom of it.

"you children need to understand. So, I am simply getting you to listen. Cade my child, you need to know that your father that died in the hospital the day you were born was not your father. Your REAL father is a man who holds many powers. He was the one who actually slept with your mother. You have taken one of his powers and now he wants it back. Your mother lied to you. That one man was NOT your father. He is now after you. Trying to get his power back. Daniel, your father competed with Cade's father for the love of Cade's mother and Cade's real father put many spells on you, you just need to find them and use them to help Cade find her real Father. You need to protect her and keep her safe throughout your whole journey. You are going to need these items and this here mate of mine-" another fat man stood next to the tall fat man but this guy was short. "He will teach you how to use them. We do not suggest that you use guns." The short fat man handed him a sword, shield, and body armor. He then handed Cade a bottle that looked like a liquor bottle. "It's a healing potion. If Daniel gets hurt you need to pour this on the wound. I am sure he will get hurt but still, be careful."

"No...Why should I fucking believe you? Well, how long is this trip going to be, and where are we going, I really wanna go to Hawaii.....it's really sunny and like the water is nice and-"

"Cade, hush. You will leave tonight. There will be many false things where you are going and the food isn't edible. if one of you eats it pour that potion into your mouth. you will leave through a portal. There will be 4 worlds. Cade, your father will be found in the fourth, the end of your journey. One of you might die so be careful. There is no telling how long you two will be. You will need to find 1 thing to get into the next world. In world one, you will need to find a four leaf clover in a HUGE field of clovers to get into world 2. To get into world 3 you need to kill a vampire and grab it's necklace. To get into world 4 you need to pick a person who is still alive out of a church full of the dead. then you will find your dad, there will be two of him, you need to pick the right one. Now get dressed and go."

~*World 1, The Field Of Clovers*~
Daniel and Cade both stumbled out of a tree into a large forest. Cade's heel landed right into a mud puddle and she flew backwards. Daniel began laughing. Cade started laughing herself.

"Haha-huhhuhhhh. Riiiight. Shut the hell up." she looked down to his feet...she began laughing hysterically.


"You are-stepping in elephant crap!" she laughed. Daniel sighed.

"Come on. I want to get out of here so lets go." he grabbed her hand and helped her up.

"Now it looks like you had diahrea." he snickered.

"Shut up." She let go of his hand and that she had been holding for and awkwardly long time...she knew she liked the feeling but she still didn't want him knowing. She then smiled and pushed him down by his shoulder. He fell, coating his back in the slimy, smelly muck. He grabbed her arm and pulled her down. She accidentally fell on top of him and they both said nothing for a few seconds. She got up quickly.

"C'mon, lets go." Cade said. She straightened her shirt.

"Yeah." Daniel got up and wiped off some of the muck. They proceeded into the wet, smelly, muddy forest falling quite a few times. It started raining and Cade' long brown hair got stringy and her clothes clung to her body.

"D-d-aniel.....I-i'm c-c-c-old, and my sh-h-hirt is see-through now." They walked some more into the forest and the heat rised. It was now hot and humid.

"Daniel! My shirt is see-through! Give me your coat or something!"

"Why? I've seen a bra before. My shirt is see-through too and i'm not complaining." He turned around now staring at her form.

"Who cares! Give me it! You have nothing to hide."

"You'll dry soon."

"Daniel.....How am I supposed to dry when it's still raining. You are such an idiot." she took small steps forward soon she was an inch away from his own abs. She looked up at him. Her face was wet and her make-up looked like it was on but it wasn't. Her cheeks were the color of pink roses and her eyelashes clung together from rain drops.

"Give me your jacket.....now. Or else your little buddy gets it." A bead of sweat slid down his forehead.

"Fine. Here." He took off his jacket and handed it to her. She put it on and huggged herself. They both walked along the muddy path.

"Hey Tan Man, there's a clearing over there." Cade pointed to her left. A patch of green was in between the tree's.

"Okay. lets go." He grabbed her hand and they both ducked through the tree's making their way to the field of clovers. They finally reached the end of the wood and made it into the bright green clearing. In the field clovers covered the ground, you could not see anything but clovers.

"How are we going to find that stupid clover in all these clovers!?!?!" Daniel asked overwelmed. clovers were everywhere, everywhere you looked all you could see was clovers.

"I don't know." Cade squinted as the sun blinded her. Daniel sighed.

"Let's start looking."

Daniel and Cade had been looking through the Clovers for hours now and they still couldn't find it. It was beginning to get dark.

"Daniel, I am really tired. I think we should get some rest."

"Go ahead Cade. I'm going to keep on looking. We need to find it."

"c'mon Daniel. you need sleep."

"Alright. Fine." he fell backwards onto a bed of tall clovers. Cade sat down next to him and then laid back onto the clovers herself. The sun went down over the snow covered mountains and the sky was almost black. the tempature was dropping rapidly.

"Cade are you cold?" Daniel asked taking his eyes off of the stars and placing them on Cade's soft face.

"Yes. Why?"

"Well....You can...you know....cuddle up to me if you want..." He said nervously. Cade smiled inside.

"God no!" Cade rolled over onto her side.

"Cade! There it is!"

"There what is?"

"The four leaf clover! It was under your back!" Daniel plucked the clover out of the ground.

"What do we do with it now?" Cade asked.

"Touch it." Cade grabbed it with Daniel and they both dissapeared into a whirl of sparkles and a spectrum of colors.

~*World 2, Vampire Village*~
Daniel and Cade both fell onto soft grass. Cade looked around noticing that it was still dark and that they were surrounded by gravestones.

"Ah!" Cade screamed.

"What!?! What's wrong!?!" Daniel jumped up next to her.

"D-Daniel. We-we're surrounded by....GRAVESTONES!!! We're standing on fricken dead bodies!" Cade's face became pale.

"Just stay calm okay....We were told about this we just need to find that stupid Vampire. Hey, go hide behind that Gravestone. I'll find it...and kill it. You'll be okay alright."

"Kay." Cade slowly walked to a gravestone and hid behind it. Daniel walked around looking every direction. While Cade was hiding behind the Gravestone a bloody, red, stinky Vampire came up and bit Cade upon the neck.

"D-!" She fell back into the grasp of the vampire. She became pale and her body became limp and cold. Daniel ran back over to the gravestone.

"Cade!" He kicked the Vampire in the forehead and it let go of her. He grabbed the sword from it's sheath and sliced the Vampires neck open. It squeeled and screamed. It sounded like an egg squeling on a hot pan that was sitting on the stove. It bubbled and melted away in a black sticky mess. He knelt down next to her feeling her cheek. It was cold and wet.

"Cade! C'mon!" Squels sounded in the distance and they got closer and closer. It was too dark. You could not see anything. Daniel heard the trees leaves and branches wrestling. A Vampire jumped up behind him and wrapped it's arm around his neck nearly biting Daniel. He used both arms and slammed the Vampire in the chest with his elbows. it let go squeling. Daniel jumped and turned around to face it. He grabbed his sword and sliced the stupid little Vampires arms and legs off. It shrivled and melted away like the other one. He looked over to Cade to make sure she was still there and that she was....well....sort of okay. This time 10 differen't Vampires jumped out of the trees and wrapped their arms around him trying to bite his neck. He grunted. He used all of his strength and kicked some of them and then pulled out his sword and spinned around slicing all of the Vampires in the stomach. They shriveled and left more black mess.

"I-thought-he-only-said-one-vampire-with-one-necklace." he panted. A Shriek came from the sky. He looked up just in time. A flying Vampire with HUGE dragon wings swooped down almost grabbing Daniel. He stretched his hand up and grabbed the vampire by his feet, keeping it from moving. He looked shocked. He was amazed at his strength.

"This must be one of-th-the powers that I got." he panted still. He spun around sending the vampire in circles. The speed and force was so great that the Vampires head flew of. Blood sprayed onto Daniels face and he slowed down letting the Vampire drop to the ground. He ran up to it's head grabbing the necklace from it's neck. He grabbed it just in time...right before the Vampire dissapeared. He ran over to Cade and pulled the special potion from her belt. He twisted off the lid and quickly poured it on the bite on her neck. She didn't move. The two holes dissapeared but she still didn't move.

"Cade. Come on! Wake up!" He poured more on where the two holes used to be. He waited a few seconds and she still didn't move. His eyes got glazed and he laid down next to her staring at the black sky.

"Did you get the necklace?" she asked.

"Your up!?!?!"

"Yeah?? When was I not? You asked me to stay here so....I did." She looked at him oddly. He smiled in relief.

"Yeah. I got it."

"Good. Um...Daniel you have blood on your face." Cade stretched out her sleeve and wiped the blood of his face. She took her hand down but before she could place it back on her lap he grabbed her arm and pulled her close to kiss her. The stream of lava next to her pulled off her jacket and burned it into ashes and floated away. He kissed her on the lips. She pulled away quickly in shock.

"D-Daniel. What was that for?" Before he had time to answer she grabbed the necklace and the both dissapeared into a ring of lava.

~*World 3, The Church full of Dead*~
They both landed in the baptisim tub. Both now soaking once again. Body's were everywhere. Some were distorted, rotted, some were even skeletons already. Some were just normal people. Daniel just looked around. Cade touched her lips still thinking about what had just happened and why it had just happened. Daniel got out and stretched his arm out to Cade to help her up and out. She grabbed it and got up. They were all standing up screaming. Cade plugged her ears.

"This isn't a Church. This is like some.....satanic meeting place." Cade laughed.

"No kidding." he replied.

"How can we tell who's alive and who's the dead one's?" she asked.

"There is only one alive one.....um....just think." he walked away. She sighed and walked down the first row of pews. Many of them were standing, shreiking, and screming. Many were crying. One person was just sitting and looking at them scared.

"Excuse me?" Cade said. Only that persons head turned.

"If your talking to them, they can't hear you. i've tried to talk to them to shut up many times before. I'm Paige."

"Your the alive one aren't you!?" Cade screamed. She stretched her hand out to Paige. Paige took it and stood up now out of the pew.

"Yes? I believe so. i've been here for many years though. I haven't aged her at all. I am supposed to be 20 now."

"Bu-But you only look 8." Cade said shocked. Paige smiled.

"That's because that's what I WAS when I came here."

"Well, we're here to take you home Paige. TAN MAN!" Cade yelled.

"Who's that?"

"He's-he's-I-I don't know what he is to me." He quickly ran over to see Cade looking stumped.

"Yeah!?! Are-Are you okay Cade?"

"Ye-yeah. um...I think I found the live one. This is Paige."

"Pleased to meet you Sir." Paige stuck her hand out to him. They both shook. Cade stuck her hand on her while they shook and Paige didn't dissapear.

"What? Why didn't she dissapear Daniel?"

"I-I don't know...Maybe-Maybe..." Daniel looked around spotting the baptisim tub.

"Maybe we need to put her in the tub." he shrugged.

"Well....It's worth a try." Paige walked up the steps to the tub and dunked herself in it. She dissapeared and the water turned green. The water splashed up and whirled around Cade and Daniel. The water made a hand and it reached into Daniels pocket grabbing all of the items they collected, the four leaf clover, the necklace, and the body was now the green water. The water splashed on their faces and naturally they closed their eyes.

~*World 4, What Daniel tells the truth?*~
Daniel and Cade were on opposite sides of eachother now. They were seperated by a large bridge that went over a deep clif. For some reason there were four people on the other side and Cade was all by herself on her side. She looked around for anybody...nope, nobody. A voice sounded from the sky and said these words,

"Welcome! Congrats on completing all these tasks! Some were harder than others, some were extremely easy. This is a mind task. There are two of your Fathers and two Daniel's on the other side of the bridge. Both Daniel's are going to have to yell over to you telling you what father is right. ONE Daniel is LYING, the OTHER is telling the TRUTH. You are going to have to decide who is who. They will both only be saying posotive. You may NOT shout over the bridge unless summoned by me and ONLY ME. You may not ask questions! lET THE GAME BEGIN!!!!! DANIEL 1 FOR FATHER 1!!!!


The voice sounded from the clouds again and said these words:




"I-I-I pick-Daniel 2." Cade took an uneasy step onto the bridge and grabbed onto the rope sides of it. She walked slowly and once she reached the middle of the bridge she started walking faster, took a few steps and then began running.....The bridge didn't move except for the swaying from the running. She ran up to Daniel and hugged him, then realizing what she was doing, let go. She STILL didn't want to show it. She sat there for a second biting her lip and staring into his beautiful brown eyes. Her dad smiled and then walked over to her and hugged her smiling. Her eyes rolled back and she collapsed in his arms. He laid her down gently.

"What did you do to her?!" Daniel asked worriedly.

"It's fine. She'll be okay. I took away her powers. it's not good for her to have them right now....expecially when she's with you." Cade's dad smiled at Daniel. He smiled back.


"So-Wh-" Cade's dad stuck his hand behind the back of Daniels head quickly and then smacked Daniels forehead with his palm and he collapsed letting Cade's fathers hand hold up his body. He had done the same for Cade. He laid Daniel down next to her. He Stretched out his arms and flexed and Wings popped through his shirt. Cade's father grabbed them both and set them onto his wings and flew off.

~*Letting out feelings*~
It was night when they got back to Cade's fathers house.

"I'm Colton. It would be nice if you would call me dad though Cade." Cade's dad said once they were both awake.

"Yeah....um...Are you guys just being really stupid and not thinking or what's going on?" Cade asked while rubbing her eyes.

"Cade sweety, I took away your powers."


"You guys should get some sleep. Cade, your bedroom is down the hall to your left, next to mine, it's the second room down. Daniel, you can sleep here for however long you would like, your room is down the hallway to your right, first room to your left. Pajama's are in the drawer and if you need anything let me know."

"Kay." Cade got up and left. Daniel started to get up too.

"Daniel, just because she can't hear what you are thinking doesn't mean that I can't. So watch it." he snickered. He then winked.

"I knew that. Sorry sir." he left.

It was around midnight now, an hour after Colton went to bed himself. Cade took off her covers, straightened her boxer style underwear and matching blue and green cami. She tip-toed through the living room, then the dining room, then the kitchen, then she reached the other hallway she cracked Daniels door and snuck in then closed it behind her. It was dark and she couldn't see hardly anything. She walked over to Daniels bed and crawled on all fours up to the pillow. She rubbed Daniels shoulder to get him to wake up.

"Hey.....Daniel?" she whispered.

"hmnmmm. Y-yeah Cade? What's wrong?" He groaned and turned over.

"Nothing. I just wanted to take you up on that offer that you gave me in World 1." He smiled and opened up the sheets for her. She crawled in and placed her hand on top of the middle of his bare chest. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and for the first time ever she felt safe, secure and protected.

"Daniel, I-I think I love you."

"I love you too." He said. Cade's invisible father seeped out the cracks of the door with a smile on his face. His daughter had grown up good and she had found a good person to love.

© Copyright 2005 *~KaIri~* (kam2the101 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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