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Rated: ASR · Novel · Friendship · #1051201
2 people so close yet far away, could leo get what he wished for???? still being updated
*Chapter (1)*

It was after midnight when Amy Gordon was driving home from the New Year's party she's been attending. She was driving in her red VOLEX WAGON which suited her perfectly. Amy was a single 25 year old girl always looking her best in every occasion; no one ever found her looking messy even if she just woke up from sleep she was always well dressed. She had a medium lengthed golden hair which she mostly did in curls. She wore a very sexy red glittering dress, it was long and Charleston, it was a low cut that put all sights on her. She had her hair pulled up for the first time. She had a bronze complexion and brown eyes and she hardly ever wore any make-up and almost relied on her natural beauty. With her was a good looking and a very handsome guy, his name was Leo. He lived next door she offered to drive him as he was pretty drunk. They've been best friends ever since they knew each other in junior high. He was 27, he had the best hazel eyes you've ever seen, and it told every thing about him from how kind and strong till how he is very sentimental and romantic in the same time. His personality was one of a kind and it was very hard to find. Amy always considered herself lucky to have him as a friend. But other people considered it otherwise, they were more insightful, they saw that the chemistry between them was on fire and not from the friendship side but romantically. They always denied that anything would ever happen between them. They were attending a party at their friend Suzie. Her parties were always the hottest and the coolest parties in New York. Suzie was the oldest gal in the whole group she was 28 and also the only one to find the knight of her dreams waiting on her door step and proposing when she was still a 23 year old. She had a wedding extravaganza, lucky for her she was married to the son of one of the richest car dealers in New York. They were 10 in the whole group they were Amy, Leo, Emma, Tom, Daisy, Jack, A.J, Jo, Diana and last but not least Suzie. On the way back home both of them were thinking about the people they met the party and how come that both of them that good looking and haven't gone out on dates for 8 whole months. It was about 2 o'clock in the morning when they reached the neighborhood. She parked her car, got Leo out of it, walked him to his door and went home longing for her bed and pjs.

Next morning she woke up at 12 pm which was really strange for her taking in mind that she always woke up at 6. She was feeling better than ever. She was longing for a vacation and now she got it, at last. She worked as a reporter for the New York Times; she got out of bed and did the usual, brushed her teeth, drank her coffee and prepared breakfast.
After that she went to get the paper from the door step. She met Leo outside looking very tired from the drinks he had last night, they said good morning then went inside again.

She read the paper then began watching TV. she never thought vacation would be that boring until the phone rang and it was Tom telling her that Leo would pass by her and pick her up to a new club that’s opening near-by her at 8 "and wear some thing slick and fancy" she told him ok, hung up then went to fetch some thing to wear. It was 5 at the time Tom called. It took her almost 3 hours to get ready. She wore a mini sky blue jeans skirt and a yellow tank top and her hair as always. Leo came and she had a very unusual feeling about it. Why didn’t one of the girls come pick her up? What were they up to? Amy always had it in her mind that they were better off as friends and nothing more than that. She opened up the door, said "hi" and kissed him on the cheek; he smiled and dragged her out of the house. They rode in his BMW's MINI COOPER and set off.

"Last night was amazing, wasn’t it?" Amy began the conversation instead of the quietness that was all over the car

"Yes, it was amazing although I don’t know how I got home" she began to laugh at him and said

"I drove you over here c'mon you should've at least guessed it as I am living exactly next to your door"

"Well yeah" he said it with a smile starting to form on his face.

"So do you know where we are going, tom wouldn’t tell me he said that you would pick me up and that’s all I know"

"Ok it's kind of a surprise but….. Promise me you'll act surprised when we arrive there"

"Cross my heart, c'mon tell me"

"Ok here goes nothing, we are going to this new club that’s opening tonight……….." she interrupted him before he could even say another word

"So…..that's what tom told me. So what's new in that?"

"If you let me complete you'll know"

"Ok complete"

"You know that later this month is your birthday, right?"

"Yeah, so…?"

"All of us contributed in this investment and bought it to you as an early b-day present"

"But what is the investment?"

"It is a night club. We all know how you fancied owning something like that and of course other than your writing it was the thing you mostly wanted now….wasn’t it?"

"Ok, you caught me here but from where did you guys know that I wanted to own a club?"

"Did you forget that you mentioned it once when both of us where talking about our wildest dreams well lucky you. You got it." By the time he said these words, they were already in front of the club, all her friends waiting in front of it holding flowers and a pair of scissors for her to cut the red ribbon that was hung in front o the club's door. The club was named after Amy's favorite nickname," Nightingale" Amy sighed and was really surprised to see the club of her dreams right in front of her she was pinching herself to make sure she wasn’t dreaming,

"OMG, I can't believe that all this is real" Amy sighed.

"Well believe it because soon enough you'd be fussing around not knowing what to do with it" A.J said while laughing.

A.J was the type of guy who always took gals for granted. In fact Amy was with him for a while in the past. Oh yeah he was good to her and all but he couldn’t keep his eyes off of any hot girls legs or butt but still nobody would resist his charms. There stood every one around Amy smiling and beaming at her. She felt like she couldn’t be happier, but when she looked around, she found Suzie with her handsome husband, tom was standing there with a new girl that he was crazy about, A.J was hooking up with a girl he just saw, daisy and jack have been together for a couple of months, Emma was surrounded by hot guys everywhere as she was the hottest gal in the whole group, Jo who had never liked her real name cause it was "too girly" and with her baggy clothes stood there supporting the not-dating and being with the dominant sex so of course no one was ever jealous of her although she was definitely cute and good looking but every time a boy made a move she insulted him and went on as if nothing happened, and Diana, with her fiancé away, was there all alone. So that left Amy and Leo, they were the only people who were having fun by being single but the seen at the front of the club tore Amy's heart apart. She felt that she needed some romance in her life, she wanted to have something more than just being successful, and she wanted a real life full of emotion and passion. She tried putting her feeling of loneliness aside and focus on the surprise of her life, her own Night Club.

*Chapter (2)*

She went inside pretending like nothing was wrong and pretending to be surprised was really easy for her cause she'd never expect it in a million years that it would happen. What a beautiful sight it was, it was filled with people hot guys the décor was amazing, it had this modern sense in it but with all the flashes of light and people she couldn’t see it clearly, she turned around to see how everyone's doing to be surprised that there were none even Diane hooked up with a guy and Amy saw her slipping her engagement ring in her bag and winking at her she left with the hottest guy she'd seen in month. Even Leo for the 1st time in month was chasing girls all around the club. Now all she could is sit and wait for some guy to………..she didn’t have the time to complete the thought when she found a total Hunky-Dunky coming her way.

"Can I be honored with this dance please?" he bowed at this moment.

"Yes, of course but if only I can have the pleasure of knowing your name?" she said giggling.

"But of course the name is Eric Williams" he beamed at her smiling.

"And I am Amy Gordon. Pleased to meet you"

"Ok, so shall we dance?" offering her his hand.

"Who wouldn’t" taking his hand and moving to the dance floor.

The crazy frog song was on, they started dancing to it then the whole theme changed from techno to slow and the song "can you feel the love tonight" started to play. Amy thought it was perfect for the moment they were in.

"So how come you're single?" she asked feeling her heart pounding faster than usual.

"Because most of them go after looks and money. But you aren't like that, are you?"

"What do you think?"

"I think that you are a very...good...girl"

By the time he finished his words bent down and reached for Amy's lips. It was the tenderest and romantic thing she's ever experienced then she kissed him back but unfortunately the song ended. They broke up and went to sit down. All what she was thinking about was how fast she was falling for this guy, she couldn’t believe herself.

"I'm having such a great time, this club is amazing. Do you know who the owner is I should go and congratulate him about wut a great job he did"

Amy blushed a little then said, "first of all, he's a she. Second, she is me."

"Oh c'mon you gotta be kidding me, you are the owner of this club?"

"I'll take that as a compliment"

At this moment Eric leaned over to complete the kiss they once started. She felt his hands grabbing hers and pulling her closer, then whispering gently in her ears.

"Wanna go somewhere less noisy"

"Yes please." She felt his hand pulling her closer him then pulling her away from the bar counter and all the to the door where his Porsche was waiting right out there.

They got in and drove off to her place ((she was under his arm the whole time till they reached her place)) he dragged her out of his car and all the time till they reached her room she was giggling. She was, until they went inside, it was breathtaking but not as much as he was and again he started kissing her with his squishy lips that captivated her, she told herself ((for once go with the flow and stop planning every single thing in your life.))

*Chapter (3)*

The next morning Leo passed by her house as it was the usual on weekends, he was used to finding her in the kitchen making coffee but smth was different the whole house was quite. For a minute there he didn’t think that she came home last night but he remembered that there was a car parked out front, he began to search the house but still he didn’t find her, then he decided to go and see if she was in her room, his heart beating fast as he approached the room and all that he could think about was ((whose car was it? and what was it doing here?)) he pushed the door open to find the scene he has been dreading, Amy was sleeping there in the arms of a man other than him. He shut the door, feeling shocked and heart-broken. He decided to leave before she woke up, his mind wasn’t ready for all of this and he never accepted the idea that she could be with somebody else. But other than that he was thinking of the mistake he did, all he was thinking about all the way to his house was ((why did I wait so long? Why didn’t I tell her how I felt from the very beginning? I guess I was just too afraid of being rejected but that just seems like some silly excuse now, doesn’t it? And anyways it could’ve destroyed our whole friendship if she knew that I had these feelings for her. I think that I didn’t make a move because she was always saying that we were better off friends not anything more or less. Omg she did think of me as a friend only nothing more)) with the last thought a single tear was falling from his hazel eyes, he reached for his door, went inside and tried to think of something else but it was impossible.

*Chapter (4)*

The alarm clock rang and Amy woke up surprised to find an arm around her waist, she lied there for a second starting to remember what happened last night, the hot guy and their very first kiss and she went home with him. She turned around to see who he was she remembered his name was Eric but what did he look like she didn’t remember.

"Omg, ERIC" Amy screamed.

"What, where?" he woke up with a shock

"Your not Eric Williams, are you?" she asked him inquisitively

"I am, baby, why what's the matter?" trying to give her a kiss but she backed away quickly

"I can't believe my dumb luck; the only guy I fell for had to be you"

"Ok you are freaking me here, do we know each other?" and indeed he did look worried.

"Look at me closely don't you think that you see anything familiar, like someone you once knew"

There was a moment of silence between them then his face expressions started to change a little bit.

He suddenly said "you are not Amy Gordon, are you?" she nodded very quietly looking slightly broken, which was new for him.

"Oh baby, I've missed you terribly……..I regret the day that I left for whoever this girl was I was an ass-hole for leaving you. Believe me you don’t know how happy I'm feeling right now." He finished his words then took her in his arms by force and gave a squeezing full of emotion hug.

"Eric please, don’t bring back those memories…….I know that I'm glad and all that it was you who I slept with but that brings us back to the whole "us" and I don’t wanna relive the same experience twice…….getting over you was definitely the hardest thing that I ever had to do and the wound in my he…………"

He put a finger on her mouth and he wasn't sad or anything but the exact opposite he was laughing.

"Amy, honey, my love, you don't have to worry………we've been given a second chance, we have to grab it hard and never let go, we made a mistake once we shouldn’t do it twice that would be called idiocy and I know right now you are wondering why I'm laughing, It is because you haven’t changed a bit since I last saw you and that kind of brought the happy memories we once had together."

"Eric you know that I'd love to be with you more than anything to be with you but how do I……I……but how do I know that I can trust you. You did do it once and as they say if you did it once you'd do it again"

"Well believe me this time I won't because I really do need you…..to be there with me and …….well for me"

((What should I do)?) Amy thought ((I know that I still care for him and I do have feelings for him but can I really trust him this time, he just……….seem so desperate and my heart can't take it…….at the same time he did break my heart but……….I cant break his…..it'd be so cruel right I think am gonna say yes……..Omg am gonna date Eric Williams again))

"Only if we take it one step at a time" Amy was so surprise at how her voice sounded so business like.

"Sure…..anything. Lets forget this night even existed. How about I pick you up at 8 tonight is that good for you?"

"So you are asking me on a date right now, right?" he nodded eagerly.

"Ok, but you'd have to tell me where we're going so that I can find the perfect outfit for it"

"I was thinking about the rose, what do you think?"

"It's perfect. I'll see you tonight then?"

He got out of bed and started dressing up and then left the first thing on her mind was Leo she wanted to tell him everything about what happened the night before, then she suddenly remembered that he is used to coming over on weekend mornings.((Omg did he see me with Eric????????)).

Amy went straight to the phone to call Leo, she dialed his number but there was smth strange the machine was the one that answered, ((maybe he got lucky like me and found a girl for himself)) Amy thought to herself. She went to see if his car was parked and to her surprise it was there, ((maybe he is just still sleeping…….yeah that's probably It.)) she went to have breakfast and drink some coffee then she sat in front of TV, but all that was on her mind wasn’t Eric, it was Leo,((where was he? If his car is parked outside doesn’t that mean that he returned home last night?)) At last she decided to go and see if he was there or not.

She knocked on the door and to her surprise he answered the door immediately as if he has been waiting for her to come and see him.

"Hi I missed you so much and why didn’t you come over as you always do?" Amy asked him just to see if he came or not but as she said these words she noticed that there was something different in him. His face was pale, not shaved and his eyes were kind of red. "Is there something wrong? Are you sick?" the only problem was that he didn’t speak at all he just stood there and stared at her. "Ok, can I come in" he still didn’t answer. "You are really freaking me out here, what is wrong……honey?" she raised a hand to touch his cheek and at last his eyes blinked and he pushed her away nearly making her fall off the stairs.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I didn’t mean to push you away am just a little stray minded and very tired, I returned late last night and didn’t sleep very well and again am really sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you at all."

"it's no biggie bur you really scared the shit out of me, anyways can I please come in , I've got so much to tell you about" he still looked very strange but at least now he was talking and he didn’t seem to have passed by her house in the morning.

"Well how can I say no" then he stretched out his hand for her to come in.

She went in feeling a little uncomfortable, his face didn’t say much but there seemed to be something bothering very much, she had so much to tell him so she shut this point out of her mind and went straight to the couch in the living room.

"Do you want something to drink, I don’t have anything but water anyways" he said trying to sound a little sarcastic but it was very obvious he was failing.

"No thnx, I wont need any. Come and sit down……….I have got so much to tell you." She waved her hand and he came and sat down.

"You won't believe who I met yesterday?"

"No, who?"

"Eric Williams" he looked puzzled "you know the guy who broke my heart in high school and I was devastated after he left me"

"Oh yeah………….him" he sounded a little bitter but she still ignored it.

"anyways, I didn’t know it was him yesterday in the club, so I went home with him we………….well….ehhh…….ok…….slept together and I woke up this morning to find "the" Eric Williams sleeping r8 next to me"

"So tell me wut did you do?"

"Well, we talked, reminisced and ended up having a date tonight, he said things that I couldn’t believe, like how much he missed me and how he regretted that he let me go"

"And you actually believed him????" he said these words feeling a little bit hopeful from inside.

"yeah, why the hell shouldn’t I………….he really seemed to be honest about every thing he said" with that he felt his heart breaking all over again………..here she was sitting in front of him talking about a guy she was falling for.

"Well you know that he did the same thing to you when we were in high school wut could've changed since then" the words barely left his mouth.

She saw that he looked very grim but still she couldn’t figure out wut was wrong with him, he has been acting really weird and now he was a little weirder.

"I know all that but he seems to have changed a lot since" she said but not so confident in what she was saying………..who could blame her she ha every right to doubt him.

"Ok am very happy that you found someone you can care for" he wished that his heart would just stop beating.

Out of no where her cell phone rang and to her surprise it was Eric she answered the cell and started talking in a low voice and giggling in way which indicated her shyness and the sweet delicate feminine side that few have ever seen, Leo was watching her every move regretting that he hasn’t asked her out at all and that he wasn’t the one she was talking to r8 now. She looked very sexy when she was a little shy or was caught up in a moment her cheeks would start to blush and she begins to bend in ways that shows her whole body. He just wanted to break down and cry nothing more and nothing less.

"Omg look at the time, if it wasn’t for Eric would've forgotten all about the date tonight, I really got to go, I'll see you tomorrow and tell you all about what do you think?"

"I'll be waiting" trying to sound cheerful.

"C'mon you've never been like this tell me baby what's the matter, what's wrong honey?"

"It's nothing I'm just tired and I guess I need some sleep that’s all"

"ok, well sleep tight" she gave him a hug that he was really longing for but not as a friend from his inside he felt like there was a fire burning for both reasons and the way her hand felt above her hair and her bare skin was just amazing, he smelled her hair and then drowned from inside, he suddenly felt alive in her arms, a way he never felt before this moment, he wanted to hold her forever and ever, but the moment was over her arms were backing away and he felt like he was losing her all over again.

"Good bye, hope your date goes well" with watery eyes, he tried his best to keep his tears in his eyes.

"Thnx well c ya 2morrow" and with that his has left him and flew away to where Amy is.

*Chapter (5)*

He watched her all the way back to her house his heart sinking with every footstep she was taking away from him. It wasn't long till he heard a car pulling over and the car horn going off Leo jumped from his seat to catch one last glimpse of her before she went away, she looked amazing she wore a golden mini dress, with her legs showing and her arms. And for the first time ever, Leo saw Amy having her hair pulled back with parts of her hair falling down on her face; from the end she looked incredible. Leo backed away from the curtains and went to bed trying to get some sleep.

He dozed off and began dreaming of Amy, they were on the beach and he was running after her. She was wearing a red bikini and on top of it a mini skirt showing her gorgeous body under it , the sun reflecting it’s golden rays as it was sun set on her skin and her blond curly hair…making him more aware of her presence with him and his love that grew stronger and more with every single second ……he finally caught her…………….they fell on the soft golden hot sand together, beside each others, holding their hands tight ……..they kept staring in each others eyes until he couldn’t bare it anymore, he was desperate for a touch and contact....so he drew her into his arms feeling her soft skin under his …he put a finger on her soft full lips……………she was at ease and her eyes were smiling with delight……….she bent down a little more in his strong masculine arms ………..her face in his gentle hands…………her hands on his wet strong chest…………their faces came nearer…. and nearer…she could feel his warm breathe on her red cheeks. His biggest dream was about to come true as they were about to kiss………when SUDDENLY he was startled by a knock on the door that stole the rest of his fantastic dream………

He woke up feeling that the dream has been all so real, or he actually wanted it to be that way. All he knew r8 now was that he wanted to see her………….to feel her touch…………to tell her that he is hopelessly in love with her…………to know what her kiss feels like…….to feel her soft skin under his own.

*Chapter (6)*

He got out of bed and went to answer the door wishing it was her, to his surprise it was really Amy. She standing there glowing and smiling at him in a way that he had never seen before that night. Without even thinking he bent down and kissed on the cheek, the way her skin felt under his lips was so seducing, he wanted it to last forever, to turn and look in her eyes and find a loving look that greeted him with another comforting kiss. But when he looked in her eyes to find what he had wished for he found something else, not the look of happiness that she had once before but the look of fear, he backed away abruptly, feeling stupid and embarrassed and then realized that Eric was coming.

"Omg you are burning hot, are you feeling ok?" Amy asked fearfully for he has never acted in such behavior before. "And you still do look weird, are you sure that you are ok?"

"Yeah don’t worry about me, and you must be Eric, r8?"

"Oh yes indeed, I am, Amy must have told you about me" he put both hands over Amy so only her face was there.

"So are you gonna invite us in or wut?"

"Sorry, I just woke up, please come in" r8 now all the he could feel was that he was burning from inside.

"Ok you 2 start remembering each other while I go and fix you guys something to drink" she went into the kitchen but the way she moved was very much indeed different.

"So what did you do, where did you go?" Leo asked trying to seem casual……..hiding his feelings……….shutting them off completely so they don’t show at all.

"Look, Leo, man, can I be excused for just a second?" Eric's eyes didn’t leave the kitchen ever since Amy walked through its door. Leo nodded, and then Eric walked through to the kitchen. ((That guy haven’t changed a bit))

Eric walked in from here and Amy started to giggle and with every word he hated that Eric guy more and more. He could hear her saying "not now Eric" and "we are not at home" and she was giggling all the time. Leo couldn’t take anymore…………he just got off the couch and stormed to the door……..opened it……..and tried to calm himself with the fresh air and inside Eric was saying "screw Leo, why should we care about him" he couldn’t believe he waited so long……..he felt that he couldn’t breathe……….he wished that his heart would stop beating "well maybe because we're in his house". She came out still giggling while trying to hold the tray straight and he was after her………….staring at her……….Amy searched the room but didn’t find Leo. She went outside to see if he was there………….to her surprise he was sitting there……on the doorstep……..with his face in his hands.

"hey you…..Eric……..plz……..stop……why are you out…….ERIC……here, c'mon let's go in……………ERRRRRRRRIIIIICCCCC……..side the coffee is ready"

"Hey, cupcake let's go to your house" Eric told her, he was almost climbing on top of her.

"No Eric that would be called smth it seems like you know very well"

((Yeah get into a fight)) Leo thought ((let me please get my chance with her))

"Ok………….ok I'll stay" he turned her around and gave her a kiss Leo wished for deeply.

"ok c'mon in Leo and let's have some coffee" and she held his hand and lifted him up…………..when his face came into the light………….to her it looked even weirder……………..it was like her own Leo was fading out of her life gradually………….she saw a different Leo…………a Leo who looked ten years older!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Chapter (7)*

((There is smth definitely wrong with him. He looks as if he's been hit by a bus, this isn’t the Leo I knew since we were 14. Where the hell is he????)) Amy thought while trying to keep her face straight.

"Eric, could you plz go inside, I wanna to Leo alone for a minute." He frowned and was going to start to object but Amy gave him this leave-me-alone look so he nodded and went inside.

"Leo, Leo plz look at me" putting her hand on his face and forcing him to look at her. ((Omg how beautiful is her touch)) he thought trying to force his tears back into his eyes.

"tell me what the hell is wrong with you today………….you've been acting weird since you this morning……………honey is there smth bothering you………..are you sick?????"

Grabbing hold of her hand and then putting it away from his face "I don’t know what's wrong with………………" there was no need for him to complete his sentence; he suddenly collapsed on the floor without a single warning.

"Omg, Omg, Omg, ERic, ERIc, ERIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCC, Omg, Omg." He came out running, she sounded panicked and he couldn’t do anything else but to rush to where she was. "I don’t know what to do Eric, he just passed out on the floor while I was talking to him, I………….."

He put a finger on her mouth or her to stop talking and try to calm down a little bit. "Amy, honey, everything is gonna be fine. Just go inside and call 911 and I'll take care of the rest."

She went inside obediently and called 911 while he was trying to get Leo inside the house. Amy started to call all of their friends and told them the hospital that they will be in.

The ambulance arrived in 10 minutes and Leo was still lifeless. The paramedics took him into the ambulance & Amy went on board with him, hands on her little mouth and tears falling off her face. Eric drove after them with his car wondering if there had ever been something between Leo and Amy but then he thought that that was kind of a silly thought.

They arrived at the hospital to find all of them there, tom, a.j., Suzie, Diane, etc……. Leo stayed in the intensive care for at least 8 hours till they were relieved that he was doing better and started breathing on his own.

Immediately when the dr. came out of the room, he found a group of people circling him, all asking about how Leo was.

"How is he dr., what's taken him so long?" Amy was the 1st one who managed to get the words out of her mouth.

"Thank god you brought him here right away he was in a very serious condition when he came here but we've got everything under control. He is now resting in his room…." Amy about to interrupt him "but he wont be able to see any one just yet" seeing the look on Amy's face.

"But dr. what does he have?" tom asked.

"He has hepatitis" and seeing the looks on their feces he added "it’s the inflammation of the liver, it causes fever, vomiting and it can only be cured by rest. The person infected shouldn’t do any kind of effort for about 2 month, and that’s if he's lucky enough"

A lot of gasps were issued with the dr. words but Amy was the most worried of all. ((What am I going to do without my Leo around)) she couldn’t do anything but break down and cry.

The next couple of hours were the hardest of all; Amy was crying all the time, beside her Eric trying to calm her down ((but obviously not succeeding.)). The rest of the gang was just sitting there waiting for the dr. to issue a visit to any of them. Finally, the dr. came out.

"Amy, Leo has asked for you." Looking annoyed "he still isn’t allowed any visits but he insists."

Amy needn't to be told twice, she rushed towards Leo, crying but trying to get a grip of her. Once she saw him, she collapsed on the chair beside his bed and caressing his face.

"this is all my fault" she muttered "I should've noticed that there was something wrong with you sooner…………it's all my fault" tears falling even harder "it's all my fault.

*Chapter (8)*

"Home at last" looking back at Leo giving him a faint smile. She hasn’t been able to smile for a whole week now since Leo went to the hospital. She was still with the same clothes she wore on the night Leo collapsed. And it struck her at once. ((Eric……………….oh my god, I haven't seen him since.)) Then she thought ((oh yeah, he said he'll be away for a couple of months on business.))

"Welcome home stranger." She looked at Leo smiling. "Let's get you settled here and then I'll go next door to bring all of your stuff………..and don’t you dare move a muscle when am gone"

He tried to give her a smile, but he was too weak to even do that. In spite of that, the feeling inside was undeniable, the burning sensation inside of him, the need to tell her how much he cares for her, how much he loves her, or how much he longs for her kiss, her touch and also how much is looking forward to the couple of months he was gonna be spending with her.

"Let's try to get you into bed, big guy" she said sarcastically. She then put his arm over her shoulder and tried to lift him from the wheeling chair to the bed, her bed.
"ok, seems to me like everything's in order here, am gonna go to your place and get some of your stuff…………………………if you need anything, here's the phone just call me ok…………………..for now all you have to is go to sleep." she gave him the phone and then smiled at him arousing a more hurting sensation, a more burning one, than the one before, especially after she gave him a kiss on his forehead.

((How come I haven’t notice how handsome he is before now)) she was a little surprised at herself for even considering that thought at a situation like theirs. She gave him one last look before she closed the door behind ((Oh! How peaceful he looks)) she felt that this might be the beginning of something new, a new beginning, a new chapter of her life, and a new feeling, a feeling that could change her life forever.

*Chapter (9)*

When Leo woke up he was feeling a little better. ((It's good to be at home at last.)) He opened his eyes to find Amy sitting at the end of the bed staring at him absent mindedly. He gave a very weak movement that brought her back to earth.

"So you are awake at last." She told him, she seemed to have just waken up. She looked a lil' changed but he couldn’t figure out, what she might've been thinking about while he was sleeping. She leaned over to give him a kiss,(( Omg, he is burning hot…………………..maybe I should give his medicine although it's to early for it but I can't leave him like that))

"Let me get you some soup so that you can take your medicine." She said while turning away, but suddenly he gripped her hand and pulled her towards himself. She was surprised at this action.(( what's going on…………))

"Can you please get me some rice with that" with faintest whisper he said, she was so relieved that that was all there was.

"Sure I will." Smiling at him and turning away. (( what a firm grip he has……………………….wow………………..for a second there I thought it was something else.)) She got him the soup with some rice in it. She sat beside him and started feeding him feeling that he is as helpless as a baby. He was enjoying every minute of this, he wanted to get better soon so he could move a little and just enjoy the moment more and more.

"Can you please help me to go to the bathroom" he asked, and it was very obvious that his cheeks were turning redder than they were before from the traces of the fever.

"yes, c'mon, let me help you get up……………………….and while you're in there am gonna go phone my boss" she started to lift him up slowly, and thank god that the bathroom was in the bedroom or else that would've been disastrous. She got him there and left him at the door, and then she went to the phone when she suddenly she heard a large bang coming from where Leo was.

"What the hell??????????????????????" she raced to the bathroom dropping the phone from her hand " Leo, Leo, honey, are you okay??????" opening the door to find Leo again unconscious on the bathroom floor.

"I have to call the dr. right now." She dialed the number very quick and as soon as the dr. picked up the phone………….

"leoisunconciousagainidon'tknowwhattodo………….ohyouavetohelpmedr." she said so fast that she couldn’t even understand what she was saying.

"Relax Amy, tell me what happened, slowly." He said accentuating his last word.

"Okay, here I go, Leo went to the bathroom and fainted in there and I don’t know what to do………" she was now starting to cry very hard.

"All right, am coming right over. Just try to get him into bed again and slip him under the covers well, do you understand me." Ordering her.

"I'll try but pleas dr. be fast……………………….." she said hanging up and wondering how in the world she would ever get that big giant body to bed without breaking her own. But she did it anyways. By the time she tucked him in he was burning like hell and he was starting to hallucinate, saying incomprehensible stuff and quivering along side of her , she started brushing his hair with her hands off of his forehead hoping that that would make him feel better somehow.
Suddenly, and at last, the door bell rang and it was the dr.

"Please dr. come in, he is in there." Pointing to her room and following him to the room.

"Have you, by any chance, gave him something against my orders" looking at her with the 'tell me the truth look.'

"Well I did give him some rice with the soup." She answered him nervously. Knowing that she must have done some kind of mistake from the look on his face.

"I knew it, I could never depend on teenagers to do an adults job………………………..please tell me that’s all you fed him………………..nothing else please do say so" he seemed like he was begging her to have done something right.

"No, I didn’t. That’s all I fed him some soup with rice, and what exactly do u mean by teenagers???????????"

"nothing just forget it" looking away from her "anyways just don’t you ever give him something other than light and I say again light soup and some beverages and please don’t let him get up from bed a lot, and if you have to, let him pea in a cup"

(( Pea in cup )) feeling so embarrassed at the thought and giving a sudden shudder ((ewwwwwwww)).

"Thank you for coming that late" trying to cover up her embarrassment and blushed cheeks which the dr. seemed to have already noticed. "I really do appreciate it" holding the door for him to go out.

"It's my duty to care for my patients." He told he and was going to out the door when he muttered "especially when others don’t"

"what was that dr. " knowing exactly what he had say but still insisting to force him to tell her.

"Nothing……………………….just goodnight" and then went out and the door was closed right behind him.

Amy went to check on Leo, hoping that he would’ve regained the slightest bit of consciousness. Unfortunately, he didn’t. so she sat beside hoping that he could feel her presence beside, whether or not he would feel the kiss she was about to give him. But somewhere inside that unfamiliar world Leo was in, he felt the tingling sensation he had always imagined, he then knew that he is in a safe place, that he shouldn’t worry at all, he was going to wake up to find the love of his life sitting beside him, watching him, and hoping for the best that is yet to come.
© Copyright 2005 Nanoosha (noosha at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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