Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1050733-Speech-on-Evolution
by Ellis
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1050733
This is a three and a half minute speech on Evolution written for Academic Decathlon.
Arthur Martin
ACDC Speech

Have you ever heard of the Theory of the missing sock? It's a well-known fact that wormholes connect many locations in space and time. What's not well known is that dryers in particular are very good at starting wormholes. In fact, minute fluctuations from the heat and static of your clothes will cause one of these to open up and grab your socks. So if you’re ever wondering why, when you put 10 socks in the dryer and only 9 come out. That’s the answer, because of that wormhole.
I’m sure we’ve all at one point heard of some of these silly theories. Well in my eyes the Theory of Evolution is just another one of these silly theories. We all know what the Theory of Evolution is and what it proposes. The Theory of Evolution proposes that all life came from small organisms that eventually evolved into larger more complex organisms. This eventually lead to the evolution of fish and then into birds, which eventually evolved into larger animals, and finally into people. Now there are many things wrong with this theory, and there is a lot of scientific evidence disproving the Theory of Evolution. During my speech I will present some evidence supporting my opinion.
Throughout the 1900’s scientists continued to study fossil records to do determine if the Theory of Evolution was really factual. For if Evolution was factual then fossil records would clearly show a gradual transformation of organisms into more complex forms over a long period of time. Despite almost 200 years of research there are not many true transitional forms to be found in these fossil records. In fact, the fossil records show that each life form appeared suddenly and fully functional without any relationship to the life form that went before it. As Charles Darwin firmly pointed out "Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps is the most obvious and gravest objection which can be urged against my theory."
If the Theory of Evolution is to be true, then there would be clear transitional evidence from one life form to another but this just isn’t the case. Some may argue that there is clear fossil evidence showing that apes evolved into humans. But that is not true either, the fossils that were found to propose the link were either found to be an ape or a just a human, not the so-called missing link, take the famous Neanderthal, who in fact is actually a human, and his posture was because of a disease. Or take the now famous Lucy, studies have shown that she is merely a chimpanzee that walked more upright than other apes, she was in no way close to becoming a human.
Others make the example that breeding is evidence proving evolution. For instance showing how breeding of certain dogs produce others. But that merely produces another type of dog not another species. For example you can’t breed a dog with the legs of a rat or breed a horse to have tusks. That’s because each species has built in limitations preventing it from turning into another species, or if it did it became a sterile animal, unable to reproduce. For example when scientists breed a horse with a donkey, the result is a mule which is unable to reproduce there for making it a species that can never pass on its traits to its offspring. This makes the breeding evolution incorrect. To date no breeding experiments has ever produced major new traits resulting in a completely new species. As Darrel Kautz author of “The Origin of Living Things” pointed out: “In spite of all the artificial breeding which has been done, and all the controlled efforts to modify fruit flies, the E-coli, and other organisms. Fruit flies remain fruit flies, E-coli bacteria remain E-coli bacteria, roses remain roses, corn remains corn, and human beings remain human beings.”
I know very well that my opinion of the “Theory of Evolution” goes against many theories and so called facts of the founders of evolution including Darwin. I’m not asking you to believe me, but merely consider what I have said. For when Galileo proposed that the earth revolved around the sun, he was scorned and people refused to look at the facts, I’m merely proposing to you, is the “Theory of Evolution” factual?

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