Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1050110-The-Perfect-Crime
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1050110
A man with an obsession that leads to a killing.
Everyone thinks i'm insane! I'm going to prove to them that i'm not. After they find out how careful I was in my work, not making a single mistake they will see how clever I was. "Why did you do it," they ask me. My answer is,"He asked for it." He would watch me like a hawk in pursuit of his prey. It was driving me crazy! When he wasn't watching me, I was watching him. After a few weeks, his routine was mine.

He comes into the office exactly 7 in the morning and stays in his office until 1, when he leaves to get lunch. At 2:30, he comes back and works on his computer. He's the last to leave at night. That's when I decided to do it. To kill him and get rid of my problems.

The day was Friday.I had to do it on a Friday. I figured if I did, I would have enough time to hide the body and get rid of the evidence because no one comes in until Monday. It was a great plan.

I waited that Friday night until everyone else left for home and he was by himself, or so he thought. The entire day I was watching him, waiting for the perfect time to carry-out my plan,hiding in the shadows. Suddenly, he came out of his office, documents in hand, to the copy room. He realized there was no paper left to make copies, so he went to get some, leaving his documents on top of the copier. It was perfect timing for me. As soon as he walked away to get the paper, I sprung up out of the shadows and took his documents. I had to make sure I scared him a little, first, before I killed him. It was kind of like getting revenge before taking his life. At least that's how I thought of it.

He came back.While putting the paper in the copier, he Reached for his documents."Where did they go?"I heard him mumble under his breath. "Maybe I left them in there," he said as he went back into his office.The time was now 10 o'clock. I carefully walked to his door-watching him, wondering what he was thinking. I had to scare him some more, so I slammed his door. The door hit the frame with a giant "bang!" and I could hear him jump. I went to the window and started to watch him some more.
He turned toward the door, as stiff as a board, listening, just listening to the noises the old building made. He stood in silence for some time. Finally, he convinced himself that nothing was wrong and got back to work.

About ten minutes later, he slowly got up from his desk and walked to the door. I watched the door open as he walked down the hallway. I quickly ran into his office. Closing the door behind me. Anticipating his presence.
Walking through the door to his office, he was whispering to himself, but I couldn't make out his words. He sat down and started typing on his computer. Being as quiet as I could, I reached over and pulled the plug. His computer screen went blank and he just froze. I slowly got up and turned out the lights. Taking the computer cord, I positioned myself behind him. He still didn't move. I took the cord and wrapped it around his neck, hoding it tight while he struggled. As soon as everything was quiet and he stopped moving, I counted to 5 and took the cord off his neck.

Now I must hide the body. First, I plugged the computer back in and shut it down. Then, i took the keys and dragged his body behind me to his car. I started it up with him inside and drove to the nearby bridge that overlooks the river. I sat him up in the driver's seat and put his hands on the wheel and his foot on the gas. After putting the car in drive, I watched it soar off the bridge and sink into the mearky water with a smile. My plan was complete. I was very satisfied with my work.

After walking home, I slept great for the next couple of weeks until I got a phone call. The mysterious voice said they knew what I had done and I better turn myself in before they kill me like I killed him. Then they hung up.I went and sat down, when the phone started ringing again. I picked it up and it was the same voice saying the exact same thing. I hung it up and sat back down. "Ring!Ring!" went the phone. I got mad at it and pulled the cord out of the wall.

"Finally," I said with relief. The phone had stopped ringing. I went to lay in bed and I heard the phone again. "How could it be ringing? I pulled the cord," I whispered.I tried to go to sleep and ignore it but it didn't work.That morning, when I got up, the phone was still ringing!

After a few days of the phone and it's annoying ringing, I went so crazy that I turned myself in. They found the car and the body and I was guilty of murder. They sent me to jail, where I still sit today. At least I got rid of my problem.

© Copyright 2005 missbass05 (msbass04 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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