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Just another "Christmas Story"
Ho, Ho, Ho, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
It started almost like any other day; the exception, This is Christmas Eve day It is a very cold morning; we are expecting six more inches of snow later tonight. We already have four inches on the ground from two day ago, Which I had to shovel; “my back is still killing me“ Now that I am up. It’s time for the morning routine of a shower and shave, brush the teeth. Then take Bear (the dog) out to do his thing. I come back in the house; the children are just now getting up.” Our Daughter Melissa, age 12“; is the first up and in the shower. The three boys, “Lenny Jr age 9, Jamie age 9, Franklin, age 6“ Will have to wait their turn for a shower or bath, Whatever they prefer. Meanwhile, Carol, My wife, is making breakfast for us all. That was a very good breakfast dear, but we really should get going. It is now 9:00 O'clock. I would like to get home before the storm moves in; Get your coats on kid‘s. Were going to visit the family and friends today. Tomorrow is Christmas day! You’ll be home all day. Can we take Bear with us the kids ask? No I replied. Please, Pretty Please. As they all beg, While they hang all over me. So off we go to visit, Along with Bear too! Starting with the farthest house first. Then working our way back home. So from house to house we go Picking up and giving presents, Along with giving our wishes of a Merry Christmas. We are at the last house; it has started to flurry. So we will have to make this a quick visit. Besides it’s getting late, and we have a 45Min-ride home yet. We are there only 25Min when I looked out door. What were flurries? Is now a light, But steady snow. “Come on kids!” Tell Grammy bye. We have to go! So the hug and kisses go out. Then out the door we go. I can’t believe how the time flies, It is already 6:30Pm, The roads are starting to get a little slick; The snow is coming down heaver with bigger flakes; I’m glad we’ll be home soon. Finally, we pull into the driveway. Nice to be home, the kid’s love it. The snow that is! Let’s go kids. In the house! You can play in the snow tomorrow. Besides your mother and sister are going to make dinner. So in the house we go. The kids are still hyped over our visits. They have more presents then what we’ll have under the tree for them. Of course they got to open most of them. Bear is excited to be home as well. I put his food and water in his dish, But he’s not ready to eat. The kids have changed into their pajamas, Now they are running around with the dog. So while we wait for dinner, I figured I would let the boys play with their toy’s they got from our visits. “OK boy‘s!” Let Bear settle down, come over here and pick something to play with. Of course they would want to play with all the noisy ones. Why don’t we all play this flash card game? POP-BING-ZING, You should be floating off the floor Daddy! “ Franklin said excitedly! “ I guess the flash card game did not work the way I had hoped. Carol and Melissa have now finished dinner. Time to eat. It was Lenny Junior’s turn to say grace. It turned out to be an exciting time at the table, The kids talking about the presents they got, and Santa Claus coming tonight. I think Bear got the hint. As he is at his dish eating his supper too! The kids got Bear a bunch of presents also, Some raw hides, and a lot of toys to play with. Along with a new water bowl and food dish, Also a new shiny collar. Now that were done eating, Let’s watch some Christmas specials, “Good” they are on for awhile. We are going to watch, Rudolf the red nose reindeer, Frosty the snowman, And a movie “It‘s a Wonderful Life” An oldie but a goody. It is now 10:00Pm, The movie has come to it’s end. Time for the kids to go to bed. So they go to the bathroom one last time. We tuck them in and wish them a goodnight. It is now 10:45Pm, the children are now asleep. I can only hope they stay that way, There is one thing I must do yet before I help Carol put the presents under the tree. I must take the dog out once again to do his thing. I can tell he is ready, Standing at the top of the stairs, Normally, He is out much earlier then this. As we head down the stairs I grab Bears Leash. I put it around his neck, Then out the door we went. We are in the yard for a few minutes. He does his twinkle. Now waiting for him to do the other thing. He’s to busy playing in the snow. Sticking his nose in the snow, Then jumping around like a jackrabbit Silly dog, As I look around, Our tracks are almost covered from the freshly falling snow. After a few more minutes, he finally does his duty. We start back to the house, Bear leading the way, When I hear a load noise behind me. I turned to see what it could be. I see nothing and hear nothing more. I felt a slack upon the leash. Bear as gotten off some how. Bear! Bear! Come here Bear! But he just kept running and never looked back once. I now go in the house to give Carol the news, That Bear has gotten loose and I must go search for him. Carol gives me a kiss, then wishes me luck. So down the stairs and out the door I go. “Again” I head in the direction for which Bear ran. Yelling his name as I go, Bear! Come on Bear! Here Boy! Looking down every road and ally along the way. Where is that dog? The snow has covered his track. I have no clue as to where he went. I guess I should check the park. It’s only another 75 or 100 yards ahead. As I head to the park, I am still yelling for the dog. Bear! Bear! This dog is driving me crazy. “I’m thinking to myself” I can see all the kid’s faces if I have to tell them Bear has run away. It will not be much of a Christmas without him. He is a big part of our family. Finally the park, It’s not a very large park, It has a playground and a tennis court. As I walk around looking for Bear. I see there appears to be someone setting on a park bench. Maybe they have seen the dog? As I get closer, I could see it was a man, He is a very big man with a long fluffy beard protruding from his chin. I could not make out his face all that well, the snow is now so heavy and thick, and the only light working is at a distance. He looked a little more, then a shadow. Excuse me Sir. Did you happen to see a dog running around here? Sorry young man, I have not, Then silent again he went. For what I could see! He was dressed in a heavy coat, gloves and boot’s, and a funny looking hat with a ball on the end. I thanked him, I turned to leave, and then it struck me. What am I doing? So worried about the dog. I totally ignored this man on the bench. I then turned around and reached out my hand. By the way, My name is Lenny. He took off his glove; He then extended his arm, then shook my hand. Hi Lenny, My name is “Chris with a K“. Are you ok Kriss? Yes Lenny, I am just resting, I have a long night ahead of me. “I thought to myself” It‘s awful late to be setting on a bench in this kind of weather. Are you sure you’re ok? Would you like something to eat Kriss? Would you like to come to my house and rest? It is much warmer and dryer then this old park bench. Kriss replied, No thank you Lenny, I must be leaving. I see what appears to be a smile on his face. If I see your dog! I will be sure to get him home to your family. I thank you for your kindness, He then turned, and started to walk away. Then I hear just a little laugh, He then said, Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, I then replied, I will try Kriss. Thank you, And you do the same. I looked at my watch. It is now 12 O’clock, “Christmas” I have to get home and help Carol place the presents under the tree. I start home, Again yelling for Bear, I am hoping he will be setting at the door waiting go in. I am almost home; I can feel myself getting a little horse from all the yelling, Burr, Finally home. But no Bear. As I open the door, I can hear Christmas music playing. I can even hear Carol singing along with the song Silver Bells, I think I will just stand here and listen to her sing awhile. I know if she knows I‘m home, She will stop singing. Now the song is over, I head up the stairs. I see you did not find Bear, “Carol remarked“ No, I looked everywhere. The snow is coming down so hard, I didn’t think I’d find my way home, We laugh, Would you like a cup of hot chocolate before we put the presents under the tree? “Carol asked?” I made some while you where out. That sounds good, I’m going upstairs to change into something dry and warm. I’ll be right back. So I put on my pajamas, Then my robe. Put on my slippers and head back down, Feel better Hun she asked? Much better, Here is your hot chocolate. I was getting a little worried about you. “Carol remarked” Well I’m back home now. So you don’t have to worry anymore. Mmm, That is good. Sure hit’s the spot. While I was looking for Bear. I met this old man at the park. He was setting on a park bench. What? What was he doing setting on the bench in this weather? Carol asked? I don’t know. I asked him if he was ok. He said he was resting, So I asked him if he would like something to eat or if he would like to come to the house and rest. I told him it was dryer and warmer then that old park bench. That was sweet, carol remarked. Yes, I know dear. Then he said he had to get going. “Going where Carol asked?” I don’t know. Didn’t get to ask. All I know is his name is “Kriss with a K“. Then he wishes me a Merry Christmas, Then just walked off into the dark. I hope the old man will be ok. “Carol remarked” I hope so too! “I replied” Are you ready to do the presents? I’m getting tired. “Carol remarked” All right, I will get the gifts from the room, and then you can spread them under the tree. You always do such a great job of spreading them so it looks like a lot. Thank you Hun. I don’t know why? That every year, We think it is going to be a better Christmas. Well, Maybe next year dear. The hardest thing this year is telling the kids about Bear. Besides, We have to remember what Christmas is all about. I remember “Carol replied.” You want to hand me that box? I will put that one in that corner. Here you go dear. One more trip will do it. Well here are the last of them. We’ll have to play a lot of catch-up on the bills again this year, “Carol remarked” I know. We’ll be all right. We always pulled through before. Now that looks great. Just enough to cover under the tree. Thanks to some of the presents from our visits “Carol said.” Are you ready for bed Hun? No. I think I will stay up awhile and keep checking down stairs for Bear. I’m hoping he will come back home tonight. Well don’t stay up to late. We have to get up early. And you have to go to work too! Don’t remind me. Even the Scrooge took Christmas day off. Carol gives me a kiss and heads off to bed. Think I am going to have another cup of hot chocolate and see if there are any Christmas specials on at 2:00am, Click, Click, Click, Nothing but (info commercials) Guess I’ll put the radio on and listen to Christmas music. I check down stairs. No Bear yet. Then I head up to the bedroom. Carol is asleep. Back down to the living room. Now that Carol is asleep. I can do my tradition of shaking my present, See if I know what I am getting this year? She hates when I guess right all the time. I kind of hate it too! But I can’t resist; well I know what this is. We agreed to only get each other one gift this year. But, I could not help myself. I got her a necklace to go with the ring she asked for. Besides, I know she got me something for my birthday, Which is the day after Christmas. She won’t let me see or touch that until then. She has that hidden pretty well. I can’t find it. “Yawn” I’m getting tired now. I guess I will set the coffeepot. I see Carol didn’t, Got to have that coffee first thing. It’s now 2:48am, I will check the door one more time. No Bear yet. This is not good. Guess I better head up for bed. Want to move over and give me some blanket dear? Thank you. Ah. The bed feels good. ZzzzzzzzzzzzZzzzzzzzzzzZzzzzzzzzzzzZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZzzzzzzzzzzzzzZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZzzzzzz (BEEP, BEEP, BEEP) (SNOOZE) ZzzzzzzzZzzzzzzzzzzzZzzzzzzzzzzzzZzzzzzzzzzzzzzZzzzzzzz (BEEP, BEEP) Time to get up Hun! Yea, ZzzzzzzzzZzzzzzzzz. Hun! What! Time to get up! I’m up! I’m up! Where's my coffee dear? I didn’t make any. You didn’t? Well that's ok. I did. Well, If you get out of bed, We can go down and have some. Besides the kids will be up soon. Stomp! Stomp! Thump! Thump! I think you spoke too soon. Here they come. Mom! Dad! Can we open our presents? Where is Bear? We want to give him his presents too! Sorry Kids, Bear ran off last night. Melissa! Please run down and check the door. Maybe he will be waiting to come in. No Dad! He’s not there. The kids start crying; we want Bear. Go find Bear Daddy! “Tell you what kids” if Bear don’t come home today. I will place an Ad in the paper and see if anyone has found him. Ok Dad. As they wipe the tears from their eyes. Now, why don’t you go down and start opening your presents? Whoosh; off the kids go running. Carol and I are right behind them. Not nearly as fast as they can move. Still trying to wake up. Now Carol and I head down the stairs, then round the corner. Hey! Why are you kids opening your presents in the hallway? Just as those word left my mouth. Franklin sticks his hand in the living room entrance, Then pulls out a present. I look at Carol, She at me. Both speechless as to what we see. We walk to the living room, telling the kids not to touch anything more. Carol and I reach the living room entrance. Only to find it blocked with presents, the living room must be stuffed from wall to wall, Floor to ceiling. I’ve never seen anything like this. Come on Mom, Dad, lets open them! Just wait! Dear, Look at the nametags, I’m already looking Carol said. They all have our names on them. Do you hear that? I asked? What? Quiet kids! It sounds like bells. Can we open the presents now? Quiet! A second kids, There! Did you hear it that time? I heard it Dad, “Melissa replied“ It Sound’s like Christmas bells! Probably something outside Carol said. Maybe? But it sounded like it was coming from the back of the room. Anyway, I don’t what to think or say? Have a blast kid’s! Open away. Rip, Tear, Rip, Tear, Tear, Rip. As we are opening the presents. Carol turns too me, then smiles. You are sneaky. What? You stayed up late to put these out here. No, I didn’t. Yes you did. That’s why you stayed up late. Where did you hide them all? Sorry dear, It wasn't me. I thought that maybe you came down after I went to sleep. I know how you like to hide things. Then spring them on me. Wasn’t me either Hun! Well if it wasn’t you, and it wasn’t me. It must have been Santa Claus, Ha, Ha we both laugh. Looking at each other thinking each of us was lying. All I know is I am getting what I was wishing for. Of course the kids are opening presents one right after the other. I keep hearing those bells; it’s getting louder as we get closer to the tree. Your right Hun, I can hear it better too! So can we, So can we, the kids yelled! Mom! Dad! Look! Those presents are moving over there. Where? Right over there. Stand back kids. Your right, Those presents are moving! Crash, Clang, Thump, Crash, Thump. After all the presents finally landed. We could see half the tree. It didn’t look like our tree at all. I don’t remember all them decorations on the tree. Did you add more after I went to bed? Carol asked? No! I’ve never seen a tree so decorated; All that tinsels, All them lights, Look at all those candy canes. Know one is ever going to believe this. Still in shock as to what’s happening. I hear them bell’s again. They are very loud. No mistaking this time, The sound is coming from behind those presents next to the tree. We are all looking to see what it could be? When all of sudden, A head popped out between two presents. O my God! It’s Bear. He jumps over all the presents and sets right in front of us all. The kid’s are going crazy, Bear, Bear, Hello Bear. Then I hear, Dad you fibber, I didn’t fib kid’s, Yes you did. No I didn’t, Stuttering trying to get over the shock. The kids are all over him. Bear is giving out kisses like never before. He is groomed so beautiful, his coat so shiny, I think even his nails are done. He look’s as though he has a smile on his face. He has a big red, blue and yellow bow on top of his head. Held on with a big red, blue and yellow ribbon around his neck, Attached are three small Christmas bell’s that would ring every time he’d move his head. Mom! Dad! Look! Yes Jamie? There's a card in the bow. There is? “This should be interesting, I thought? “ Why don’t you open it and read it to us? Ok Dad. Thank you Lenny Your kindness filled my heart with warmth on a very cold winter’s night. Have a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Your Friend Always “Santa Claus” Kriss with a “K” Kringle Ho, Ho, Ho |