Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1045288-Resqued-by-Twinkle
Rated: E · Draft · Writing · #1045288
i've translated mental images into words.enjoy.
He didn’t know how long he had been in the bath tub. The water felt icy cold as he moved to straighten himself. The cold gripped him as he sat up. He must have fallen asleep. He shivered miserably but it didn’t occur to him that he should get out of the cold bath. The palms of his hands were wrinkled. His finger pads looked like something unhuman. His hands shook uncontrollably. His nails were a faint purplish blue. He hugged himself but made no move to get out and dry himself.

His head was throbbing with a dull pain. The bathroom was dark except for some fat red candles glowing on the edge of the tub. The red wax had melted and dripped until it reached the water. It looked like blood. The candles were half way melted. He must have been like this for hours. He stared at the tiny flames for a long time. He focused on one and gazed at it with detached amazement. He watched the flame as it danced silently. It looked alive. For a moment he wished he could be that flame; happily melting away the candle until there was no more to melt. He was vaguely aware that this thought was somewhat absurd. He gave up staring. His eyes felt watery. He blinked a few times and looked at the tap. It was leaking. He watched the drops fall one by one. He could hear his trembling breath and the clattering of his teeth. He couldn’t feel his legs. He tried to move them. They felt so heavy that he gave up.

His eye lids felt heavy too. The pain in his head intensified. Still he didn’t move. A vague thought crossed his mind. He might die of cold if he didn’t get out. But there was no one waiting for him outside of this house. No one cared if he died or not. He wanted to be unconscious. Being aware of things was too painful. He closed his eyes and drifted into a slumber. He paid no heed to his shivering.

A month ago, a month before losing himself in a freezing cold bath, Nick was happy. He had everything. There was more waiting for him. He had plans for the future and his present was enjoyable. There seemed to be no obstacle in front of him. At twenty one years old, Nick was promised to a bright future. He was born and bred in luxury. Life for him had been easy. His only worry was where the party was the next week end and what would he wear.

He was the second child of one of the wealthiest families in the country. He was friends with his parents. They gave him all the freedom he wanted. His father had more money to last for ten lifetimes. He made sure that Nick never knew what being broke meant. Nick would never be in need of earning a living but still, his father put a lot of emphasis on his education. He said that each member of his family needed to study, not in order to land a good job but for the sake of being educated.

So Nick studied Tourism Management at a private university. The subject was his own choice. He was never pressurized by his father. Nick had the guarantee of a high paying job even before he was born anyway.
He was in a light dreamless sleep when he felt something warm on his shoulder. A soft voice was calling his name. It sounded very far away. Nick half opened his eyes and looked at his shoulder. The warm thing was a small hand. The voice was again calling him. He looked up at the familiar face. It was Twinkle. She looked concerned.
“Twinkle. Let me die.” It came out as a whisper. Nick tuned his face away and squeezed his eyes shut as if awaiting an imminent death.

Suddenly he felt a warm sting on his cheek that made him emerge out of his hazy state. His eyes flew open and he stared dumbly at Twinkle as if seeing her for the first time. He realised that Twinkle had slapped him. He touched his cheek and immediately drew back his hand. His fingertips were like ice. He shuddered as he shifted in the water.
“Get out of there”, Twinkled commanded. She looked more angry than concerned now. Nick’s head was pounding. He looked up at Twinkle. He had not registered what she had said. He felt numb. Suddenly his head turn the other way brutally and his other cheek hurt. Twinkle had slapped him again. He was instantly alert.
“Will you get out of there or do I have to pull you out?”, Twinkle’s voice was now stern and loud. Nick moved to stand. Twinkle held a bathrobe towards him with her head turned away. Nick took some time to crawl out of the tub and steady himself on his numb legs. He pulled on the bathrobe and sat on the edge of the tub.

Twinkled turned to face him. He pulled the robe tight. He was shivering too much to tie it around his waist. His wet hair shielded his eyes. He stared at his blue toes and tried to
wriggle them.
“How did you get in?” he asked Twinkle without looking at her.
“The door wasn’t locked.” Twinkle was opening cabinets and drawers. She found a towel and threw it on her shoulder. “Come on. Let’s go in the room.”
She pulled his arm to make him stand. His knees were wobbly.

Twinkle tied the robe with a tight knot. He waited a second to steady himself and then staggered to sit on the edge of the bed. Twinkle busied herself. She opened the wardrobe and pulled out clothes for him to wear. She threw a pair of boxer shorts on the bed along with a t-shirt and jogging slacks. She stood between his legs and threw the towel over his head. She began rubbing his scalp with it vigorously. Nick felt around in front of him and caught her waist. She uncovered his head. His hair was a damp mess and completely shielded his eyes.
“You saved me.” Nick sighed.

Twinkle raked the hair off his face with her small fingers. His black eyes were shining with tears. The face was contorted in an expression of relief then slowly changed into pain. He blinked and a big tear slid down his cheek. It felt warm. He tightened his grip on Twinkle. It was the grip of a drowning man onto his rescuer. Nick was now crying. Sobs racked his body. He forgot the cold and held on to Twinkle as tight as he could. Her calm breathing was comforting. She returned his embrace. Nick buried his face into her neck.
“You’re the only one who cares. You always cared. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Please don’t hate me. Don’t throw me away. I need another chance. Please. I’m begging you.” Nick was filled with remorse.

He pleaded for forgiveness. He rocked Twinkle’s tiny body gently back and forth. He had no one else. He thought he had lost her too. After all he had done to her, she still came back to save him. He hated himself even more, remembering how he had treated her worse than dirt. Nick let out a flow of words that were lost in his sobs. He begged for a second chance. Twinkle was savouring every word. It was exactly what she wanted to hear. A corner of her lips curled into a revengeful smile that Nick couldn’t see.
“Enough Nick. I’m here now.” She said calmly. She stroked his damp hair. They stayed locked in this embrace for a long time.

Twinkle’s lust for revenge was satisfied. The retribution she received was unexpected but welcomed. She decided that if she forgave him, it would be great thing to do on her part. She decided to be a better person. She forgave. She forgave in remembrance of a time when they were good friends. When Nick used to talk to her for hours, when he told her everything he did and asked for her opinion on everything. They had been like the two halves of the same person, until Alexia and Adele came into Nick’s life. Nick was now vulnerable and harmless.

Twinkle was satisfied that Nick was humbled and repentant. But she still needed justice from Alexia and Adele. It would come in time. Twinkle finally pulled away from Nick. He rubbed his face with the towel. His eyes were red and swollen but he was no longer trembling. Twinkle’s clothes had become damp from holding him but she didn’t care. He sniffed and managed a smile. The dimpled smile, that made her heart skip a beat. He straightened his back and inhaled deeply. The bathrobe loosened to reveal his muscular torso. He exhaled loudly. The crying had done him good.

Twinkle watched him and remembered why she had hung on to him from the very first day. He was beautiful. His chest was wide, his shoulders broad, his hands large, his face chiselled. She had once told him that he looked like a statue from ancient Greece. She still thought so. Nick looked at her up and down for the first time since she came. Her clothes looked brand new despite the dark patches where his hair had made wet. She wore a knee length skirt that fit her perfectly and a matching top. Her hair was styled in a way which he had never seen before. It suited her.

She was wearing heels and seemed to be perfectly at ease walking with them, unlike in the past, when she hated high heels. There was something about her composure that made her look matured. But her face was still cute and childish and she was still small despite the heels. She walked to the door with a kind of grace which he had never seen before.
“Get dressed. Meet you in the kitchen.” Twinkle said. She winked and closed the door behind her. Twinkle had grown up. Twinkle sounded like a childish name now. It no longer fit her. Her real name was Mehendi. Nick realised he had never called her by her real name. It was a nice name.
“Mehendi.”, Nick whispered and smiled to himself.

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