Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1044880-Cliche-Poem
Rated: E · Other · Teen · #1044880
Use a cliche (taken literally or figuratively) as the beginning line to an original poem.
As clear as mud.
Thats how I feel about the status of our relationship.
One day your my best friend.
The next your my worst enemey.

I honestly don't know what I did to offend you so bad.
Did I look at him with the wrong eye?
Did I speak to him with a laugh in my voice?
Did I make him happy?

I just want everyone to get along.
To not feel left out.
To not feel ostricized.
To feel wanted. And loved.

I hate to say you're the one who tore everyone apart.
But you are.
You changed my friends.
I tried to give you a chance.
You stole my little brother.
You stamped on everyone's hearts.

We're stuck with you.
Just because you brainwashed him into being happy.
Be honest with me.
Stop telling lies to my face.
Confront me. Say whats on your mind.

Your part of my circle now.
I don't know how you broke in.
I just wish you'd get out.
Stop hurting us.
Stop hurting him.
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