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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Crime/Gangster · #1044743
A story an experince I had with the police told through multiperspective writting.
Buckham Hall December 11 1:00 AM
The police officer walked up to the woman and the man waiting for him outside the dormitory door. He noticed the man whose beard made him look like a jolly woodsman seemed bored and annoyed. The woman was a short forgiven woman with her hair slicked back in a greasy pony tail that was so tight it pulled her skin so her eyes looked in constant discomfort, her eyes sank in to her skull from stressed caused my an imagined sense of responsibility. She was an unattractive woman who would be lucky to every feel the touch of a man. The sad fool who does become confused or lonely or desperate enough to fall for her I feel is in for a sorrowfully depressing life. She will spend every moment controlling him because indeed she does not feel safe unless she has power over someone. It would be impossible to feel badly for this woman as she would be a very attractive but her nature had twisted what surely was an attractive face to a stern evil looking mask. Her nature has turned all but her family from getting close to her. It is something people pick up in the way she carries herself and does not even realize it. She talks down to anyone she does not feel to kiss up to. She treats them as if they were mere children. She holds here nose to the sky as if she had no flexibility in her neck and was stuck in this position constantly. When she walks she does not move very fast but she walks with a vigor that makes it look as if she were trying to push through an invisible force field.
The officer looked from the man with the scruffy beard to the callous little woman inhaled deeply through his nose. He recognized the smell all too quickly. Marijuana is something that he has had to deal with almost everyday since joining the force. He often had to come to terms with himself and ask himself why he was doing this. Is it really right to police someone for lighting a dried plant and inhaling the smoke? How could he take himself seriously? What was his contribution to society, locking up an eighteen year old who is otherwise guilty of nothing and just studying to be a contributing member of the world? This is not police work. He is not keeping threats to society off the streets but merely hassling some kids who were taking a Saturday night before finals to relax and have some fun. What do we need a police officer for if this is his job? Even if the drug is detrimental to your health so is smoking cigarettes and yet you can make the choice to partake in that. No, this is not why he entered the force. He entered the force with the illusion that police uphold society and help the people rather then cause them trouble needlessly. Why, then, should he cause this student problems for this victimless crime. If he had not been called here tonight there would not have been any problems and no reason to bring law enforcement in. Being called to bust this kid was an insult to any self respecting police officer and he was furious at the little foreign woman. She stood in front of him smiling like a puppy who expects to be fed a treat and be told they did a good job. He felt like vomiting.
Te little woman was welling up with joy. Being able to assert her power for once was the only joy she felt anymore. She lived for bringing others down to her level of despair but was unable to realize what she was doing. She was nothing more then a tool of the system. She did not realize that her “power” is nothing more then that of an average student. She is either in denial or does not realize that she is no more power then a snitch. She has no power over any student except the ability to report people. She can do this in one of two ways. She can call the police or she can write a report and turn it in to the school. It is very sad then that she feels this power over others because these are not a privalige but the mere illusion of a privalige. Any student can do the same thing by turning in a report to the school or calling the police if they smell marijuana. The reason most do not do this is because even if they do not agree with the practice of smoking marijuana it does not pose any threat to them and it should be up to each individual what they can and can not put in to their own body. She fails to realize the emptiness of her power. Better yet she may realize that she is a fraud. She relishes the moments when she can call the police. The reason she found so much joy in calling the police when she smelled drugs is that it allowed her to play out her fantasy of having control over someone else.
The officer asked what was happening and she told him she had smelled drugs during her round. He was immediately drawn back when he saw how happy she was to be responsible for ruining someone’s night and possibly record. He was disgusted when he realized the heartless woman’s trip.
It occurred to the officer that this was the reason why things like marijuana were illegal. It is because those who enforce rules and laws think of themselves as “just doing their job” and are not concerned with the individual and what the fact that bringing an individual to jail for marijuana is worse for his well being then actually smoking it. People like her are just happy to have a chance to exercise what little power they have. If she does not bust college kids she really has no power.
He walked in and searched the two guests in the room. He sent them away out of good police instinct because he knows it is easier to get a suspect to admit wrongdoing when they are alone. He almost felt bad doing it having realized that he himself is no less a tool then the foreign woman. He closed the door after the two guests to talk to the suspect alone. He looked in to the little woman’s face as he shut her out of the room and he saw the girls face go slack and mean when she realized that she would not be present for the bust. What did she get herself all worked up for? This was like sex without being able to reach orgasm. It made him smile as he searched through the suspect’s things. The thought of her outside imagining what was going on inside was almost enough to make him start laughing. She was probably having a nervosa breakdown, thinking that the officer was beating the brains out of the suspect with her outside missing the show. The officer mulled over how to deal with these circumstances. To charge the suspect would be completely against what he believed a responsible police officer would do. Letting him go would not be an option, once he was here he had to do something. He knew the only way to force himself to charge this kid with something was to call in backup. He radioed the newest addition to the force. He had only been with them for about two years but his immaturity and the pleasure he got from busting people had already made it apparent that he was only in the police force for the power it gave him. He had no moral reasons for joining, that is to say that he did not become a police officer for any higher reasons of helping others. His reasons for joining the forcer were entirely his own and for his own well being. He knew this was just the person he needed to help him get over his guilt and bust this kid. He looked through what he had found. The student had less then a gram and he had found a little baggie that was stashed behind the refrigerator that had surely belonged to one of the other two in there. He looked in to the students face and laughed at the thought of busting someone for just enough for one high. The suspect had been courteous and had given the officer no reason to be mad at him. All he had done was try to relive some stress before his finals. Why would he want to cause any harm to someone who had caused harm to no one excepting maybe himself. When his partner arrived he surprised even himself when he told him they would not be doing anything to the student. He would let the sour little woman deal with it if she wanted to so much. She could report it to the school but this was nothing more then a waste of time for everyone involved. He hated her for it. All she had accomplished tonight was she made the officer realize how pointless his job was. To be a university police officer is nothing more then hassling kids and playing babysitter. Seeing how it is a basic society norm for college students to drink and smoke marijuana he is doing nothing but enforcing rules because they exist. He had always thought it was the police’s job to enforce society’s norms not punish those who partake in them. He does not agree with the marijuana laws and yet he constantly has to enforce them. This is really just a step down from “following orders” and participating in something like Abu Ghraib. Obviously this is quite a step but still by arresting marijuana users you are arresting someone who has not committed a crime that has harmed anyone. Would you arrest someone who eats too many donuts because it has adverse effects on their heart and weight? If truth be told, bad eating habits are much worse for you then smoking marijuana. So is it fair to ruin someone’s life, or in the least punish them, for smoking marijuana. It seems hard to find an argument to support this.
As he was leaving with the contraband he saw one of the kids that had been in the room. His cop instincts kicked in and he decided to confront the kid about the marijuana he had found behind the refrigerator. The officer approached him and told him that his friend had ratted him out and that he had told him that it was the kid’s drugs. He was running on instinct now and had forgotten how trivial the charge was. He knew that he had made a mistake in bluffing when he saw the kid’s reaction to his charge. He seemed surprised to hear about the drugs and genuinely did not know what the officer was talking about. The officer quickly realized his mistake and started walking to his car. This night had been all failure and embarrassment and he just wanted to leave. As he started his car he heard the kid yell “You’re a fucking liar”.
All thoughts of being mad at the foreign woman and at the system that locks people up for reason that are asinine vanished from his mind. He completely forgot all his self loathing and guilt for having been part of such a bad system for so long. Instead his brain filled with thoughts of that little asshole who would dare call him out. With just a few words of anger the officer is turned back to being a tool.
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